Community MetaSteam | January 2024 - Let's get this year started!

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Oct 6, 2018
I don't disagree with the rest of your post, I just don't assign the same level of significance to it. I do quite strongly disagree with this part though.

The combat itself is serviceable, but the systems aren't particularly deep, and I think they are barely sufficient to keep the systemic (rather than action) gameplay interesting for the length of the first game (which is rather short by JRPG standards).

For example, the things you could do by combining materia in the original FF7 were a lot more varied than what the pared down system in FF7R allows.

I mean, I'm hardly a TB combat elitist, but that's really just true for bad, unimaginative implementations of TB combat.
I think one problem here is that a large part of the JRPG community reveres Persona so much that they gloss over the fact that its combat can basically be broken down to a decision tree that's 5 levels deep and that you just play back every single (non-boss at least) battle.

But e.g. Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter had way more interesting (TB) combat already back in 2002. Hell, S-E did it on the same platform a few years later with Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria.
I'm only going by my experience with tb jrpgs over the years. I can't claim to have played them all but I have played a lot of different ones and they all mostly boil down to doing that. I'm playing Star Rail right now and despite being a gacha it still mostly revolves around using the correct element to break the enemy's toughness meter. I'm not anti turn based in general, I think crpgs and strategy rpgs do that much better, but I just don't see value in how jrpgs do it.

As for parts of remake's combat not matching the original I think some of that was the decision to keep it in midgar. They already took a lot of liberties by having way more materia (and summons) in what amounts to 10% of the original game, like by the end of 7R you have I think nearly 10 summons and literally dozens of other materia as one would expect from a "full" game. But they did leave out as much as they could like there's no comet or ultima materias. That being said the freedom to make anyone in your party into a variety of "classes" is still in 7R. You can make Barret your healer if you want or a mage in general, but like in the original each character has certain base stats that are higher/lower than others (Aerith always had the highest magic stats in the original and it's the same here). There's some pretty crazy builds you can do with the right combination of materia and weapon choices.
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Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
The definition of insanity is paying Ubisoft for the same game over and over again, in the hope that this time it’ll be different. A subscription just ensures they’re scamming more cash out of you, and you don’t even own it in the end.

I’ve seen total conversion mods with more differentiation to their original game than Ubisoft titles differentiate from each other.


South Sea Islander
Jul 17, 2021
Manila, Philippines
God the worst I ever did was spilling half a bottle of Red-Wine on my old Logitech Mechanical. I was in despair because I had literally got it brand new that week. First thing I did was pop off the keys and turned it upside down on a towel. Then I had to spend like the next 4 hours with tweezers, cotton swabs, and tons of rubbing alcohol to evaporate all the sticky wine.

Perseverance and quick thinking (despite being half-way to the moon drunk) ended up saving that keyboard. It still works to this day some 3 years later. I only replaced it for aesthetics reasons.

(This was also the lesson that ingrained in me to never have a open container on desk, CUP-HOLDER ONLY.)
My keyboard horror story was recent - the 8bitdo Famicom wireless I had was acting funny, a bunch of keys not working etc. I packed it up and brought it back to the store for a replacement, and when the store guy removed it from the plastic a bunch of water spilled out.

As it turns out, my toddler son dumped half a glass of water on it while i wasnt looking. Needless to say, I didnt get a replacement that day.
The way forward is actually very simple,

2026, Square Enix holds a press conference.

The following is announced

Final Fantasy XX will release 2030 on all platforms.
A big, billion dollar action game. The new hype title.

"But what about Final Fantasy XVII to XIX you ask?" - YoshiP or whomever says to the audience.

The next trailer plays.

You see the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters.
I, II, III, IV, V, VI... the screen fades to black.

Releasedate 2027

A fully fledged JRPG in the style of the traditional 6.

The I from FFXVII duplicates, it now reads FFXVIII.
Suddenly, scenes from FFVII, VIII and IX are playing.

Oh yes, FFXVIII will be a fully fledged final fantasy, featuring ATB combat, low poly character models and prerenderd backgrounds.
Releasedate 2028


Final Fantasy XIX is revealed, A Turn-Based return to Ivalice in PS2 Graphics.
Releasedate 2029

Of course all coming day 1 to xbox and gamepass

did you just reach across time and space to kick Montresor in the nuts? Damn! :face-screaming-in-fear:
The definition of insanity is paying Ubisoft for the same game over and over again, in the hope that this time it’ll be different. A subscription just ensures they’re scamming more cash out of you, and you don’t even own it in the end.

I’ve seen total conversion mods with more differentiation to their original game than Ubisoft titles differentiate from each other.
I was actually doing the math on that article.

Ubisoft+ costs 17.99 a month. Ubisoft games are usually 50% off on the standard ed within a month or two, and 75% on the gold/ultimate ed within a year.

If you bought all the Ubigames within a calendar year at their lowest discount within the year, youd have the same content as you would by subscribing, but for far less money... and you retain a license. :thinking-face:
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Plays too many card games
Nov 18, 2018
Erased a Man's Name. Good little story.

The infinite wealth demo is cool and fun so far (longer than I thought too). Hopefully the PC version doesn't suck.

That Ubisoft Prince of Persia game is getting really good reviews. I don't suppose it's available anywhere except Ubi trash stores? Goddammit.


Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit.
Nov 16, 2018
Jakarta, Indonesia
Erased a Man's Name. Good little story.

The infinite wealth demo is cool and fun so far (longer than I thought too). Hopefully the PC version doesn't suck.

That Ubisoft Prince of Persia game is getting really good reviews. I don't suppose it's available anywhere except Ubi trash stores? Goddammit.
It's on Epic Game Store as well. So no.
  • Toucan
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Dec 20, 2018
This new Ubisoft talk prompted me to look at their share price. They are basically only big gaming publisher that is trending down. All other publishers are just going up with smaller ups and downs. Ubisoft reached peak at 2018 with 102€ per share and now they are at 22€ per share. They are doing great obviously.


Mouse Accelerated Member
Apr 17, 2019
This new Ubisoft talk prompted me to look at their share price. They are basically only big gaming publisher that is trending down. All other publishers are just going up with smaller ups and downs. Ubisoft reached peak at 2018 with 102€ per share and now they are at 22€ per share. They are doing great obviously.
I used to love their output so much (pre-2005, I'd say)?

I can't even say I actively avoid any of their products because I just don't care. When one of their games pops up somewhere, it has as much an effect as when I "see" an ad... My mind just filters them out. My synapses instantly become teflonized and nothing sticks.
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Just another Video Game Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2018
He's an absolute goldmine of insight with his thirty years of experience in the industry.
So much wisdom for free, you usually have to spend hundreds on expensive game conferences to learn this.
And lot of this applies outside Game Industry too
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I didn't delete that post!. Get my post back!.
Oct 8, 2021
Seems publishers are pushing people again to pirate their games. That bugiesoft article was hilarous.

That said pretty pathetic Bamco announcing Eddy Gordo as a DLC pay chatacter for tekken 8 more than a week before the release date with a trailer and like the character is already done just to milk players. Can fuck them all.
  • This!
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Sep 19, 2020
This new Ubisoft talk prompted me to look at their share price. They are basically only big gaming publisher that is trending down. All other publishers are just going up with smaller ups and downs. Ubisoft reached peak at 2018 with 102€ per share and now they are at 22€ per share. They are doing great obviously.
That's around the same time they bailed from Steam.

Coincidence? Yes, but still.

Stone Ocean

Proud Degenerate
Apr 17, 2019
I love this bit so so much
"These games will still exist, the service will continue, and you'll be able to access them when you feel like. That's reassuring.
This you?
Ubisoft delists The Crew, with servers shutting next year

Pirate their games and give the money to Indie developers instead.
Games that aren't worth my money are also not worth my limited time on this planet. I'll play more indie games instead.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
For curio's sake (and being tempted, eh) I launched Ubishit to see if their premium sub gives me access to PoP.
And for the second day in a row, the 'store' and 'Ubi+' tabs of the app DO NOT LOAD.



Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit.
Nov 16, 2018
Jakarta, Indonesia

They also removed Denuvo.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019

They also removed Denuvo.
And give access to the new DLC freely, under nebulous conditions I can't decipher, because too hard to do a normal rollout.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
I think the free DLC is for the complete edition buyer (The Necronomicon edition)
Sure, but I have no idea if I bought the complete edition. I think so, but... And they changed the name of the edition for fun and giggles.
There is also this bizarre part I can't make head or tail about :
'Due to certain limitations, we were forced to add the DLC directly to the Investigator Pack, rather than as separate items.'

I suppose I will simply wait 24-48 hours and see what's up. This is confusing.
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¡Detrás de tí, imbécil!
Nov 6, 2018
I'm not sure if there is another company like Qureate in Japan. This. Company just seems to love controversy. They managed to not only get some of there games banned on Steam but also on the eShop as well. There was a game that they were going to release on Switch that was a message game, people on Twitter were upset about the game, they didn't end up releasing it on Switch the changed the name of the title and a few days later released it on Steam.....I feel like that was calculated. They even had a game get banned from Steam and then a few short months later (even though it was already released) they removed the game from the eShop as well.
Call me a sicko, but I kinda appreciate their niche. Softcore to the maxxx. Game that got banned got released over at GoG, EGS and Jast.


Oct 6, 2018

I'm impressed they admitted it though they try to pull off damage control by saying things like "it's 0.01% of the game" so they know how unpopular this will be lol.

This is gamers' first real test for AI here. We're officially in the starting phase of a new awful thing in this industry where they dip their toes in the water to gauge people's reaction and see if they'll be able to get away with more. Naturally like most other things it starts in a MP game because that audience has the lowest standards of anyone and it's usually why these tactics eventually succeed. It may not with this game because this game already had flop written all over it but publishers watch and learn. If it flops but they see minimal to no outrage over the AI then someone else will absolutely push further.

I expect nothing from gamers but who knows maybe for once they'll actually stop repeating the same cycle for 20+ years and we'll stop the industry from getting a bit worse.

This new Ubisoft talk prompted me to look at their share price. They are basically only big gaming publisher that is trending down. All other publishers are just going up with smaller ups and downs. Ubisoft reached peak at 2018 with 102€ per share and now they are at 22€ per share. They are doing great obviously.
They don't make anything good and decided to double down even more on Assassin's Creed which got them in hot water in the mid 2010s when burnout happened but they learned nothing apparently. Other than the mario rabbid games I can't think of anything remotely decent they made in the last 6+ years it's all the same soulless open world trash or awful MP games.


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
Call me a sicko, but I kinda appreciate their niche. Softcore to the maxxx. Game that got banned got released over at GoG, EGS and Jast.
I feel like everyone only talks about that one game. But not the ones that I mentioned for some reason.



I'm impressed they admitted it though they try to pull off damage control by saying things like "it's 0.01% of the game" so they know how unpopular this will be lol.

This is gamers' first real test for AI here. We're officially in the starting phase of a new awful thing in this industry where they dip their toes in the water to gauge people's reaction and see if they'll be able to get away with more. Naturally like most other things it starts in a MP game because that audience has the lowest standards of anyone and it's usually why these tactics eventually succeed. It may not with this game because this game already had flop written all over it but publishers watch and learn. If it flops but they see minimal to no outrage over the AI then someone else will absolutely push further.

I expect nothing from gamers but who knows maybe for once they'll actually stop repeating the same cycle for 20+ years and we'll stop the industry from getting a bit worse.

They don't make anything good and decided to double down even more on Assassin's Creed which got them in hot water in the mid 2010s when burnout happened but they learned nothing apparently. Other than the mario rabbid games I can't think of anything remotely decent they made in the last 6+ years it's all the same soulless open world trash or awful MP games.
first real test? lol

nobody was buying foamstars before this, nobody will after it
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Dirty Weeb
Mar 12, 2019
It's a real shame that Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown isn't on Steam... I went through the process of getting it running on my Deck OLED, and it otherwise feels like a perfect fit. Probably the only Ubisoft game I've given a shit about in close to a decade.


Sep 19, 2020
It's a real shame that Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown isn't on Steam... I went through the process of getting it running on my Deck OLED, and it otherwise feels like a perfect fit. Probably the only Ubisoft game I've given a shit about in close to a decade.

I would have bought it day one on Steam. I know I can use Heroic or emulate the Switch version , but franky I'm too lazy to mess with that.
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OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
It's a real shame that Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown isn't on Steam... I went through the process of getting it running on my Deck OLED, and it otherwise feels like a perfect fit. Probably the only Ubisoft game I've given a shit about in close to a decade.
Just wait till you restart your Deck for some reason and UbiConnect conveniently forgets your login.
Truly a client that makes you question if humanity is worthy of survival.
  • Toucan
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