Spent an hour or two on Lego Star Wars. Enjoying it so far. Only reached Mos Eisley so far though.
It looks surprisingly pretty at times as well. Maybe it's because of all the characters being simple textures to match their Minifigs it just looks great at times.
Their seems to be 2 types of levels. Linear missions and the more open missions. By that I mean the game opens on A New Hope during the attack on the rebel ship. This is mainly a run down corridors with the odd branching section ie choose to go down corridor A or B and so on. Then there are the open sections. These are more freeform. You can follow the story or wander off and explore, ride vehicles and so on. There are plenty of hidden objects to go look for as well. I spent far too long just wandering around trying to find studs and Kaiber Crystals.
Kaiber crystals are a new addition to the game, although they mainly just replace the special studs you would find in a level. However there are around 1100 of these to collect, so completionists will have plenty to sink their teeth into.
The humour is still the same as always. That slapstick that TT seem to love so much. I personally still enjoy it. However I still hold that some of the charm disappeared when they started using voices. Not enough to put me off, but just enough to be noticeable. But personally I still enjoy it.
Options seem good, while they won't win any awards for the most tweakable there is still a few graphical settings to play with. Also there are a lot of accessability options in this game. To me this is always a win, for people interested you can invert the axis of the game (independantly as well), change damage recharge rates, whether you do recharge damage or not and plenty of tweaks to things like how the targeting system works for shooting.
Technically it seems fine. There is a bit of judder on a level first loading but it doesn't seem to have any effect after that. However I will say that I am not particularly sensitive to frame drops or judder and only tend to notice when it is really bad.