Community What are you currently playing?


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
Temtem, though only casually. Because of how repetitive games like it can be, I tend to play them in small doses. Also, I really want a luma saku.

This is the first weekend I've had with 2 days off in about a month, and I really wanted to get some quality gaming in... Unfortunately, Saturday was a bust. I spent the day catching up on TV and vegging on Youtube. Hopefully today will be better!


Dec 24, 2018
I´m playing ThroneBreaker and hell, i wish this was a turn based combat game. Would be so much better.
Yeah. The Gwent thing always turned me off of it, which is sad because it seems like it'd be great otherwise.


old school cool
Nov 1, 2018
I picked up Wolfenstein Youngblood on sale because of the RTX support, expecting to not really like the game. It's actually kinda okay. It's definitely a 'turn off your brain' situation, and it's more in the vain of something like Destiny in terms of some of the mechanics, but I like it better than Destiny 1/2. Not officially endorsing the game, but hey. And the RTX support has it looking great and runs 144Hz on max details 1080p!

Haven't had a ton of time to play it because I still want to play standing room, but Walking Dead Saints & Sinners in VR seems awesome. Got that resource gathering, survival, 'just one more minute before dusk' mechanics going real well. Probably the best feeling melee combat I've ever experienced in VR too.

Also playing a lot of Dungeon Warfare. I tend to like tower defense games, but this one suddenly just clicked for me. Again I like that it's one I can turn off my brain a bit while playing.

I've been playing some other games recently, but ever since finishing Boneworks & Fallen Order I've been playing a bit less games.


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
For some reason I'm back playing AC Odyssey. I already was level 50, and finished the main story quests. But I guess this is good, since I paid for the season pass and haven't played any of that content yet.


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019
I am playing "Death Mark", a very japanese adventure / visual novel. A mysterious mark appears on your arm, you figure out it means you'll die by sunrise. Then you set out to find a way to escape the curse, find others like you and point and click your way through a simple adventure with some nice artwork.
So far (two/three hours in) it's a bit dull and not as scary as I had hoped. Characters are not drawn overly anime-ish, but the personalities are still somewhat standard if you have played some eastern RPGs before.

I will continue playing, but if the writing/atmosphere doesn't pick up I won't finish it.


Mass Erect
Jan 21, 2019
So I finally told my friends I'm done with WoW Classic. I love it, but it just takes up too much time and I burnt myself out. So now with all the free time to play other games, I get my dumb-ass hooked into Red Dead Online.


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Still chugging along in The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners. I think I'm very close to the end now. Save for the best in the Resident Evil series it might be my favorite zombie game (I'm probably forgetting of some cool game that should be above this but whatever, it's how I feel at the moment). And I've not even watched the series it's based on (or rather read the comic book or whatever, since that's the license they have, not the TV show, hence the cartoony visuals, but trust me it's still super immersive and scary in game regardless, I literally HATE indoor locations, they're so dark and creepy, I just spent a game day in a ruined gymnasium looking for some folks but I apparently went so slow and inefficiently I found none of them before nightfall and will have to return another time, lol). Now, sure, it's not a big open world game (though it does have some elements that you could say are light RPG aspects) or something but it's not on rails either. It's very clearly low budget but the developers cleverly worked around their limitations to almost make them features shaping a very compelling game. I didn't even mind having to loot junk to craft more of my deteriorating weapons and consumables with, it felt natural and satisfying, not just necessary for survival.

The world is basically segmented in micro areas you can choose to visit and explore at will, you visit one such area each game-day which lasts like an hour or less, I'm not sure as I haven't checked the time while playing because it's so engrossing, and you may do a story mission, a side mission, a loot run for crafting materials, or all at once if you're quick and efficient before night approaches and the endless hordes arrive forcing you (and every NPC in the area, so any dialogues and missions you didn't go through with are gone forever, you get one chance) to leave whether you achieved your objectives or not. Then you go back to your base and see if you can progress the story, maybe unlock new areas to visit or craft something new (or the same old stuff because yours are about to break or you used them up) depending on what you were just doing and repeat the process after a good night's sleep. At times it does twist this routine.

Generally you play at your own pace with your own priorities, to advance the story by going after a primary objective or better your situation in terms of crafted weapons and survival items and upgrades by visiting the corresponding locations. The main story is pretty linear with certain points you can alter its course by choosing who to ally with and beyond that you just play how you want, side and main missions may also have 2 or 3 different ways to go about them (well, one of these "ways" is to be a psycho and just kill everyone so it hardly counts I guess, you don't finish a mission, just murder and loot, lol, but if that's your goal then it's not a bad thing, you didn't feel you missed out, just that you could care less about the people so screw them, but some times you stand to gain a lot from seeing it through) but nothing too complex, it's not an RPG just as Resident Evil wouldn't be an RPG if it merely added a simple skill tree and some branching paths to its story (actually, some have had slight story alterations based on what you did before anyway) or random factions to interact with in a couple different ways on your way to the preset ending(s). It kinda feels like a light immersive sim, simpler than most yet with the survival elements on top adding some more depth and persistence to the whole thing as you can revisit areas and they're repopulated to a degree but the mechanics support that well enough.

The interactions with the zombies are unparalleled though, absolutely second to none, despite having seen videos the very first zombie I encountered got me very nervous as I wasn't sure how easy it would be to deal with (I think) a screwdriver. Eventually I got used to the wandering undead figuring out they're fairly easy in low numbers, you can grab them and push them into each other to make space and gain some time, you can hold one in place and drill its skull or attack another that is incoming with your free hand or whatever, I barely paid attention to them beyond using simple stealth mechanics to avoid them or if they're in an area I need to get to/through almost effortlessly killing them, only minding my use of the available resources in the meta game, mostly with melee weapons which require stamina to wield and a pistol ready in case something unexpected happened and I needed it for back up despite the noise it will make.

Then the game switches it up with adding the occasional human enemy which can be quite lethal when you're used to brain dead zombies, they don't necessarily attack you unless you get in their turf (again, the AI is very simplistic like something out of the original Deus Ex as they stand around or wander and also fend off zombies or hostile faction humans approaching their areas giving the world a more alive feel, but don't expect some crazy tactics on their part, they basically stand their ground and shoot or beeline to their target, still, overall it's effective in the game) but some times mission objectives require you to do just that (or you just wanna see if they have any good loot for you and become a mass murderer). Also infected zombies that decrease your max health even as you kill them if they're too close (so melee weapons are a no go for them unless you get good at throwing them well enough to drill their skulls) and you need medicine to recover rather than just bandages and food recovery items you crafted as before. Then it twists things around again, now you have zombies with head protection making both ranged and melee kills much trickier to achieve as well as larger groups of them. All the while adding more options and tricks to your arsenal, from melee weapons to ranged weapons to survival gear and distraction or explosive items and some stat upgrades like stamina/inventory space.

It's hard to put into words. Maybe it's kind of like Zombi(U), except really good and well designed with more survival aspects (but it's not a drab sandbox, it's not that kind of survival, it's all about the main campaign which takes like 10 or 15 hours to finish so average FPS adventure length I suppose, it's a very condensed game with little padding - though you can pad it yourself with loot runs it's not even advisable, as more days pass there are less resources to find and more zombies or something, it doesn't get too bad and you can also find better loot later on in various ways but maybe it can unbalance your game if you go nuts with it early on, I dunno). It has LOTS more awesome details in its systems but they were so cool to discover happening during play that I don't wanna spoil more, I was editing one in about the human enemies just now but I kinda already said too much maybe, haha, trust me, play this, it's good.
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Mar 1, 2019
For some reason I'm back playing AC Odyssey. I already was level 50, and finished the main story quests. But I guess this is good, since I paid for the season pass and haven't played any of that content yet.
The second part of the DLC is actually very cool. Don't want to spoiler it, but I enjoyed it a lot.
It's beautiful.
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
The second part of the DLC is actually very cool. Don't want to spoiler it, but I enjoyed it a lot.
It's beautiful.
Last night I finished Legacy of the First Blade(which was pretty good!). I was surprised by how long it took to finish - I'd say 10+ hours.

I'm excited to start Fate of Atlantis tonight when I get home!
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beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
MH World: Iceborne. Send help D:

It’s so good. Really enjoy the new monsters, location, and even the somewhat grindy guiding lands. Other than the technical issues (that I have somehow largely not been affected by), it really is like a half-step to a sequel. Lots of great new features and content.
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Reactions: lashman and ISee


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
Finished Chapter 1 of ACO Fate of Atlantis. Gorgeous map. Very long. Weird story. But overall, I like it. Started Chapter 2, but need a break now.
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Reactions: lashman


It has risen again!
Dec 31, 2018

Hand of Fate 2. I already liked the original game a lot but this blows it out of the water.
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Reactions: lashman


Dec 8, 2018
Wolcen: Lords Of Mayhem.
There was server issues at launch, so I started in offline mode.
Just tried online, logged in, but your characters arent interchangeable.

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Reactions: lashman


First Stage Hero
Dec 5, 2018
Been playing Mario Kart 8 for the last week or so for good brainless racing. I had the idea I would go through and 100% all the cups, get three stars on each, do 200cc class ... but now I remember why I put it down. MK8 is great in multiplayer. It's great in singleplayer if you don't care about winning. But if you're trying for perfection, blue shell at the finish says no. Hell no.

Think I'm done with this again. Too random. At some point it doesn't matter if you're good enough at the tracks, you have to be lucky. That's gonna take too long.

Phoenix RISING

A phoenix always RISES!
Apr 23, 2019
Ann Arbor, MI
Black Paradox. Promising rogue-like shoot 'em up game with retro graphics and a great soundtrack!
I played it during Early Access. I didn't think there were enough power ups to motivate me to keep trying. Bosses were arcade-hard, too.

I just got done with The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners. It's a sublime VR game—a must-have for anyone interested in a full-body VR experience.
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Reactions: Alextended


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019

I forgot this released. I just started playing. I guess it's a simple action adventure game with a relatively unique Asian horror-esque setting (crazy yokai type demons and stuff, some more comical than scary). It's pretty compelling overall though I do wish I could get rid of the borders and stuff and just get a full screen view of the whole thing, they are a bit too much. Maybe someone's made a mod for that, I'll have to look around. It feels like a PS2 era game except the right stick is used to control the cursor on screen/in the inventory panel if you play with a controller so it's more like a weird PC game of that or an earlier era I guess. I don't like the modern mode which is only playable with a gamepad because it makes the controls kind of like the "new" controls in the RE Remake Remaster, but normally the game has you block attacks when moving backwards and since with those controls there's no backwards with the analog stick you need to then use the dpad down to do that (and can't actually use the d-pad to move in other directions). So that to me feels weirder than old school mode, haha. I'll stick to playing it with the mouse and keyboard in classic mode (you can play that with the gamepad too and then the d-pad acts like wasd but since there's a lot of cursor use in the game I prefer the mouse than the right stick for that). There's barely any difference in the graphics between the modes, the "cel shading" modern is supposed to add is way too subtle to miss it. A gamepad mode would have worked better if it remained as the classic mode in character controls but replaced the use of the cursor with proximity context sensitive button and going in a menu properly to use items like Resident Evil or something. Anyway, the combat is pretty solid, if simplistic. Your regular naginata strikes only hit at a normal height for average minion enemies and you need to use your mirror relic and another thingie for high or low strikes but they require some mana like resource which is only regained when you vanquish enemies or primarily when you block attacks so if you waste it you'll need to get on the defensive before being able to take down those flying or low height enemies. It's got decent synergies and pacing. Other than that it's basically using Resident Evil esque progression. Find keys and items to progress through areas you couldn't before, only save at specific points with an item resource on top, twist the mechanics around for certain instances (I just found some injured NPC and need to get her to safety so I'm unable to attack while helping her and need to try to avoid enemies) etc. I'm enjoying it so far but we'll see if it can hold one's interest to the end.

Edit: it's also 30fps (not that you'd play this for its technical excellence if it was unlimited, I'm just saying) and there's no quit button while playing (or any kind of settings screen anywhere), only at the main title screen, so you either need to get a game over to get back there or quit with alt + f4 :p
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
Still plugging my way through the ACO season pass. I'm about halfway through chapter 2 of Fate of Atlantis. I have to go into work for a few hours this morning, but then I have Sunday and Monday to play.

Edit: And that's that! I'm done with ACO, after 108 years hours. Really looking forward to the next AC.

Part of me really wants to jump back into Pathfinder: Kingmaker due to the kickstarter hype, but I think I need a short game first.
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Junior Member
Nov 2, 2018
Wolcen. I just wanted to see what everyone was talking about and I apprecieate the small dev team that went in to bring this into a reality.


It has risen again!
Dec 31, 2018

Currently playing through The Division, finishing up the last few Main Missions before I tackle The Division 2.
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Junior Member?
Dec 21, 2018
I'm still playing Hollow Knight. I completed the main story not long ago but i'm still trying to get the cheevos i want to get.. Won't be 100%-ing it because i'm not THAT good, but will try to achieve the realistic achievements.

But yeah, overall it's a great game. I haven't been addicted to a singleplayer game for a long time!
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Reactions: lashman


Sep 8, 2019
Gave REmake 2 a second shot and I liked it more this time around

Did Leon A Claire B (last time I did Claire A Leon B and didn't really like it), just finished it. Trying to wrap up Exodus and Iceborne. Exodus has fantastic presentation but half of the game is snooze inducing, I really really don't like how 4A do their fps overall, its all around terrible in terms of feedback + the enemy monster archetype you fight most of the time honestly has zero threat to it, idk how games of this saga keep selling like crazy

When these will be done I'll continue Baldur's Gate 2, first run ever and its kinda exceptional so far I like it a lot
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Dec 17, 2018

It's better than I expected and I agree with the mixed reviews on Steam. It's a beautiful and "contenful" world, but has some jank, weird locomotion and some annoying gameplay problems, but overall just enjoyable enough to continue playing.

It's pretty much a VR dungeon crawler.
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Reactions: lashman


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019

It's a short, hand-drawn point and click adventure game. So far, it's annoying me more than anything. The art is cute, but the writing is poorly translated and uninteresting, there's nothing compelling about the story(Chapter 1: gather items to take on a trip!), the controls are frustrating(holding tab to show objects randomly stops working, you easily click the inventory icon when trying to move to left side of the screen), looking at items in your inventory doesn't actually say what something is and when you mouseover the picture there is no text telling you what it is, and the game moves at a glacial speed. Prediction for the ending: Your goal is to travel with your father to visit your mother. I bet you the mother is dead and they are going to her grave.

Update: My ending prediction was right. Also had a bug at the end where I couldn't progress. Had to restart 3 times and then pixel hunt 5cm away from what I was supposed to click(a giant arrow) in order to hit the interactive thing.

Overall, it's just a cute art style pared with dull gameplay and a pointless predictable story that really wants to be moving but isn't at all. Oh, and it's 95 minutes long, 50%+ of which is you slowly toddling across the screen in a painfully slow manner. It cost me $1.42CAD during a Steam sale so I'm not mad and I'm not trying to shit on an indie developer, I just think it's a waste of time to play because you get nothing out of it.
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Jan 5, 2019
Completed DOOM (2016)

The gunplay is absolutely amazing. Throughout the game, I mostly used the shotgun modded with explosive shot. The later levels got really challenging but felt rewarding once completed.

Fantastic soundtrack as well.

Diablo II: LoD
Currently in Act 2 Normal with my Barb.
Such a timeless game.
I've been waiting forever for a D2 remaster, but now idk if I can trust Blizzard to do it justice, especially after Warcraft 3: Reforged :unsure:


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Xenoblade Chronicles X. Still.
Roughly 80 hours in, Just about to start Chapter 6, main crew is about level 35-39, most of the available side missions & max or nearly max affinity with available characters, a couple of Heart-To-Hearts to do, tons of cash and miranium coming in and will get my skell later on which is nice.

Looking forward to steamrolling through the rest of the game.



May 5, 2019
Horizon Zero Dawn via PS Now
trodding along at a slow pace, usually no longer than half hour sessions, before PS Now and the horrible controls (I am not a fan of using bows in games with controllers) gets too much on my nerves.

World of Warcraft
currently slowly levelling a Void Elf warrior (level 103 or something right now), also usually in short stints.

Gears 5
this got kind of abandoned, need to start it again...

and I had an evening of playing games fairly randomly from my library, 15-30 minutes each, that was refreshing. Of course, it wasnt so great when games had sloooow intros.

I am really slow in actually progressing in games.