I just want the ara ara manI actually would prefer a girlfriend that's a bit older than me too, ideally like 1-4 years, so you are not alone!
As someone who is really bad at reading signs, people like that would go straight into the trashWhat I've found between older and younger women is that the younger are more direct and they just go for it while the older often do shit tests, play mindgames.
Understandable KingI just want the ara ara man
That sounds great! Her saying she would come and give it in person is a good sign.Well ehm
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Worst case for now, gonna be a long two weeks until i find out.
That's what I'm saying, it's not different, I have many times felt exactly like that. But yes you are right also that it is very rare, but what I wanted to say is that it isn't once in a life kind of thing. I used to think it was but I'm old now.XDYea i think its very different for you and me becaude it happens very rarely that i can connect this well to a person at all, let alone someone who shares exactly the same interests as i and who is also so immensely attractive
Like no hyperbole, id sacrifice an arm for her
Haha not exactly, more like that she is Nigerian and doesn't have her real family here, but does have a "god parents" in a way.
I don't think that work will be a problem, because I have no intention of stalking her if she says no and ain't gonna turn it into a big deal.Rosenkrantz Being direct is always good, just saying you are interested and curious if she would like to go out. BUT! Working in the same place makes it tricky, personally I would stay cool just because of that, maybe re-evaluate if you get closer down the road.
Ah yes I didn't mean she feels entitled to it, it was more that you shouldn't feel any obligation for that and if she has a problem with you not wanting to be friends then that is when she feels entitled to it and thats not alright.I think you're misunderstanding that last part a bit, it's not about wether or not she feels entitled to a friendship, it's moreso that, when someone like her extends her hand to me in friendship, i'm really in no position to decline such an offer.
long, long story, but after my best friends suicide some years ago, and the succeeding drama among the rest, i basically stopped having IRL friends and fell into a real big hole that i've been working myself out of, as such, i just can't decline friendships with great people like her.
Stop thinking about her. It is over. Find other great people.I don't really know what to do.
This.better to take distance and when the feelings have cooled off then maybe you can see if friendship is possible
Yeah that does come of as a red flag, doing anything in secret in a relationship especially that involves something like that isn't good. Impossible to say anything for sure, maybe they keep it a secret because as you said they have been strongly against it and don't want to come off as hypocritical or maybe they were strongly against such things because they were projecting.[Hidden content]
It is hard to tell without context.[Hidden content]
French royalty, you say?I don’t understand how I keep failing upwards in dating haha, I went on a date with an actual princess! I keep saying I go on dates with women out of my league but the distance in that get worse every time haha!
Haha no, she said her mother was related to an African king. So she said is indeed a princess. We were taking something I think I sarcastically asked her if she was a princess.XDFrench royalty, you say?
oh, not French royalty then .... damn, what a way to ruin the funHaha no, she said her mother was related to an African king. So she said is indeed a princess. We were taking something I think I sarcastically asked her if she was a princess.XD
What happened?I had a date so disastrous (for me) I'm not sure I want to bother again lol