|OT| Genshin Impact - Breath of the Elements


More Yellow 🤷‍♂️
Dec 31, 2018
Just played the new map for the TD minigame, pretty dumb layout, but fun nonetheless, TD minigame Coop is goddamn fun, hoping for a big map on later difficulties.


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
The TD game is really fun. As an avid TD player it seems a bit too easy so far though. Even with unupgraded towers you can clear most waves just by using your characters well. And once you reach the higher upgrade tiers a decent combination of towers does everything on its own.

Also, I'm not a big "service game" fan at all, so the whole "let's create a cool new substantial part of the game and then only make it available for a limited time" thing still annoys me.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I hope they make the TD minigame, at least, part of the weekly BP tasks.
That would be cool, but I think it will be gone after the event but show up in other country festivals.
I'm not sure if it was a leak, something official or a dream, but I remember something about Ruijin wanting to go bring the game to other countries if it got popular.

But yeah, having it available permanently and get some small rewards if you play it every now and then would be nice.
Imo the game really has a repeatable content problem. The only thing that got added since release was basically the reputation system with its bounties and quests once a week.
There's lots of different activities in total, but they always just remove them instead of using them to diversify the "base" activities.


More Yellow 🤷‍♂️
Dec 31, 2018
That would be cool, but I think it will be gone after the event but show up in other country festivals.
I'm not sure if it was a leak, something official or a dream, but I remember something about Ruijin wanting to go bring the game to other countries if it got popular.

But yeah, having it available permanently and get some small rewards if you play it every now and then would be nice.
Imo the game really has a repeatable content problem. The only thing that got added since release was basically the reputation system with its bounties and quests once a week.
There's lots of different activities in total, but they always just remove them instead of using them to diversify the "base" activities.
For me, idealy, they would rework the TD minigame as something like the Abyss, with seasons and shit, abyss is just boring, it would be more fun, to me.
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I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
Imo the game really has a repeatable content problem. The only thing that got added since release was basically the reputation system with its bounties and quests once a week.
There's lots of different activities in total, but they always just remove them instead of using them to diversify the "base" activities.
Even the bounties and reputation quests are not really that repeatable, since once you max your reputation the rewards aren't really worth it.

I'd say the only real growing (infinitely) repeatable content currently are the bosses and domains, and both of those are growing rather slowly.
I don't see this as a huge issue per se, since I don't need or want to spend hours on the game every single day, but more variety would still be nice.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
For me, idealy, they would rework the TD minigame as something like the Abyss, with seasons and shit, abyss is just boring, tt would be more fun, to me.
That would be really cool.
Yeah, Abyss is whatever.

Even the bounties and reputation quests are not really that repeatable, since once you max your reputation the rewards aren't really worth it.

I'd say the only real growing (infinitely) repeatable content currently are the bosses and domains, and both of those are growing rather slowly.
I don't see this as a huge issue per se, since I don't need or want to spend hours on the game every single day, but more variety would still be nice.
Yeah, it's about variety and options. I definitely do not want to have to do daily quests, food delivery, treasure hunting, tower defense, boss arenas, gliding challenges, etc every day, lol.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018

So with the main chunk of the Lantern Rite event now over, here's what I think about it:

The tower defense carried it for me tbh. It's great fun.

The daily quests were ultimately disappointing. I don't mind that they are fleshing out regular NPCs, I'm a Falcom fanboy, I love fleshed out NPCs.
The big problem I have is that they are only fleshing out NPCs. Where are all the gachacharacters?
They had Xinyan play a concert in the trailer, with others in the crowd.
Yet in reality the only character that appears at all is Xiao. No one else exists. That is a huge downer.

And I don't understand it. From my understanding of gacha games, they want people to like the characters so that they spend money trying to get them.
So events are usually about these characters, trying to sell them to you (like the Fischl event).

Yet here we have an event about the biggest yearly festival in Liyue, yet not a single Liyue character outside of Xiao appears at all.

They could have mixed generic NPC fetch quests with fetch quests for gacha characters. Mechanically still nothing special, but people would care more because of the connection to characters they already like.

Man, if the upcoming Mondstadt festival is the same....


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
Good points regarding the curious absence of those characters in the world quests.

As planned, I pulled for Keqing.... and it didn't go all that well. I got the first 5 star at 80 pulls, and it was the one character in the rotation I really didn't want: Diluc. So I went again, and at least I got Keqing around pull 70. So a total of ~150 pulls. Not ideal, now I'm basically almost out of 80% of the resources I had saved up. Since I won't buy currency directly (outside of the pass) this means I'm not pulling for anyone for the next several months.

That said, as I thought I would, I really love Keqing's gameplay, so that's good.
And due to all those pulls on this banner I managed to get Ningguang from C0 to C6. I don't have the resources to build her right now (at all), but that's a nice long-term project to work on while I can't get new characters. She would actually, realistically, be a more meaningful addition to my team than Keqing, given that I don't have any good options for rapidly breaking shields. I just don't like her character as much.

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
The big problem I have is that they are only fleshing out NPCs. Where are all the gachacharacters?
They had Xinyan play a concert in the trailer, with others in the crowd.
Yet in reality the only character that appears at all is Xiao. No one else exists. That is a huge downer.
This right there. I was disappointed when no other gacha appeared.

Like this is supposed to be a big event happening in Liyue and there were no involvement from Ningguang or Keqing? Not even Zhongli appearing to say some random facts about the whole festival. :(
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
This right there. I was disappointed when no other gacha appeared.

Like this is supposed to be a big event happening in Liyue and there were no involvement from Ningguang or Keqing? Not even Zhongli appearing to say some random facts about the whole festival. :(
They even went out of their way to write-away the characters, like when you go to the pharmacy for one quest the guy tells you Qiqi and Baizhu are out, and same with the restoraunt, where Xiangling is out.
Makes absolutely no sense at all.
And instead you get a random Kaeya appearance.

Someone made a Trailer vs reality comparison and it's just damning.

I've heard that the Lantern Rite was actually old content (it's been around in the beta a year ago already), so there's a chance the upcoming Mondstadt festival in 1.4 handles that stuff better, but it's baffling that they thought it was a good idea to handle the Lantern Rite like that.

If they had literally the same amount of fetch quests to do, but half of them were given to you by the gacha chars (don't even need to be voiced) and just placed them into the world with 3 lines of unvoiced dialog it would have already been much better received.

Anyway, I've been more or less in "maintenance" mode, working on leveling my chars to fetch the free ascension wishes mainly, and also do the 80/90 ascensions for my main guys inbetween, and try to make some other chars I like useable.

Since the new Abyss Floor 12 is fucking garbage, I'm back to ignoring that, which means nothing in the game is a challenge, so I can do whatever.
(It's mainly a horrible gear check, and I can't be arsed fighting against RNG to upgrade my mediocre artifacts)

Here's my current roster:

Level 80s are 80/90, 70s are 70/80, etc. Sole exception is Ningguang at 70/70 since I'm currently working on her.
Only 4* I'm missing is Diona, who I'll grab in 1.4 assuming there will be the same "choose a Mondstadt 4* character" event.
Still need lots of artifacts for a lot of chars, which I'm working on on the side, but artifact farming is hell, so it's kind of a low priority (since I assume they will eventually will make this easier or overhaul it, so I like to focus on the finite and permanent upgrades first)


Dec 21, 2018
So the lunar new year lottery is done, you can get your primos on the web event.
Got a whopping 108 gems from it, yay.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
So the lunar new year lottery is done, you can get your primos on the web event.
Got a whopping 108 gems from it, yay.
The fact that this is 1) randomized and 2) the lowest tier (which most will probably get) is less then a single wish, while we just got a wish as a login reward is.... rough.
Well, there's a new survey, I made sure to roast them about that and the disappointing lack of any gacha characters being involved in the Lantern Rite. Not that I expect anything from that.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
1.4 Stream is going on in some places.

Have some codes:

these work for EU/America, Asia server has different codes

English trailer:

Doesn't look too bad.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Here's a summary from the Stream:

Honestly looks much more varied than 1.3.

  • Banners are Venti re-run first, followed by Childe + Rosaria. Unknown if there will be another 3rd banner, we'll see next week.
  • A new max refine 4* weapon, this time a EM bow.
  • Bunch of different minigames, that don't look as involved as Tower Defense, but it's more variety.
  • Exploration event with a mini Oceanid pet and it looks like Oceanid boss fight overhaul? Hopefully not limited.
  • Finally some story quests for gacha chars: "Hangout" events with Bennett, Barbara, Noelle and Chongyun. Basically quests with multiple branching paths and endings. Can be replayed and getting more endings give more rewards (I guess that's where the Story keys finally get a use, lol).
Hopefully it will not be a pandering cringefest, but I'll withhold judgement until I've seen them myself.

Bunch of other stuff too.

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
Reading the summaty it sounds better than the previous event, but it's better to wait and see how it turns out.
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Dec 21, 2018
The minigames sound nice, but the dating sim is :lewdblob:

The QOL issues addressed in the Abyss in most welcome, same for Ningguang being fixed, she should be even more of a powerhouse than she is.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Very nice!

I'm still in saving mode, not sure for who though since we don't really have any information about new upcoming chars aside from Rosaria.
There's rumors they'll release Dendro with the Chasm in 1.5 and we'll get Baizhou (the guy with the snake in the pharmacy with Qiqi) as a 5* and Yaoyao (Dendro catalyst user, haven't met her but she was in some promo art somewhere) as our free 4*, but that's just rumors at this point.

I'll probably put 10-20 rolls into the upcoming Childe banner and see if I can get Rosaria, but then I'm getting close to soft-pity and I'll have to wait until a char shows up that I want.

I also did give Abyss Floor 12 another try yesterday and can actually do the first floor now without much frustration.
Had to rethink my team comps. a shield char is pretty much mandatory unless you do so much damage that you don't need to care. And I hadn't invested into shield chars at all, so my attempts last cycle where an exercise in frustration.
Now I had Noelle on one side and Ningguang on the other, that helped a lot. Then the next floor had an ice mage and I had no Pyro char on the team, lol. Should still work with Noelle, but I tried it again with Beidou instead (her parry also counts as a shield).
I think I'll work my way through 11-2 and maybe I can even do 3 over the weekend.

I still don't like Diona's design, but I wish she wasn't the only 4* I don't have, her shield + healer + cryo kit would make my team comps more flexible.

I had Ganyu, Barbara, Sucrose, Noelle/Beidou on the first half.
Sucrose for resistence shred, Barbara for heals and wet application, Ganyu for Damage and freeze, Noelle/Beidou to make those Geovishaps fall on their back.

Second side was Diluc, Xingqiu, Qiqi and Ningguang.
Pretty straightforward. Diluc + Xingqiu for damage, Qiqi for heals and Ningguang for sub-dps and shields. I'm not actually sure if Xingqiu's damage resistance counts as a shield against the Vishaps.

I realized afterwards that I should use Venti instead of Sucrose in the first team (initially I had planned to put one Anemo user each per team for shred, but I dont't have a space in team 2 :/
Which is where Diona would come in handy, since she would do both Qiqi and Ningguangs parts and I'd had another open spot.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
1.5 Closed Beta started, so we're getting leakedy leaks:

Her name seems to be Eula, 5* Cryo Claymore

Her kit leaked too, seems pretty nice:
Source: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1hV411Y7Zq

Ascension stat: Crit damage Skills: Tap E: Cryo damage, adds a stack of "broken heart" which stacks up to 2 times. Hold E: Consume "broken heart", cause cryo damage, and reduce cryo/phys def by 20% at most.

Q: Cause cryo damage in a large AOE, a field that lasts for 7s. Autos and E will charge up a stack. When the field ends, it does a large AOE phys damage, with MV increasing with number of stacks. Can reach up to 5000% MV


A2: Consuming 2 stacks of "broken heart" will deal an additional 50% of uncharged Q damage.
A4: AA crits will reduce CD of E by 0.3s. Constellations:
C1: Reduce CD of Hold E, so that it matches Tap E
C2: After consuming "broken heart", gain 50% phys damage for 6s. Duration can be extended by using C2 repeatedly.
C4: Deal 25% more damage to enemies with >50% HP. [T/N: Vague, most likely only applies to Q]
C6: Using Q will give you 5 Q stacks immediately, and crits have a 50% chance to give you another stack. [T/N: A little vague, might decrease field duration as well]

And another one, 4* I'd guess:

Ngl, I'm really digging Eula. Guess I'll go for Cryo supremacy :dmcblob:
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I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
Ohhh female 5* claymore character, that's what I was waiting for.
Too bad she's Cryo, my best damage dealer and my only really good healer are both already cryo.

We'll see.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Too bad she's Cryo, my best damage dealer and my only really good healer are both already cryo.
I too have Ganyu and Qiqi, lol.
Let's go full Cryo Supremacy I guess :blobeyes:

Also it looks like she might be primarily a physical DPS from that kit, with Cryo more as an extra and for extra superconducting.
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Dec 21, 2018
Eula looks good, in a vaguely SciFantasy style. Bit odd.
Yanfei is a bit eeeeh.


Housing should be in every game!
I wonder if you can put the unused husbandos and waifus in your home.


Dec 21, 2018
So the Windblume Festival is up everywhere, and it's very good so far.
The main questline with Venti is decent, you see Bennett but also Ellin the wannabe knight and Albert the Barbara fan from the dailies; it's a lot better than random NPCs that you've never heard of.

The minigames are pretty decent, but the Peculiar Wonderland has some real nice Mario Party vibes, more so than Fall Guys. Also it's more cooperative than anything, and it's quite fun with a group.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Yeah, I like it a lot more than Lantern Rite already.
While I had a lot more fun with Tower Defense then these minigames, they are still pretty fun and varied.

Also the Hangouts are really neat.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018

Damn. First time 9* on 11 and I went from 2* last round to 8* in 12 this time around, despite my chars not really having gotten much stronger.
Floor 11 isn't really that much of a surprise, I just needed 2 different runs, since my team that can comfortable 3* 11-2 doesn't have the DPS for 11-3.
Floor 12 I just completely re-thought my teams and swapped them around.

I had Ganyu in the first half and Diluc in the 2nd half previously, mainly because I thought that worked better against the Geovishaps based on their elements. Wrong.

Ganyu is just a lot stronger than my Diluc, so having her in the 2nd half really takes off a lot of pressure. Honestly I just need her and Barbara - Xiangling and Xinyan are mainly just for pyro resonance. Xinyan literally has no artifacts, no weapons and no talent levels, but I thought her shield would be useful against the Vishaps. I'm usually playing it safe with Freeze, Xiangling turns it into a Melt comp and everything gets hectic and chaotic as hell, not used to that so I don't make as much use of her.

And on the first team, Diluc, Xingqiu and Bennett are kind of the standard Diluc combo, and Venti does a ton of damage too and is my live-saver against the Cicin mages in chamber 2. Can also stun the Ruin Guards, but that's a bit finicky.

9* should be doable with the same teams if I just invest a bit more into Xingqiu/Venti/Bennett artifacts (they have good enough pieces, just need to level them) and ascensions/talents.
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I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018

Look what just happened. The fact that it's a 5-star didn't come out of nowhere (I was already well into soft pity), but getting the one 5-star character from the standard banner that I wanted the most is certainly a very nice surprise.

Sadly, I don't have the resources to level her currently, but that's just a matter of time.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018

Look what just happened. The fact that it's a 5-star didn't come out of nowhere (I was already well into soft pity), but getting the one 5-star character from the standard banner that I wanted the most is certainly a very nice surprise.

Sadly, I don't have the resources to level her currently, but that's just a matter of time.

My luck with standard chars/banner has been kinda mixed.
In terms of chars I've gotten the 2 I wanted the least: Diluc (twice!) and Qiqi, but they've been proven very useful. Diliuc's a great damage dealer and while Qiqi isn't really that great (she's absolutely an amazing healer, but provides nothing else and the game doesn't really require her level of healing for anything), she still pairs well with Ganyu and makes Liyue material collection super comfy.

I've got 2 limited chars with Venti and Ganyu and failed 50/50 once (Qiqi), so that's not bad, and on standard banner I've gotten 3 5* things (2 Diluc, 1 Amos Bow) within 130 rolls, which is definitely above average, so I'm not complaining.

I've gotten enough pulls saved for at least 2 5* as well, so maybe the next time I fail the 50/50 I get luckier :whistle:


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Man, only halfway through the event story quest and this is already better than everything Lantern Rite combined (except TD).
It's so good seeing so many Mondstadt chars appear and have a little part in the event story. Who could have thought that people would like to see the gacha chars they already like be involved in such event quests. Who could have thought.

I guess this also means they knew that Lantern Rite would get bad reception and just didn't bother updating it between beta and release, because it's impossible they could have already reacted to the 1.3 feedback for this update.


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
Yeah I guess it has something to do with when the content was made. It is strange to see something which in tterms of overall marketing etc. seems like a "bigger deal" like the lantern rite be so much less impressive and varied in terms of content than the current Festival.

I agree that the quests are much better now (and having fewer of them is also an improvement IMHO), and the minigames + dungeon, while individually not as involved as the TD game, are all quite fun and very varied.

The archery minigame is a bit silly in terms of challenge so far on PC, but I guess there is no way around it if they had to balance it so that it's doable across all platforms.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
There's a Stream about 1.5 today, I'm looking forward to a new trailer, info and some primo codes.
The chinese one should start in an hour or 2, the english one in ~5:15 hours.



Dec 21, 2018
Lots of cool things, the housing seems really solid and there's already upcoming events rewarding housing items, that's nice. Hope they'll support tht well, that would give value to a lot of boring items like aaaall those ascending materials that you seldom use.

I like Eula's movements, and since I got a Wolf's Gravestone's from a random fate, maybe she could be of useful :thinking-face:
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Lots of cool things, the housing seems really solid and there's already upcoming events rewarding housing items, that's nice. Hope they'll support tht well, that would give value to a lot of boring items like aaaall those ascending materials that you seldom use.

I like Eula's movements, and since I got a Wolf's Gravestone's from a random fate, maybe she could be of useful :thinking-face:
Yeah the housing looks super cool :blobeyes:
Events also look meatier than the 1.4 events on average. And free Diona! Currently the only 4* I'm missing until Yanfei releases.
I'm going to try going for both Zhongli and Eula, we'll see how that turns out. I should have barely enough pulls for 3 guaranteed pities by the time 1.5 ends, so it could work out, but only if I win the 50/50 on Zhongli. We shall see.

The Inazuma sneak peek at the end of the stream also got me hyped. Looks fantastic - definitily different from what I expected, but in a very good way.



Omega Yul
Jun 16, 2019
I'm still missing Diona and Sucrose, so that's nice. I'll try to get Eula but I only have 52 stashed wishes and I'm still 80/90 in the soft pity. So we'll see. Hopefully Zhongli comes first and gives me time to get more wishes since I don't like his playstyle.

That said, whatever I get will be leveled up quickly.

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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Housing Q&A:

The gist of it is:
  • There will be a gardening system coming later
  • Interactions with various furnishings will also come later
  • 200+ placeable furnishings at the start with more to come (and we've already seen in the stream that there will be blueprints as event rewards)
  • Putting chars into your house will come in 1.6
  • You can invite friends into your home or go to theirs
  • There is a housing shop wit it's own currency (that you get just over time based on how much you've built I think) and aside from Mora and Exp books, you will also be able to get artifact EXP materials :blobeyes:

Really looking forward to how that system will expand in the future, it's looking really neat.


Dec 21, 2018
Uh, a new kind of resin to acquire too.
That alone makes the housing very worth it.


Dec 21, 2018
Hey, they added a new browser "minigame":

Why those things aren't ingame, I'll never understand.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Why those things aren't ingame, I'll never understand.
My guess would be because they're kinda designed to get social media presence with how the daily tasks are all about opening some community site and sharing the link on socialmedia.
They did try it once with that Liyue webevent where they did have it ingame. I guess they concluded that it wasn't working well?

Also that web-event gives some housing blueprints :blobeyes:
And talking about housing, here's more info: Genshin Impact – Step Into a Vast Magical World of Adventure

Looking like it will be sloooow with those timers :grimacing-face:
But I'm really looking forward to it regardless.

beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
Quite enjoyed this once I was able to settle into it after the controller confirm button could be remapped. Really wish I could put down a tenner to get a character that I like, but I guess that wouldn't be quite as lucrative. Right now only have 2 characters in my team that I really like. At least I got lucky enough to pull a 5* I really wanted.

Question for the pros: should I only pull on banners when I have enough to hit the first pity 5* pull? I don't know how I'm supposed to get that many primogems without paying though. Is that just not realistic? I have like 2400 right now, and I blew somewhere in the area of 30-40 pulls on the Venti one to no avail so that was kind of a waste.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Quite enjoyed this once I was able to settle into it after the controller confirm button could be remapped. Really wish I could put down a tenner to get a character that I like, but I guess that wouldn't be quite as lucrative. Right now only have 2 characters in my team that I really like. At least I got lucky enough to pull a 5* I really wanted.

Question for the pros: should I only pull on banners when I have enough to hit the first pity 5* pull? I don't know how I'm supposed to get that many primogems without paying though. Is that just not realistic? I have like 1400 right now, and I blew like 30-40 on the Venti one to no avail so that was kind of a waste.
You're fine, the pulls aren't wasted. The pity counter persists between banners of the same type.

So if you've put 40 pulls into the Venti banner, than that means you're only going to to need (at most) 50 to hit pity on the next character banner.
The way pity works is that you get a guaranteed 5* character on a character banner. The first time you hit it, you have a 50/50 chance to get that character or one of the 5 standards (Diluc, Jean, Mona, Qiqi, Keqing). If you don't get the charcter the first time, you're guaranteed to get them the next time you hit the pity. This also persists between banners, so for example if you've pulled on Venti but got Jean, then the next character you get will 100% be the featured character even in later banners.
In practice there's a soft-pity that starts at 75 pulls, at that time the chances get much higher to get a 5* characters and continue to get higher as you close in on the 90 pulls worst-case scenario. So it's really unlikely that you'll need the full 90 pulls.
(Standard and weapon banner work kinda similiar, but with slight differences. Just know that you should only use the free Acquaint fates that can only be used on the standard banner on it, and ignore the weapon banner entirely unless you know exactly what you're doing).

Personally I just save primos until I can guarantee a character I really want even if I fail the 50/50, and only pull a little on banners if my pity is very low and where the 4* would interest me and I wouldn't mind the 5* even if got them randomly.

You kinda need to be in it for the long-term to get what you want.

To give you some sort of rough estimation on what to expect:
I've been playing since the game came out (now ~6 months ago) and I have gotten 3* 5* from the character banners (2 of them the featuered ones) and ignoring the 2 welkin passes I bought I have saved up enough for another 2 5* pities in the worst case scenario.

And the game should give you enough Acquaint Fates for at least 1 5* on the standard banner.
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beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
Wow, thanks for the detailed reply! I got my first and only 5* from the Venti banner (and it wasn't Venti), so I presume my odds would have reset to zero because of that. Or since I didn't get the featured 5*, will it carry that over into the next character banner? That seems a little too generous.

Also, when you say that there's a soft pity that starts at 75 pulls, does that count overall pulls or just on a single banner? Because I've been trying to keep track, and I got my 5* on my 80th wish total, but it was the 35th on the Venti banner. Or was it just a coincidence that I got it between 75 and 90 wishes total (which includes standard banner and the beginner one)?
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Wow, thanks for the detailed reply! I got my first and only 5* from the Venti banner (and it wasn't Venti), so I presume my odds would have reset to zero because of that. Or since I didn't get the featured 5*, will it carry that over into the next character banner? That seems a little too generous.

Also, when you say that there's a soft pity that starts at 75 pulls, does that count overall pulls or just on a single banner? Because I've been trying to keep track, and I got my 5* on my 80th wish total, but it was the 35th on the Venti banner. Or was it just a coincidence that I got it between 75 and 90 wishes total?
Pity is saved per banner type (standard banner, character banner, weapon banner), but carries over between the indiviudal banners of that type, and restarts at 0 for that banner type once you get any 5*. Whether you lose or win the 50/50 also carries over.
So pulling on the standard banner or the weapon banner will not increase your pity for the featured character banner, but all your pulls and results from i.e pulling on Venti still count for the next character banner(s).

So since you didn't get Venti, your next 5* will be 100% the character featured on the character banner, regardless of which character . Right now that would be Tartaglia. After him it would be Zhongli. Then Eula. And all the pulls you did on Venti's banner after you didn't get him, still count towards the pity for getting Tartaglia or any of the 5* afterwards, until you get one, then it's back to 0.

I hope that makes sense :grimacing-face:
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beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
Pity is saved per banner type (standard banner, character banner, weapon banner), but carries over between the indiviudal banners of that type, and restarts at 0 for that banner type once you get any 5*. Whether you lose or win the 50/50 also carries over.
So pulling on the standard banner or the weapon banner will not increase your pity for the featured character banner, but all your pulls and results from i.e pulling on Venti still count for the next character banner(s).

So since you didn't get Venti, your next 5* will be 100% the character featured on the character banner, regardless of which character . Right now that would be Tartaglia. After him it would be Zhongli. Then Eula. And all the pulls you did on Venti's banner after you didn't get him, still count towards the pity for getting Tartaglia or any of the 5* afterwards, until you get one, then it's back to 0.

I hope that makes sense :grimacing-face:
Crystal clear. You explained it absolutely perfectly. Thanks again!

I did Spiral Abyss for the first time today and got Xiangling, who I quite like so far. My primary team's now Xiangling, Kaeya, Diluc and Xingqui. I had Sucrose (C2) in Xiangling's slot before, but I didn't use her very much and the extra 25% damage on Diluc from having two Pyro types is nice. Don't really have a great spear for her, but I figured I'd give her the Halberd (R5) for some quick burst damage when DIluc's on cooldown (which is almost never it seems). I feel a little bad for shelving Sucrose because she's also got those extra constellations... I keep reading how great she is, but I haven't been able to make it work in this team.

Edit: Dammit, just as I've leveled Xiangling to 40 and upgraded her weapon, I pull Bennet who would pair much better with Diluc :')
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Crystal clear. You explained it absolutely perfectly. Thanks again!

I did Spiral Abyss for the first time today and got Xiangling, who I quite like so far. My primary team's now Xiangling, Kaeya, Diluc and Xingqui. I had Sucrose (C2) in Xiangling's slot before, but I didn't use her very much and the extra 25% damage on Diluc from having two Pyro types is nice. Don't really have a great spear for her, but I figured I'd give her the Halberd (R5) for some quick burst damage when DIluc's on cooldown (which is almost never it seems). I feel a little bad for shelving Sucrose because she's also got those extra constellations... I keep reading how great she is, but I haven't been able to make it work in this team.

Edit: Dammit, just as I've leveled Xiangling to 40 and upgraded her weapon, I pull Bennet who would pair much better with Diluc :')
Don't worry about that, the resources needed for level 40 aren't really much in the grand scheme of things and you'll need more characters for Abyss anyway at some point.
Diluc, Bennett and Xingqiu are kind of the default Diluc team, and Bennett's just really good in any case, especially at C1 :D
Kaeya works well too here, I think. I haven't built my Sucrose at all, so I can't really offer many insights here, but you should be able to slot her in instead of Kaeya in that team.
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