Community What are you currently playing?


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
Still hooked on Guild Wars 2. As I play each chapter the game becomes more and more of a bullet hell game... Boss fights in the Living Story are over the top.

It makes me sad that Anet had to scrap everything non-GW2 they were working on. Would've loved to see their next game.
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Resumed my PS4 play of Destiny 2 on PC - bored to the max
Restarted Monster Hunter World on PC - bored but it's so good
Code Vein (soon)
and for the last few days

God Eater Resurrection

Relatively mediocre, but I can't hate it. Graphically it's PSP HD so meh, but nothing really ugly. The problem lies entirely in that it's a portable game through and through. Missions are short enough for portable lifestyle but become unfulfilling on desktop. It has a nice after effect in that it makes me chain them, but it's still a cons. And there are a gazillion missions but the repetition and color swap is very strong here.
UI is wet shit, divided between the main terminal and some things assigned to the start button. Some menu entries are misleading too, not sure if it's a translation issue or a brain one for the guy who designed it.
Tutorials are a misfire, it's a good thing you ideally will play hours upon hours of the game because nothing is clear.
On the combat front, they seem more messy than Monster Hunter, more button mashy. The plot is generic and again the portable nature of the game hurts it on desktop, everything is packaged in little bits and bobs.

So relatively mediocre.
But ehhhhhh, I continue playing, it must do something right. Let's say, being an anime themed budget MH clone. It's not that bad, just meh.
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Reactions: Spamlynguist


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Cube World, it's always Cube World. I try to play other games but always end up coming back to Cube World. The gameplay loop of run around finding good loot and items so you can go tackle the dungeons to get better loot for that region is really relaxing to me and ideal for catching up with podcasts etc.

I'll be playing other games this weekend as i've neglected some great games but my heart will be pining for Cube World.

Phoenix RISING

A phoenix always RISES!
Apr 23, 2019
Ann Arbor, MI
The game overstayed its welcome for me. It drags on and on.

I enjoyed it.

I think its problem is a lack of an episodic structure that provides you breaks. It's one long continuous game that undersells when you're actually playing a boss.

Some just seem like tough enemies with healthbars.

At any rate, it's the first true successor to Duke 3D I've played.
Oh, I have been playing Crying Suns.

It's the last of a series of review copies I've been playing nonstop since July. Whew, 2019 may not have many GOAT candidates, but it still might be the best overall year of gaming that I can remember. Just quality title after quality title.

Crying Suns is essentially an expansion to FTL: Faster Than Light. This time, there's a story that's interesting even though it drags on until the inevitable big revelation. Still, I appreciate the microcosmic Homeworld-like combat.
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Steam New Releases Warrior
Dec 8, 2018
Somewhere else
Finished Ion Fury. The final boss battle was HARD even on the easiest difficulty level. Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior and Blood are still the best Build engine first person shooters. Ion Fury's enviroments were a bit too bland and the enemies boring.

Now playing: Argonus and the Gods of Stone

It feels like a mix of walking sim and point & click adventure. I have terrible performance issues with this game. The fps are jumping high and low, and are often under 40 fps at 1920x1080 with a GTX 1070. I wonder what is causing this as the graphics are not that pretty. The graphic options are also limited. The usual shitty presets (low, medium, etc.) There is no option to disable Antialiasing.

EDIT: They are working on optimizations. I have not much faith in that as they already "optimized" the starting area where i have the biggest performance issues. The update is scheduled for November. :(

EDIT 2: Finished.
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Reactions: Spamlynguist


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Pixeljunk Monsters 2 on highest difficulty. Fun game, but some levels rely too much on memorizing the spawn sequence and routes.


Steam New Releases Warrior
Dec 8, 2018
Somewhere else
Finished another game.

Overpriced boring stealth game. The gameplay was: go there and get that. now go there and get this. it's not there so you should go to the other side of the fucking house and get it. All this while avoiding three enemies. It took me two hours to see the end.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
I was hoping to be playing Digimon Cyber Sleuth Complete but it crashes on my PC. According to some helpful soul/busybody in the Steam forums it's because our hardware is too high-end for a middle budget game and Japanese Devs shouldn't be expected to cater to and optimize for people running VR Specific Cards like GTX 1080 or RTX 20xx series. lol. I'm gonna wait for a patch.

I then got my ass kicked in Code Vein for a good few hours and returned to Cube World to relax.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I was hoping to be playing Digimon Cyber Sleuth Complete but it crashes on my PC. According to some helpful soul/busybody in the Steam forums it's because our hardware is too high-end for a middle budget game and Japanese Devs shouldn't be expected to cater to and optimize for people running VR Specific Cards like GTX 1080 or RTX 20xx series. lol. I'm gonna wait for a patch.
That sucks :/

I'm running it on an RTX 2060 just fine - try disabling RTSS/Afterburner in case you're running, I noticed them sporadically making problems since some Windows Update ago.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
I don't run any of those types of things and i've tried so many things in Steam to no avail. The game runs then randomly crashes, literally at any moment.
It's generating an NVOGL64 error but i have latest drivers, am up to date with patches, disabled big picture, cloud saves, no controller and ran as Admin etc but nope. I guess i'll have to try to contact support somehow.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I don't run any of those types of things and i've tried so many things in Steam to no avail. The game runs then randomly crashes, literally at any moment.
It's generating an NVOGL64 error but i have latest drivers, am up to date with patches, disabled big picture, cloud saves, no controller and ran as Admin etc but nope. I guess i'll have to try to contact support somehow.
Ouch. :/
Guess the only thing that you could still try would be a clean driver reinstall with DDU.


Hey you! Have a nice day!
Jun 4, 2019
Finished 1000 Amps in about ~8 hours with 89% completion rate.
Overall it was a nice little puzzle platformer.
The moment to moment platforming felt great, considering that
a.) I have very little experience with plattformers
b.) The game has no controller support. And I assume that using a controller (e.g. via Steam Controller support) would be extremely hard as the mouse is used to teleport to any point of the screen.

The puzzles where overall relatively easy but a few times I ran into a block (correct wording?). This was probably a result of the game having some Metroidvania like elements, which I did not realize at first :smart-thinking-blob:

After this I started the next game from my backlog. This time around it is an old one :cuteblob:

In addition I started a new game of Europa Universalis IV with Korea.


It has risen again!
Dec 31, 2018
Beat Aragami: Nightfall yesterday, pretty short but great DLC with some really fun levels. Also picked up MediEvil (PS4) today, just defeated the Guardians of the Graveyard.
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Reactions: sk2k


It has risen again!
Dec 31, 2018
Finished MediEvil (PS4) today and what a lovely remake that was! Gonna get the trophies I missed tomorrow.

After that I'm probably going to play Yoku's Island Express, MediEvil II or Condemned 2. Still not really sure which one though :blobweary:
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Reactions: sk2k and Li Kao


Sep 20, 2018
Started playing some Ruiner (on Gamepass)

It's a top-down twin-stick melee/shooting game, which takes some cues from Hotline Miami, at least it reminds me of it at times. It can be quite brutal, but the game never feels unfair, and no place in the game took me more than 3 retries, changing up your tactics and adapting to each situation. Looking it up online, it seems I'm almost at the halfway point, while only having finished two levels (each taking maybe 40 minutes), so it's a quite a short game.
The music and presentation isn't quite as intense as Hotline Miami, but it's got some great scenes, for sure.


It has risen again!
Dec 31, 2018
Started playing some Ruiner (on Gamepass)

It's a top-down twin-stick melee/shooting game, which takes some cues from Hotline Miami, at least it reminds me of it at times. It can be quite brutal, but the game never feels unfair, and no place in the game took me more than 3 retries, changing up your tactics and adapting to each situation. Looking it up online, it seems I'm almost at the halfway point, while only having finished two levels (each taking maybe 40 minutes), so it's a quite a short game.
The music and presentation isn't quite as intense as Hotline Miami, but it's got some great scenes, for sure.
I should really get back to this game. Bought it back when it was released but only made a tiny bit of progress.
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Reactions: Mivey


Jun 11, 2019
I've finished TimeShift (A really good game, don't sleep on it on the next sales!) and now i'm just chillin' around in Destiny 2
Next week i'll be back home, so there I'll start something new.



Jan 5, 2019

Yeah yeah it's a survival game. I know they can be tedious. Heck, I felt negatively about the genre too until I played this game. If you like zombie games at all, then this is a must buy imo. 7 Days to Die is the only game that makes me feel like I'm living in a zombie apocalypse. It's like living The Walking Dead except the zombies aren't useless. One of the best things about this game is that it's actually fun in singleplayer, which is rare for survival games with multiplayer.

On my very first day playing, I found a house that I thought would keep me safe for the night...until a big ol' bear randomly came and destroyed EVERYTHING. Those kind of "OH CRAP" moments are what made me fall in love with the game.

The goal of the game is to survive the horde nights that occur every 7 days. This means you'll need to find a house and build a decent defense around it. Or you can build your very own base, it's up to you! The horde nights get stronger and stronger each week so you'll definitely want to upgrade your defenses over time. On the days before the horde nights, you'd usually scavenge abandoned buildings for items, food, water, guns, ammo, etc. A very neat thing about the game is that everything you find has a purpose, whether it be for crafting, smelting, scrapping, eating, trading, etc.

There is a hunger/thirst system in game, so you'll need to find canned food or go hunting for deer, boar, or any other animal you come across. Some folks (like me) build their base near a boar farm for easy access hunting. Water can be obtained rather easily by finding bottled water or filling up glass jars from rivers or lakes. Of course you'll also need to boil that water over a campfire to kill the germs.

There is also a leveling system. Every level you earn points to put into skills like health regeneration, hunger/thirst reduction, increased melee/gun/bow damage, etc. Lots of different builds to choose from! Almost everything you do in the game earns you experience, like killing zombies, completing quests, upgrading blocks, harvesting and mining. There are also trader npcs scattered throughout the map. You can buy stuff from them using "Duke's tokens". They also hand out quests along with rewards after completion.

It's impossible for me to mention everything this game has because there's so much to it. The game is still in early access. In a future patch, they're going to add bandits which should spice things up even more. But even in its current state, 7 Days to Die is very much worth playing.

In short, 7 Days to Die has become not just my favorite zombie game ever, but one of my favorite games of all time. I strongly recommend playing this if you have an interest in zombies and/or survival games.


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
Just finished up the Outer Worlds - took 25 or so hours. Definitely one of favorite games in a long time. The writing is great, with tons of humor. Parvati is going to go down as one the best RPG companions ever.

My one complaint is that you don't get a ton of time with the various companions, and their personal quests are all very short. Thankfully they contribute to conversations a lot, and there is a lot of banter as you explore.

I can really see this being a great new franchise for Obsidian, with tons of potential for future games. Hopefully they'd have the resources to make it a bit bigger - maybe 2-3 planets the size of Monarch.


Cthulhu dreams.
Apr 17, 2019
I have been playing Dying Light today after checking out the last two events and I am actually having fun despite me always disliking the game a lot. I still think Dead Island is the game I like more, but that's probably because that game was just such a surprise back then.

Yoshi Can you play 7DTD in pure singleplayer, like in offline mode and not see any other players at all? Zombies and exploring and survival sounds totally my thing, but not when other players can screw with you.


Dr. Boom Boom
Oct 17, 2018
Quebec, Canada
I finished Darq yesterday in one sitting. What a darn good game.

Today I finished up Nefarious, which I started when the game released over two years ago. Glad I went back to it since it’s a darn good platformer.

And now I booted up Gato Roboto. I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to finish it up tonight. Such a cool little game!


Jan 5, 2019
I have been playing Dying Light today after checking out the last two events and I am actually having fun despite me always disliking the game a lot. I still think Dead Island is the game I like more, but that's probably because that game was just such a surprise back then.

Yoshi Can you play 7DTD in pure singleplayer, like in offline mode and not see any other players at all? Zombies and exploring and survival sounds totally my thing, but not when other players can screw with you.
Yes, in singleplayer, it will be you and only you. Also, when you press escape, it pauses the game which is a nice feature as you can't do that in multiplayer :)

I am unsure whether or not you can play without an internet connection. I'll have to check that when I get the chance.

Edit: Good news, there is an offline mode:
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Reactions: derFeef


It has risen again!
Dec 31, 2018

Started Costume Quest today and just beat the first boss. I did not expect to like it as much as I do, it's just really damn charming! The combat isn't overly complicated but I don't really mind.
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Reactions: FunnyJay and Yoshi


Cthulhu dreams.
Apr 17, 2019
Yes, in singleplayer, it will be you and only you. Also, when you press escape, it pauses the game which is a nice feature as you can't do that in multiplayer :)

I am unsure whether or not you can play without an internet connection. I'll have to check that when I get the chance.

Edit: Good news, there is an offline mode:
Been playing a bit but the framerate is totally killing me. I have a laptop with a 1060 and it runs most games pretty fine actually, but this game somehow just murders the framerate, even on low setting. So far it seems like your typical survival game but I guess I am still tutorialising.
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Reactions: Yoshi


Just a chick who games
May 24, 2019
Playing Rule of Rose for the first time, and dear god is the gameplay awful. The story, setting, graphics are all great, but the confusing map, horrible hit boxes, and lack of save points are killing the enjoyment for me. I can totally understand now why the game never really made any waves despite the controversial subject matter, at least for its time. Even back then, people didn't have the patience for how clunky it is. I'm probably going to follow a walkthough to finish the rest, but even most walkthroughs are horribly confusing. Ugh...

Outside of that, I'm plugging away at FF14. Currently in Heavensward, and I'm absolutely loving the game. I'm almost sad it took me this long to quit WOW so I could move onto it.


Jan 5, 2019
Been playing a bit but the framerate is totally killing me. I have a laptop with a 1060 and it runs most games pretty fine actually, but this game somehow just murders the framerate, even on low setting. So far it seems like your typical survival game but I guess I am still tutorialising.
Press F1 to open console and type the following:
gfx af 0
then hit enter. This boosted my FPS considerably, and allowed me to adjust my graphics settings to 'High' @ 60fps. Hopefully it works for you!

It definitely feels like a typical survival game early on. I'd say the game picks up once you settle on a base and experience your first horde night.
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