|OT| Genshin Impact - Breath of the Elements


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Yeah that sucks.
It might be harder to get a specfic 4* then a 5* :confounded-face:

If it's any sort of consolation, 1.3 had a "pick any one of the Liyue 4* characters you want", I'm sure we'll get a Mondstadt equivalent.
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beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
Ah, next shop refresh should have Fischl in there, so I'll save my stardust for that. I was hoping to get a Kaeya constellation with those instead but whatever. If I that Monstadt event does take place, I could get Kaeya there. I'm also inching myself closer to a guaranteed banner/Kazuha draw, so there's that! Unless the fates decide to give me Klee, in which case I will uninstall lmao :dmcblob:


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
It seems 1.7 will have Beidou as the free character. Which is neat, cause Beidou is cool.
cries in C6 :negative-blob:

Also, Raiden Shogun render:
Based on that I actually like her look a lot more than that first leak.
Should have guessed, same thing happened with Kazuha for me - first leak looked underwhelming but I really like his design now.
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beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
That would bring my Beidou to C4, which is eh. A little closer to C5 and C6 though. Those seem good. I like Beidou, but my lack of a passable ER goblet is kind of bumming me out.

I was surprised to find that the last event quest was just a wall of text without any gameplay. Somehow I felt both relieved and slightly underwhelmed.

Looking forward to 1.7 still. Not super excited by the supposed gating in between regions, but ok.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
That would bring my Beidou to C4, which is eh. A little closer to C5 and C6 though. Those seem good. I like Beidou, but my lack of a passable ER goblet is kind of bumming me out.
There's an upcoming energy recharge artifact set in 1.7 supposedly, so I'd probably wait for that before working on her gear further. That one seems really good for her :blobeyes:

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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Alrighty, cleared out the event shop, levelled Dodoco Tales to 90 and slapped Diluc's artifacts on Yanfei cause lol farming:dmcblob:
Man she's so fun to play. I think I'll level her talents a bit more.


Dec 21, 2018
Bit underwhelming that last sequence. Alice is a terrible mom.

Anyway, great patch, but the housing friendship system is a huge mess... you have no room to put multiple dedicated sets and their respective characters, on most maps you have to travel ages if you place things further away, if you don't have all characters you'll need to put back the set+characters somewhere once you get them...:dizzy-face:
At least the UI remember if you already got gifted the primogems for each char!

Good idea, friendship without having dead weights for months was sorely needed, but it's damn clunky.

And Yanfei is still my second favorite char. She's just much more fluid than all the others, even with her burst lacking oompf.
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More Yellow 🤷‍♂️
Dec 31, 2018
Bit underwhelming that last sequence. Alice is a terrible mom.

Anyway, great patch, but the housing friendship system is a huge mess... you have no room to put multiple dedicated sets and their respective characters, on most maps you have to travel ages if you place things further away, if you don't have all characters you'll need to put back the set+characters somewhere once you get them...:dizzy-face:
At least the UI remember if you already got gifted the primogems for each char!

Good idea, friendship without having dead weights for months was sorely needed, but it's damn clunky.

And Yanfei is still my second favorite char. She's just much more fluid than all the others, even with her burst lacking oompf.
I just removed almost everything from one of my realms and placed every single friendship set there, yeah, walking the distance inside the teapot is fucking anoying, they should give us fast travel points to place at least one each land inside a realm.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I just moved to an empty realm, placed a friendship set and the respective chars, collected the presents, collected everything, placed the next one, repeat.
Load is super annoying cause everything I want to make just doesn't work. I really like the study room I made. Can't place a character there cause too much load.
I have island properly built where a particular friendship set would have fitted in nicely, can't place it cause too much load.
I mean I've been getting super lazy with the teapot, but this also doesn't really make me more eagier to stop being lazy.
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Junior Member
Aug 24, 2020
Everyone ready for Kazuha? I'm just doing my regular 10 roll unless someone discovers he's the next best thing since sliced bread.

I just moved to an empty realm, placed a friendship set and the respective chars, collected the presents, collected everything, placed the next one, repeat.
Load is super annoying cause everything I want to make just doesn't work. I really like the study room I made. Can't place a character there cause too much load.
I have island properly built where a particular friendship set would have fitted in nicely, can't place it cause too much load.
I mean I've been getting super lazy with the teapot, but this also doesn't really make me more eagier to stop being lazy.
Load really is the worst. It's not just how limiting it is, but also how arbitrary it seems to be. How much is too much? There's no way to tell how much you're affecting the total load with the item you're highlighting, nor any way to see how you can resolve any load issues with what you currently have.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Everyone ready for Kazuha? I'm just doing my regular 10 roll unless someone discovers he's the next best thing since sliced bread.
Not interested in him. Assuming the leaks about the next banners are true (Ayaka, followed by Yoimiya + Sayu), it will still be 6 weeks until I roll again. Oof.

Haven't really played that much recently though. I'll just be doing events and whatever I'm in the mood for, which is mostly going to be letting Resin sit on the cap and don't bother since there's no progression for me anymore that doesn't require artifact farming which I don't want to do.
I'll be sticking around until Inazuma, but I'm thinking about calling it quits after that unless there's some change on the horizon and maybe just check back in for new areas or story stuff. Dunno.

beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
I think I'll try for Kazuha. He looks kinda cool. I'm close to pity anyway.

Also, get a load of my amazing pulls this banner. The Mona is fine, I suppose, but it really goes downhill after that.

6x 3*
1x 4* Eye of Perception
7x 3*
1x 5* Mona
1x 3*
1x 4* Barbara
9x 3*
1x 4* Sucrose
9x 3*
1x 4* The Flute
9x 3*
1x 4* Sucrose
9x 3*
1x 4* Sacrificial Bow

50x 6* internal screaming


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2020
Not interested in him. Assuming the leaks about the next banners are true (Ayaka, followed by Yoimiya + Sayu), it will still be 6 weeks until I roll again. Oof.

Haven't really played that much recently though. I'll just be doing events and whatever I'm in the mood for, which is mostly going to be letting Resin sit on the cap and don't bother since there's no progression for me anymore that doesn't require artifact farming which I don't want to do.
I'll be sticking around until Inazuma, but I'm thinking about calling it quits after that unless there's some change on the horizon and maybe just check back in for new areas or story stuff. Dunno.
I feel you there, endgame is pretty barren. I'm casually farming artifacts since the rest of my characters have "acceptable" sets and man is it ever terrible. I don't know how I lived through it the first time. If I can casually farm and have things ready to go for the next character that'd be great but I'm pretty far from that myself.

I think I'll try for Kazuha. He looks kinda cool. I'm close to pity anyway.

Also, get a load of my amazing pulls this banner. The Mona is fine, I suppose, but it really goes downhill after that.

6x 3*
1x 4* Eye of Perception
7x 3*
1x 5* Mona
1x 3*
1x 4* Barbara
9x 3*
1x 4* Sucrose
9x 3*
1x 4* The Flute
9x 3*
1x 4* Sucrose
9x 3*
1x 4* Sacrificial Bow

50x 6* internal screaming
That's so unfortunate. At least your next pity will be the banner character right?

I got Mona once, but her dash is something that's really hard to work around. I went back to Barbara lol

beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
That's so unfortunate. At least your next pity will be the banner character right?

I got Mona once, but her dash is something that's really hard to work around. I went back to Barbara lol
I tried messing around with her a few times, but I'm not really getting it. Should probably watch a video with some tips and suggested rotations.


None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
I'll be grabbing Kazuha if I can. And I have almost 90 pulls worth of stuff at this point, so I oughta be able to get him...

He looks like he'll fit my party well and it'll just be nice to have a worthwhile Anemo character. Getting Benny would be the perfect cherry on top, I can bench two of my starting party members.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018

2 Bennett's
3 Razor's
3 Rozaria's
Xinyan (???)
Poor Xinyan, lol.
I think she's now the only character in the game that hasn't shown up in a quest or event.

Congrats on getting Kaz and Keqing (unless you had her already and it's a constellation, then my condolences)!


None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
Poor Xinyan, lol.
I think she's now the only character in the game that hasn't shown up in a quest or event.

Congrats on getting Kaz and Keqing (unless you had her already and it's a constellation, then my condolences)!
I had Keqing, this was my second constellation. It is a good costellation though, even more bursts.


Dec 21, 2018
Kazuha feels really nice to play, a bit less one dimensional than, say, Xiao.
But I don't really want to roll for him.

I still have a fully upgraded WGS and no-one to give it to :face-with-cold-sweat:
Guess it fits Xinyan for aesthetics, but I still don't have a good user for it...


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
This new Abyss feels easier than the last one.
Got 9/8/9/7 and I could probably do 9/9/9/7 if I cared enough, but it's not worth the effort for 50 primos lol.


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2020
I got myself a Razor (C5 now) and my first Rosaria. Not a bad pull.

I actually wanted Rosaria the last time she was featured in a banner but now that I have her I realize that I don't even know what to do with her lol. One day I'll put her to work.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Yeah, I got Rosaria the first time she was on banner.
I've never used her.

Anyway, I've found me some goals again, which are building (or finish building) some chars I actually like but haven't really been using much cause I have chars already built that just do the job, and experiment with some different teams.

Mainly thinking of Fischl and want to try some teams centered around her. She's at C3 and I want to get her to C6 eventually. I have a lvl 90 bow for her already that works well, the free Windblume Ode at R5 and she's level 75.
Artifactwise her build isn't that demaning, 2 Gladiator + 2 Thundering Fury. I should definitely have some decent gladiator stuff lying around and I think I might have 2 potentially good Thundering Fury pieces too 🤞

Teamwise I'm thinking of trying Fischl, Xingqiu, Beidou + ???. 4th slot could probably be either Anemo or Geo. So probably Venti would work well, Sucrose, or Ningguang.
Which leads me to the others I want to finish building: Ningguang, who is already decked out with artifacts, weapon, and talents as far as possible. Just need to ascend her one final time and get the talents up.
Sucrose who I have some decent artifacts for already, but I'll probably need to farm a bit :negative-blob:
And Beidou, who will have to wait until the 1.7 artifacts are here before I decide how to build her.


None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
BF who doesn't actively play anymore let me into his world to gather those blue seaflower things. Now Kazuha is ascension 5!
He is an absolute beast... Also fun to explore with since his elemental skill can be used mid-air almost indefinitely, stamina and cooldown nonwithstanding.

Rosaria is... Kinda fun? But she's only really good with another character that excels with crits like Keqing. Otherwise she's a pretty average support.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
BF who doesn't actively play anymore let me into his world to gather those blue seaflower things. Now Kazuha is ascension 5!
He is an absolute beast... Also fun to explore with since his elemental skill can be used mid-air almost indefinitely, stamina and cooldown nonwithstanding.

Rosaria is... Kinda fun? But she's only really good with another character that excels with crits like Keqing. Otherwise she's a pretty average support.
I think she's a good sub-dps/support for primarily physical DPS characters, since Cryo is one half of super-conduct and her C6 is physical res debuff.

Anyway, Fischl/Xingqiu/Beidou/Sucrose is fun. Took them into Abyss 9 for a test and they just demolished the first half, and only Xingqiu is really almost full built.

Tried putting them on the 2nd half of floor 10 as well, but that's where the lack of a proper healer and or shielder became very noticeable. Maybe I'll try it with Zhong instead of Beidou, dunno. I expect that to become less of an issue the more I finish their builds and they become more efficient at murderizing though.

Talking about builds.
Grabbed an Electro Goblet I had. Atk%, Atk, Crit Rate. Proceeded to roll twice in a row into HP% at +8. I hate this shit.


None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
One team I'm gonna be trying is Zhongli/Kazuha/Diona/Fischl. Get that superconduct going.

I've just been kinda coasting with Zhongli as a main DPS right now... He is my most powerful character, mainly down to him being the one I prioritized getting to ascension 6, fullly levelled artifacts, etc since his shield biz has been carrying me through content I'm way underleveled for.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
If you "fail" the 50/50 for the 4* characters, you can get any 4* weapon or standard 4* character. It doesn't happen that often though, since there are more 4* weapons than characters in the "loser" pool.

One team I'm gonna be trying is Zhongli/Kazuha/Diona/Fischl. Get that superconduct going.

I've just been kinda coasting with Zhongli as a main DPS right now... He is my most powerful character, mainly down to him being the one I prioritized getting to ascension 6, fullly levelled artifacts, etc since his shield biz has been carrying me through content I'm way underleveled for.
Yeah Zhongli can pretty much fill any role depending on his gear. And his shield is so comfy. I think only Noelle has a comparable shield, but it doesn't have infinite uptime unless she has a Sacrificial Greatsword I think. And no debuffs for enemies.

My plan is probably rolling for Sayu and Yoimiya. At least until the 50/50, if I lose again I'll have to make decisions again, since I also want the electro Archon and Kokomi (though I dunno if she'll be 4 or 5 star).

beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
First time in a long time that I haven't played for a few days.
I kind of want Kazuha, but I'd rather get Jean, Venti or Xiao as another Anemo :pensive-face:


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
First time in a long time that I haven't played for a few days.
I kind of want Kazuha, but I'd rather get Jean, Venti or Xiao as another Anemo :pensive-face:
Ya, I also took a break a while ago.
Genshin in general has a (self-inflicted) content-pacing problem, but this patch is probably among the worst.
The islands are fantastic and great fun to explore. For a week or two. Then nothing.
The hyped Archon quest with Beidou and Kazuha was also just a middling half an hour long story quest (with a cool cutscene though) that really can't carry the entire 2nd half of the update.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Probably sitting this one out cause I wanna go as blind as possible into Inazuma, but livestream is soon. Simultaneous this time.

I'm bad with time zones, but this should be in... 3 hours?


None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
It was interesting hearing about how development on a game like this is handled. Though it really is spoiling some of the surprise right now...


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Yeah, I didn't watch it because of that, I want to go into Inazuma as blind as possible (don't mind seeing characters though, just story and world stuff is what I want to dodge). Maybe I'll watch the stream in a few weeks.

Codes btw:


"Let's Positive Thinking"
May 28, 2021
holy shit inazuma looks so fucking beautiful, anyone going for either ayaka or yoimiya?


Dec 21, 2018
Yoimiya seems strong, but bow auto attacks are not exactly the most fun play style.
Ayaka I dunno.

I want a claymore character and Baal :blobnerd:


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
holy shit inazuma looks so fucking beautiful, anyone going for either ayaka or yoimiya?
Out of those, probably Yoimiya mainly cause I also want Sayu, so it's a "2 for 1 deal". I don't really need a pyro DPS but I also wouldn't mind one cause it means I can bench Diluc.
Though I probably won't fully commit, just gonna try my luck with the 50/50 and not go for guaranteed if I lose it (again).
I definitely want Baal and Kokomi.


None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
I'll probably stick to the second banner. Again.
I also hadn't realized Yoimiya was a five-star at first. I do want her, but I'd also like Sayu. Babby claymore user...


More Yellow 🤷‍♂️
Dec 31, 2018
I want Sayu, but also Qiqi, still not got her, I have Klee and Diona ready, I need the little girl squad fucking shit up.


"Let's Positive Thinking"
May 28, 2021
I'll go for ayaka because I've wanted her since open beta, but if I win 50:50, I might go for yoimiya as well

beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
The new area looks fantastic. I love how colorful the environments are, and some of the new characters coming seem cool, at least character design wise. The fire one and the new electro especially. I'll be enjoying that vicariously through posts here and gameplay videos.

For me, I uninstalled GI about two or three weeks ago, I think? I had some conflicting feelings on whether or not I should, and, after some introspection, I think the fact that it was a little difficult to decide despite my lack of fun with the game solidified that it would be better for me to take an extended break. I can feel the freemogems and time limited events tugging at me, but I'll give it like a solid half year before reconsidering. And there'll still be a wealth of fresh content waiting for me! :blobmorning2:

(I did end up picking up Fischl via the store after my tragic series of [free] pulls on the previous banner, so I'll also have that to look forward to.)


Dec 24, 2018
I haven't played the game in months. I think it was a good decision. I had a real problem spending money when my earned wishes inevitably didnt get me what I wanted. Eventually I saved up 12,000 gems and spend them all trying to get a single 4-star character. I didnt get a single one. That's when I quit.....

Might check out Inazuma though. But I'm never wishing in that game again. The characters I have are good enough. Hu Tao is still probably stupid OP.


"Let's Positive Thinking"
May 28, 2021
I haven't played the game in months. I think it was a good decision. I had a real problem spending money when my earned wishes inevitably didnt get me what I wanted. Eventually I saved up 12,000 gems and spend them all trying to get a single 4-star character. I didnt get a single one. That's when I quit.....

Might check out Inazuma though. But I'm never wishing in that game again. The characters I have are good enough. Hu Tao is still probably stupid OP.
I think this is something you have to be vary of in every gacha, try to be more smart with your money, but it's fine to stay away from the gacha screen if you're having trouble controlling yourself.
Anyway, hope to see you in inazuma as well, I'm genuinely hyped for the next update.


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2020
The new area looks fantastic. I love how colorful the environments are, and some of the new characters coming seem cool, at least character design wise. The fire one and the new electro especially. I'll be enjoying that vicariously through posts here and gameplay videos.

For me, I uninstalled GI about two or three weeks ago, I think? I had some conflicting feelings on whether or not I should, and, after some introspection, I think the fact that it was a little difficult to decide despite my lack of fun with the game solidified that it would be better for me to take an extended break. I can feel the freemogems and time limited events tugging at me, but I'll give it like a solid half year before reconsidering. And there'll still be a wealth of fresh content waiting for me! :blobmorning2:

(I did end up picking up Fischl via the store after my tragic series of [free] pulls on the previous banner, so I'll also have that to look forward to.)
I haven't played the game in months. I think it was a good decision. I had a real problem spending money when my earned wishes inevitably didnt get me what I wanted. Eventually I saved up 12,000 gems and spend them all trying to get a single 4-star character. I didnt get a single one. That's when I quit.....

Might check out Inazuma though. But I'm never wishing in that game again. The characters I have are good enough. Hu Tao is still probably stupid OP.
Shame to see people go, but it's understandable. In fact I'm also taking a short break from the game and only logging in to do dailies and spend resin. My time is more spent playing Honkai Impact or Punishing Gray Raven at this point.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Shame to see people go, but it's understandable. In fact I'm also taking a short break from the game and only logging in to do dailies and spend resin. My time is more spent playing Honkai Impact or Punishing Gray Raven at this point.
Yeah, I'm also not playing right now. Started Punishing Gray Raven on friday as well, and while I cannot say for how long I'm going to stick with it, it is pretty fun so far, and I'm not even doing the daily chores in Genshin until Inazuma (I'll survive missing out on those whoppin 2 pulls from commissions, lol),

That said I do look forward to Inazuma a lot. The exploration is almost guaranteed to be top-tier again and while I'm not sure how good the story is going to be - it's been fairly mixed do far overall - it will at least be a good chunk of stuff again, and definitely a feast for the eyes and ears.
From what we know so far, only half of Inazuma will release next week and leaks have it that there will be a new part of it to explore every patch afterwards until it's completely releases. Obviously grain of salt and all, but if true that would be huge. Imagine a Dragonspine-sized (I'm guesstimating) new area every patch instead of festival patches for half a year. :sweaty-blob:

Also leaks have it that Kokomi will be on banner during 2.1. Though not yet sure if true either, we'll probably know more in a few days. If true that would solve my "who do I pull for in 2.0?" conundrum. Another patch of not pulling at all, lol.
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Junior Member
Aug 24, 2020
Yeah, I'm also not playing right now. Started Punishing Gray Raven on friday as well, and while I cannot say for how long I'm going to stick with it, it is pretty fun so far, and I'm not even doing the daily chores in Genshin until Inazuma (I'll survive missing out on those whoppin 2 pulls from commissions, lol),

That said I do look forward to Inazuma a lot. The exploration is almost guaranteed to be top-tier again and while I'm not sure how good the story is going to be - it's been fairly mixed do far overall - it will at least be a good chunk of stuff again, and definitely a feast for the eyes and ears.
From what we know so far, only half of Inazuma will release next week and leaks have it that there will be a new part of it to explore every patch afterwards until it's completely releases. Obviously grain of salt and all, but if true that would be huge. Imagine a Dragonspine-sized (I'm guesstimating) new area every patch instead of festival patches for half a year. :sweaty-blob:
Hey now, primos are primos. I ain't skipping any when the rates are this terrible lol. I'll probably mostly be going in still for primos and artifacts.

On one hand, I'm glad they found a way to stagger content to increase longevity. But I'll probably be upset at not being able to finish the storyline in one go if it happens to be that way. I'll look forward to what they've got to offer.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018

My pulling plans have shifted from "50/50 on Yoimiya cause I want Sayu" to "50/50 on Ayaka cause the 4* selection is neat and it looks like Yoimiya is going to have 2 I already have at C6 outside of Sayu" to "no one cause it looks like Kokomi might be coming in 2.1"

Guess we'll know for sure in a few days, if the information isn't already out there.


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2020
I tried to roll and get more constellations on Yanfei but instead I got Ayaka, multiple Ninguang, and chongyun. As expected of the gacha lol.
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More Yellow 🤷‍♂️
Dec 31, 2018
Goddamn, Inazuma is so good, the new puzzles are really nice.