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sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Blind, I hope you can pick up FETH soon because it's definitely my favorite release of the year!! Super interested to see which house you choose first :p
Me too! It sounds so good and being a huge fan of the series it's killing me that I haven't played it yet. I have done some brief skimming of the three different house choices and right now I'm leaning toward Golden Deer, but we'll see if that changes once I actually get my hands on the game.

Grabbed some feeding time pics and Tiny didn't appreciate it. Gave me the evil eye. :LOL:

Also Nash is starting to turn brown, but only from the shoulders down.



Apr 18, 2019
Rona update: After some x-rays and test and such, they determined it may be too difficult to get the whole tumor out as it is right now. It's dug in a little deep around her lymph nodes and might be attaching to the bone. So the plan now is to give her a couple of chemo pills (same as a human would get but in a tiny dose) to shrink the tumor and then go in for the operation. The vet thinks it's possible this drug could shrink the tumor up to half size!

She goes in tomorrow morning to get some bloodwork done to make sure her kidneys will be okay and if she passes that test then they'll give her the pills on the spot and we play the waiting game. Vet said the side effects are often like a human's (vomiting, loss of appetite, hair loss) though cats usually have less of a reaction. I tried explaining all this to her but she seemed less than interested



Apr 18, 2019
From what the doctor said she's gonna be okay even if the tumor doesn't shrink. They can totally do the surgery as is but the worry is that they won't get all of the tumor and it'll come back in a few years (like what happened with her first tumor). One way or another we'll get that thing off of her.


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
I'm starting to worry about Wren. He's been missing since last night and I've checked nearly every place I can think of. Of course that doesn't necessarily mean anything since the kittens are still a little afraid of people and probably wouldn't come to me.

So he hasn't eaten for a whole day now and these kittens are still far too little to be off on their own that long. :crying-face:

I have also been holding off mentioning Cookies since I've said before how she disappears for long stretches, but it has now been over two months. Roughly around the time I posted that last pic of her. She's a super smart and crafty kitty so I can only hope she found a new home. She's another that I'm going to miss a ton. Wanted to find her a family so bad..


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
I'm starting to worry about Wren. He's been missing since last night and I've checked nearly every place I can think of. Of course that doesn't necessarily mean anything since the kittens are still a little afraid of people and probably wouldn't come to me.

So he hasn't eaten for a whole day now and these kittens are still far too little to be off on their own that long. :crying-face:
dang ... hopefully he comes back soon :(

I have also been holding off mentioning Cookies since I've said before how she disappears for long stretches, but it has now been over two months. Roughly around the time I posted that last pic of her. She's a super smart and crafty kitty so I can only hope she found a new home. She's another that I'm going to miss a ton. Wanted to find her a family so bad..
maybe she already found one herself ... we can only hope :)


Apr 18, 2019
Also Rona got her chemo pills today, not much new to report other than she's been hiding under the bed in the office and snoozing all day, which isn't unexpected. They said she'd be extra tired the next few days. She's got an appointment in three weeks to see how much (if any) the tumor shrunk.


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Also Rona got her chemo pills today, not much new to report other than she's been hiding under the bed in the office and snoozing all day, which isn't unexpected. They said she'd be extra tired the next few days. She's got an appointment in three weeks to see how much (if any) the tumor shrunk.
I'll be hoping for that best case scenario where it shrinks to about half the size! 🤞

And still no news about Wren.. another day without him around. I really hope he's okay and comes home soon.

In happier (funnier?) news, Wally has been going through a wave of emotions today after getting his first collar. He spent a couple hours running all over the house and now he's currently pouting, which was honestly what I expected would happen right away. Mitsy and Rocky are handling theirs better so far.

Rocky is the surprising one. Mitsy is usually unfazed by most things.. well, that and super lazy. :LOL:


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
I found Wren.. I don't know how much more I should say. I'm just so.. I don't know. The first kitten Bubbles brought home and now he's gone.

I'll miss you Wren. :crying-face:
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sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
nooooooooooo :(

i'm so sorry to hear that, man :( always sucks when it happens :( hang in there!
Sorry to hear it. :cry:
Thanks. :cat-heart-blob:

I'm doing a little better now.. well, other than the not being able to sleep part I suppose, but emotionally I'm in a better spot. Had to take a break for a while earlier where I just broke down.

I've talked about it before in the mental struggles thread that I try so hard to protect all of them and I know I can't. I'm not a machine and I'm not perfect.

It's always horrible, but it's so much worse when it's a kitten and even worse still when it's one that was just starting to warm up to you. :(

Sorry for kind of bringing the thread down for a bit. I'll hopefully come back with some happier news and pictures soon.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
blindrhythm Oh no, Sorry to hear about Wren especially as he was one of the first to get their lovable claws in you. You do your best and give these Cats a much better life than they would have had and you said one of your other Cats brought Wren to you so it must be good around your place!
Hang in there! :cat-heart-blob:


Apr 18, 2019
So I have another Rona update but I'll warn ahead that it's not good news and I'll put in spoilers for those that are sensitive, and they can just enjoy the pics below.

Took Rona to the vet yesterday and we were concerned because the chemo treatment didn't seem to do much and her tumor has actually grown. The vet did some checking and discovered that it has grown approx 3-4x in the six weeks since we took her in, which is extremely aggressive especially considering she had a chemo treatment.

She said that the tumor has also grown inside and is now bonded onto the bone on the side of her face and her jaw and that it is also pressing on the optic nerve for the eye on that side, so that eye is now blind and could possibly be pushed out given enough time. She said it is still operable but whens she detailed the procedure it's just not something we can do. It'd be a trip out of state for surgery and 3-4 weeks of radiation treatment with only a chance of working...and a 90% chance of the cancer returning.

So we've decided that she's going to go on an end of life painkiller and we'll get it on a week by week basis and just keep her happy until the end, It really sucks but we've had her for three great years and for a cat with cancer this aggressive that gave her two giant tumors, living to 10 is better than expected. I'll still miss her though.

We started her on the painkiller today and she's already feeling much better. Came out from her hiding spot, is eating more normally, and even played with a toy. So in the end I think this is the best way to keep her going for now.

Now for the pics!

Miss Rona coming out of her hiding spot and looking as regal as ever

Rona at the vet after she got her meds. She thought she was all the way in her carrier and ready to go, too stoned of a kitty! :LOL:



Sep 19, 2018
So I have another Rona update but I'll warn ahead that it's not good news and I'll put in spoilers for those that are sensitive, and they can just enjoy the pics below.

Took Rona to the vet yesterday and we were concerned because the chemo treatment didn't seem to do much and her tumor has actually grown. The vet did some checking and discovered that it has grown approx 3-4x in the six weeks since we took her in, which is extremely aggressive especially considering she had a chemo treatment.

She said that the tumor has also grown inside and is now bonded onto the bone on the side of her face and her jaw and that it is also pressing on the optic nerve for the eye on that side, so that eye is now blind and could possibly be pushed out given enough time. She said it is still operable but whens she detailed the procedure it's just not something we can do. It'd be a trip out of state for surgery and 3-4 weeks of radiation treatment with only a chance of working...and a 90% chance of the cancer returning.

So we've decided that she's going to go on an end of life painkiller and we'll get it on a week by week basis and just keep her happy until the end, It really sucks but we've had her for three great years and for a cat with cancer this aggressive that gave her two giant tumors, living to 10 is better than expected. I'll still miss her though.

We started her on the painkiller today and she's already feeling much better. Came out from her hiding spot, is eating more normally, and even played with a toy. So in the end I think this is the best way to keep her going for now.

Now for the pics!

Miss Rona coming out of her hiding spot and looking as regal as ever

Rona at the vet after she got her meds. She thought she was all the way in her carrier and ready to go, too stoned of a kitty! :LOL:

I'm so sorry 🤗