|OT| Genshin Impact - Breath of the Elements


"Let's Positive Thinking"
May 28, 2021
With Abyss reset soon I went through it yesterday and was trying something new.
I basically went through all of it with this setup:

I've been casually working on my Fischl/Beidou/Xingqiu/Sucrose team for a while now and wanted to know how far I could get this time.
Last time they had an easy time with floor 9 but started struggling at floor 10. This time they brought me all the way up to 12-2 with a total of 33 stars, but couldn't handle 12-3.
There's neither a proper healer nor a proper shielder on that team, so once they don't output enough damage to just curbstomp things, it gets rough. (Xingqiu thankfully alleviates some of it, but not enough). Still not finished with that team, so there's room for improvement, the biggest being getting C6 Fischl.
Some other observations: The ice cube was rough as well, enemies with only short windows of vulnerability aren't that great with this team. The small vishaps are annoying as hell.
I'm happy though that I can now run Abyss without Diluc. Get benched :evilblob:
...Hopefully it will still work after reset 🤞
hypercarry team is absolutely broken for abyss, can't believe how braindead that team is. I've done one side in like 40 seconds with the 1st team you have.
Tho Idefinitely prefer nuking one side with eula and 2nd with ganyu but to think there's such an easy f2p option makes me really happy.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
It's a lot of fun, tons of numbers everywhere, lol. I should probably invest in Sucrose after I'm done leveling Beidou's artifacts. She's the worst geared character in this team by far despite technically being the on-field DPS :whistle:
I wonder how well that team works with Raiden instead of Fischl. I feel like C6 Fischl might have still the edge due to the A4 passive that is doing a lot of work here, but below C6 I'm leaining towards Raiden. We'll have to see :evilblob:
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Tried the new abyss today. Was initially annoyed that they now also put the pyro cube into floor 11 (first half has the cryo cube, second on pyro) but it wasn't an issue.
The new floor 12 though. Utter garbage.
I've literally only tried the first half of 12-1 and am already considering just not bothering. The amount of HP the mobs have is just bullshit. I can probably do it, but man. Fun it is not.


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2020
I cleared the last abyss but I didn't get all the stars. I'm guessing I probably shouldn't even bother with this new floor 12 then eh? lol

I'm slowly going through handguard hell to max my Ayaka. It's soul crushing trying to get all those gold handguards.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
For the record: I've never cleared Abyss with full stars. My best for the last floor 12 was 6 stars I think.
I'll probably try again next weekend before it resets, by that time my Fischl/Beidou/Xingqiu/Sucrose team should be stronger. Though I think not having C6 Fischl really holds me back here and I might still have to do it with Diluc/Bennett/Xingqui/? (last spot is usually Zhongli but I feel like I want him on the 2nd side against Maguu Kenki with my Ganyu team.... I need a second Zhongli :/ )


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
I quit doing abyss (even back when I was playing basically daily) since it was the least fun part of Genshin for me. I just don't enjoy playing characters that aren't in my main party.

Thank you, I'll see what I can do :)
FWIW, I've also been grinding that cube, and also for leveling Jean, so I'd be happy to help you out if I'm online.
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Starlit Entity
Aug 20, 2020
I quit doing abyss (even back when I was playing basically daily) since it was the least fun part of Genshin for me. I just don't enjoy playing characters that aren't in my main party.

FWIW, I've also been grinding that cube, and also for leveling Jean, so I'd be happy to help you out if I'm online. ([Hidden content])
Thank you! :) Although could it be you aren't on the EU servers? It says UID doesn't exist :/


Starlit Entity
Aug 20, 2020
Seems like it, here it is from in-game [Hidden content].

Also I'm playing now for probably the next hour or so if you want help with the cube ;)
Okay got you now! :D And thanks for the offer although I noticed Co-op Mode is locked for me at the moment until I continue some quests 🙈


None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
I've never really done Spiral Abyss. Mostly cuz I was slower with levelling and such and I never really bothered. But I might do it more often now that I've got a squad up to max ascension.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I love Yoimiya as a character, but she's not fun to play :cryblob:
It's a shame. I really like her character and design, but yeah she wasn't fun to play.
Her banner characters are apparently Sayu, Diona and Xinyan btw.
Don't use Xinyan and Diona, so that's a meh for me, but it doesn't really matter cause Raiden is calling anyway.
I was expecting Xingqiu and Xiangling for Yoimiya though.... So Raiden might have them then.... And i have them both at C6...


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Man I want Raiden now :frogbongo:
Her kit seems really good and her animations are just fantastic.

I finished the available main story this week and I quite enjoyed it overall. Definitely looking forward to the rest. Ritou's still the one thing I consider disappointing. In retrospect it makes a lot of sense thematically, but it was still kinda annoying.
Did a lot of exploration and side quests as well. Inazuma continues to be fantastic in that regard. Still have a bunch of things to find and some world quests to do!

I ascended Sucrose to 80/90 and went farming for some EM Venerer pieces, but I think I'll be dropping that endeavor and go back to the Inazuma domain. I still need at least to Emblem of Fate sets, one for Xiangling and one for Raiden. Potentially one for Xingqiu as well, but I think I should move him to 4p Noblesse. :thinking-blob:


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2020
After I still didn't finish the quest to enable co-op again I got kind of frustrated and managed to beat the Wind Cube by sheer will and with Jean at Level 50 I actually made it! 😃

Good work. Are you having trouble finishing the quest that's blocking your co-op?


Dec 21, 2018
Ended up rolling on Yoimiya's banner despite definitely being annoyed by her downtime in the trial.
Got Diona to C6, Xinyan C1 and Sayu, but no Yoimiya. Guess that will be it for her banner, not much luck but decent enough to get a new char. :shrugblob:


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
No Sayu for me. Pulled 13 times, got 1 surprise Xingqiu (C8 now...) and a Xinyan dupe.
Not gonna risk more, so that's it until Raiden.


More Yellow 🤷‍♂️
Dec 31, 2018
I'm gonna roll for Sayu when I get home tonight, I already farmed for resources to bring her to lvl90 and her talents to 666, I'm far from pitty so I'm hopeful that I won't get the fireworks girl.


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
I just did the character trials. I really didn't intend to roll on this banner but I love Sayu's kit. Shouldn't be that hard to get a 4* right? (ideally even C1)


More Yellow 🤷‍♂️
Dec 31, 2018
I just did the character trials. I really didn't intend to roll on this banner but I love Sayu's kit. Shouldn't be that hard to get a 4* right? (ideally even C1)
Technically yes, should be easy, but......

I did watch some guy waste more than 75 wishes trying to get Rosaria C0.

I personally didn't had any problems getting Yanfei or Rosaria.


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
Oh my god she's another Nectar character.

I have a level 90 + level 10 talents Ganyu, a level 90 Keqing and a level 80 Sucrose, and I've also leveled Solar Pearl.

I don't think I've grinded anything else even half as hard as Nectar. Well. at least I'm used to it I guess.


More Yellow 🤷‍♂️
Dec 31, 2018
God fucking damnit, got Yoimiya @ 20 pulls, Sayu @ 30 pulls and Sayu C1 @ pulls.

Probably gonna miss Baal :cryblob:


Dec 21, 2018
I just did the character trials. I really didn't intend to roll on this banner but I love Sayu's kit. Shouldn't be that hard to get a 4* right? (ideally even C1)
At the rates the 4* are going, it's 50% on their pity, then 33% of that to get Sayu. it's not that likely.
I've seen people rolling 100+times and not get the 4* they wanted.
At least you got her already, because that mus sting... especially when you don't want the 5*.

Also, I'm at 65 to pity, I didn't even realize I was already so high from getting my Yanfei dupes last banner :fearful-face:
I just hope Riaden will have good 4*. Sara is new, but if she gets Barbara and Noelle again or something, then I won't roll...


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
At the rates the 4* are going, it's 50% on their pity, then 33% of that to get Sayu. it's not that likely.
I've seen people rolling 100+times and not get the 4* they wanted.
At least you got her already, because that mus sting... especially when you don't want the 5*.

Also, I'm at 65 to pity, I didn't even realize I was already so high from getting my Yanfei dupes last banner :fearful-face:
I just hope Riaden will have good 4*. Sara is new, but if she gets Barbara and Noelle again or something, then I won't roll...
Here's a chart showing how long it's been since a 4* has been on banner: (taken from the Era OT, I dunno the source)

We know that Sara will be on Raiden's banner and I expect Xiangling as well since it has been ages, and then either Noelle, Xingqiu or Beidou probably.
It won't be ideal for me anyway, because all of these I have at C6 already, except Noelle who is C5. So yeah.
I can only hope I get lots of Sara's and/or win the 50/50.


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
At least you got her already, because that mus sting... especially when you don't want the 5*.
I didn't get her actually, I read up on her being a Nectar-leveled character and that gave me pause.

But I think I'll still try, she's so fun (and I have very little interest in anything else on any of the upcoming banners).

Edit: also, I just computed the statistically expected number of pulls to get a specific 4* on a feature banner, and unless I got something wrong it should be 40. (Which obviously doesn't mean that people can't be unlucky and roll 100+ times, but it does mean that if you ever got your desired 4* in less than 40 pulls you were lucky and can be happy about it :p)
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Junior Member
Aug 24, 2020
I'm not sure if it applies to EU users as well but if you're with Amazon Prime you can get your Genshin food stamps courtesy of our Space Messiah Jeff Bezos:

No Primogems this month though, that money went to his penis rocket.


Junior Member
Aug 7, 2021
I assume everyone here plays on their PCs?
I pretty much exclusively play on my iPad Pro even though I have a more than capable gaming PC and PS5. Would probably move to a split between iPad/Steam Deck if it runs well on the device, once it's ported to Steam OS.
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Junior Member
Aug 24, 2020
I assume everyone here plays on their PCs?
Started on android, got good on phone. Then spoiled by PC gaming on my 3080 and gamepad and never really looked back. I only go on phone to buy battle passes or some such when I need to. Discounted google play/apple store cards and all that.


None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
Huh. I have a ton of nectar over here, I don't think I've had many characters that use it.

I wound up getting Yoimiya out of the blue when I was hoping to get Sayu while staying on the edge of soft pity range. Now I have both of them and I just spent all day and 18 condensed resin building Sayu up...

I'm gonna just spend everything I can on the weapon banner to try and get the bow for Yoi. I don't want to bother building up more characters besides Aloy next patch.

I assume everyone here plays on their PCs?
I switch between my PC and my phone. Being able to take the game to bed with me is really nice. I've got a PS4 but OOF is that version rough, I'm just using it to get Aloy.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I'm gonna just spend everything I can on the weapon banner to try and get the bow for Yoi. I don't want to bother building up more characters besides Aloy next patch.
As long as you're aware that your chances of getting the bow are... not great.
(Weapon banner is a scam)
I assume everyone here plays on their PCs?
Yes, primarily on PC. But occassionaly I mess around on the phone as well.
The coolest thing would be to get this running on the Deck (without having to install Windows), but I think that won't be so easy (unless Valve's anti-cheat compatibility solution magically works for it as well)
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I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
I got Sayu at 40 pulls. It was looking pretty bad initially, after 30 I only had 2 Dionas to my name, but then I got Sayu at 40 -- and another one at 50. C1 was my goal so that's nice.

Will take a long time to build her though, especially if I don't take artifacts from Jean which I don't really want to do.

I assume everyone here plays on their PCs?
I do, with M/KB. I do wish the mouse camera support was better, I have no idea how a game of this magnitude doesn't have proper mouse options (which take all of 1 developer day to implement).
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Starlit Entity
Aug 20, 2020
I got Sayu at 40 pulls. It was looking pretty bad initially, after 30 I only had 2 Dionas to my name, but then I got Sayu at 40 -- and another one at 50. C1 was my goal so that's nice.

Will take a long time to build her though, especially if I don't take artifacts from Jean which I don't really want to do.

I do, with M/KB. I do wish the mouse camera support was better, I have no idea how a game of this magnitude doesn't have proper mouse options (which take all of 1 developer day to implement).
I play with a controller on PC and I wish the game would manually let me select Dualshock or XBOX icons so I don't always have to turn off Steam before playing :/


None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
My Jade Winged spear would do a lot more damage in Rosaria's hands than Zhongli's, wouldn't it. Indeed it does.

No, wait. Apparently Dragonspine with a crit rate artifact does a LOT more damage with her than Jade Wing with a crit damage artifact, according to a DPS calculator I found. What the heck?
I'm not that interested in trying to tweak her to the limit, I'm just using the calculator so I don't have to feel things out in-game and to have every other variable controlled, since my Rosaria isn't as fully built as Zhongli.

As long as you're aware that your chances of getting the bow are... not great.
(Weapon banner is a scam)
Eh. If nothing else I'll get myself closer to pity for when there's something I want.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Eh. If nothing else I'll get myself closer to pity for when there's something I want.
If you're talking about the "Epitomized Path" stuff that guarantees what you pick after 3 fails, then you're not. It resets every banner.
Regular 5* pity sure, but that's only worth if if you are fine both options on the banner, and even then you need to be aware that there's a small chance you get neither of the rate-ups.


None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
If you're talking about the "Epitomized Path" stuff that guarantees what you pick after 3 fails, then you're not. It resets every banner.
Regular 5* pity sure, but that's only worth if if you are fine both options on the banner, and even then you need to be aware that there's a small chance you get neither of the rate-ups.
I'm talking regular pity.
I have precisely one 5-star weapon so I'd probably be happy with anything I get. They're gonna be useful somewhere.


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
I don't think I'll ever pull on the weapon banner. In retrospect, I got insanely lucky in that my only 5-star weapon (that I got on the standard banner) is the Skyward Harp, and by far my best DPS character in the metagame is Ganyu. Skyward Harp isn't quite her BiS weapon, but it's very close. And I also enjoy her playstyle. And it's well suited to M/KB.


Dec 24, 2018
I actually dont like Ganyu as her attacks take so long to charge up and if you miss, its a huge DPS loss. But she does do pretty well in the abyss. I also got her bow (amos bow) from the standard banner.

The weapon banner is a whale trap though. Even with the new system. You have to fail twice to get the weapon you want on the 3rd try, right? That's still a LOT of rolls to have to save up.

The only weapon I ever went hard at was staff of homa, and I got lucky only getting a non-homa weapon once (the gravestone). I just had to get it after picking up Hu Tao with relatively few rolls.

There haven't been many other must-have weapons though. The current banner looks like an easy skip (unless I'm missing something).


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
So far liking the changes to the Tower Defense minigame.
Like the previous version, I'm playing it in co-op and we're having a lot of fun.


None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
In regards to input methods, I play the game on controller. I just need that extra comfiness, playing games like this on KBM feels weird to me.

So here's an inexplicable quirk of playing on controller that I found; I've rigged Steam to be able to play the game, and I have Steam Input set to have a bunch of controller buttons also move the mouse and click, to be able to start the game since that requires the mouse. Start clicks the button in the launcher, A clicks near the center to get past the title screen, so on. For some reason, when you're in Controller mode, where KBM input is mostly disabled, clicking the left mouse button grabs items near you. Specifially grabs items, it doesn't interact with things like the normal button for that does. And it doesn't have the internal cooldown that button has either. So I'm grabbing items mid-fight while I'm attacking and picking up big bunches of items lightning fast. Is nice.


None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
Kazuha continues to be the best difficulty tweak as he completely trivializes most of the Mechanus event with his sucky windy ability.


Dec 21, 2018
Soo... those changes to the adeptus mechanicus are just atrocious.
It removed any notion of strategy in favor of 100% RNG.
Two random towers can't get any buffs in any stage? Tough luck if you really needed a specific type against ennemies here, restart the game!
You didn't get one of the OP buffs early on? Tough luck, restart the game!

And that's strangely a first for Genshin, where the solution to a minigame is "restart, it will be faceroll when the RNG is on your side and your broken ass towers will cover the entire level". But taking the one where you could use strategy, timing and positioning matters to do that...