I saw First Man last night. My library has a section of "in branch only" recently released DVDs called a "Lucky Day" collection. Cringey but hey, you could drop by and get a DVD of Avengers Endgame (no thanks). Despite it only being a DVD, this thing popped. The cinematography is beautiful despite the view of being frequently terrifying. Its based on a memoir of Neil Armstrong, however the Director freely admits that this film isn't based completely on reality (beyond what is apparently a very accurate depiction of the technology of the era/60s spaceprogram) So, I'd take it as a counterpoint to The Right Stuff. The right stuff is, on a whole, a lighter and slightly humorous take on the risks and terror of space flight, while First Man just presents them, unflinchingly. The Gemni 8 launch and the Moon landing are two amazing, edge of your seat scenes, in the right kind of way. Not some kind of contrived "HOLD MUH SPOILERS BC GIANT CORPS PAWN POSTSED SOMETHING CUTE ON TWITTER AND THANOS WILL GET ME" but "imagine you're there, flirting on the edge of disaster, and even when you know that it will turn out right, you'll lose years off your life when you see just how close it came to going wrong"
There is a lot more I'd like to say, but this is getting long winded, go see it and cleanse your plates super hero shit for awhile.