Glad outlaws is mid. I'll just wait for it to come to Steam and be on a discount.
What do they do to earn that 30% though really?
Same. Unless it's a massive improvement I'll keep my 4090 for the foreseeable.I'm unironically expecting a marginal increase in performance compared with the 40 series, akin to what we got going from the 30xx to 40xx, with a significant increase in price and power consumption.
Wish AMD gpus weren't so awful so nvidia had some incentive to do better.
uhm yeah. I see...yes....uhm
I want to take a moment to mention that without @Steam and hard working people
like @AugustaButlin and @aldenkroll and @tomgvalve
(and many others), small but lucrative games like My Lovely Empress from
places like South East Asia would not exist.
We launched on multiple platforms but despite being hands off, Steam
absolutely dominates in sales. Why? Because Steam gives us the tools to
build and manage our own communities (let's pretend the recent rules on
linking didn't happen) Developers and Publishers DO NOT NEED to be
babysat by platforms, we need to be given the tools to make our own success.
A platform is something we stand on and Steam is the absolute stellar example
of how even in a year of deep industry turmoil and difficult choices, success is possible.
What do they do to earn that 30% though really?
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