here is an interview about your favorite game
It would seem that for the Japanese release they wanted to give sort of the same feel as the west, which is why the trailer uses a Japanese song instead of an English one (I think that LiS1 had the same English songs for it's Japanese trailers).
The name of the song seems to be Back to Back by Bray me
here is an interview about your favorite game
【特集】『ライフ イズ ストレンジ』シリーズ作品からサントラを厳選、開発者インタビューと共にお届け | Game*Spark - 国内・海外ゲーム情報サイト
本稿では『ライフ イズ ストレンジ』のサウンドトラックについて深堀りし、物語を引き立てる音楽に迫っていきます。後半では開発者インタビューもお届けするので、お見逃しなく!
It would seem that for the Japanese release they wanted to give sort of the same feel as the west, which is why the trailer uses a Japanese song instead of an English one (I think that LiS1 had the same English songs for it's Japanese trailers).
The name of the song seems to be Back to Back by Bray me