But isn't there an EU rule that says that one EU country has to be able to buy goods from another EU country? How does that work with the German ban?
I would guess local country rules can over-rule EU rules. Rating systems are a protection system so probably take precedent over other rules. However take with a pinch of salt, as I am no legal expert.
Been playing Space Marine II recently. Lot of fun, however my biggest issue with it, is that it is more a remake of the first Space Marine. There is a bif threat you are there to take care of, but oops there is a second faction pulling the strings in the background
and oh dear it's the great Enemy again, Chaos. However it looks pretty and runs extremely well, especially considering what can be going on during gameplay.
However even with the Tyranids looking like massive swarms it somehow feels smaller than the first. I just can't quite put my finger on it. Another issue I have is that the game is kind of split in two. So there is the main story mode (which can be played as 3 player co-op) and a seperate 3 player co-0p mode (which can't be played solo). The co-op mode runs parallel to the story mode, with some important fights hidden in co-op mode. Just seems an odd story decision to make.
Not had a chance to try the multiplayer modes yet.
All in all it has been a great game and I am looking forward to where the story takes me, but I would still say that it is too expensive for what it is. Wait for a 20% discount (unless you really like 40K).
BTW, if you are new to 40K, here are a couple of videos to help out:-