So what? They are literally a trillion dollar company, they have a huge profit margin on their hardware from customer .
So what? Epic is a billion dollar company. They have a huge profit margin on skins and dances that are relatively easy and cheap to produce. Who cares if they make three cents more or less per Fortnite Transaction. Their profit margins are already incredible.
You see, if you claim that "economical winnings" are irrelevant for Apple as an argument, than Epic's economical growth also needs to be irrelevant in a discussion.
Console manufacturers do not have huge profit margins on their hardware like Apple do.
I understand that it seems similar at first, but Epic isn't trying to establish their own Playstation Store in the long run. It doesn't take a lot of deductive reasoning to conclude that Epic's plan is to open up the App Store and to establish their own store.
My point is: You are comparing "apples" and oranges here, as we have two different situations. They only appear to be similar on first glance.
Loosing a bit of mtx money isn't equivalent to having to fight against competition trying to open their own distribution platform.
Where are am I missing the need to chicken little if a court compels this?
Because once Epic starts establishing their own iOS store things will get worse quickly. Piece of evidence: The PC Epic Games Store
I'm not an iOS user, but my understanding is that privacy and data security is a big feature and reason to join the apple club.
An Epic apple store would introduce app store exclusivity to iOS while giving Epic total control over security and privacy data on said store.
This would be a big breach in the feature set that makes the Apple and iOS brand. It would be significant damage to how people look at the Apple property and how people use it. And let's be honest here: Apple's success is due to marketing and brand position.
This Epic versus Apple conflict is not just about app money, it is also about control of the brand. This pillars is to important to be given up or shared with another party. After all this is Apple's most important asset.
I believe that a company has the right and privilege to dictate the future and messaging of the brand they invented. They can make their products and brands as "good" or as "bad" as they want to. As long as there is an alternative and strong competition.
There is an alternative to iOS, it is called Android and the brand that Apple invented belongs to them and no other third party should be allowed to mess with it.
As a consumer, I'd be wary about data protection on Apple devices should Epic be allowed to distribute apps on their own. After all many important apps would become exclusive with only one method to get them; a third party option without any kind of pro privacy stance.
A funny thought I had: The reason why we are having the iOS = monopoly discussion in the first place is because the PC market is free since forever and people got used to the idea that hardware shouldn't be bound to one operating system or to a single software distributor.
Epic is using that "image" to fight against Apple, while establishing themselves on the PC side with exclusives.