Community The MetaVerse VR thread (hardware/software/etc, all platforms)


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
This looks like another they should launch on Steam as well to help with the multiplayer numbers since unlike the Echo games it isn't free to start (then again, Quest games tend to sell fast with that audience and unlike Medal of Honor this is for Quest as well as PC, maybe that's why they don't think they have to).

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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
This was mentioned before in passing even in some of the Facebook Connect videos. FB is doing weird (good?) things with the Oculus Quest side of their store. Apparently developers will be able to publish anything (I assume they'll still ban content infringing on other IP etc. as it comes to their attention) on the platform but it will remain unlisted and not appear in search if it doesn't go through the usual curation process, yet still give them functionality like pushing updates and generating keys which they can even sell however they like (but not through the store) and retain all revenue. I guess this is to compete with, replace or one up SideQuest. It seems like something they'd backpedal on if it gains traction and they see it as lost revenue when some dude sets up his Oculus keys store and sells a ton of a good game he made. Or when somebody makes something like SideQuest except it's just a site/store for selling generated keys for all the unlisted games devs put on it. Maybe it's all about controlling or monitoring what they now don't with SideQuest even if it doesn't bring in revenue. On PC it's unnecessary since anyone can release a game in/out of any stores but why not expand this to that side anyway, it's a neat free service option for sure.
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019

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Junior Member
Jun 18, 2020
So after i buy an oculus Quest 2, oculus link, case, head strap, it's $480.

Am I stupid for going this route instead of getting a reverb g2? I have a very powerful pc, but I've also looked forward to wireless vr for a long time.

I've only had an HTC vive and psvr, and the resolution of the screens were way too low. I want to be able to read text clearly.


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Why not see how you like the default strap or what usb cables will be suggested and how they compare to the official expensive one before shelling out for it?

You could also throw it in a backpack or bag/whatever. There may be more urgent accessories to buy (like vr cover stuff, idk how the default is). Just a thought.

If you want stand alone cableless VR (+ PC VR) you've got no real alternatives. The resolution is a big bump from what you've had, if it's enough is subjective...
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Fingers crossed for the last tweet in this post to result in something VR related :)

Various VR youtubers got to play Solaris ahead of tomorrow's launch, they have gameplay, comparisons between the PC and Quest version, Quest 2 gameplay, etc. I can't say it looks too in depth or compelling, epsecially after what these guys did previously on PSVR or compared to the likes of Echo Combat, we'll see.
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019

Solaris is out now. It looks okay, a bit too simplistic (the pitfalls of designing for Quest first I guess) and conventional (compared to Echo Combat for example) and not even very polished (characters animate weird, FPS games solved that issue aeons ago but somehow VR devs can't follow the same principles). It could be fun for a while but I don't see it getting a large following. It's neither deep like Onward nor trigger happy fun like Space Junkies or hopefully Grapple Tournament. Some compare it to classics like Quake but it doesn't seem to have the mobility, depth or skill ceiling.
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
TOR3 is out now:
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Phasmophobia got its first update and is raising in popularity with over 1500 largely positive reviews..!
Vox Machinae just got another big update of its own as well, with tons of goodies and improvements!

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Dec 7, 2018
I just had a great time playing Phasmophobia tonight. The game is pretty effective at scaring the fuck out of you and your friends. You can try calling out its name or asking it questions, but sometimes it answers back...



When you see me again, it won't be me.
Sep 19, 2018
I have no idea if VR will be suitable for me, as I can see myself getting motion sickness pretty easily. Regardless, I just picked up an Oculus Go as it was only $50. I know it's not nearly as good as the Quest and obviously the major players, but for the price it seemed worth it. I wonder if I'll be able to get Shadow running Steam games on here...
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
First reviews for Survios' TWD: Onslaught coming in. It seems shit. Nice enough graphics and controls, zero game design. We'll see tomorrow when it releases but yeah. Instead get Skydance's TWD: Saints & Sinners which is ace!
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
I missed the tweet about Waltz of the Wizard had a trailer to go with it, I'd have embedded that in the first place, I hate browsing on my phone while my PC is out of order.

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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019

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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019

Footage of Population One popping up online with the NDA lift. Not gonna post all of the tubers. It looks pretty decent and decently polished (though not for me, I don't do BR and I'm not a fan of having crosshair in VR FPS, except for arcadey games or arena shooters like Grapple Tournament where it makes sense).

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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019

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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
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Question everything, learn nothing
Sep 17, 2019
So I'm planning on getting a VR set soon™ but I know almost nothing VR related so a couple of questions.

What is the best VR set I can get? Quality wise and/or price wise.

And good VR games to go with that?


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
So I'm planning on getting a VR set soon™ but I know almost nothing VR related so a couple of questions.

What is the best VR set I can get? Quality wise and/or price wise.

And good VR games to go with that?
There are two categories more or less, those that use Valve's lighthouse base stations which offer impeccable tracking (of yourself in space and of your hands with the controllers) with next to no real blind spots depending on set up and those that more conveniently use cameras mounted on the HMD to both track yourself in space and track the controllers, which will inevitably have blind spots for the latter but is mostly good enough when done right.

Valve Index is the best overall with good resolution, up to 144hz and controllers that offer buttons, sticks, trackpads and finger/pressure tracking on top. That will set you back like ~1000. Oculus Quest 2 offers the usual Oculus best in class inside out tracking, up to 90hz and pretty great controllers in form factor and convenience that many other competitors have basically copied since they first introduced them. It also plays games without the need for a PC and functions like a VR console if you buy its games/ports from its own store (or get various homebrew stuff). It connects to PC via USB (or wirelessly with homebrew apps but that's not perfected). That will set you back like ~300 and require a facebook account like all Oculus products. The HP Reverb G2 is the only upcoming WMR kit, it doesn't appear to have quite as good tracking as Oculus, will also be 90hz and the controllers are basically Oculus knock offs with some less features, but it has the highest resolution of most consumer VR kits and connects to PC natively. That will set you back like ~600 (~700 in Europe, a bit too much imo).

Edit: the Oculus Quest 2 also has far lesser audio capabilities/quality than the others by default, but you could use any headset you have with it instead.

There are other choices but those are the main ones imo. Maybe you can find an Oculus Rift S (no stand alone capabilities, older revision controllers, 80 hz, but native PC connection, which also means you might have trouble finding replacements parts when you need them) or older WMR kits like Samsung Odyssey+ which probably have more tracking blindspots than G2 as they had less cameras and somewhat worse controllers in build quality and stuff. There are also stuff like HTC Vive (not the Cosmos line, that one is inside out tracking like Oculus/WMR, unless you get it with the external tracking faceplate but it proved to be a failure in that compared to competitors) or Pimax which you can mix and match with Index parts but I definitely wouldn't get anything less than the Index controllers in that case, the old Vive wands are obsolete in design and features. I don't see a reason to bother unless you're looking for high FOV from Pimax.

Oculus Store (on the PC, not Quest side) exclusives tend to be playable on other VR kits with Revive, Steam/Viveport games are generally playable on all kits.

Loads of great games. Older recommendation list (no Star Wars Squadrons, Phasmophobia and some other stuff released since, VTOL VR got out of ea too):
And here is a preliminary, not necessarily updated with all the latest things (so, just participate in the thread, duh) list of VR games I can basically recommend, obviously always depending on your preferences (and excluding obvious must have shit like Beat Saber and Half-Life: Alyx):

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners is an immersive sim-lite with great action & some resource scavenging.

Budget Cuts is a stealth puzzle adventure series with nicely integrated teleport mechanics.

Apex Construct is a sci fi immersing adventure game with archery action at its core.

Stormland is an open world shooter, more limited than it seems at first but still fun as hell.

The Room VR is a wonderful continuation of the famous puzzle adventure series, perfectly adapted to VR!

The Thrill of the Fight is a true boxing sim, if less fancy than the gamey Creed and its Rocky license.

Journey of the Gods is a Zelda-lite linear action adventure that's simple but polished and works really well.

Pistol Whip is the new kid on the rhythm game block, I love it like it’s a funky musical Virtua Cop-like.

Drop Dead is a fun riff on The House of the Dead, not nearly as tight but maybe the best of the genre in VR.

In Death is an archery based rogue-lite I spent many hours in early on despite the limited scope.

SUPERHOT VR is a puzzle action shooter with cool slow motion mechanics. Be like Neo!

Racket Fury is a very polished table tennis game, the realism is surreal at first despite the sci fi theme.

Catch & Release is a fishing game. Who doesn’t like fishing? I want Twilight Princess fishing in VR now.

Moss is a third person action adventure, you lead a sword wielding mouse as if in a diorama of a fairy tale.

Down the Rabbit Hole is yet another fairy tale adapted to VR, with its own twists, turns and unique style.

Asgard's Wrath is a made-for-VR action RPG with a Viking theme that many gamers enjoyed.

Space Junkies is a PVP zero gravity arena FPS, like Quake in space, great for some instant action.

Ultrawings is a flight game, not quite a sim, maybe a bit like pilot wings, goals and stuff to get through.

Windlands 2 is an action adventure with not-web-swinging and archery, it’s also co-op capable.

Vox Machinae is a PVP focused giant mech combat game with awesome interactive cockpits.

Raw Data is probably the best of the arena/wave shooters with different classes, progression & co-op.

Onward is my favorite “standard” FPS, PVP focused, some co-op & the best feel/controls for weapons/gadgets.

Lone Echo is a must play astronaut adventure, the free PVP Echo VR and its $10 Combat DLC rock too!

Red Matter is another sci fi adventure with a different spin than the above and great interactions.

Blade & Sorcery has the best physics based melee combat but doesn’t yet have progression etc.

V-Racer Hoverbike is a cool futuristic racer where you can lean to realistically control your jet moto thing.

There are many other great games, early access or otherwise. I like where Vengeful Rites is going as a VR RPG action adventure with sword wielding, spell casting, the works and there’s also the free-for-now A Township Tale alpha to try for some online rpging/surviving/crafting alongside social playgrounds like Rec Room, VRChat, even Bigscreen. VTOL VR is a great indie combat flight sim with wonderfully interactive cockpits. There are also ports of non-VR games or games that are both for VR and regular play, as long as you like the base games. Titles like Skyrim VR, No Man’s Sky, DCS, Elite Dangerous, DiRT Rally 1 & 2, PayDay 2, IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad and others were converted very well. Some like Fallout 4 VR weren’t as successful however so some caution is necessary. Others have been converted by fan modifications, MotherVR is a great mod for Alien Isolation, without hand tracking, while the same creator is working on ReclaimerVR, a mod for Halo: The Master Chief Collection that will include that and another guy works on an Outer Wilds mod with hand tracking as well. Quake VR is also amazing.
And of course loads of upcoming stuff, AAA like Medal of Honor, Assassing's Creed & Splinter Cell or just cool like Sniper Elite, Vertigo 2 & Grapple Tournament.
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Grapple Tournament looks so cool. Where others try and excuse shallow/simple design by claiming it's old school this appears to be a true arena FPS with all that made the classics great. Readable yet cool art (from the levels to the hud, love the crosshair and hit indicator), mobility, map verticality, sweet weapons...
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Question everything, learn nothing
Sep 17, 2019
Many thanks Alextended ! I think I'll wait a little bit more and get the Valve Index since it seems like it aligns more with what I'm looking for (since I'm not a big fan about facebook stuff)

And about the games, I really have a lot to research with the help of your list, since I barely knew any games outside Alyx and the usual stuff.

Again, thank you very much, I think you covered pretty much everything I had doubts with :cat-heart-blob:


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019

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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
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