Community What are you currently playing?


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
I reinstalled Mad Max as part of my backlogblitz, so I'm playing that next. Gonna try and continue to finish games I'm halfway through since I'm kind of broke at the moment. :) No better time than now.
it's a very very VERY good game!
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
I kind of burned out on it last time, but I think I'm past my "gotta finish every side quest" phase now.
yeah, you don't have to finish ALL of them ... i just ignore all the races and stuff like that


RPG Site Contributer, RPG Fan
Sep 19, 2018
United States
Division 2 (just hit around Gear Score 400)
Monster Hunter World, mostly waiting for the expansion but logging in for events and the like
Fallout 76. Yea, it's not great, I think it's (very slowly) getting better. Just need some cool instanced content.

And then usually some single player RPG. Most recently was Outward. Not sure what's next.
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Junior Member
Dec 21, 2018
Trying to take advantage of the double XP event in ESO to get a couple more characters to max level before the expansion hits in June. Other than that I recently picked up Witcher 3 so I may finally give that a try sometime soon.


Junior Member
Apr 17, 2019
Kinda been in a gaming slump for over half a year now, so right now i'm mostly playing games on the ipad because they're short burst games.
Trying to play games on steam, but nothing really keeps me interested.
The games i play on my ipad are:
Destiny Child (mostly doing the raid event atm, and the dailies)
Bandori (Rerolling because of extremely bad luck with the gachas)
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Junior Member
Apr 17, 2019
A good portion of my gaming time is spent playing Doom Wads. currently playing Stronghold which is Doom horde mode/tower defense. It's significantly harder then I remember it being when I last played it 4-5 years ago. Besides that I've been also trying to make some of my own Doom levels in Doombuilder and Slade. It's going slowly but I've got some stuff that I think is alright for a beginner.

Besides that I've also been messing aroudn with XCOM 2 and trying to get a modlist that I enjoy. That's going significantly worse. I just want long, engaging, firefights. Is that too much to ask for?


Junior Member
Apr 17, 2019
Currently bouncing around Division 2, Borderlands 2 (playing for first time), and now Anno 1800. Looking forward to Imperator: Rome and the new magic expansion coming out soon.
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
For some reason I am obsessed with Elder Scrolls Online right now. I treat it as a single-player RPG that just happens to be filled with random weirdos running around, but it's mindless fun. MMOs are like junkfood for me.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
20 minutes of RTX Quake 2 has made me want to setup my mouse properly and made me hungry for an RTX mod for a slew of old engines like Build/Doom/Sith. I was a bit sceptical at first but in my mind RTX Jedi Knight would be amazing.
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old school cool
Nov 1, 2018
Playing mostly Anno 1800. I've only played 1 Anno before and it was some one on old Nintendo DS. I enjoyed that one, and I'm enjoying this one. Although I've just gotten up to artisans and I just learned online that I have to settle other islands to meet some of their needs! (and some worker needs!) And my workers are often leaving and I'm starting to bleed money... So at 3.5 hours in I'm thinking I need to restart. It's OK because my island is ugly as sin anyways.

Also played some Dreams last night with my daughter. We played the hammer game. There's a lot of real neat stuff on there. But I'm really waiting for VR mode to be enabled. I loved checking out peoples' TiltBrush stuff and of course the amazing VRChat... I love usermade VR content! I guess no jiggly avatars in Dreams tho...

I picked up the Dragon Ball FighterZ 2nd expansion on that 2games sale. Man this game is still so good. Can't wait for MK11. That's what I'm really drooling for.

Picked up Bomb Chicken. It's real great too, although it gets pretty platformy rather than sticking to puzzly. Still it's real good.

Still replaying Myth 1 & 2. Getting near the end of Myth 1. Challenge really ranks up even on normal. Such an amazing 2 games.

Other than some emulation stuff, that's what I'm playing. Kid Dracula on GB is great.

20 minutes of RTX Quake 2 has made me want to setup my mouse properly and made me hungry for an RTX mod for a slew of old engines like Build/Doom/Sith. I was a bit sceptical at first but in my mind RTX Jedi Knight would be amazing.
Wait, do you mean the RTX-accelerated Quake 2 from earlier this year, or the Nvidia-made "Quake 2 RTX" that is supposed to come this month? (I am not aware of the Nvidia version being out, and that's what I want!)


Junior Member
Dec 31, 2018
Currently, I'm playing through KeeperRL, and it's pretty good! Hopefully it turns out to be pretty great when it comes out of early access.
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
low-G Sorry, i should have posted a link and yeah it's the VPK version. I downloaded Quake 2 in anticipation of the Nvidia release and went looking for something flashy to try out.


Q2VKPT - Github Download

I know Christoph Shied did an internship at Nvidia so i wouldn't be surprised if the Nvidia RTX demo is an optimized port of this.

edit: Confirmed!
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old school cool
Nov 1, 2018
low-G Sorry, i should have posted a link and yeah it's the VPK version. I downloaded Quake 2 in anticipation of the Nvidia release and went looking for something flashy to try out.


Q2VKPT - Github Download

I know Christoph Shied did an internship at Nvidia so i wouldn't be surprised if the Nvidia RTX demo is an optimized port of this.

edit: Confirmed!
Yeah, I was all over that version, and the even older GPGPU accelerated pathtraced version by someone else. Didn't know he had an internship at Nvidia though... wonder how hard that is to get into... :thinking-face:
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Mass Erect
Jan 21, 2019
I am absolutely hooked on Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I have never enjoyed an AC title before (never played Origins) but after hearing how "Bioware-like" Odyssey is, I picked it up on sale. Here I am 112 hours later and still playing. As a side note, the game is gorgeous and according to Steam, I have taken over 140 screenshots (which if you're friends me with on Steam, you've noticed). I definitely recommend Odyssey to anyone on the fence. I love it so much I picked up Origins to play after this.


Junior Member
Apr 7, 2019
Playing a bit f AC Odyssey, Spider-Man, Civ 6, and Diablo 3 plus a few things off GamePass (starts with Forza :p). Lately though it's been more D3 than anything else. I just find combat, grinding and animations incredibly soothing after work, kids, spouse, gym and other stuff.

Been super tired and running around clicking to see numbers go up is ok sometimes.
Unpopular opinion - Witcher 1 is the best Witcher game.
I could not finish Witcher 2 and quit Witcher 3 after like 7 hours. I wasn't for me. Hope you enjoy it tho!
Witcher 1 has the best story in the trilogy, IMO, followed by Witcher 2. Witcher 3 has an incredible world with some interesting quests and a lot of things to do as well as a lengthy and we'll crafted narrative including the expansions. However I still find the main storyline in 1 has more tension and is a better overall in storytelling.


Dec 22, 2018
I'm 9 hours into Wolfenstein The New Colossus. I may have just jumped the shark, and his commentary to Caroline is a bit heavy handed, even for this version of BJ, but i'm still enjoying the hell out of it. Yeah it's got faults (like some level designs), but it's also still got narrative weight behind blasting nazi scum. Bethesda should have leaned into the burning down the alt-right with marketing. It deserved better


Junior Member
Apr 17, 2019
Been playing Division 2 and Madden 19. Division 2 is so good. I really liked the first game, and the sequel is even better. I’m level 26, so taking my time.

And then with Madden, I haven’t played a Madden game in so long, so it’s cool to have a version on PC. The gameplay is pretty mediocre, but it has some elements I like. I hope this leads to EA releasing NHL on PC. That would be so amazing.

Last few months has been hard to get a lot of time into gaming as we recently adopted a dog. But as she gets older and starts to settle down, it makes it easier to hop on the computer and play some games for a bit.


On a break
Apr 17, 2019
Currently hopping between Zanki Zero, Yakuza 0, and Overwatch. Planning on picking up Katana Zero tomorrow because I also have zero self control.

Was hoping to finish Yakuza before Kiwami 2 but my evergrowing backlog doesn’t feel the same way unfortunately...


Apr 17, 2019
Apex Legends: because I'm totally addicted to it.

Sekiro: currently cheating my way through it because i don't like it. But I feel obligated to play through it considering it wasn't cheap. A huge disappointment, because I love Souls and thought I'd love this too.

Sekiro interrupted my Yakuza 0 playthrough, which I was enjoying immensely. Hardly got into it, just far enough to play through a hilariously WTF sidequest. Can't wait to see more of this one.


Junior Member
Jan 20, 2019
Put Sekiro on the shelf for a bit... nearing the end but needed a break. Picked up Outward and have really really been enjoying it. Messed up my first character with faction choice, so started over and breezed through the first day/week and am finally doing Faction questions and have really fun/useful skills. Blood Bullet is silly... just silly.

The game can be real pretty when it wants to!


Jan 5, 2019
Currently playing Assassin's Creed: Unity. I think I have AC fatigue.

Finally playing the Witcher trilogy. The first game starts out kind of rough, but things are getting much more interesting now that I'm in Vizima.
Chapter 1 kinda felt like a singleplayer MMO. Thankfully, things pick up in chapter 2 like you said :)

Witcher 1 has the best story in the trilogy, IMO, followed by Witcher 2. Witcher 3 has an incredible world with some interesting quests and a lot of things to do as well as a lengthy and we'll crafted narrative including the expansions. However I still find the main storyline in 1 has more tension and is a better overall in storytelling.
I definitely agree with everything. The first game is often overlooked and underappreciated.

Unpopular opinion - Witcher 1 is the best Witcher game.
Agreed. Ready for another unpopular opinion? I think Witcher 1 has the best combat system in the trilogy.



Junior Member
Dec 21, 2018
I've been thinking about firing up KOTOR II recently, as I'm in a bit of a Star Wars mood and I've actually never played it. However, I have character creation paralysis. I forgot how D&D-inspired the mechanics are, I need to think of (or find a website for) a proper build before I can really dive in.


Sep 20, 2018
I recently "finished" Hitman 1 in the Hitman 2 engine. I mean that I finished most Mission Stories. I understand how one could easily sink hundreds of hours into Hitman, with its various challenges and bonus content.
A really great franchise, the first Hitman game I really sank my teeth into. Will give it some time before I go into the sequel.

I also started playing Whispers of a Machine from the Devs of Kathy Rain. I really like the look and feel of it, the voice acting and general presentation is superb. I can't quite judge yet how well the game holds up as a Point and Click adventure game, but so far it's really promising. It's going for some interesting RPG elements, where you can choose which of 3 character types you play as by choosing certain dialogue options repeatedly and after a while this informs both how other characters see you and which options you have in the story (supposedly, as I said, still early in the game)

Agreed. Ready for another unpopular opinion? I think Witcher 1 has the best combat system in the trilogy.

On a purely mechanical side, that's almost objectively true. There's a beauty to it that none of the later action games have managed surpass.
I do find Witcher 3's combat system more enjoyable to play.
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sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
I've been messing around with Hitman 2, Monster Hunter World and Enter the Gungeon again now that I've pretty much finished up Sekiro.

Been trying to decide what to tackle next. Kind of want to get into one of the RPGs I've been neglecting or maybe jump right back into Sekrio to get the last ending I need.


Apr 18, 2019
I'm in this weird place where I can only play on a pretty underpowered laptop, which means I've taken a delorean 15 years back.

I'm currently going through Kotor for the first time and doing a third playthrough of Mass Effect.
I'm also finally playing Drakan which is pretty damn good for its time.
Brutal Doom is my time-waster along with BL2 and one of the most satisfying shooters I've ever played.
I keep trying but Starsector doesn't really stick even though it's a Honor Harrington simulator and I should theoretically love it.


There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
I started it and tried coop with a friend and it's awful. The SP looks fun though
Yeah I'm skipping multiplayer.
It is a short game anyway (12 hours according to HLTB) so if in the end it is lackluster at least it wasnt a huge timesink
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Junior Member
Apr 19, 2019
Yoshi's Crafted World--Charming, if a tad dull.

Anthem-still playing a little with a buddy, chasing some legendaries for my Storm

Smash Ulitmate--mess around a little bit still, bought the fighter pack which was probably silly since I don't play online/with others.

Looking forward to Mortal Kombat 11 next week!

Deleted member 113

i actually finished the story mode ... and that's about it :p but that's ok ... believe it or not - i actually play those games for the story (no, really)
I believe it. I play fighting games pretty much for the SP content only.
For me, the Soulcalibur series is kind of an adventure/RPG, with the combat mechanics of fighting games. :giggle:

But, in terms of the Mortal Kombat series, by now I think I'm completely lost when it comes to the story.
I don't remember a thing, outside of Raiden being a god, and a few other pieces of info about the characters from the first 3 games.

It's too bad, because the games usually have a lot I enjoy (a big roster, a lot of unlockables, ...).
What would be a good re-entry point?

I enjoyed 9, but regarding X(10), the only reason I never played it is because the game took a lot of space, and I didn't have it available. :grinning-face-with-smiling-eyes: