Community What are you currently playing?


Laughing Chojin
Mar 14, 2019
Jotun: good graphics, mediocre gameplay

Doing 1% of damage to a boss per hit isnt fun at all, and then every boss has this attack phase where he is totally invincible and you have to wait for him to do his thing so you get a chance to land 2 hits every 15 seconds. I know copying Dark Souls mechanics was the cool thing to do 4 years ago, but so many developers do not understand difficulty at all. Its very different when a game is hard and your character is strong (like Ninja Gaiden), and another where your character is weak, like Jotun. Its the difference between fun and tedium.

Another game that does the same mistake is Volgarr. Before making a difficult game first make sure its fun to retry.


Hey you! Have a nice day!
Jun 4, 2019
Continuing in my quest to play threw my backlog.
I stopped playing 10 Second Ninja: Overall it is a nice game but the needed skill level to finish it, not event to speak from 100 percenting it, is way over my current abilities. Nevertheless it was quite entertaining to search for new solutions and becoming slightly better at plattforming :)

Next up: 1000 Amps
Technical Impressions: Runs fine on Linux, but the resolution is fixed and rather low, which is probably the result of it being a flash game.
First gameplay impressions: This game seems neat. The plattforming is very approachable and the puzzle elements are fun.

Additionally I will probably start a new campaign in either Europa Universalis IV or Imperator: Rome, as both recently got interesting updates.
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Reactions: Milena and Ge0force

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Nioh is down ! The witch is dead ! Well, the base game, anyways.

Many rage, much anger during this one. And while there is a reason it is reputed, I won't deny its qualities, there is so much noise too.
Storytelling is an absolute train-wreck, difficulty walls abounds, systems upon systems upon systems, you would think you are playing a gacha with this many mechanics. Good looking but never 'oh shinyyyy' (maybe the last level).
The game outstays its welcome by quite a margin too.

Base game only because after some googling I see no point in getting rekt on the DLC. It seems mid-skilled gamers like me must play a good chunk of NG in order to stand a chance in it. And things get worse with each DLC. No thanks.

I won't deny the general quality of the game and the pleasure you can get with exploration / combat, but yeah, there are many caveats.

Now to finish The Surge. Yeah, my blood pressure levels must be high these days :fearful-face:


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Finished Timothy and the Mysterious Forest tonight. Zelda: Link's Awakening is my favorite game on the original Game Boy, so buying Timothy and the Mysterious Forest was a no brainer for me when I saw the screenshots. While this game can't beat Zelda's charming overworld and clever dungeon design, I definitely had a great time playing it.

The game has many familiar tile sets from Link's Awakening, including the mysterious woods, Tal Tal mountains and of course the beach where we all fell in love with Marin. :) But the gameplay is very different from anything I've played so far: Timothy doesn't have any weapons, he can only throw objects at enemies. These objects are spare, so playing stealth is a must. While a was not sure this would be fun during the entire game, it works out suprisingly well.

During your quest, you meet a bunch of funny characters, and you'll have to find a wide variety of tools and items to continue. Again you'll meet familiar items like the lamp, boots and bombs, but the developers have designed brand new challenges and puzzles around them, resulting in a unique experience instead of another Zelda clone.

My only point of critique is that some of the puzzles and bosses are a little too much trial and error. This can become frustrating after a while, especially because you need to be on a certain tile to trigger events. A few more hints and a wider area to trigger events would be a nice improvement.

Tldr: Timothy and the Mysterious Forest is definitely worth playing for anyone looking for a nostalgic and/or old-school experience!


Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
The Surge is down.
Getting tired of raging in a boss fight, maybe playing Nioh and The Surge back to back wasn't my brightest idea. But seriously, call me hypocondriac, which I am in some ways, but at 40 I'm beginning to worry about raging in a game. Can't be too healthy :sweaty-blob:

Thattt being said, The Surge. Is a fucking good first attempt. Impressive in a lot of ways. But it's also a level design nightmare, I said fuck it and followed a walkthrough for the last level. Some of the bosses are also infuriatingly hard. Black Cerberus and Rogue Process, ffs.

And, but I feel I could copy/paste that line in every two reviews : storytelling is shit.
Incredible how so few games can be enjoyable on that front. So you basically go the full game wondering what the fuck is happening, and through rare moment of semi clarity you get a vague idea of what happened and what your role is in this mess. I shouldn't have to go on the fucking internet to confirm to me what I just did !
Ending has some nice imagery / metaphor, but is very spectacularly abrupt.

Like I said though, it's an impressive 'B' game.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
I have finished Jenny LeCLue - Detectivu. The end was ..... well..... disappointing. The game was also too long.

I 'm now playing Little Misfortune.
I think I can safely assume this one will be miles better.
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Reactions: sk2k


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Some of the bosses are also infuriatingly hard
For me, the boss fights are the biggest flaw in The Surge. They aren't only frustrating difficult, they are also no fun at all. I really hope the boss fights are better in the sequel.
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Reactions: Li Kao

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
For me, the boss fights are the biggest flaw in The Surge. They aren't only frustrating difficult, they are also no fun at all. I really hope the boss fights are better in the sequel.
True, even if we exclude the difficulty from the equation, they are mostly mediocre :thinking-face:
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Reactions: Ge0force


Steam New Releases Warrior
Dec 8, 2018
Somewhere else
Little Misfortune. It's the same as in Jenny LeClue. Both games would benefit from a configurable auto dialog option just like in visual novels.

EDIT: added a word
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Reactions: Ge0force and Stevey


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
I gave up on Kingdom Come Deliverance. It's a beautiful game, but I'm not enjoying the combat and fetch quests at all. I also strongly dislike the lockpicking and pickpocket mini games. They aren't only annoying, they also leave you open to be discovered and there's nothing you can do about it. Last but not least the game is full of bugs: the mill keeper suddenly treats me like a stranger when I sleep in one of his empty beds, and when I knock someone out while he's sleeping, every soldier in town suddenly knows it was me.

Not sure this game is mediocre or it's just me growing tired of open world games. Although I really enjoyed The Witcher 3.


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
Guild Wars 2, for some reason. I thought I was done with it after Path of Fire, but I popped in randomly and have played through the original campaign, season 2 of living world, Hearth of Thorns, and am halfway through season 3 with a new elementalist. Fresh Air tempest is a blast!
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Reactions: Milena

Phoenix RISING

A phoenix always RISES!
Apr 23, 2019
Ann Arbor, MI
I've finished Apotheon today. Incredible game, very recommended!

It has been in my library for ages, but have not had the time to play.

I'll bump it up on the queue as per your recommendation.

As for me, I am currently playing a game that is embargoed, but if you're around in the evening EST, you'll see it over there where it updates my Steam status.


Dec 8, 2018
Finished Yakuza 0 the other day.

Made it right through to the last fight before I figured/remembered that LB was block.

Spent the entire game dodging up until then :V
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Reactions: sk2k


May 5, 2019
I'm still on Greedfall (yes, I play my games veeery slow, spread over several weeks usually) and inbetween went back to play more Hitman 2, always a great game to play. Plus, the new map (the Maledives) is awesome!
And I've been "playing" Kind Words, but that doesn't really qualify as a game. If you don't know it, it's basically an exchange of short letters. People can post their plights anonymously, and others can reply kind words also anonymously. I've responded to several people and hopefully helped some.

oh, and I started Spyro. Never played it before, and its really good so far :)


Steam New Releases Warrior
Dec 8, 2018
Somewhere else
Playing A Room Beyond. It's a little and cozy :) horror point & click adventure game with simple combat. Maybe the pixel filter is a bit too strong but it adds to the Alone in the Dark vibe.

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Reactions: Spamlynguist


It has risen again!
Dec 31, 2018
Started The Bradwell Conspiracy a couple of hours ago, I'm enjoying it so far! The voice acting is top notch.
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Reactions: Milena


Steam New Releases Warrior
Dec 8, 2018
Somewhere else
Playing Epitasis. The puzzles are easy so far. Great aesthetic.

EDIT: Finished after three hours. The puzzles were REALLY easy.
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Reactions: Spamlynguist


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Played some more AC Origins last night. Like most other Ubisoft games, I was impressed during the first few hours, but started to get bored after a few hours bored because of the repetitive gameplay: "find" the treasure (that you can highlight from a huge distance), kill the captain, bring person or object X to location Y, kill animal X, climb a tower etc etc. Some of the side quests are really funny, but most of them are rather boring. And you need to do a certain amount of side quests to become at a decent level to play the story missions.

I'll try to play a few more missions tonight, but I feel like this kind of open world games is not for me anymore.


Dec 22, 2018
My backlog blitz fell by the wayside as i was mowing through Gears 5 and then act three in the red sand happened. The game started freezing and crashing so now im playing windowed and taking it slower since the game's performance nosedived after being smooth up to then.


It has risen again!
Dec 31, 2018

After beating Cold Fear today I got really in the mood to play some Resident Evil. Figured I'd re-install Resident Evil 4 again!

I've held it off since I wanted to play through the original 3 games on my PS3 first but fuck it.
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Reactions: sk2k and lashman


Steam New Releases Warrior
Dec 8, 2018
Somewhere else
Call of Duty: WW2...... uninstalled after the shitty tank mission. The tank controls were atrocious bad. Who thought the controls were ok?! What a bad game.
The AI was DUMB. The enemies were dumb and the own squadmates were dumb too. The excessive amount of spawning in enemies was often comical. The game was more or less a shooting gallery after another.

I really do not know what i was hoping for when i bought the Humble bundle. :disappointed-face:


Sep 20, 2018
Started playing Enter the Gungeon, today, on Gamepass.

And god I wished I had played this game sooner. The first level alone was some of the best twin stick shooting I have ever seen. The 2D graphics are great, the atmosphere is amazing, as is the great dynamic soundtrack, but what really steals the show is the actual gameplay. Bullet hell combined with rougelite dungeon crawling is great combination. You'd think it would turn into an impossible mess of bullets flying everywhere, but it's always easy to read what goes on on the screen and react accordingly.

I can imagine that it makes for a great local coop game too


old school cool
Nov 1, 2018
I admit I imagined it as kind of a mess indeed. You got my interest picked.
I mean it can get up to lite bullet hell level difficulty as you progress, but you don't have to play perfectly to have fun with the game. I think it's an amazing game.

Every time I see these Quake screenshots I get such a warm emotional reaction. I must really be getting old...
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Reactions: Stevey