hypercarry team is absolutely broken for abyss, can't believe how braindead that team is. I've done one side in like 40 seconds with the 1st team you have.With Abyss reset soon I went through it yesterday and was trying something new.
I basically went through all of it with this setup:
I've been casually working on my Fischl/Beidou/Xingqiu/Sucrose team for a while now and wanted to know how far I could get this time.
Last time they had an easy time with floor 9 but started struggling at floor 10. This time they brought me all the way up to 12-2 with a total of 33 stars, but couldn't handle 12-3.
There's neither a proper healer nor a proper shielder on that team, so once they don't output enough damage to just curbstomp things, it gets rough. (Xingqiu thankfully alleviates some of it, but not enough). Still not finished with that team, so there's room for improvement, the biggest being getting C6 Fischl.
Some other observations: The ice cube was rough as well, enemies with only short windows of vulnerability aren't that great with this team. The small vishaps are annoying as hell.
I'm happy though that I can now run Abyss without Diluc. Get benched
...Hopefully it will still work after reset![]()
Tho Idefinitely prefer nuking one side with eula and 2nd with ganyu but to think there's such an easy f2p option makes me really happy.