Nothing they can do will ever be worse than the hide and seek mini game. I hated that so much I almost skipped it entirely. I ended up pretty much just starting it then leaving alone for the game coming back to my points and repeating 40 times or however many tries it took. It didn't matter how hard I tried I could never find anyone and no matter how hard I hid I always got found, man I just sucked at that one so much.Soo... those changes to the adeptus mechanicus are just atrocious.
It removed any notion of strategy in favor of 100% RNG.
Two random towers can't get any buffs in any stage? Tough luck if you really needed a specific type against ennemies here, restart the game!
You didn't get one of the OP buffs early on? Tough luck, restart the game!
And that's strangely a first for Genshin, where the solution to a minigame is "restart, it will be faceroll when the RNG is on your side and your broken ass towers will cover the entire level". But taking the one where you could use strategy, timing and positioning matters to do that...
forgot to update, was able to 36 it the next day, ayaka helped a lot with freeze abyss is an ass, was able to get 34*, hopefully can clear it before reset
Actually Albedo's best weapon is the Harbinger of Dawn, which is a 3* weaponI'm realizing, this is Albedo's weapon. I wonder if we'll ever get a chance to get him again, I like his play style from what I saw from a earlier event.
I'm hoping they do something like that for anniversary, for all the 5-stars that don't make it big.
I'm giving mine to Ayaka probably. But yeah that's like the worst possible roll you can get for a 5* lol.Yeah, y'all warned me.
I guess this will be useful for Bennett... And maybe Ayaka or any future sword DPS character that doesn't rely on crit rate.
easily my 2nd fav design, if it wasn't for baal I would have rolled for sure.Feels so good
I was testing what Yoimiya can do, hu tao was only there to break the seed and give pyro resonance.Seems weird to use Yomiya when you have Hu Tao right there!
Then again, Hu Tao kinda trivializes the game so... I dunno. Yomiya is actually kinda tempting. I don't wanna go back to using Diluc.
Haha I haven't been able to play :cwelcome to hell (or heaven) haha
Only watched a little bit, but yeah, seemed a bit ad-hoc.It felt a bit bootleg with the webcams, I dunno.
Content seems good though, and I do love fishing.
aye I did this last week as well, nice.![]()
Finally was motivated enough to finish talents on Ayaka. She's now my replacement for Keqing...unless I need elecro procs...or physical damage. Maybe Keqing can't be fully replaced lol. Ayaka's 1h swordplay is different and fun though.
Curious how much the weight reduction is in practice. It was always bullshit that they were completely unaffected by Venti's Burst.2. Removes the Nobushi's skill to jump back.
3. Optimizes the combat experience when dealing with the Nobushi's sword-drawing technique.
4. Reduces the weight of the Nobushi and Kairagi.
5. Increases the time that the Pyro Hypostasis's core is exposed when it launches a Pyro pillar attack.
6. Increases the duration of the Pyro Hypostasis's re-ignition skill, and optimizes the character's lock-on experience of attacking the Fire Seeds during its re-ignition skill. When all the Fire Seeds are extinguished, the Pyro Hypostasis will end its re-ignition skill earlier.
I got Mona by losing pitty on Ayaka, I like her, but if you have Xingqiu he is a better hydro support.I just saw the next banner. I really wasn't planning on pulling from it since I don't need another lightning character (I have a fully built Keqing and Fischl, and am planning to build Beidou at some point) and both new ones are that element.
But I didn't expect Xiangling and Sucrose to be on it as well!
I have a C5 lvl 90 Xiangling and a C4 lvl 80 Sucrose and I use both of them a lot, so I guess I'll be the weirdo pulling on this banner to get Xiangling and Sucrose to C6.
The character I want most right now is actually Mona, but it seems like they stopped doing base character feature banners
It's basically impossible to get a specific base character (without spending tons of cash of course) without that, so that sucks.
I don't use male charactersI got Mona by losing pitty on Ayaka, I like her, but if you have Xingqiu he is a better hydro support.
I never got any 5* outside of soft pity on either banner, despite playing since launch (with a ~3 months break before Inazuma).I consider everything below soft pity an overall win.
Hasn't happened to me outside of the standard banner tho...
I'd happily trady my 1 Diluc for a Keqing constellation!Anybody want Some Keqings? I'd trade for Diluc and Jean and Qiqi![]()
Yeah, I'm also partly eyeing her as a Mona substitute for Ganyu. She's probably an upgrade over Barbara.Reading up on the Kokomi hydro change I'm getting more inclined to pull for her.
I don't have a single decent hydro application character (since I don't have Mona and can't use Xingqiu), but I have a lot of cryo, pyro and electro characters that I enjoy using and which would all benefit from consistent hydro application to some extent.
I am readySo banner's tomorrow, I think the answer should be pretty obvious but who's going to pull for the shogun tomorrow?
And have you all farmed artifacts for her and all?
My plan is to roll for C6 Sucrose, then stop. Or stop after 50-60 pulls, whichever is first.So banner's tomorrow, I think the answer should be pretty obvious but who's going to pull for the shogun tomorrow?
And have you all farmed artifacts for her and all?