True, but the devs will still have to sign off on that, which could thus cripple future profit. And what happens if Epic hasn't made back the money they spent pre-purchasing units for their exclusivity that first year? Do they just wipe the slate clean at that point, or pay these devs ON TOP of that amount? I mean, I guess it might be a good deal to keep having a company pay you for games people may or may not ever play (and how many people are actually playing these free games and not just collecting them just to have?). At some point you're going to need people to actually play your game to build an audience for the future.
I think it's pretty safe to assume that the EGS isn't paying for itself. Not with the massive amount of bribes, "free" games, "development" costs and small earnings of way under 12% after you substract all costs.
I don't know how long or how much more money they are going to spend, but one thing seems to be clear: they are willing to loose big amount of cash just to establish themselves AND to hurt Steam.
So to answer your questions: they'd only take games that sold well on their store in the first place. Despite the propaganda, epic dient care about developers. The state on this games is already clean there and it makes sense because those are the games that would probably also sell a nice margin on Steam, even a year later.
Those developers might not even care, one year later. Their game is probably not even selling on the EGS at this point in time. A second, guaranteed pay check from epic might be more interesting than a further chance to compete on the free market.
I agree, I think taking epics money is a short term win. No matter the time frame. Especially for big titles.
But this whole EGS operation isn't the best thought out thing ever. It's rushed, not thought through, badly executed etc.
As you said, at one point in the future you will need loyal costumers, both as epic and the Dev studio.
But you're thinking to much like a rational person from a costumer pov.
Just think: I have money, costumers are sheeps and forget easily, I hate Steam.