Community What are you currently playing?


Mar 13, 2019
Started The Council yesterday and I'm on the second episode right now. It isn't afraid that it is a low budget games and animations are pretty rough, but story and voice acting are surprisingly good. Puzzles are like, eh.

beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
I've been playing Link's Awakening DX on 3DS and only now noticed just how much it holds your hand throughout the game. It's still pretty fun, but there's not a lot of room for discovery or error. The world is very focused and pretty much every area ties into the main quest one way or another. One the hand, it's nice how lean the game is. On the other hand, there's not a lot of incentive to explore since you'll be asked to go everywhere eventually anyway. The rapids with the raft is the main exception. I was a little surprised just how much area this totally pointless thing took up. Odd choice.

So far, it's pretty decent. Very impressed that they managed to do all of this on a Game Boy, but I think I enjoyed Oracle of Ages/Seasons as well as Minish Cap more. I'd have liked the concept of this being a dream world to be fleshed out more, but there's only so much they could've done on the system I suppose.

Something that's been truly bothering me is how every rock that can be lifted or broken with the pegasus boots' dash will prompt you that you can't move it break it. The text scroll takes forever. Very annoying. Same for when you pick up those armor or attack boost items. I actively avoid trying to grab them, so I'm not trapped in a 10 second text box. Hope they took that out of the remake.

Once I finish this, I think I'll have had my fill of the game. I'll try the remake in a year or so, if the price is right.
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Oct 30, 2018
Last week, I played Celeste on the Epic Games Store. It is a nice game, which lives up to the praises which you can read everywhere.
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Last week, I played Celeste on the Epic Games Store. It is a nice game, which lives up to the praises which you can read everywhere.
Dick move to have locked less skilled players from experiencing the epilogue though.

Eh, I just skimmed a wikipedia page on tentacle erotica the other day. Turns out it's a very real thing with historical landmarks, like the The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife. Yeah, let's stop this charade, it's a "chain".
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On a break
Apr 17, 2019
Playing Dark Souls II SOTFS with a group of old friends I recently reconnected with. I only finished Bloodborne and DS3 but im enjoying 2 so far aside from some annoying sections.

We’re planning on doing the DLC then Dark Souls 1 after that.


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Played a few more hours of Hellblade. The audio and visuals are incredibly well done, making it even more sad that they've barely put any efforts in the gameplay. The combat is extremely shallow and repetitive, and the same type of puzzles is being used over and over again. I also don't understand most of the story. Such a missed opportunity!

I've also been playing Momodora: Reverie under the moonlight. Has been a great experience so far, with enough challenge and variety in enemies and bosses.


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Finished Hellblade last night. I still had no idea what was going on, until I watched the (included) video of the director explaining it. I wish I knew this before because I may have enjoyed the game a bit more. Still feels like a missed opportunity tho, because the gameplay is so shallow and repetitive.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Finished Hellblade last night. I still had no idea what was going on, until I watched the (included) video of the director explaining it. I wish I knew this before because I may have enjoyed the game a bit more. Still feels like a missed opportunity tho, because the gameplay is so shallow and repetitive.
shame you didn't like it very much :(

i personally loved it

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
As mentioned yesterday in the Steam thread, I played Endless Legend for a few hours. It was paradoxically as addictive as a Civ while being the most boring game I played in a long time. Thinking about it, some of the issues might stem from the poor world generation pre-set, like it's my first play and the game found it normal to blast me in a big world with 6 AI. A world so big that I never met any AI.
But even then, I'm starting to believe I don't like Amplitude combat at all. When every encounter turns into a basic tactical game, it bogs down the rythm. Oh, I'm suddenly worried about AOW Planetfall.
Everything takes forever, options feel very limited, pacifying regions gets old super fast and must be done for each one...

I think it will be an insta-uninstall.

If this is the same formula, I can't tell you how overjoyed I am to have bought Endless Legend 2 just a few days ago :disapproval-blob:
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May 5, 2019
I recently finished Ion Fury, which is a truly fantastic shooter!

It really lives up to the expectations of being a spiritual successor to Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior. Voidpoint did absolute wonders with the Build engine, but just generally made a game thats very enjoyable to play. Fast paced with great gunplay, challengeing enemies, stellar level design in 1990s style, slightly less mazelike than Doom 93 or DN3D, I'd say. Some mild puzzling and platforming here and there, but the gunplay takes the main stage. Chockful of secrets, some of which are really tough to find. Soundtrack is fantastic too.

I can heartily recommend it to anyone who likes games like DN3D, Shadow Warrior and Blood. In my opinion, it's probably even better than these, but I'll have to replay it to be sure.


Now I'm replaying Deus Ex Human Revolution, one of my all-time favourites (I need to write my favourite games down we have a thread for such lists already by any chance?) .. for the probably 8th or 9th time, and I still love this game. I think it aged really well, too. Mankind Divided is better on all counts, but Human Revolution was great in its own right too.
I'm also dabbling in WOW Classic, but I'm simply not too much into it (I started WOW with The Burning Crusade, which already had a lot of quality of life additions that I'm missing in Classic)....
and I played some Decay of Logos, which needs a lot more polish, bugfixing, some guidance, a better savesystem, less punishing dying, etc, before it becomes something I would truly enjoy. But I do see potential there.


Mar 1, 2019
Installed the Ghost Recon BR Beta today. The game looks gorgeous on unreasonable, super demanding, ultimate settings.


BTW, the game is using some kind of excellent temporal reconstruction method, paired with FidelityFX sharpening (usable on Nvidia cards).

Test Picture 1
Test Picture 2

Can you guess which one is native 1440p @ 55fps and which one is 1440t @ 70fps?

Picture 1 with stats
Picture 2 with stats

The difference between native and reconstructed resolution is starting to blur for me.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Luigi's Mansion 2 3DS finished. A surprising difficulty / frustration spike in the last few levels. Mini-rage inducing.
Overall, still a gently boring game but with a lot of charm. Environmental puzzles is a nice change of pace from the usual focus of other games.

Need to brute force SMT4 Apocalypse and I will be able to put the 3DS to pasture, at least for a time. Not a minute too soon as the left stick protection took the habit of falling at the worst times during gameplay (you can imagine the mini heart attack the first time something undetermined just falls on you all of a sudden).


Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
In the disc 4 part of Final Fantasy 9. I am close to the ending of the game now. Doing some sidequests to obtain ultimate equipment. Some takes a bit too much time. So instead of grinding I just used cheat engine for those


Steam New Releases Warrior
Dec 8, 2018
Somewhere else
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan

Interesting concept with too many (and too fast) QTEs and lame jumpscares. I was hoping for some puzzles. :(
Clunky controls with mouse + keyboard. Horrible German voice actors in the German version.

EDIT: Finished. No one died. The game was too short. I will definitively not buy the other stories for full price.
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Actraiser - SNES

Shit has aged, that's for sure.
Not sure we can really talk of a good game, objectively. Sim is super basic, action too, difficulty is unbalanced as fuck (basically the beginning can be hard, then you get star magic and it has been YOLO since then), nothing really stands out. But it's such a genius concept ! And the little adventure feeling of having to use objects from other regions in order to help people is cool. The music is nice, too.
I can't hate the game, it still has charm. The non skippable dialogs can die in a fire, though.

Zero intention to try the second one though, what a stupid idea to cut the sim content.
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Lucas isn't sure what to do anymore
Apr 18, 2019
Actraiser - SNES

Shit has aged, that's for sure.
Not sure we can really talk of a good game, objectively. Sim is super basic, action too, difficulty is unbalanced as fuck (basically the beginning can be hard, then you get star magic and it has been YOLO since then), nothing really stands out. But it's such a genius concept ! And the little adventure feeling of having to use objects from other regions in order to help people is cool. The music is nice, too.
I can't hate the game, it still has charm. The non skippable dialogs can die in a fire, though.

Zero intention to try the second one though, what a stupid idea to cut the sim content.
Actraiser! :highfiveblob:
I played it 3 or 4 years ago and enjoyed it a lot even though, like you said, the sim part is definitely simplistic by today's standards. Can only imagine that I would have loved it had I known about it back when it released! The difficulty is not that different from your average action platformer of that era (e.g. Castlevania) but the boss rush at the end can go fuck itself. That's what save states are for thankfully! The music in this game is also great, I mean how can it not be when it's composed by Yuzo Koshiro! I still listen to some of its tracks every now and then.

I played the sequel too. It's true that it loses a big part of the charm of the first one by removing the sim part, but it's still fun enough as a 2d action platformer. In fact I'd say that action gameplay is easily better than the first one. It also has some pretty cool ideas for boss fights, and your character is able to fly (kind of) and float around thanks to his wings. Even the story, simple as it may be, goes into interesting places in the sequel. If you've enjoyed the action part of the first one, and like classic action platformers in general, then I really recommend you give it a shot!
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First Stage Hero
Dec 5, 2018
Halcyon 6. Or the most complex indie game ever made. 😊
Holy shit. Yeah. I tried three times to even get into that one. I can't figure it out at all.

It seemed perfect because I love XCOM, hate/love FTL, like old school JRPG turn based combat stuff... shoulda been exactly my thing. I have no idea how to play it at all.

They released some new version of Halcyon, but I don't have the will to try it.
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Sep 8, 2019
Brushing up the last two dlcs of PoE 2 before moving to GreedFall / Borderlands 3

I don't think I'm gonna need anything new until Space Channel 5 VR gets released
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Actraiser done. I concur, the boss rush can go fuck itself and that's what save states are for. It was perfectly said by BO7AMMOOD
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Laughing Chojin
Mar 14, 2019
Level 3 in Battlefield 3 and I've already seen 4 enemies T-posing.

This has to be the most lineal FPS I've ever played, if you don't follow the instructions you get insta-killed, its even more lineal than Bionic Commando