Community MetaSteam | December 2020 - Empire of Doom

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thou who art undead art chosen
Aug 23, 2020
of course they do ... there are podcasts (or is it called something else when there's video involved as well? i don't know, lol) and other shows on twitch as well ... it's not just gameplay

hell, there are even blind people streaming games ... not to mention the fact that by now there are plenty of games that are audio-based (like, they don't display any graphics at all ... you have to play them based only on what's going on with the audio)
Oh yeah, podcasts are definitely a thing, but I've never seen Twitch as a site that focuses primarily on podcasts. And in the context of the term "blind playthrough", which is very much in the realm of game streaming, it really doesn't seem like something that very many blind people will find accessible to begin with outside of select examples. Absolutely not to say they can't do it period.
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Oh yeah, podcasts are definitely a thing, but I've never seen Twitch as a site that focuses primarily on podcasts. And in the context of the term "blind playthrough", which is very much in the realm of game streaming, it really doesn't seem like something that very many blind people will find accessible to begin with outside of select examples. Absolutely not to say they can't do it period.
i agree - twitch should do much more when it comes to accessibility of the website, no doubt about that


Plays too many card games
Nov 18, 2018
Twitch's website is dogshit for accessibility, which is why this move screams of hollow virtue signaling. I suspect their hearts are in the right place, trying to be inclusive is a good thing! But, when their actual product clearly doesn't value the thing they are talking about I have a hard time believing them.

I mean hey, make people feel welcome, but then don't go out of your way to help them at all once they are in the door, not really a welcoming stance IMO.


Apr 18, 2019
Twitch's website is dogshit for accessibility, which is why this move screams of hollow virtue signaling. I suspect their hearts are in the right place, trying to be inclusive is a good thing! But, when their actual product clearly doesn't value the thing they are talking about I have a hard time believing them.

I mean hey, make people feel welcome, but then don't go out of your way to help them at all once they are in the door, not really a welcoming stance IMO.
It's the good old calculus : are they a minority? What's the return for us?

When their thinking is like this, it dictates that creating a threat of damage is how to get them to acknowledge you have needs at all. I think the discourse on Twitter could be much more constructive and less schoolyard-bullying in tone, but the overall dynamic of it is on Twitch, and companies behaving in similar ways.
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018


Apr 18, 2019
Some of those CPO2077 review scores. Oof. Excited for the game noneless.
Yep. It appears the core is pretty much what you'd expect - well executed, Cyberpunk goodness with a lot of bugs.

I'm just smirking at the gaming audience's expectation of a product with this much time pressure. They already missed Black Friday, they couldn't miss Christmas. Most people have no idea how hard it is to ship, on time, on budget, bug free/feature-complete. They had this many delays from a late-beta stage, which speaks volume about the problem :
  • Do something you've been done before, which will still be somewhat buggy (cough AC: Valhalla) and the gaming audience will bitch about it being samey and retreading the same old things.
  • Do something new, in which case Here Be Dragons : utter unpredictability, you don't know what you don't know with delays abound. Enter memes and jokes about vaporware and "when does it come out". I don't think people know how many attempts it took Media Molecule to even come up with the renderer for Dreams for example.
Can't win against an audience ignorant of the craft. Note that all this applies to all games project, this isn't just a C77 thing. It's just that it's the most "ambitious" game to enter the mainstream spotlight of late.
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There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
I mean yeah if you want to be cynical about it Twitch is owned by fucking Amazon who I doubt gives a shit about anyone. This is more about the community who amplified the voice of marginalized people to move inclusion in the right direction.

‘If bad people knew that being good peopleis good for business, they would be good even if it is just for business’ - Armando Cabral


Dec 17, 2018
Yep. It appears the core is pretty much what you'd expect - well executed, Cyberpunk goodness with a lot of bugs.

I'm just smirking at the gaming audience's expectation of a product with this much time pressure. Most people have no idea how hard it is to ship, on time, on budget, bug free. They had this many delays from a late-beta stage, which speaks volume about the problem :

  • Do something you've been done before, which will still be somewhat buggy (cough AC: Valhalla) and the gaming audience will bitch about it being samey and retreading the same old things.
  • Do something new, in which case Here Be Dragons : utter unpredictability, you don't know what you don't know with delays abound. Enter memes and jokes about vaporware and "when does it come out".

Can't win against an audience ignorant of the craft.
I expect a lot of people will be dissapointed because they expect a "fast-paced GTA shooter action game" while the comments I have read from people with early console copies is that the game is quite a slow-paced RPG.
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Apr 18, 2019
I expect a lot of people will be dissapointed because they expect a "fast-paced GTA shooter action game" while the comments I have read from people with early console copies is that the game is quite a slow-paced RPG.
I agree, you make a good point. I think the game is going to suffer from its mainstream ambition and mismatched expectations. This is a strange, wonderful expansion on the idea of Deus Ex and immersive sims, in my opinion - or at least hope that it will be - and only elicits the idea of GTA because of its urban environment.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
I've read for ages that Cyberpunk 2077 is an RPG not an FPS so i'm fine with that, it's actually what i wanted. I also expect some jank and bugs and a huge day-1 patch and a bunch of patches and DLC to apply some final polish over the next year or so... and I fully expect some jank to remain even after all that. I pity the people who have gone all-in on their own imaginations tho. They're going to have a rough time for a while.

Can't wait to dive in and find out for myself in a few days.


Dec 17, 2018
I agree, you make a good point. I think the game is going to suffer from its mainstream ambition and mismatched expectations. This is a strange, wonderful expansion on the idea of Deus Ex and immersive sims, in my opinion - or at least hope that it will be - and only elicits the idea of GTA because of its urban environment.
As someone who likes the Cyberpunk-genre because of slow-paced movies like the Blade Runner movies (2049 is still my favorite movie of all time) and loves more "simulative" RPGs like Deus Ex, CP2077 excites me, not hyped, just excites me. I still think there's gonna be a big mismatch between people like me and the "general audience" for the game".

I also blame it a bit on the marketing, people are gonna complain "the game isn't what they showed it would be" and stuff like that. But who knows, I can be all wrong, so we just have to wait and see.
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Apr 18, 2019
As someone who likes the Cyberpunk-genre because of slow-paced movies like the Blade Runner movies (2049 is still my favorite movie of all time) and loves more "simulative" RPGs like Deus Ex, CP2077 excited me, not hyped, just excites me. I still think there's gonna be a big mismatch between people like me and the "general audience" for the game".

I also blame it a bit on the marketing, people are gonna complain "the game isn't what they showed it would be" and stuff like that. But who knows, I can be all wrong, so we just have to wait and see.
Emphasis mine, and you put that strange feeling I've had into words. I've felt weird about that game lately. I want to play it, I don't really want to wait despite how incandescent it's coming out of the oven - years of playing SC have prepared me for this. At the same time, I feel none of the hype I felt for TW3. It's not going to be gaming's baby jesus for its generation. It's just looking to be a damn good piece of sci-fi/cyberpunk art, or so I hope.
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Dec 17, 2018
I expect CP2077 to be a buggy, but good game told in the Cybepunk genre with pretty graphics. Nothing more really and it's what I want.
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May 4, 2019
Aren't they supposed to be making the new Fable? No way they were able to also do new Horizon which is supposed to release this soon too without a trailer for it during the Xbox shows a few months ago. Doesn't make sense tbh.


First Stage Hero
Dec 5, 2018
All the more reason ! If it was some rotten Tom Clancy shit, yeah, but batshit is cool.
It's not even real world nations or anything. The jets are mostly real world, but there's no US vs Russia or US vs half the Mideast nonsense. In fact I'm still not really sure what the storyline was at the end, but jets ... jets are cool.
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Sleeper must awaken
Dec 9, 2018
I don't care if someone says it's a bad/mediocre game. I still wanna play it due to the art style.
Oh no... I'm not saying it is a bad game with my post. Just that I have been interested in it for so long, feels like forever ago that I have been wanting to play it.
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Oct 24, 2018
Oh wow, El Shaddai coming to PC. That is one obscure game I never expected to see resurface.

I kept hearing about how fantastic it was back in the day, so it's cool to see a rerelease. I don't wanna get my expectations high needlessly here but I never got the chance to play it and I always kinda felt like I missed out on something unique. Of all the obscure games I never got around to, for some reason I never forgot about this one.
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