If Klei stops making them money, they'll step in. If someone at Tencent says they need to squeeze everything for more income to keep earnings up, they'll step in. Sure, maybe that'll never happen. And I've always got Mark of the Ninja and Don't Starve and ONI, so even if they never made anything else again, it was awesome.
To me it's not really about whether Tencent is hands off enough or not. It's the fact that a group as successful as Klei felt they couldn't carry on in a stable way without selling to a huge company. So many indie developers seem like they're just one busted game away from bankruptcy and I sort of worry that they are going to become more risk averse and afraid of ambitiously weird projects the closer they get to the comfort of big corporate cash. And at the same time, I don't want them to go bankrupt and not make anything at all. Or quit indie development and all go work for Microsoft.
On another note, Zachtronics sold to some bland media company that I forgot the name of. I remember he said something like he wanted to make games without having to also worry about being an employer and the finances of running a company. I wonder if Klei people thought the same thing.