|OT| X games/year or Let's document our MetaGaming addiction (where X is a positive integer)


Vogon Poetry Appreciator
Sep 6, 2018
Updated my list with the last Assassin's Creeds I've been playing, along with Hellblade. Still need to add comments about each game, but I'm lazy and I'd rather pass that task to future me.

Just 14 games so far, one of which is an expansion and another that I didn't even finish. How are some of you managing to beat 50 games or so in 5 months? That's totally insane!


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
41. Patent9 - 05/05/19
Took around 2:06 to complete including replaying scenes to get all achievements. I'm a fast reader so my time is shorter than the average. It tells a decently interesting story for a visual novel as there doesn't feel like there's a ton of fluff. It goes for a noir sort of thing with all the characters and settings largely being real photos and actors. It kind of gets wrapped up in its own nonsense but since it moved quickly I stayed engaged. Not a strong recommendation but it was nice for something different.

I really just wanted something a bit quicker to clear out as a palette cleanser between large chunks of Grim Dawn. I've already put 20+ hours into that one and I'm seemingly into the third act (or maybe more accurately in this very long stretch between Act 2 and Act 3?). I'm having fun with Grim Dawn, and like other games in the genre, I'm finding it easy to just play for hours while leveling and looting. But so far I think Diablo III was the more entertaining game. Gear felt a bit more interesting and abilities were way better there, both in using them and being more active, as well as the ease of swapping abilities (and modifiers) to freely try out different play styles. In Grim Dawn I feel extremely passive and just left-click everything except pressing 2 for a 10 second buff anytime I fight something tougher. I'm sure certain class combinations could be more active or I could build this class as more active but it seems best to max skills instead of try out stuff so what I'm using generally works and it's not worth respeccing just to try something else.

Anyhow, I'll keep getting deeper in Grim Dawn but I think I'll continue mixing things in as I work through the base game and the two expansions (which together look to be about the size as the base game, yikes!).


There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
Beat Cyberdimension Neptunia 4 Goddesses Online. The most 'okay'-est game I've played in a while. Recent patch fucked up achievement progression so stay clear until it gets patched, if ever.

I forgot I've already reserved a post smh.


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
42. Grim Dawn - 05/08/19
Completed on Veteran difficulty in Steam-time says 34:48, but I expect it's closer to 30-32 due to leaving it running while doing other things. It's a decent game. Maybe even good. But not great. The whole time I played I kept thinking about how Diablo III does every thing better. Towards the end when risk of dying was greater and I was pushing through optional, hard content the game finally felt like there was more intensity but still my only active abilities my build had were two buffs so they weren't all that exciting. And that's kind of the main issue. The gear loop looks like it does everything right but it's just kind of boring. I still had a good enough time that I'll look at finishing up the DLC but that's a ton of content so I'll spread that out a bit more. And instead maybe start Diablo III over.

And that was my May game. The expansions weren't exactly on the list, though I do own them and I want to keep checking out more (legendaries started dropping right at the end!), but it's a bit daunting since both expansions together make up nearly as much content as the base game (at least in terms of monsters, bosses, and land size). Not really sure what I'll hop into next just yet but I've got some stuff lined up.
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
43. Subsurface Circular - 05/09/19
Quite short, only took me 94 minutes. Hopped back in and finished up all the achievements with 5-10 more minutes. I love robots and AI stuff so I was into the story and where things went which also made it a bit too easy for me to pick my ending choice. Also, thought the developer did a neat Steam trick because the word "Wibble" came up as a choice for a password in the game. Turns out that's the regular option for everyone. Definitely made me stop and think when I saw it trying to think where I use Wibble on Steam. I'm looking forward to checking out the second game in the series but I'll probably hold off until a little later.

Wasn't purposely picking a short game but I feel like this and its follow up have cropped up several times recently into conversations or just into my mind so I thought I'd check it out and instead just ran through it in one go. I think I'll start something longer next.
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Overwhelmingly Positive
May 12, 2019
  1. Divinity: Original Sin 2 (PC) | 78.4h | Jan 08 | ★★★★
    Starting the year off great with this gem of an RPG. I'm neither a big fan of isometric games nor of turn-based/strategic combat in RPGs but D:OS2 still managed to keep me invested right until the end. The things I liked the most about the game - and the thing I value the most in any game - were the story, the characters, and the choices/consequences. A great narrator, interesting characters, well written but at times also fun dialogue and it actually felt that the choices I made had a significant impact. Another thing I liked was the exploration and world design. A lot of different areas to explore with a lot of little secrets to find which rewarded you with some good loot. Speaking of loot, there is a lot of it and it sometimes can get a bit overwhelming. But I enjoy comparing the new stuff to the stuff I already use and then ponder if extra physical armor is worth the loss of a +2 Constitution boost for example. And since you can have a party of up to four characters, this can sometimes take more time than you thought it would.

    But there are also things I didn't like that much. As I mentioned I'm not a big fan of turn-based combat but I kinda liked it here until I hit the 60h mark and then just had enough of it. It just wasn't fun for me anymore and I actually started to use a trainer with Fast Kill and Unlimited AP to "skip" some of the fights. But it could have also been my own fault (kinda) since I didn't fully embrace all the options the combat system gave me. Also, the Nameless Isles was by far the most boring and tedious area in the game and I didn't have a good time exploring it. Luckily it was also quite short.

    But still, D:OS2 is an incredible game and everyone who likes RPGs should give it a try. If you are like me and don't enjoy turn-based combat, you'll still have a good time with it. And if you like turn-based combat, you're gonna love it.
  2. The Station (PC) | 1.6h | Jan 13 | ★★★
    Not a great game but good enough for a rainy Sunday afternoon. It looks good and is pretty straight forward in regards to puzzles. The audio logs play an integral part in telling the story and are thankfully easy to find. Speaking of the story: I liked it well enough even though some might argue that it's a bit generic and the twist is kinda obvious. Picking up notes to read them didn't always work as intended, so you had to use your zoom.

    It's definitely not worth the full 15€ but if you enjoy space and sci-fi stuff and see it on sale for <5€, go for it.
  3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4) | 5.6h | Jan 14 | ★★★★
    I actually enjoyed this more than UC4. I preferred the story and liked the characters better; Chloe and Nadine just have great chemistry. I'm still not a big fan of the Naughty Dog gameplay and I don't think that will ever change, but the shooting in U:TLL was less annoying than in UC4. Probably because there was less of it.
  4. Florence (Android) | 0.6h | Jan 15 | ★★★
    Played and finished it on my commute today. Cute game but not really my cup of tea. I liked the art and the different gameplay/"puzzle" elements and that it had a good mix between them, so it didn't get boring.
  5. Resident Evil: HD Remaster (PC) | 9.3h | Jan 18 | ★★★½
    This was the first time I played RE1 and I think it's a bit too old school for me. I'm not a big fan of the fixed camera and excessive backtracking. But the puzzles were cool even though I had to use a guide more often than I'd like to admit.
  6. The Dwarves (PC) | 9.5h | Jan 23 | ★★
    I really wish I would have been able to enjoy the game more since I'm a fan of the books. But I have to say that I was glad once I finally saw the credits. And it's not even a long game. But let me start off with the positive things about the game. I liked the characters and the story (as expected) even though it's "just" your usual fantasy stuff. It also looked quite nice and had well-done cutscenes. And I think that's about it. While I enjoyed the story in general, the pacing was off, especially towards the end. The voice acting was ok most of the time but they managed to screw up the German VA even though it's based on a German book series and developed by a German dev team.

    Now for the stuff I didn't like. I expected a bit more freedom to skill your characters but it's on the same level as God of War (2018). Loot was pretty much non-existent. The movement on the map was annoying because they tied some food/resource mechanic to it. By far the worst offender was the fighting, though, and there's quite a bit of it in the game. It's RTwP which I usually enjoy. But they did a terrible job with it in the game. First of all, they don't do a good job explaining it. Until the last 1.5h of the game, I didn't know that you could switch skills and I still don't know how equipping stuff from your inventory (like health potions) actually works. Sometimes I had them available in combat, sometimes I didn't. Also, there were battles were my party started with just half of their health even though I made sure I selected party members that had full health. Those were just the basics. The fighting itself was nightmare stuff. Extremely chaotic, most of the time you don't know where your party members are. Then they or enemies kept shoving each other around and blocked each other's paths. That's especially bad since sometimes you encounter like 30-50 enemies at once and just get stuck and/or die because of it.

    My rating might be a bit harsher than normal but I really am disappointed even though I didn't expect that much of the game.
  7. Quarantine Circular (PC) | 1.8h | Jan 24 | ★★★
    I guess you can call it the sequel to Subsurface Circular. At least it takes place in the same universe sometime after the events of Subsurface. It's a text-based adventure with lots of choices which lead to different endings. Story and characters are well written but I was hoping it would introduce some more new mechanics. Still enjoyed my time with it. But with games like this, I prefer to just play them once and stick with the choices I make and the ending I get. I think I liked Subsurface a bit better. Mainly because that one was a new experience, a bit longer and I just preferred the setting. Quarantine is still a good "sequel" for people who already liked Subsurface.
  8. Rainswept (PC) | 4.3h | Feb 03 | ★★★½
    In Rainswept you play as a detective who comes into a small, sleepy town that just experienced its first murder in a very long time. It's an adventure game where you explore and talk to people. You investigate. But you don't just investigate a murder, you also investigate your mind because you still struggle to come to terms with a trauma you experienced in the recent past.

    Rainswept tries to tackle some heavy topics such as suicide, depression, and trauma. And I think it does a rather good job with it. One character reminded me of a person I know and the way they were portrayed was almost too accurate. Kinda creepy even.

    But let's talk about the game itself. I really enjoyed the visuals. Sometimes they felt a bit off and it looked like they could use some more polish but it wasn't a big deal. The music was nicely done as well and fitted the atmosphere (that it also helped to create). And the characters were well written and their behavior was believable most of the time, especially when it comes to certain aspects of mental health issues. But there are also things I didn't like that much. There are some plotholes in the detective story/the explanation of the crime which left me kinda unsatisfied. Also, the puzzles were really easy or, well, pretty much non-existent.

    It took me a bit to get into the game but once it "clicked", I just wanted to keep playing and see how it ends.
  9. All Our Asias (PC) | 1.7h | Feb 03 | ★
    Boring, bad controls, doesn't look good ("PSX-like"), backtracking with super slow movement. Yeah, I'm definitely not part of the target audience for this game. But at least it's F2P and short.
  10. Hitman: Sniper Challenge (PC) | 0.3h | Feb 03 | ★★
    It's ok. I guess? At least it's one less game in my backlog now.
  11. Red Trigger (PC) | 1.1h | 04 Feb | ★★★½
    Nice Portal-inspired first-person puzzle game. It's rather short and the mechanics don't change during the game but it's also free, so I can't really complain.
  12. KC: D – Band of Bastards (PC) | 4.4h | 05 Feb | ★★★
    Finally a Kingdom Come DLC where I can say that I got my money's worth (it probably helped that it's also cheaper than the previous two). This DLC is more combat focused and has some cool new characters. I would have liked to see a bit more content, especially dialogue-wise, but 7€ (bundle price) are a fair price.
  13. Zarya-1: Mystery on the Moon (PC) | 2.8h | 18 Feb | ★★★½
    You take on the role of the mission's commander and have to make decisions on how your team is supposed to act. Basically, you read a lot and then decide between 2-3 options on how to advance. It sounds pretty basic and it probably is but the story is well written and it gets pretty intriguing. I also came to like the characters. And there seem to be a lot of different paths you can take/endings you can reach, so there's definitely some replay value. But I stopped after reaching the good ending on my third attempt.
  14. Yakuza Kiwami (PC) | 22.9h | 24 Feb | ★★★★
    I enjoyed Y0 quite a lot so I was excited to finally play Kiwami. It's pretty much more of the same but it doesn't have as many side activities as Y0. And honestly, I liked that fact since I usually end up doing much of it and that takes a lot of time. The substories weren't as fun as in Y0 but Kiwami still had some good ones. I also think I preferred the pacing here. Just having one storyline with some flashbacks probably helped in that regard. I hope we'll get Kiwami 2 on PC next year.
  15. Resident Evil 2 (PC) | 15.8h | March 16 | ★★★★½
    Finally got around to finish the 2nd run (Claire), so now I can add it to the completed list. I already liked Leon's story but I think Claire's was even better. I preferred the pacing in the 2nd run since they cut out some stuff from the main run which meant less backtracking (I guess it also helped that I already knew where most of the stuff was).

    Graphics are pretty good and I've got nothing to complain about in regards to the performance. Compared to RE1 HD it also played well with M&KB, thank god. The story itself wasn't one the best I've played but it certainly does the job and is entertaining. But it's all about the atmosphere the game delivers. There aren't that many jump scares (another plus) but you can always hear something sighing or other noises somewhere.

    Great game and I'm certain it will end up in my top 3 this year. Looking forward to REmake 3.
  16. The Walking Dead: The Final Season (PC) | 9.4h | April 01 | ★★★★
    What a ride. Definitely a step up from A New Frontier and probably my favorite season after season 1. I'm just glad Skybound Games stepped in after Telltale closed down and we got a proper ending to the story (for now?). Even though the ending was kinda mediocre
  17. A Bewitching Revolution (PC) | 0.5h | April 23 | ☭☭☭½
    Can't say I freed the oppressed with tarot cards before. Definitely recommended.
  18. Burning Daylight (PC) | 0.6h | April 23 | ★★★★
    "Just" a walking sim with a pretty good but weird story. You mustn't be afraid of 🍆 if you want to play this though.
  19. SEPTEMBER 1999 (PC) | 0.2h | April 24 | ★★★
  20. Love Thyself - A Horatio Story (PC) | 1.0h | May 01 | ★★★½
  21. Assassin's Creed (PC) | 10.7h | May 27 | ★★★
    I first started it on the Xbox 360 but never finished it, so it was about time. I honestly expected it to be worse as it is a 11-year-old game.

    Gameplay and mission design was boring but the graphics and story still hold up.
  22. Remember Me (PC) | 6.3h | May 28 | ★★
    Welp, that was a weird one.

    Let me start off with the things I actually enjoyed about this game: I loved the premise and setting and these two factors stayed consistently good throughout the game. The story started off strong as well but at some point (probably chapter 6) the pacing went to shit and with that, the story went off the rails.

    Alright, next (and worst) offender: the combat. I'm not even sure how to describe it apart from unintuitive, boring, and straight up awful. I think that was the first time I downloaded a trainer and activated unlimited health and one-hit-kills to make it bearable. Except for the god-awful boss fight in chapter 5.

    At least it didn't crash, I didn't experience any stutters, and it ran pretty smooth overall.
  23. KCD - A Woman's Lot (PC) | 9.9h | June 02 | ★★★★
    Finally a Kingdom Come DLC that I can recommend for its full price.

    You get two quest lines revolving about two of the main female characters in the base game and they're both damn well done and a nice change of pace and gameplay. In one, you play as Theresa in days that precede the epilogue of the main game. There's quite a lot to do and a lot of cinematic scenes that are pretty impressive.

    The other one revolves around Johanka. a girl from your village that now works as a nurse at the monastery in Sasau treating the wounded refugees. She experiences a theophany and you help her with consequences. Remember, we are in the 15th century and the church might not be keen to have some village girl talking about god and stuff...

    Of course, there is some cheesy writing in both of those quest lines and you still get the occasional bug like sometimes textures don't load properly but all in all this DLC is a great finale to one of the best western RPGs of this generation.
  24. Risen (PC) | 21.2h | June 16 | ★★★
    Felt like playing some euro jank RPG and Risen has been in my backlog for years. And. well: "Ask and it will be given to you" (Matthew 7:7). I asked for euro jank and I got euro jank.
  25. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (XGP) | 8.7h | June 25 | ★★★
    First game I played with Xbox Game Pass PC and also the worst of the new Wolfenstein games so far. The whole first part was utterly boring and the fact that you weren't able to walk and only had half of your life made it even more annoying. The gunplay was fun but the level design was weak for most of the game. Can't remember any highlight. The story itself was alright, I guess. I didn't care much about any of the characters and sometimes the game was just a bit too melancholic for my taste. Especially when B.J. started with his monologs. Also, the pacing felt a bit off towards the end.
  26. Songbird Symphony (PC) | 4.8h | Aug 15 | ★★★★½
    Incredibly cute and wholesome game with a suprisingly challenging rythm part. Some puzzles can be frustrating but that doesn't make the game any less enjoyable.
  27. DARQ (PC) | 2.2h | Aug 20 | ★★★½
    [*]The atmosphere and visuals were great but unfortunately the puzzles were a bit lacking. DARQ has some new and interesting mechanics but they were too easy overall even though there are literally no hints, tutorials, etc. Also, the game feels a bit short considering its price.

    But it's still a good experience and I'd recommend it to everyone who enjoyed Limbo, Inside, and/or Litlle Nightmares. But you might want to wait for a sale unless you want to show support for the dev's decision to decline an EGS deal.
  28. Metro Exodus (XGP) | 20.5h | Sep 02 | ★★★★
    I still don't think going open-world was the right move but despite being open world, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Especially since the areas are rather small and you get your typical dark and narrow passages occasionally.
    The gunplay is still great and scoring headshots when trying the stealth approach is still one of my favorite things in the Metro series. The sound design and graphics are top notch and the game performed quite well overall.
    But there are still some annoying bugs like you lose your suite upgrades after every level which can get kind of annoying.
  29. Gears 5 (XGP) | 12.2h | Sep 15 | ★★★½
    Yeah, it's "just" another Gears of War game which isn't necessarily a bad thing but everything about it felt a bit stale; no innovations, etc. Sure, the gameplay is still fun and while the graphics aren't amazing they are definitely more than serviceable. The story is what you expect from a Gears of War game: entertaining but forgettable.
    And I'll never understand why every game has to be semi-open-world now. Especially when you end up with such an incredibly empty and boring open world as in Gears 5. Also, the AI sucks. They get stuck, get in your way, and I ended up getting killed more than once because of them. So it might be better to grab some friends and play the game in co-op.

    This all might sound more negative than I intended it to be. The game is still fun to play and it was exactly what I was looking for when I had to decide what to play this weekend: just killing some stuff without thinking about it.
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
44. Swag and Sorcery - 05/14/19
Finished the main stuff at 13 hours. Unlocks an endless mode with plenty of achievements left but I'm done. It's not that great of a game with some real bad balance around grinding but since it's such a passive game I watched stuff and worked while playing. From the Punch Club developers which also had some bad grindy issues so it seems they didn't really learn their lesson. But at a certain point you largely can become impossible to lose so then it's just running the dungeons 50+ times each to finish it up. Not strongly recommended unless you really want something fairly mindless to grind away and just like numbers going up.

Kind of went into this on a whim due to the Giant Bomb quick look but definitely ready for something else. I've also been chipping away at Soulcalibur VI as I've finished the Soul Chronicle story mode and now just working on the Libra of Souls mode. But I'll probably pick up something a bit more focused shortly.


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
45. Quarantine Circular - 05/14/19
Finished in 90 minutes with not the ending I had in mind as I misjudged what one of my actions would do. This and Subsurface Circular are vaguely in the same universe but are just short stories that are largely just visual novels in gameplay with some puzzle bits to sort out. Of the two I actually liked this one more than Subsurface despite Subsurface focusing on robots and I sure do love robots. I just thought the storytelling and the story itself were much better in this one. It had less fluff but felt like some of the choices mattered much more. Which is true considering there's like ten possible endings vs the prior game having two based off of a binary choice at the very end. Cool stuff and I wish they put out more of these (except now they're doing the John Wick game).

I did want something more story focused and this sort of jumped out at me having gone through Subsurface Circular recently and enjoying that a fair bit. I also knew I could likely knock this out in a sitting so that was appealing, too. Time for something meatier next with deeper mechanics since everything I've been playing has been mechanically simple. I just need some sort of AAA game or whatever next. I'll pick something soon.
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Game #46 complete - Deep Space Waifu: World - Only took 70 minutes. Actually felt a bit simpler compared to the past one or two. Still just a dumb guilty pleasure since they're just fairly simple pervy shoot-em-ups but there's something about them that's just fun to play. With the silly, perv writing between levels it now just feels like a raunchy comedy at this point. Anyhow, all caught up on this amazing series now.

I had missed this when it came out. It's pretty much a gimme when it comes to games completed because I knew I'd get through it in roughly an hour or two. I've been working on a couple longer games so it was nice just knocking out something quick. Should have another game (or two?) completed this weekend.


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
47. Need For Speed (2015) - 05/18/19
Completed in around 15:05. Better than I expected but deserving of criticism. A fairly solid 7 out of 10. It has a decent feel to it and generally drifting around everything is good fun but the camera is too low, the world is kindly poorly designed and fairly boring, and the map/checkpoint system is frustrating. But the general driving was fun enough that I really had no issues going through the game and had a good time doing so with only a few events that felt like huge difficulty spikes. It does a better job than the Forza Horizon series in making me want to keep going due to story and unlock stuff as you go through it but that's about the only area where it improves upon that series.

For now I plan on sticking with Origin games as my main goal as I always forget to go back there to get through games I have through Origin Access. But I'll likely stick to my common pattern of getting through random quicker things between. Mirror's Edge Catalyst is next I plan to hit though I'm slightly tempted to jump right into Need For Speed: Payback. Both of those I plan to start up soon.

Edit: And I just noticed I have the last four posts. I post my updates to keep the thread bumped up occasionally and get some attention but maybe I'll just group my updates and keep my updates at least a week apart.


Nov 1, 2018

6 Hours

Funny. Anime. Dark. Creepy. Kafkaesque.
A very unique setting for a horror adventure with beautiful pixel-art and decent, but rather easy puzzles.
Would recommend.
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018

Finished Kingdom Hearts 3 last night and have to say that i really enjoyed the experience aside from the final chapter. I've not played a game that took control away from the player so often, damn it was annoying and really wound me up. Aside from that i've got two battle arenas and two gummy bosses to do before i pack it in, i'm not going for any of the mini-games and most certainly not the cookery one which i just can't figure out but i only made two or three attempts back when they were introduced and then ignored them.

All-in-all, I had a good time and i leave you with my trusty Gummy Ship and it's two mini-ships PopTePic Alpha & Beta. Enjoy.

Hot damn, that still makes me chuckle. Even after tens of hours it never got old.


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
Game #29 Done - Lego DC Super Villains - It's a lego game with everything that entails. You do create your own voiceless super villian and play them in some levels making it a little different. Lots of extra DLC levels though most are super short, some even just a boss fight.

Game #30 Done - Mad Max - Started this bought Rage 2 and have barely played the later. Good fun, remarkable car physics, it's like a cat. It always lands on it's feet. Fun story and blow stuff up.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
9 Clues 2: The Ward done as part of the Steam Spring Clean. It's a typical HOG so you know what you're getting but it's short at about 2 hours, very easy, and has a neat mechanic in a few scenes where you piece together the order of events. Some glitches with layering in cutscenes but nothing game breaking.
That's 64 HOGs done and approx 90 left to go according to my library categories. I might have a HOG problem but seeing as 90% of them were from bundles at stupid cheap prices i'm not bothered.


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
48. Mirror’s Edge Catalyst - 05/25/19
I’d place my enjoyment of this prequel right around what I felt for the first game. In some ways I even liked it better. Due to the open world nature between all the mission specific level design the pacing could be a bit off whereas the first game it was always cool to see what the next area would be. I also wasn’t into escaping from security in the open world areas. But overall I thought it played well, combat was improved, and it did have some really cool sequences and areas to get through. I played around 75% of the game without runner vision and I highly recommend it, but it did feel like it was designed for it as a few times I simply couldn’t figure out where to go for a while until I noticed some geometry that blended in too much. Good stuff and glad I got around to it.

For some reason I keep thinking I missed a game completion but probably not. I know there were a few recently I started but haven't finished yet. Eventually I'll get back to Soulcalibua VI. Next longer game I'm planning is Need For Speed: Payback. If I enjoy it I may just rush through that over this three-day weekend. Or squeeze in something shorter? Not sure just yet but Need For Speed I'll hop into next and go from there.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Zenge - Beautiful art, lovely tune, simple yet thoughtful sliding puzzles that gradually introduce new mechanics. Short at about 2 hours but i'm glad Spring Cleaning got me to finally restart and finish it.

A Bewitching Revolution - Short and easy to play "narrative" game with tasks. Reminded me of Blendo Games but without the cutscenes - Free and worth a go.


Overwhelmingly Positive
May 12, 2019
Main Post

#22: Assassin's Creed (PC) | 10.7h | 27 May | ★★★

I first started it on the Xbox 360 but never finished it, so it was about time. I honestly expected it to be worse as it is a 11-year-old game.

Gameplay and mission design was boring but the graphics and story still hold up.
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
49. Need For Speed: Payback - 05/27/19
Finished the story in 14 hours. This is a bit longer than average, I'm assuming, because I rarely used fast travel. I had a great time driving around in the environment and work on collectibles and the other activities (speed traps, jumps, etc.). This was a much better game than the FMV Need For Speed before it. I may poke through reviews to see what their complaints were because I just had a great time going through the story and zipping around the world. It wasn't perfect but I found it myself more invested than I have with the last couple Forza Horizon games. Those games do allow more freedom in driving everywhere but I simply had a better time in Payback. Oh, but I did mute the soundtrack and play my own music. Far too few songs and variety for a game of this length.

I kind of want to rush something, probably a short game, just to hit 50 games by the end of the month. Not that there's any real significance beyond ending the month on a nice number (and an average of ten games a month). I was thinking about jumping back into Agents of Mayhem but I might find something shorter to get through. And of course then I risk going over 50 games! Oh well.


Cthulhu dreams.
Apr 17, 2019
Okay I'll join this as I am really, really bad at finishing games and just jumping to new stuff. Here we go.

Last update: 28th of May 2019

Currently playing and want to finish:

Warframe - 480hrs | ongoing | enjoying it.
Watch Dogs 2 - 8hrs | sticking to story missions right now | enjoying it.
The Division 2 - 20hrs | taking a break right now | enjoying it, but starting to get grindy.

Failed to finish, stopped playing:

Ghost Recon Wildlands - 20hrs | stopped | enjoyed it but too much of the same.
Yakuza Kiwami - 3hrs | stopped | lost motivation for this kind of game right now
Sekiro: Shadows die Twice - 10hrs | stopped | Not enjoying it as much as other FROM games, also difficulty.

Finished in 2019:

VR games I have fun with currently:

Soundboxing - | my workout game |
Beat Saber - | fun but also lack of content |
HordeZ - | fun to let off steam, shooting zombies and mutants |

edits: Added VR games and some games I had forgotten :)
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Overwhelmingly Positive
May 12, 2019
Main Post

#22: Remember Me (PC) | 6.3h | 28 May | ★★

Welp, that was a weird one.

Let me start off with the things I actually enjoyed about this game: I loved the premise and setting and these two factors stayed consistently good throughout the game. The story started off strong as well but at some point (probably chapter 6) the pacing went to shit and with that, the story went off the rails.

Alright, next (and worst) offender: the combat. I'm not even sure how to describe it apart from unintuitive, boring, and straight up awful. I think that was the first time I downloaded a trainer and activated unlimited health and one-hit-kills to make it bearable. Except for the god-awful boss fight in chapter 5.

At least it didn't crash, I didn't experience any stutters, and it ran pretty smooth overall.


Vogon Poetry Appreciator
Sep 6, 2018
I must be one of the few people in the whole wide world who genuinely liked Remember Me's combat. To me it was fluid, fun and rhythmic. Plus the music during fights is dynamic, so the better you do, the cooler it sounds. I'd love to see more games implementing a musical system like that.
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
I must be one of the few people in the whole wide world who genuinely liked Remember Me's combat. To me it was fluid, fun and rhythmic. Plus the music during fights is dynamic, so the better you do, the cooler it sounds. I'd love to see more games implementing a musical system like that.
are you kidding me? i LOVE Remember Me ... it's SUCH a great game

in my eyes - DONTNOD haven't made a bad game yet ... quite the contrary - their games are getting better and better with each release!


Vogon Poetry Appreciator
Sep 6, 2018
are you kidding me? i LOVE Remember Me ... it's SUCH a great game

in my eyes - DONTNOD haven't made a bad game yet ... quite the contrary - their games are getting better and better with each release!
I wouldn't go that far. They peaked with LiS1, and Vampyr was inferior to both that and RM. In fact, I probably stuck with it till the end and did every side quest due to my love for Dontnod's previous games, because I got tired halfway through. I still liked it, but it was disappointing.

As for LiS2, I enjoyed episode 1 a lot, but haven't played the others yet.


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
Game #31 done - Rage 2- It's fine. Fun shooting and abilities. Boring and repetitive world and encounters. Built a world and filled it with Meh.


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
50. Fe - 05/31/19
Decent little platformer adventure thing. Loads of extra stuff to find if you're really into it but the path through the story is fairly linear in terms of pushing you to each next open section of the world. Controlled well and the stealth stuff is quite basic and usually frustration free. There's tons of stuff tucked away that require later abilities so it's almost better to just plow through the story and get all the songs so you can then clean things up. I mostly just plowed through it and only collected 22 of 75 crystals, 11 of the story orbs, and something like 91/150 wall panel things. It's just a low impact game that doesn't really stand out but also is fairly relaxing and a breeze.

And that completes a silly little meta goal I had set myself as I got towards the end of May and realized I could end the month with 50 complete. Admittedly I did just pick a fairly short game knowing I could knock it out but I had also always been wanting to try Fe since I saw it unveiled.

June is set up to be a PS4 catch-up month so while I'll likely play some PC stuff I've got a handful of games I'll be knocking out on PS4.
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Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
Game #32 done - The Bridge - Hand drawn puzzle game that shifts perspective and gravity at the same time. Great art, sound and design and while only 24 puzzles, new concepts are introduced often and serious thought is required when it comes to the last two puzzles.

Game #33 done - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Pew pew pew pew etc... Not sure why I played in the reverse order. It was creepy playing the Pripyat level right after watching Chernobyl on TV and having to defend the Ferris wheel.

Original Post


Dark Eroge Lord
Oct 9, 2018
Main post.

A long delayed update to my progress, mainly caused by my Warframe addiction (cured by Nightwave) and VN addiction (still uncured).

25. The Labyrinth of Grisaia (17½ hours)
The sequel to The Fruit of Grisia, Labyrinth spends most of its time showing Yuuji's past in the form of extended flash-backs. As I find Yuuji to be a pretty silly character (and find his background to be bordering on misery porn), I found this to be a significant step down from Fruit. However, the game also contains after-stories for each of the heroines in Fruit, all of which were very enjoyable, as well as a large number of disconnected sketches of varying quality.

26. Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~ (47 hours; ❤)
An utterly over-the-top bombastic visual novel featuring a great soundtrack, magic Nazis, a guillotine waifu, and more dramatic posturing and last-minute feats of strength than you can shake a stick at. It was a very enjoyable read, though it did spent much to long having characters soliloquizing about determinism and what have you. One nice thing about this VN is that the common route is free (with 4 routes split across 2 pieces of DLC), allowing you to experience a fair bit of the story before you have to open up your wallet.

27. Alien Shooter (1¼ hours)
I replayed this very old horde shooter since the developers inexplicably released an update recently. It was still a pretty meh game, with the latter entries being much improved over this title.

28. Dream Daddy (9 hours)
A game about a single dad dating dads. Filled to the brim with wholesomeness and dad-jokes. One route does leave somewhat of a sour note, since it involve dating a married man and since it is handled pretty poorly, but overall this was an extremely enjoyable read.

29. Hate Plus (7 hours)
A sequel to Analogue: A Hate Story, where it is finally revealed what took place on the lost colony ship, the Mugunghwa. Well worth reading if you enjoyed Analogue, but makes little sense if you have not already read that VN. One criticism that I will make, however, is that the villains of this story are far less believable than those of Analogue. However, I also think that Hate Plus does a better job of characterizing its side characters, so it is not all negative.

30. Muv-Luv (18 + 10 hours; ❤)

WARNING: The store page contains spoilers for Unlimited that are more enjoyable to learn on your own.

A two part visual novel, consisting of first two parts of the Muv-Luv trilogy, namely Muv-Luv Extra and Muv-Luv Unlimited. The first part is a very generic slice of life romantic comedy, in which the protagonist, Takeru, suddenly finds himself at the center of a love triangle between him, his childhood friend, and a woman who showed up out of nowhere. Extra is generally considered the worst part of the trilogy and while I enjoyed a good chunk of it, reading through every route ended up feeling like a slog.

Unlimited follows up Extra and starts off with Takeru waking up one morning, only to discover that his ██████████████████████████████. After being ███████████ by a local ██████████████, Takeru learns that █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████, a seemingly unstoppable ████████████. Takeru eventually starts training ██████████████████, in the hope of eventually ███████████████████████████████████ used to ███████████████, meeting up with ███████████████████████ his old friends and acquaintances in the process.

While Takeru is somewhat of a typical, obnoxious VN protagonist in Extra, Unlimited is where he starts to grow beyond that as a character.

31. Muv-Luv Alternative (29 hours; ❤)

WARNING: The store page spoils a lot about this series; don't read until you've played Extra and Unlimited.

The final entry in the trilogy.

Each copy of Muv-Luv Alternative comes with a free serving of PTSD.

32. Sabbat of the Witch (27¼ hours)
A very cute and very lewd visual novel. I started reading this as an attempt at self medicating during/after Muv-Luv Alternative, and while it did deliver on the saccharine in spades, it also had contained some surprisingly dark elements. However, Sabbat of the Witch isn't ready to embrace the consequences its own premise, and so you end up with some rather jarring tonal shifts that are quickly forgotten once the current drama is resolved. One route in particular stands out, Nene's route, since you cannot help but keep what you learned in mind while reading the other routes.

It would probably have made for a more consistent story if the authors had toned down the Monkey's Paw'ish elements and other such elements, and instead focused on keeping the story light hearted. The alternative, in which the authors went all in on the negative consequences of magic and inhumane side of Alps, could also have been interesting to read, but it would have been a very different story.

33. Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (6½ hours)
A luchador themed metroidvania. A fun game, but also one that did not handle difficulty particularly well. At some point it felt like the developers were just adding more unblockable attacks or making you do timed platforming, neither of which are forms of difficulty I find particularly enjoyable.

34. Okami HD (29¼ hours)
A Zelda-like using in which "tools" are used via a gesture/drawing system. Okami is a really pretty game, with great art and sound direction, but also a painfully slow one in a lot of aspects. I spent the entire game mashing my way through the painfully slow text dialog, including ones that pop up every time you pick up vendor trash. The game is at the strongest in the beginning, but ends up feeling drawn out towards the end.
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Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
Game #34 done - Void Bastards - Super fun and really intelligently made rogue-like. There are always clues and cues about what's around the next corner allowing you to prepare and minimise risk. It still does go really bad real fast on occasion! You'll hear the Juve's "wooooo" in your sleep.

Original Post
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Lost in VR
Jan 4, 2019
Ok, I'll try to keep a list of what I've played and actually finished.
My goals are just to play as many games as possible, unfortunately I also care about achievements, so I usually uninstall a game and move on only when all achievements (or at least the ones I'm going for) are done :dizzy-face:

1. Book of Demons: it took around 114 hours to complete all achievements. I finished the main story and most achievements with one character already last year, but I continued to play this all through January with different characters. I finished everything only last month (they mercifully changed the requirement for one of the achievements).

2. Life is Strange 2, Episode 2: I liked this episode overall, although I was pretty much against all the things that they forced me to do. Anyway, I'm really liking the dynamic between the brothers and I'm glad that so far Daniel seems to be a nice kid (I'm influencing him right!). However, I can't get as excited as I was with the original LiS and BtS, but I knew this coming in. I get way more invested in stories with a female lead or interesting female characters (especially if they're potentially gay). It took around 5 hours to complete.

3. Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions: lovely little puzzle game with a great esthetic. A little over 11 hours to complete every puzzle at the hardest difficulty.

4. Globesweeper: the triangle colossal puzzle made me almost lose my sanity. Great game. I clocked a little more than 59 hours.

5. Batman: The Enemy Within: I really liked what Telltale made with their version of Batman in the first game, which I think I prefer over the second. Although I loved what they made with Joker here.

6. Swag and Sorcery: it was a nice game, nothing amazing. It took a little over 19 hours to complete 100%.

7. Kingdom Rush Origins: I'm a fan of this series, it's pretty much more of what we got with the last 2 games. 26 hours so far, I still have some achievements left, I'll probably have another 3-4 hours before completing it.

8. A Plague Tale: Innocence: loved it, I wish we had more games like this one. Good story, good acting, likeable characters, short and to the point. On the easy side, gameplay-wise, but I find it more appropriate in these type of games. I'll have to complete some achievements that I missed. It took around 10 hours to complete, I'm guessing around 14 to get all achievements.

Still playing / have to complete:
  • Assassin's Creed Odyssey: I love the game, but dear god there's so much of it. I haven't completed the main quest yet or any of the DLCs, but I'm almost done with the side content! After 157 hours!
  • Shadow of the Tomb Raider: when AC:O came out last year, I just dropped this and haven't come back yet, but I almost finished the main story. I'll have to try and complete this soon-ish.
  • My Time at Portia: I really like this game, unfortunately it's extremely hazardous to my backlog, as I'm nowhere near the end and I've already sunk 81 hours into it.
Want to replay / complete achievements:
  • Prey (2017): I LOVED Prey, but I have yet to play Mooncrash or complete another playthrough with only Thypon abilities or no abilities at all. One day...
  • Dishonored 2: I started the second playthrough with Corvo to get the rest of the achievements, but I think I stopped around chapter 2-3. I completed the first playthrough with Emily (no powers, no kills, no detections).
  • Dishonored Death of the Outsider: I love everything that Arkane has made, but they kill me with the achievements that require multiple playthroughs!
  • Deus Ex Human Revolution: I played this on the Xbox when it was released, but I'd like to complete it on PC as well, finally playing it without the horrible yellow filter.
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider: I curse whoever decided to implement the Score Attack and the cards.
  • Tropico 5: I like the Tropico series, but I'm always 1 title behind. I finished 4 after 5's release, so I guess I'll finish 5 in the next few months.
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Overwhelmingly Positive
May 12, 2019
#23: KCD - A Woman's Lot (PC) | 9.9h | 02 June | ★★★★

Finally a Kingdom Come DLC that I can recommend for its full price.

You get two quest lines revolving about two of the main female characters in the base game and they're both damn well done and a nice change of pace and gameplay. In one, you play as Theresa in days that precede the epilogue of the main game. There's quite a lot to do and a lot of cinematic scenes that are pretty impressive.

The other one revolves around Johanka. a girl from your village that now works as a nurse at the monastery in Sasau treating the wounded refugees. She experiences a theophany and you help her with consequences. Remember, we are in the 15th century and the church might not be keen to have some village girl talking about god and stuff...

Of course, there is some cheesy writing in both of those quest lines and you still get the occasional bug like sometimes textures don't load properly but all in all this DLC is a great finale to one of the best western RPGs of this generation.


Lost in VR
Jan 4, 2019
9. Islanders: finished it last night. It's cute and relaxing and pretty short, as promised. The islands are varied, the choice in buildings are always the same across all maps, just the order varies slightly, so you get an idea of what to expect and plan accordingly. It took a bit less than 5 hours to get all achievements.
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
51. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End - 06/10/19
Completed on Hard in 16:57. Collected around 2/3 of the collectibles. Great game! Should really come as no surprise. As is usual with the series some of the later combat sequences were too frequent or felt never ending. And likely since I played on Hard there were a handful of encounters that were really annoying. That last fight, oof. But overall it did a great job tying everything together. Really not sure if I want to hop into Lost Legacy directly after or mix in one or two other things to reset myself. And I’ll probably just stick to Normal difficulty this time.

Forgot to post this update the other day. This is one of my two games I picked for June. I do have some others lined up in my mind but the other game I have on my list is The Lost Legacy so I'll be starting that up within the next few days and will likely be done with it by the end of the weekend. I do intend to at least start up some other PS4 games to go through, too.


Vogon Poetry Appreciator
Sep 6, 2018
Finished the final AC Syndicate DLC last night. It was 23:59, so technically it counts as yesterday. Enjoyed it a lot, and it's my favorite AC so far. The setting is great, and Evie might be the best character in the series, along with Haytham. Jaboc, on the other hand, was an insufferable prick and I was so glad that he barely appeared in the Jack the Ripper DLC. For the first time in this series I did every secondary mission (except some side activities like races and cargo escorts, which I didn't care for).
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
52. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - 06/15/19
Finished on its default difficulty in 6:17. A bit shorter than I had expected, but I didn't spend a lot of time in the optional, open areas. In many ways I liked this game more than Uncharted 4 with more interesting areas, less frustrating combat sections, and just a more interesting setting (Indian stuff is more interesting than pirate stuff). I wouldn't mind if they did another one with Chloe and Nadine as they were a good duo. And everyone talked about Lara and Kassandra's muscles but Nadine needs some love! Good time all around and glad I went back to finally play it.

That completes my pre-selected June games as both of the PS4 Uncharted games were the selections for this month. I do intend to keep the month more PS4 heavy so I have a good handful of games lined up as potential games to play. Mainly looking at Horizon: The Frozen Wilds, Taiko Drum Master, more DJMax Respect, (maybe) Bloodborne), and Yakuza Kiwami. And I'm sure there's others I have downloaded like Matterfall. I'll get to other stuff soon.


53. Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum Session! - 06/15/19
I'm considering this complete as it's a bit nebulous when a music/rhythm game is complete. Most in the genre that play credits do it after you've gone through each song once (either has a song list or a story mode that takes you through them). So I played through every song (75 songs including my two DLC) and also completed songs on multiple difficulties to get the 100 total clear trophy. That doesn't include replaying a song on the same difficulty which I did to complete the Bingo cards, too. Have 35 completed cards. It's a fun game and kind of relaxing only really needing to hit two buttons (four total when you have the large notes for bonus points). Decent song selection and the Bingo cards and ranked play give a good reason to keep playing beyond where I've stopped for now. Going to estimate I spent around six hours total doing everything so far.
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Overwhelmingly Positive
May 12, 2019
Main Post

#24: Risen (PC) | 21.2h | 16 June | ★★★

Felt like playing some euro jank RPG and Risen has been in my backlog for years. And. well: "Ask and it will be given to you" (Matthew 7:7). I asked for euro jank and I got euro jank.


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
54. Tetris Effect - 06/16/19
Spent around three hours going through most all the modes. I only skipped the series of relax modes that take you through three sets of levels with no risk of game overs. It's just more Tetris. And that's kind of the whole game and why I'm surprised people went so crazy for it. I finished the Journey mode and I thought it did more to mix things up and make it interesting. Other than being somewhat unpredictable your first time as levels speed up and slow down it's exactly what you would expect from any other Tetris release. It'll be something I'll load up periodically to maybe play through a mode once or go through a set of levels but I've already hit my limit after going through each mode. I did get an SS rank on one of the modes so I guess that's cool.

This was shorter than I expected and disappointing. It's nice clearing out yet more PS4 stuff but I just wish I had liked this more. Horizon: The Frozen Wilds is probably the next thing as I do need something a bit more substantial after Taiko and Tetris.


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
I'm always bummed when people don't like Tetris Effect, but the answer to the bolded is pretty simple.

Games that Tetsuya Mizuguchi (and his companies) works on live and die by their visual and auditory spectacle. If you don't gel with the OST and visuals of Tetris Effect, it's just a shitty Tetris game with a lot of bloomy, busy visuals. If you don't like Rez or Child of Eden's visuals and music, they're just mediocre rail shooters. If you don't like Lumines or Meteos' visuals or music, they're just mediocre tile-matching, Tetris inspired clones.

The music and audio are kind of his whole schtick really lol.
I've played and enjoyed essentially everything he's put out since Space Channel 5. But I've also played tons of Tetris over the years. At least with Lumines, Gunpey, and Every Extend Extra part of the enjoyment was learning how to get good at those games and learn their systems while also taking in the sights and sounds. And Rez and Child of Eden have more dynamic game systems on top of the visual and aural components to make them appealing.

I did enjoy some of the spectacle in the game but it also meant that I played roughly three hours of Tetris. When I've easily played 100+ hours of Tetris in my past it doesn't make for an exciting game. To be fair, Zone is a new concept and it does add a welcome change to the game to help when the playfield gets stacked (or just for bonus points), but it wasn't enough to make me gungho this time around.

I guess I'd kind of compare this to how most people preferred Space Invaders Extreme over Infinity Gene and I was the opposite. The former was more interesting visually (in most ways) but I preferred the latter because it felt different and new to actually play. Kind of a weird comparison but it may help explain my feelings on this.
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Watch Madoka
Nov 16, 2018
18. Final Fantasy 13: amazing, the characters are boring though.
19. Barkley Shut up and Jam: Gaiden: stupidly funny and entertaining, shame the sequel just died.
20. Red Comrades Save the Galaxy: a weird russian P&C that ends up being funny but can't really be appreciated without Russian history knowledge.
21. Katana Zero: a really good ride, the history ends in a really infuriating cliffhanger though.
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
55. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - 06/20/19 - Took around 14:55 to get 99.6% complete. Rather great game that's a lot of fun but also lacks a lot of polish and kind of just feels like a mash up of all the handheld Igavanias. Not that that's bad but just how it felt. I completed the vast majority of things such as all quests and completing a lot of the compendium stuff, or whatever it's called. I went back to get 100% and my timer is at 15:10 (which also included some other cleanup and item collection in the process). I won't bother with the completionist achievements right now but I'm not too far from having every shard. Anyhow, a good time!

I had started Horizon: The Frozen Wilds before Bloodstained so I should probably return to that to go through that completely. But I'm not sure if I'm in the mood now or if I want to do something else before going back to it. Hmm.

Game #36 done - Crackdown 3 - Bang, crash, it's crackdown. I quite enjoyed it after leveling up a bit, pretty average at low levels. For half the price of a AAA game, it's a decent deal. $1 gampass redeemed!
I had a real good time with Crackdown 3 earlier this year. I went through it on the hardest difficulty and I think that actually helped me enjoy it even more since getting more powerful felt necessary and often really influenced how I could make it through areas. It helped that death wasn't that punishing. I did end up completely cheesing the last boss after a couple attempts, though, by finding an area high above the arena to stand that nothing could hit me and I could take shots at the boss as it flew past. I ended up getting 100% of all the side stuff excluding orbs and vehicle stuff.

Guilty of Being

Dec 5, 2018
55. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - 06/20/19 - Took around 14:55 to get 99.6% complete. Rather great game that's a lot of fun but also lacks a lot of polish and kind of just feels like a mash up of all the handheld Igavanias. Not that that's bad but just how it felt. I completed the vast majority of things such as all quests and completing a lot of the compendium stuff, or whatever it's called. I went back to get 100% and my timer is at 15:10 (which also included some other cleanup and item collection in the process). I won't bother with the completionist achievements right now but I'm not too far from having every shard. Anyhow, a good time!

I had started Horizon: The Frozen Wilds before Bloodstained so I should probably return to that to go through that completely. But I'm not sure if I'm in the mood now or if I want to do something else before going back to it. Hmm.

I had a real good time with Crackdown 3 earlier this year. I went through it on the hardest difficulty and I think that actually helped me enjoy it even more since getting more powerful felt necessary and often really influenced how I could make it through areas. It helped that death wasn't that punishing. I did end up completely cheesing the last boss after a couple attempts, though, by finding an area high above the arena to stand that nothing could hit me and I could take shots at the boss as it flew past. I ended up getting 100% of all the side stuff excluding orbs and vehicle stuff.
14:55 to beat Bloodstained? Okay. I'm about 97% sure I'm going to buy this soon.