Got Qiqi'd
But I outsmarted the game and that was on the Standard banner
And then Raiden came on the first 10 pull (pity was at 46, only 50/50). Literally the first time I got a limited character before soft pity.
And then it took another 50-ish pulls to get a single Sara
But yeah, that went as well as it could be. Means I'll definitely go to 50/50 for Kokomi.

But I outsmarted the game and that was on the Standard banner
And then Raiden came on the first 10 pull (pity was at 46, only 50/50). Literally the first time I got a limited character before soft pity.

And then it took another 50-ish pulls to get a single Sara
But yeah, that went as well as it could be. Means I'll definitely go to 50/50 for Kokomi.