Yeah, too many good looking games are releasing these days. It's part of why waiting for PS5 to be restocked isn't as hard as I thought it would be. Currently my gaming time is right now 85% PC, 10% Switch, 4% XboneX and 1% PS4, or something like that.Yeah I'm really hovering over the purchase button on this one. I feel overwhelmed by these games lately, like there's not enough time in life to play them. It's a good problem to have.
There's so much right now with cool city builders and zippy drone logistics spaghetti mess games.
My PS4 isn't really in use. I have Dreams, Crash 4 and FFVIIR installed, but Dreams isn't something that interest me much and Im waiting on a PC version of Crash 4 and FFVIIR.
XboneX is used for Xbox game pass games, but I don't play much there in general, have some EA games installed though like FIFA 20 and UFC from game pass.
Switch is basically the only console I use these days, but I don't play that much on it either, mostly just Grindstone, AC New Horizons, Splatoon 2, Mario Maker 2 and MK8D. I have yet to touch my copy of Pokemon Sword and Paper Mario. So basically an Nintendo exclusive device.