All the ubisoft talk about an investor wanting to make them go private reminded me of this
You also have to remember that the $400 is the entry level one and that Valve also has more higher end versions. Valve even talked about the margins on it being "painful". So it's one thing if that's one of the SKUs that you have but it's a completely different thing if that's is the only SKU that you have and if you are selling millions at that price. Or maybe they got a really good deal on their components, but I'm sure that even those have risen in price over the last few years.The only way they do 500$ is if the mobile chip inside is top of the line newish Nvidia tech.
I don't really see Nintendo pursuing that for both availability and assembly reasons.
I think they go after something more midrange and wouldn't surprise me if they settle on around Deck power. Maybe even less for safety and power reasons as they are still gonna treat it like a kids device.
I think under 400$ is a possibility. The long gen for the Switch and numerous delays (going off rumors) means it should be a little cheaper imo.
Rune Factory 4S, absolutely. An all time great of the farming genre!Which Rune Factory on PC is worth the current price? I need something for remote play.
Also hate game that have timers and time gated things.
RF5 is the cheapest while RF3S is the most expensive. RF4S is in between.
They're all technically JRPGs (specifically, Japanese action RPGs); Rune Factory's original conceit was that it was Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, but with stats, equipment and combat.I also haven't played any Rune Factory games before, and the new one looks like a full-on JRPG with farming? Looks really cool.
while still havingh big investments from their owner ... so indie in name only ... so people stop complainingMintrocket who developed Dave the Diver was tired hearing about the game not being indie, so they became indie:
[단독] 넥슨 '민트로켓' 결국 독립한다…투자로 지원 계속
넥슨이 ‘데이브 더 다이브’ 제작 스튜디오인 민트로켓을 독립시키는 쪽으로 방침을 세웠다. 물적분할로 분리하는 방식이 아니라 넥슨에서 퇴사하게 될 민트로켓 개발자들이 세울 독립 법인에 넥슨이 투자하는 형태다. 민트로켓n.news.naver.com
For real!It's a real shame PC never got that MonHun World demo.
Based on what little I tried of Rise, World feels heavier in general than Rise, so if you prefer heavier combat, World may be more for you than Rise.For real!
I've tried the MH Rise+Sunbreak demo last night and was a bit unimpressed. Somehow, I was expecting the combat to be more like Horizon ZD, instead it kind of lacks any "physicality". I wonder whether it's a matter of being an underpowered Switch game, or it's a japanese-jank style choice.
And unfortunately, I can't compare it with a MH World demo.![]()
I don't know if heavier is the right word. I generally prefer ranged and speed. What I failed to describe with "physicality" was, like, you hit a monster and you get the same "hurt" animation, regardless of where and how you hit. Maybe it was just that specific monster, or the weapons I used. I'll try again though, because I'm still curious and attracted to the game!Based on what little I tried of Rise, World feels heavier in general than Rise, so if you prefer heavier combat, World may be more for you than Rise.
Though, worth noting that each weapon type feels very different from each other, if you don't like the combat of one weapon type, there may be another that better suits your tastes.
Guardians of Azuma is a spin off. 6 is also in development. I started on 3 last night.
I hope they remaster 1, 2, Frontier and Tides of Destiny at some point.
Thank you! I will be picking up one next sale. Too many JRPGs in the library nowThey're all technically JRPGs (specifically, Japanese action RPGs); Rune Factory's original conceit was that it was Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, but with stats, equipment and combat.
Play Rune Factory 4! Preferably on a handheld of some sort, Steam Deck or Switch. Good times guaranteed.
I hope it does well. I love DQ4 and beat it twice on the DS. Psaro's story was great.Wonder how DRAGON QUEST MONSTERS: The Dark Prince will do today
The figures.
But in the end, all that matter is the shiny numbers at the end of the year, and that they do have. Also why I don't believe for a second that Nintendo ever needs to be "competitive" for anything, ever.Sony: The games on our Amateur console look and run shit, please buy our 800 buck Professional console instead!
Sony: Europe is whatever.
It's the tried and successful Microsoft Strategy of fucking over Europe and concentrating on the US. Worked wonders for Microsoft.
It's not like that the base PS5 is already behind in sales and that the 6% that the PS5 is ahead in the US is completely negated by the abysmal sales in Europa, Japan and rest of the world. Making the PS5 already 2 million units behind worldwide.
That must be nice. If I want to go to a decent movie theater, I have to drive 40 minutes there and 40 minutes back. And it cost me ~$9USD in gas just to go. I would take the bus there but the issue is that most of the movies that I'm interested in watching like anime movies don't start until 7:00PM and typically ends around 9:00PM and the last bus to go back to my town is at 5:00PMSomething random, but man it’s so nice living 3 minutes away from the cinema. It took me literally 5 minutes to step outside my door to be in the seat in the cinema.
Good price. will buy after im done with the rune factory games.
Out now
I think for Nintendo its also a little different compared to Sony. Sony makes a ton of $$$ via GaaS on their platform being COD, Genshin, Fortnite etc. For Sony its not the end of the world if PS5Pro flops or even the PS6 starts off slow. They will still have dozens of of millions of users playing GaaS across PS4/PS5. They can even afford to be slow with their own 1st party releases.But in the end, all that matter is the shiny numbers at the end of the year, and that they do have. Also why I don't believe for a second that Nintendo ever needs to be "competitive" for anything, ever.
It's the same thing that happened with streaming services, they don't give a shit about the world as long as the dividends are good enough.
Now does that mean that they're giving up on their own market, let alone forsaking any hope of expanding, just like Japanese mobile got destroyed by China's and never even tried to go beyond the country?
Well yes.
But it's not an "unrealized potential" or "letting competitors create a market many times bigger than what we have", nor "giving up on entire generations of players that do not, and never will care about our products" until the collapse already happened. And that's the thing with maximizing profits like they are: it's very good at resisting collapse, sucking dry a shrinking market is something that capitalism is efficient for.
That's why I say that capitalism is bad at capitalism. It's only good at running everything into the ground until they need to socialize the losses of the too big to fail companies and people involved.
the activity tracker, even if it's meant for just controlling kids, could be of general use. Hope they eventually export that as its own thing
I live less than a mile from two cinemas but those are always packed and they're ass anyway.Something random, but man it’s so nice living 3 minutes away from the cinema. It took me literally 5 minutes to step outside my door to be in the seat in the cinema.
But why? That's the greatest experience!I have a 20 min walk to our Cinema
The last time I was in there, was when Star Trek Nemesis released. I asked the ticket seller if there are still enough tickets for the showing (it was a few days after it released here) and she laughed and asked me which seat I wanted.
There were maybe 5-10 people when the film started.
I never set a foot into the Cinema ever again...
https://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2024/0303685.html https://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2024/0303707.htmlThere may be large numbers of content items available at current content provider systems. Subsets of these content items may be eligible to participate in events, such as sales. A content provider system may determine content item eligibility for events using content item data and proactively query vendor systems for participation in such events. The content provider system may iteratively query vendor systems based on an ordered set of eligible content items. The content provider system may monitor content items for updated content items data and proactively query a vendor system if a content item becomes eligible for an event based on updated content item data. Content items associated with a sale may be sorted and presented to a user based on user and/or content item data.
I mean, it literally says you do not need to link an EGS account to play online. So yes, they did.