Thank you
Also some tips regarding rolling for characters/weapons, to maximize your chances of getting things you want without spending money:
There are 4 different types of banners:
The Beginner banner: it's discounted and goes away after 20 pulls. Spend on that first - you're guaranteed to get at least 2 4* star characters, one of which being Noelle.
The Permanent Banner (or Standard Banner): You're guaranteed to get a 4* character or weapon every 10 pulls and a 5* character or weapon every 90 pulls - there is, however a "soft pity" that increases your chances drastically after 75 pulls, so needing full 90 is usually rare. What you get is completely random and cannot be controlled in anyway, so unless you're literally fine with whatever, don't spend Primogems on it (the premium currency).
This banners shares pity with the Beginner banner, so those 20 pulls there will count towards its pity counter.
The Limited Banner: This banner rotates every 3 weeks. It has higher chances to get the 4* characters on it and also the 5* character. It's the same 90 pulls pity as the standard banner has (but they have separate counters). Every time you get a 4* item on this banner, you have a 50% chance to get one of the featured 4* characters. If you don't get one the first time, the second is a 100% chance to get one of the features 4* characters.
Same with 5* characters, the first time you have a 50% chance to get the rate-up character or any of the 5 standard 5*s. The second time (so a maximum of 180 pulls) you get it guaranteed. There is no chance at all to get a 5* weapon on this banner.
So if you're planning to sticking with the game long-term, keep these counts in mind if you want to save up for a specific character.
Pity carries over when the rate-up character changes, so if you put in 50 pulls on Banner for Character A, the counter is still at 50 pulls when it goes away and Banner for Character B takes its place.
The Weapon Banner: Honestly just avoid it, this is only for whales (aka the
massive spenders), since you cannot guarantee which weapon you get on it. (There are 2 featured, and each has a 50% chance to appear if you pull a 5* item, you have no control over which one at all).
Pulling items will also give you specific currency as well - Starglitter and Stardust. which can be spent in the Paimon shop.
Starglitter is the one you get less of and it allows you to straight up buy specific characters - there are always 2 in the shop and they rotate every month. There are good weapons in the shop as well if that's more your thing. Don't spend it on anything else.
Stardust allows you to buy 5 pulls for the standard banner and 5 pulls for the permanent banner at a discount per month - use it on that, don't spend it on anything else.
If you want to put money into the game, the only good deals are the so called Welkin Pass and the paid Battle Pass.
The Welkin pass will give you a steady stream of premium currency over a month (however, you will need to login every day to collect it) and the Battle Pass will give you a lot of resources, a good weapon and some premium currency and pulls.
Everything else is totally not worth it.
If this sounds complicated, don't worry you don't really need to engage with it at that level at all to have fun with the game, but it's good to know to avoid some common mistakes and disappointment.