Elden Ring might be coming to EGS at some point.
Speaking of their Roblox wannabeFreebies helped them juice the numbers to persuade sony, lego and disney to waste vast amounts of cash on their roblox wannabe

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Their metaverse numbers are downright grim considering the massive investment.
This is a good article that directly compares Roblox to Fortnite in the context of the metaverse. The gist is the Fortnite audience primarily cares about Fortnite the shooting game and not non-shooting game modes that only have the Fortnite branding. In comparison, Roblox has been able to diversify its gameplay experiences and is seen as a sandbox and more of a social hangout place. I've never actually played Roblox, but I think it's basically Garry's Mod but amped up to 11.