Community What are you currently playing?


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Xclash I can see how you'd need something lighter and chill to play like Alyx and Wolfie after dealing with that monster, Tom. Nook.
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
I FINALLY finished Pathfinder: Kingmaker today! I thought I'd have finished it 2 weeks ago, but Animal Crossing and getting caught up on the last 20 episodes of Critical Role pulled me away from it. I'm glad it's off my list at last. I'd give it a 7/10. I liked it, but it dragged on for a LONG time, well past the point of it being interesting to me.

Not sure what I'll play next. Disco Elysium is high on the list.
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Reactions: Spamlynguist


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
I'm still playing Xenoblade Chronicles X, i am ridiculously OP and loving it! After ~200 hours i've just finished Chapter 10 Story so i'm nearly done with the main campaign. I managed to farm a glitched weapon after only 365 kills which took a while but it was also useful as i could level up a bunch of the playable characters i'd neglected. Threw a ton of ranged damage up augments on my Skell and with the buff from my shield i'm melting EVERYTHING. It's glorious. The Chapter 10 Boss went down in 4 shots.

I honestly haven't played anything else over the last month or so. lol.
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Reactions: Li Kao


Dec 17, 2018
Kingdom Hearts 3 via Xbox Game Pass. Was gonna either wait for a deep sale on PS4 or an eventual PC version, but decided to just play it now that it is on game pass. I hate renting games, but there's no sign of any PC version so I decided to just play it on game pass.


Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
I've been (re)playing MS Saga: A New Dawn lately, a PS2 underrated gem of a JRPG.

It's probably the JRPG with the best progression and customization to date, as well as challenging turn-based combat.

It's not your regular "Buy new equipment on a new town and you're good to go" trope in JRPG. Each mobile suit has parts with its own stats that you can mix and match, and you can equip special parts on them. On top of that, there's also actual weapons loadout with the tetris grids like RE4. You can attach, remove, and swap weapons from any MS to the other as you wish, the only limit is each unit' weapons loadout size. Customizing and maximizing each unit might take a while but it's fun. You also have to pay attention to each character's (pilot) stats, traits, and skills to maximize each unit. I want to write a whole lot more about this game, but maybe later when I have the time and energy to do so.

The turn-based combat is so challenging even though you can swap between front and back members on the go like BoF and FFX. There are several weapon-based debuff like heat, acid, short-circuit and the likes that make combat even more interesting. Enemies, especially unique ones and bosses can easily wipe your party if you're not paying attention to their buffs and boost levels. Man, I'd do anything for them to remake and/or revive this gem in modern systems. There are so much more I'd love to write about this game, but maybe later when I have the time and energy to do so.


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
I've been playing Halo Reach the past few days. I like how open and fast-paced the action is; you're being thrown from one battle to another. But I'm always running out of ammo because I'm used running over enemy weapons to pick up ammo. Luckily some harder battles can be ignored by running past the enemies.

I've also played My Friend Pedro. Lovely concept, but it gets rather repetitive soon.

Last but now least many hours of Everspace, but that didn't end well 😒


Dec 8, 2018
It's pretty neat.
I'm playing the series backwards, started with 3 and Soul Harvest, now onto 2.
It's kind of like Warcraft 3 in a way, you have your heroes which level up, have gear, spells and abilities, but then there's RTS base building.
Underrated series IMO.
Never played multiplayer.
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Reactions: MegaApple


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
The Surge. Currently in the 3rd area and I like it a lot.
It's such a massive improvement over their previous game, Lords of the Fallen. I dropped that game after an hour.
Single-rigged weapons are awesome. Pretty slow and hit like a truck, but also have some very fast moves. And they look great.
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Reactions: FunnyJay and Stevey


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Kentucky Route Zero. This visual novel does many things right, but some parts are rather boring and/or make no sense to me at all. Two episodes remaining, let's hope for a decent ending.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Started A Plague Tale.
Linear as fuck with some light puzzles and stealth. For now I can't say the gameplay is gripping. And the plot is sparse and uninteresting. To quote me when I was playing it, 'I don't know if it's a good game but it's a decent movie !'.
I know it feels like I'm saying it's bad but it's surprisingly absolutely not the case when you play it. They nailed the mood. It's regularly gripping, you have to play further and further. Characters are pretty great, feels are here but not cringey, it's a great adventure to follow.
And the game is magnificent ! But further than that, I think it has a very good art direction. Good tech is one thing, but it's another to produce a truly mesmerizing game.

I don't know what I will get out of it ultimately, as I discovered some hours after playing that I kind of forgotten playing it. But it's certainly great to experience.
Not surprised that it was selected for best narrative game or something like that, it's quite a blast.


Cthulhu dreams.
Apr 17, 2019
Been playing a lot of X4 Foundations.
Like really a lot.

The game is both amazingly complex and also very simple? It's not hard to do anything but everything is hidden behind several menus and whatnot. Once you get that and know a bit what to do - it is hugely rewarding. Buy ships, hire personnel, let ships do their stuff for you and your income. Buy better ships..
I am not yet there where you buy whole stations and dominate systems - from what I know the game is also very diplomatic so I am very curious.

The flight model is okay but not as satisfying as Elite. It also varies in terms of looks - sometimes it can look amazing and sometimes pretty dull. Here are some shots.

The game is also this - and this is nothing compared to what I have seen in others games:

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May 5, 2019
I will eventually make it through HL Alyx, Gears 5 and Ori 2, I'm sure. But for now, I'm mostly alternating between Overwatch (playing it with friends) and WOW.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Started playing Machina of the Planet Tree -Planet Ruler-, which The Stam Labs Play Next experiment recommended and I figured I'll give it a try.
Played an hour and I must say I really like it.
It's an RPG Maker game so it comes with small resolution and weird gamepad support by default unfortunately, but outside of that it's a bonafide JRPG.
Good looking character portraits, good art, VN-like conversations, a small world-map with points of interest, rocking music, a promising world and story so far and a completely custom battle system that is pretty fun. And best of all the game has an inbuilt turbo mode so everything is blazing fast if you want to. ⏩



Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
I've finished Divide by Sheep yesterday. Great puzzle game with clever idea's and a charming theme.

I also finished My Friend Pedro. The gameplay feels really fresh and is extremely cool. The game becomes a bit repetitive after a while, but playing a few levels a day is really fun. The fact that this game is made by a single developer is incredible.

Also still playing Halo Reach. The game is good, but some parts are extremely frustrating because of the grenades and 1-hit-kill rocket launchers.
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Reactions: lashman


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I've finished Divide by Sheep yesterday. Great puzzle game with clever idea's and a charming theme.
:thinking-face: I have this game apparently. Looks like I know what I'll try over the weekend.

I also finished My Friend Pedro. The gameplay feels really fresh and is extremely cool. The game becomes a bit repetitive after a while, but playing a few levels a day is really fun. The fact that this game is made by a single developer is incredible.
I have this game too. Maybe I should also give it a try over the weekend :D
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Reactions: Ge0force


My Neighbour Totoro
Dec 10, 2018
I'm currently invested in No Man's Sky. Saw it was on Steam for a rather good deal not long ago. Elite Dangerous was on deal also at that time.
I was actually more leaning toward getting ED since it is based on the real galaxy. However both are procedural generated.
Anyhow long story short, I eventually got NMS instead and oh my it was not a bad pick. I might probably enjoy ED as well, since I mostly was looking for a game which I could explore a gigantic universe. Haha

I hope Hello Games continues pouring more free contents to the game. Btw I totally recommend NMS if you also like me enjoy to explore some where in a galaxy far, far away :D


Dec 8, 2018
Had to turn it down to easy, gonna leave it on that until I get some better weapons and get levelled up.
Makes a nice change though, actually being challenged and having to make decisions like shall I try and avoid this fight, instead of just steamrolling through things.



Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Remote Life. Interesting hybrid between a twin-stick shooter and horizontal scrolling shoot 'em up. I had to get used to the fact that you crash as soon as you touch a wall or moving platform, while enemies and enemy bullets fly straight through them. But I see why the developer made this design choice, using this to create extra challenges that require you to remain sharp. Finished the first 5 missions so far and enjoyed them a lot.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I also finished My Friend Pedro. The gameplay feels really fresh and is extremely cool. The game becomes a bit repetitive after a while, but playing a few levels a day is really fun. The fact that this game is made by a single developer is incredible.
I've been playing it here and there for the last few days and it really is very fun - in small doses here and there :D
I didn't really expect it tbh - it doesn't look like anything I'd usually play, but somehow I'm having a lot of fun. There is something very satisfying about the controls and interactivity.


It has risen again!
Dec 31, 2018
I've had an XCOM itch ever since XCOM: Chimera Squad was announced so I went back to Enemy Within and re-installed it, since I still haven't beaten that. I still suck at these games but man they're great.
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Reactions: Li Kao


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
I've finished Masquerada: Songs and Shadows today. I've enjoyed it a lot, the story and characters are incredible! The combat could have used a bit more polish, but it's fun and there are plenty of different special attacks to keep it interesting.

A very recommended game imo, don't be misguided by the way too low 64 Metacritic score.
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Reactions: lashman


Just another Video Game Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2018
Got RPCS3 set and playing Demon's Souls!
Damn this game is cool!

EDIT: Let me add a bit more.
Having some Dark Souls experience has helped immensely with this game, yet somehow it feels own experience. The story makes more sense than Dark Souls actually. Combat is great, though parrying/backstabbing is a little finicky
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Decided to give Kingdom Come Deliverance another chance. The game world is amazing, but the gameplay varies between decent and bad. Still plenty of bugs as well, including disappearing NPC's. Nothing game breaking so far tho.
Got RPCS3 set and playing Demon's Souls!
Damn this game is cool!
It's a great game. The prison level with the ringing bell is one of the most scary experiences I ever had in a game! 😍


Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
I have been playing Shantae Half Genie Hero (the Ultimate edition) since last week. It's a really fun game. The game isn't much of a metroidvania games as the previous games were, but more like a platformer game. Although there were a lot of backtracking to find new abilities and collectibles.
I already have finished the main game, and currently playing what was the dlc content but now part of the game in the ultimate edition.
Both The Pirate Queen's Quest and Friends to the End are pretty much the same game as the base game. All levels were reused, but redesigned to fit to other characters' abilities.
I liked Pirate Queen's Quest more since you get to play Risky Boot which have a complete set of new abilities.
Friends to the End was a bit like Trine games. You play one of three characters, but can switch between them anytime. Each character has their own ability. So you have to switch between these characters to get through the stages.

There are more modes in the game, I haven't tried them yet. I hope they are just redesigns of the main game too. Getting tired to play the same stages
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Reactions: didamangi


Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit.
Nov 16, 2018
Jakarta, Indonesia
Just finished Doom Eternal on ultra violence, improvement in most areas than Doom 2016. Performance and graphic wise the game is really something. Really great.. I'm not a fan of the last 2 boss fights though, too easy. I like the 1 on 1 boss fight more than
boss plus mobs fight where you can use your op power all day.
Story wise, the game left more questions than answers. Can't wait for the DLC.

Playing doom 2016 and eternal also have a side effect of making me not play other fps after it for awhile because of the pace and satisfying combat can't be matched by other modern single player fps.

Probably will continue Ori 2 now, Nice change of pace from Doom.


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
I'm 50 hours into Kingdom Come Deliverance. I'm enjoying most of the main quests, but certain aspects of the game are mediocre or even broken. Still planning to finish the storyline tho.
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Reactions: lashman