Community What are you currently playing?


All Systems Nominal
Nov 17, 2018
After finishing Watch Dogs 2 I needed a non Ubisoft collectathon so I started up Vampyr and I think I hate it. I'm enjoying everything except the combat. As soon as more than three of anything shows up I'm dead. I'm gonna have to walk away for a bit and come back and practice the combat, but I'm really not enjoying it at all.
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Ash, I think something was in those sandwiches
Oct 27, 2018
I've been trying to play less Warframe (starting to feel the randomly-generated quests bog things down again) and get back into more single-player games. I started Legend of the Dark Witch and I'm not great at Megaman-likes so its a learning experience with the genre .


Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
I've put 30+ hours into Enderal so far, and I'm highly impressed. Just wow, this is a legit great RPG and surpassed most RPGs released in the past few years.

The main highlight for me is I totally like the progression, that feeling of helplessness in early game where everything can wreck you easily. You have to run, but then you come back several hours later with better skills and gears to get your sweet revenge. The side quests are also very varied, from simple bounty quests to long, chained quests from important figures in the city. I love how your actions and dialogue choices directly affect the outcome of a quest and/or NPC relationship. For some quests, there are no clear 'good' or 'bad' choice, sometimes you have to make tough choices. And yeah, there's NPC relationship system in this game, they may like/dislike what you say so you have to keep that in mind, even in non-decision making dialogue. Economy is well-handled too, I always found myself looking for scraps and loots to sell, because I always need more money to learn skills and/or upgrade my gears. Enderal has also incorporated lots of QoL, fixes, and graphical mods to you barely need any mod to enjoy it. I do still install a few mods though.

The story is also interesting (it's a nod to a certain game's plot) and I can't wait to see and explore more.


Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
Playing Mega Man 11 and Battle Chasers: Nightwar.
I already finished Mega Man 11, but I am trying to aim for the top. And by that I mean unlock all the achievements.
I backed Battle Chasers during the kickstarter time, last week I decided that I should play it. It's really fun game, but it's a bit difficult in the beginning. I don't get any good equipment that matches my level. But once I got better weapons, it got somewhat easier. And also when Burst was available it got more easier :D


Mar 13, 2019
Finished Wolfenstein TNO last week, a perfect 8 / 10. Performance was a bit below than what I expected, but still, I had much more fun exploring its levels that I had in Doom 2016 and killing enemies was really fun. The game was really balanced and I happily used every gun from it. I might go for The Old Blood, but truth be told, if for some reason we get a sale on Wolf2 before I get to TOB I will probably start Wolf2 first.

Now I've jumped to AC Origins. Bayek is not Ezio, but damn he is a great protagonist so far. The quests are pretty dumb though, but are 'dumb fun', like the guy who supposedly is being charged a 'virginity fee' and has ran away from his 'spouse' to not pay it since he was scammed to marry her. Combat is pretty fun, deserts never looked this good and the RPG elements are working surprisingly well.

Other than that, F1 2018 and FM 2019. I struggled to start in both those games, but looking back I can see why. I started my F1 career picking Renault, and my FM19 by going with Crystal Palace, definitely not good teams to start up when you have zero knowledge about those games. I have then restarted both, now with Force India in F1 I managed to get 5/5 trophies, and won my first match and cup in FM19 with a non-licensed team from the Brazilian league.


Nov 14, 2018
After losing a bit of interest is Sam and Max Hit the Road...(sorry purists, it's not that great a puzzle game...funny, yep, fun, not so much if you don't know what to do) I tried, with trepidation, Apex Legends. I still have my right arm in a forearm wrist brace (the metal splint ones) but It looked so fun.

Never really played FPS games before. Never played a BR before. In short I suck. I love it, but it's a little saddening to always feel that you're pissing off your team-mates because you can't shoot for toffee...that's assuming that they don't disconnect. Of course there are some LOVELY people out there, and since I don't use a mic that's probably not helping people like me (I ping! I ping!)...had a couple of Russians (I think) really help me through and one guy was a total legend who gave me a Kraber and then proceeded to win the game basically on his own.

Trying to get a feel for the weapons. Trying to understand the attachment system (?). Trying not to piss people off by being an FPS noob. Trying not to make my arm/wrist hurt. And do people just like Wraith because of her hitbox? Because her specials just don't feel that good....and she gets mained a lot.

If there are any other terrible EU region people (and I'm bad) who want an extra friend let me know...Although I think I'm borderline addicted to this now.

Guilty of Being

Dec 5, 2018
I tried a bit Cultist Simulator, have no idea what I am doing or what I am supposed to do in the game
That's me in the majority of games, honestly. It's not that I'm dumb. I simply have this odd way of getting overwhelmed when a game is complex, especially at the beginning. I love a game that, as soon as you start, you know what you're doing. I remember years ago when I first played Dishonored, I played the whole game and never even realized all the updates and skills you could apply. I know that game isn't difficult with it's UI, but still, the fact remains: I like to start and go. ;)


Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
That's me in the majority of games, honestly. It's not that I'm dumb. I simply have this odd way of getting overwhelmed when a game is complex, especially at the beginning. I love a game that, as soon as you start, you know what you're doing. I remember years ago when I first played Dishonored, I played the whole game and never even realized all the updates and skills you could apply. I know that game isn't difficult with it's UI, but still, the fact remains: I like to start and go. ;)


별이 빛나는 하늘
Feb 28, 2019
I finished Death end re;Quest (though I still need to get true chars ending) and have been playing Atelier Ayesha. I also crawled back to FFXIV, so I’m gradually playing those two while waiting for Sekiro.
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Junior Member
Nov 2, 2018
Sekiro is killing my confidence each boss attempt. I would not have it any other way. Honestly I have no idea what I am going to play after Sekiro.


Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
I am kinda close to the end in Battle Chasers. The game is really difficult, but it is also that I have chosen Heroic difficulty when entering a new dungeon. For some reason on the current dungeon I am in I chose Nightmare difficulty. I thought that I could handle it, since it said very hard for me. It went well, until I accidentally entered a battle with two heavy hitting monsters. One of the monsters do over 4k damage to all characters!!! It had low HP left I thought I could take it out in this round, but nope. None of my remaining characters did enough of damage to kill it. And it was this monster's turn and of course it did the over 4k damage to all my characters which instantly killed my party.
Dying in Nightmare difficulty means that I have to start over the dungeon :( Else my party would just wake up again with full hp in the inn and can continue without any punishment
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Dec 19, 2018
Sekiro. work and life has not given me much opportunity to dive in like i would like. only just got to the blazing bull

Deleted member 113

I've been playing Grim Dawn, and I'm completely hooked. (y)
The game is a blast to play, pretty much the perfect crossover between Diablo 1 (and a bit of 2) and Titan Quest.
I usually struggle to play during the week, because I'm tired from work, but I've been putting 3 hours or so each day.

It's funny: the games I easily had more fun playing in the last 6 months were Hitman 2 and Grim Dawn. A big reason for my enjoyment of Hitman 2 was playing for the first time through the maps of the previous season, which I was unable to because my old PC had issues with the game (and Grim Dawn as well).

So, despite spending hundreds of € in games in the past 6 months, the most fun I had was with games that were in my backlog. :giggle:
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Lost in VR
Jan 4, 2019
I've been playing Grim Dawn again since the release of the new expansion, along with some Globesweeper here and there. I'll conquer the triangle colossal puzzle sooner or later!

I probably should continue My Time at Portia and finish the last 2 Telltale games I have to complete, Batman season 2 and Walking Dead final season...
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Mar 1, 2019
Division 2 and Sekiro currently. Not a good combo I must admit.
Feel like giving Pathfinder a spin after Sekrio. I need something less reaction heavy and the game is hopefully in a good state now.

Guilty of Being

Dec 5, 2018
I tried jumping back in RoR2 last night and just couldn't get it going. Went into RoR. Playing with a controller feels odd and mouse doesn't work; not sure how much I'll play of it. I started Owyn's Adventure last night and it was exactly what I needed to play after a long, hard, difficult week.


Dec 22, 2018
Wolfenstein II - The New Colossus
I had been holding off because I first got it when I had my GTX660 and it looked and ran like ass. But i've really sunk time into it the past few days, remembering why I like New Order so much.
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Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
One more dungeon in Battle Chasers then I have beaten game. Maxed level on two of my characters and soon a third one. I also unlocked all Burst attacks for all characters