|OT| Elden Ring - Foul Tarnished, in search of the Elden Ring

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
What level are people getting to when you beat Godrick? Coz i find it very tough at around level 20.
I beat him around level 35. Did you already went to the Weeping Peninsula? It's the big island that south of Limgrave.


Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
I noticed that many overworld bosses only spawn at night. And they usually drop a unique treasure/charm/weapon. So I suppose I'll have to stop waiting the nights out at Grace Sights.
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Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit.
Nov 16, 2018
Jakarta, Indonesia
What level are people getting to when you beat Godrick? Coz i find it very tough at around level 20.
I think around 25 maybe. After Gordick I keep heading north but feels like I'm going the wrong way level wise looking at the enemies and bosses. So I started heading south and found the enemies much more easier. I think I'm overleveled when reaching Morne. The boss there was pretty weak.

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
Hmm not sure. I see an island on the map but haven't tried over there yet.
The enemies there are balanced around level 20, so if you find Liurnia enemies hitting hard try going down there first.

Edit: I found an interesting weapon in Caria Manor, it's the Sword of Night and Flame and it needs 24 in FTH and INT. It looks so cool that I'm contemplating investing in INT now, and even if I don't like the weapon I still could use some INT because some miracles incantations also need it.
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Joe Spangle

Apr 17, 2019
I think around 25 maybe. After Gordick I keep heading north but feels like I'm going the wrong way level wise looking at the enemies and bosses. So I started heading south and found the enemies much more easier. I think I'm overleveled when reaching Morne. The boss there was pretty weak.
Yeah i did Morne. Agreed.


Apr 19, 2019
I'm at Liurnia right now, around level 50, and looking desperatly for the damn key. I can't seem to find the island the corpse's map points to, no matter how hard I look. The good news is I've collected all the overworld maps and completed ~50% of the dundeons/bosses in the area.

I think around 25 maybe. After Gordick I keep heading north but feels like I'm going the wrong way level wise looking at the enemies and bosses. So I started heading south and found the enemies much more easier. I think I'm overleveled when reaching Morne. The boss there was pretty weak.
Instinctively most people go towards the castle in the beginning but I think the southern peninsula is the first zone you should clear, at least most of it, as I found the enemies and bosses to be the lowest level/threat in the game.


Dr. Boom Boom
Oct 17, 2018
Quebec, Canada
Divine Tower of Caelid is not my favorite place... climbing up the tower and then back down once inside makes me uncomfortable o_O

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Divine Tower of Caelid is not my favorite place... climbing up the tower and then back down once inside makes me uncomfortable o_O
I noped the fuck out of there once I reached the bottom :cryingwhyblob:
Currently trying to understand if I’m theoretically able to beat
Baleful Shadow
any input appreciated. This thing is a beast.

I really lack range with my poor Swornlord Longsword.


Junior Member
Dec 4, 2018
Ha! Fringefolk Heroes Grave finally cleared! (Still haven't visited Godrick lol) :longswordblob::longswordblob::longswordblob:

That stupid chariot!! Omg it felt so good to smash it at the end. Also, a really powerful charm is here, so be sure to explore this place folks.
Well done!

Bad news there's another one later that I have up on. That chariot can die in a fire.
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Dec 5, 2018
I went back and explored the area of East Limegrave and the area to the south and yes it's pretty clear that tha is where I should have started exploring. Heck, the game keeps throwing me random tutorials for things that I have already seen.


Plays too many card games
Nov 18, 2018
On vacation for a couple days and constantly thinking about those damn wizards that were messing me up before I left. I'll get you Wizards!!


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
The latest patch fixed my controller issues, I can now play with my DS4 via DS4Windows without having to disable or unplug my other controllers, hurray:blobcheer:

It still causes Steam to pop up the PS3 controller thing, Steam input itself and no other game ever do that, but whatever as long as it actually works as it does...


Oct 24, 2018
I need to go back to exploring the open-world because with the dungeon I just cleared I think I'm entering the last stretch of the game and I don't want it to end lol. I spent 10 hours in Limgrave alone before beating Margit. I'm sure there's enough stuff left in the few areas I haven't fully explored to keep me going for at least twice that long.
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Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
I just beat Rennala and the fight was so cool! Now I can respec my character, so I just changed some status to be able to use the Sword of Night and Flame and that weapon is so OP lmao.
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Burn baby burn🔥🎵
Dec 9, 2018
I was wondering why I don't see summons anymore, but realized NPC Rogier gave me Rapier +8.
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Le Pertti

0.05% Game dev
Oct 10, 2018
Paris, France


Apr 19, 2019
This is a bit of a tangent regarding ER but if you liked ER consider giving Outward a chance. It's a much more budget open-world souls game but it does a lot of interesting things and most of them really well, plus I just noticed it's verified for the Deck (hence why I decided to post this).

On topic, still exploring Luirnia trying to find the key, still getting absolutely destroyed by crustaceans but at least I found the area dragon, got it to half hp mistimed a dodge and got one-shot... maybe I should invest a bit in raising my hp.
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
I get rolled over pretty much any boss I encounter right now. Considered dropping the game but I see I may have a fighting chance NW of the capital, in some big fort.

I also don’t know where to put my points now that my health is at the soft cap. Stamina is always appreciated, I’m melee after all. Strength is 30 but could be better. I have trouble understanding my build.


May 14, 2020
So uh, if you get disconnected from the server mid-fight, your enemies will regain all of their health, but you don't regain any flasks you spent in the fight. That's fun. Especially when you're in the middle of trying to retrieve a level up's worth of runes, you're fighting a tough enemy, and you get disconnected with 1 flask left and the enemy 1 hit from death. :suicide-blob:
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old school cool
Nov 1, 2018
I don't want to get real involved in any discussion until I'm satisfied that I've discovered and completing everything I can rationally complete within any reasonable timeframe, so it's going to be a while before I can really really chat about Elden Ring too specifically.

There are still very many areas I want to get to, like
How do I get to the upmost level, TOP of the ruins in the one underground river area (the first one players are likely to get to)
? I'll leave that to myself to figure out, but I've been thinking it must be
a THIRD underground entrance in the vicinity, I used the 2 keys to get in the second one.
There are a lot of areas that are on top of other areas that it's fun to try to figure out how to get to. Same deal with various islands, some of which I got to, and others I have not yet. That particular aspect is similar to trying to climb the towers in BOTW, only this time you're rewarded so much more.

My main objective has been in exploring as WIDE an area as I can, and acquiring maps. I believe I have all of the continental maps except 2 or perhaps more if the game is yet EVEN bigger. But then in recent days I doubled back to exploring the areas within the areas I've already scouted, and that has been amazing, jumping from significant thing to significant thing. There's just so so much fun stuff to see and do. To keep it vague I've killed 2 of the main bosses without much problem, and many of the sub bosses, due to my time in exploring and probably Dark Souls experience generally.

I do feel like it's easier than the other Souls games, but that's fine. It's still challenging enough to be interesting, but I don't get anywhere near as much of that 'do I dare risk it?' feeling that I got from any Souls game. Some, and certainly more than other games, but not too much.

But yeah it's definitely one of the all time GOATS. I tried to rationalize it (partially so I didn't just abandon reality, skip work, and only just play the game), but it's kind of all I want to do in my entire life right now. Realistically measuring it, compared to other recent games (recent years) I loved, Elden Ring is just among the best of the best.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
I'm now quite spelled up as an Astrologer but i keep getting wrecked by stuff so i keep exploring and avoiding things. I've gome South East a fair bit and a fair way North too until some assholes wrecked me with MASSIVE arrows. Time to go back to the start area and git gud with my new toys like a HUGE magic greatsword but it has a slight delay so if i mistime things i get WRECKED. Going to wreck some mini-bosses in the start area for my git gud practise.

It's been good to know that my Xenoblade and ELEX skills in running and sneaking past higher levelled bad guys to get to areas is paying off. lol.
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Slow but good day, less raging, more grinding, while exploring at the same time.

The achievements stats are strange, so few people having progressed where I am. I understand that some people take their time, but on the other hand I’m not rushing on purpose. I just beat a 2% boss. Optional, surely, but still. He is not hidden at all. I would guess the third boss is a skill check that may explain the stats dropping after him (he is at 10%).

In my mind the game is far harder than other souls, but it may be partly explained by the non linear progression. In Souls and Souls-like the linearity can be an advantage. You know you have to go there, and if you don’t succeed you, ugh, git good or grind.
In Elder Ring it is entirely possible and even probable that you end up banging your head against a wall while not understanding that there is a path of lesser resistance elsewhere.
But even then, I find that since Sekiro (maybe Dark Souls III as I didn’t play it) From has upped the ante in the boss difficulty. Most of them hit like trucks and they leave very little, the minimum, breathing room to the player. Fights are short, very difficult, and savage.

I’m… still trying to enter the capital. The door guy is a dick :cryblob:


Jan 26, 2019
I love the damage output of my 60 intelligence sorcerer, but thinking of doing some levelling to get better mind and vigor stats. Did anyone find a good rune farming strategy for a level 50 character?

Joe Spangle

Apr 17, 2019
I'm making good progress. I find it so far on a par with DS3 but maybe that's because of accumulated experience in Souls games. DS1 was the hardest for me (and i think still the best). I'm about level 35.

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
I love the damage output of my 60 intelligence sorcerer, but thinking of doing some levelling to get better mind and vigor stats. Did anyone find a good rune farming strategy for a level 50 character?
There are some spots in Caelid. Did you already killed the big mom dragon there? It gives a lot of runes there is also the the boulder trap near a tower, jump on Torrent and when the boulder spawns just not get hit. It should give around 1900 runes, still near that place at night a Night Cavalry spawns, killing it should give you around 40k runes. All these are near the Lenne's Rise site of grace.
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Oct 31, 2018
What cure spells exist? Wiki I can only find two that have the word cure in them.

Also does this has the same save trick you can do to see all three main endings? What is the point of no return?
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I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
I love the damage output of my 60 intelligence sorcerer, but thinking of doing some levelling to get better mind and vigor stats. Did anyone find a good rune farming strategy for a level 50 character?
I still haven't found a better rune farming spot than the very first one I used: the bonfire before Godrick. Get up, kill the giant and the 2 guys with him, rinse, repeat.. I can do a bit over 2000 runes/minute there, but it's rather mind-numbing.
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Oct 31, 2018
I have over 70 hours and only 5 achievements. I really like the open world and hate it at the same time. I can't pin point really why this is the case, considering I found BoTW to be dull and boring.

Li Kao I honestly don't know where all the achievement bosses are as I am pretty sure I 100% southern and middle region and Mostly thru NW.

I did spend time entering summoning pools which is neat as you can be literally anywhere and help people. I have over 100 arcs heh.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
As for farming spots, I have discovered three of them.

Early-ish game
First one, following D's questline you can go visit the uh,
clerical beast, I guess.
Get out of the building, obviously avoid the giant motherfucker, then go ham on the black ninja gnomes. They can be tricky, you may need to be a certain level, but 1000xp a pop. Do the whole plain and profit (avoid the group of three of them in the south east, unless you want to suffer).

Much later in the game
questline, you discover the
city of Nokstella

Second farming spot is cleaning a big zone full of slimes and ant riders there. The riders are tricky hot but doing the full zone can easily net you 20,000+ or something.

Third spot, at the start of the same zone. I discovered I had forgotten some stairs that leads eventually to two rooms full of slimes. You just hit the jackpot in the profit / difficulty department. Basically kill one electric slime in the group, fall back, and enjoy the chain reaction. Rinse and repeat. 5-10 minutes, very minor difficulty, 30.000+ runes.
Come to think of it, the third spot renders the second void I suppose. Much less danger and quicker.