Community MetaSteam | February 2022 - Good night, and good luck, Lowly Tarnished

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Dec 17, 2018
Elden Ring sounds like my favorite game of all time, a bigger Bloodborne. If the game gives me the big amount of joy I got from Bloodborne, but is simply bigger, then it will be my favorite game of all time, beating Bloodborne, Alan Wake and Crysis.


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
It's always strange when (some, obviously not all) people play console versions and switch to performance mode (or whatever it is called in a given game) and then are perfectly happy with their smooth experience... at 1080p with medium settings (as an example). Of course there's nothing wrong with that! But if you suggest that they could lower the settings to that same thing on PC and get the same or even better performance that's a no-go.

It seems like there's this strange psychological hangup here where it's fine for the developer to lower settings for you, but if you do it yourself that's somehow painful.

That said I think I'll be fine on my 12900k / 3090 without lowering them too much :p

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
It seems like there's this strange psychological hangup here where it's fine for the developer to lower settings for you, but if you do it yourself that's somehow painful.
It's that. People DON'T want to choose. Like, at all. At least console gamers. Dev can choose for them, obviously, and they decide if the choice suits them. But they don't want to take responsibility, so to speak. Said like that it's more than a little pathetic, but really I'm ok with that, I understand the desire to not have to take those decisions (I still haven't played CP 2077, the decisions in order to have a good experience on my PC are too steep for me). Pure console mindset, launch and play.
Not that it's impossible on PC, but they know in the back of their mind that they could change things, and maybe obtain some magical experience they are missing, RIGHT NOW. It's at this step that I begin to sadly shake my head.


Nov 2, 2018
It's always strange when (some, obviously not all) people play console versions and switch to performance mode (or whatever it is called in a given game) and then are perfectly happy with their smooth experience... at 1080p with medium settings (as an example). Of course there's nothing wrong with that! But if you suggest that they could lower the settings to that same thing on PC and get the same or even better performance that's a no-go.

It seems like there's this strange psychological hangup here where it's fine for the developer to lower settings for you, but if you do it yourself that's somehow painful.

That said I think I'll be fine on my 12900k / 3090 without lowering them too much :p
It doesn't help that the great majority games don't make it clear what is comparable to consoles settings, and what settings are meant for high end/enthusiast PCs, since there's often "ultra" settings that barely have any cost in performance while other "ultra" settings have a huge cost.
I wish more games would do something kinda like God of War. In the case of God of War, it has settings named "original" for console like settings, but even just a preset that is comparable to consoles settings would be nice, so PC players could have a console like baseline from where to start tweaking settings..


Junior Member
Apr 22, 2019
My PC isn't amazing by current standards but my only other option is a vanilla PS4 and it would be a pretty shocking port if I couldn't get it running better than on that. All these anacdotal impressions aren't helpful since most give no indication of settings used.


Dec 20, 2018
It's always strange when (some, obviously not all) people play console versions and switch to performance mode (or whatever it is called in a given game) and then are perfectly happy with their smooth experience... at 1080p with medium settings (as an example). Of course there's nothing wrong with that! But if you suggest that they could lower the settings to that same thing on PC and get the same or even better performance that's a no-go.

It seems like there's this strange psychological hangup here where it's fine for the developer to lower settings for you, but if you do it yourself that's somehow painful.

That said I think I'll be fine on my 12900k / 3090 without lowering them too much :p
I think it is more the problem of being given "too much control". Kinda like how UX works in that you have too many buttons to click people get confused and overloaded. People just see the binary (or 3 options) and dont get as mistaken as on PC, because even if PC has similar solutions ("Recommended" - "Minimum" - etc.) you can see the rest of the tweaks in there which kinda makes it feel as it is a much harder thing. Basically psychology and humans thinking more things make it more complex by default.

Now, the bs about "playing how the developer intended" was always bs to me. How can people go through the xbox360 era of sub 720p-30fps games and say "well, console is how the dev intended the games to look and play!" is beyond me.

Aaron D.

Jul 10, 2019
So I'm slotted for Q2 Deck and was idly wondering how Eldon would run on it.

First thought is that it would prob. see pretty poor performance.

But then it occurred to me that I wouldn't want to play on Deck anyway. Why would I willingly destroy those built-in controllers like that?

Buying a new Xbox pad or something is peanuts. But a whole new Deck 'cause I Hulked on on the controls playing Eldon?

Forget that mess, lol.


Dec 20, 2018

And that is Bully done. Still great experience that is but ruined with bad controls due to lack of proper analog movement support. But other than that it is still fun, creative and full of detail like any other R* game. Doing proper remake of this game like Capcom did for RE games or Square for FFVII would be amazing.


There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
To all of you who are going to be playing Elden Ring I hope you enjoy.

Me, I'll be over here playing Lost Ark, FFXIV, FFVI and total Warhammer.
To all of you who are going to be playing Elden Ring I hope you enjoy.

Me, I'll be over here staring at the Elden Ring Steam page, the game fully installed but not actually playing it because I can't stop procrastinating.


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn

For the next Dragon Age, we are right in the middle of Production, which is a great feeling. Our blueprint was completed last year, so we’re now focused on building out our vision: creating amazing environments, deep characters, strong gameplay, impactful writing, emotional cinematics – and much more. The blueprint for the game is well understood and the team is focused.
And of course, we’re also working on the next Mass Effect. The team, led by Mike Gamble, is made up of a team of veteran developers as well as some new, really talented people. They are all actively prototyping new ideas and experiences. AAA next-gen games take a long time to make – and we know our fans may want them sooner.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018

Hello! In anticipation of the Steam Deck launch (two days left!), we're releasing three new tools for customers that will help them understand how their existing titles, and potential future purchases, will run on Deck.

Two of these tools just released:
  • First, the "Your Library On Deck" page allows users to log in and view their existing library through the lens of the Deck Verified compatibility categories (Verified, Playable, Unsupported, and Unknown).
  • Second, the "Great On Deck" page is the landing page for the Steam Store when using a Deck, and showcases only titles with a Verified rating. It's intended to be the default view of the store only when browsing from Steam Deck, but some technical customers have already figured out how to access it.
Lastly, when Deck launches Friday, we're going to enable visibility of Deck Verified compatibility categories on game store pages on the desktop store and allows users to search for titles by compatibility rating.

As a developer, you can already see the compatibility rating for each of your reviewed titles from the landing page of any app on the Steamworks site. This is the same data that customers will be seeing when using any of the above tools.

Please let us know if you have any questions.


Dec 20, 2018

It is kinda crazy to think that game released in 2006 has better NPC/crowd reaction system than many games released these days ( Cyberpunk 2077 for example). And Bully was also kinda first to do that thing where every NPC is unique and has their own schedule that Watch Dogs Legion did. Game is crammed with so many details that really impressed me. And it owes all that to small scale of the map and focus on quality not on quantity.

I can't imagine what would modern Rockstar achieved if they would to make new Bully game that has small scale map (let's say University city) or to even properly remake Bully in same way that Capcom did RE2 or Square FFVII.


truman doctrine (actual norwegian guy)
Apr 15, 2021
i have come back with 68 notifications somehow, and my occasional relevant and not relevant comments and opinions

soul hackers 2 is alright, it sure looks alright, very cool that it releases on absolutely everything except the switch, but it's just not for me, i'm not interested in a team consisting of anime MGS4 Big Mama, anime El Donte DmC, anime Micheal Jackson Smooth Criminal, and anime girl, and the little we saw of gameplay just isn't rocking docking locking

here's something not relevant; my opinions on game merch, and absolutely every time they're just giving me second-hand embarrasment EVERY fucking TIME, for some reason, i have a fucking urge to buy some merch, some clothing article specifically, but i want something that doesn't make me embarrased, a fucking compromise between "absolutely ugly design" and "absolutely cringe design"
a great example of good merch is the musterbrand MGS scout jacket; it doesn't have a cringe design, it doesn't have an ugly design, it's an official piece of merch that has references to the game, and doesn't make me feel embarrased

another great example of absolutely AMAZING merch are these MGS Puma shoes; they look smashingly amazing, they're cool enough to look like winter shoes, and they're made by an official brand, making them extra smashing, they're not embarrasing at all, and they're not even cringe

the day game companies cooperate with clothing brands to make clothes that do not make me feel like a second grader with a shirt with the troll face and the text "Problem?", that's the fucking day we get peace on this fucking earth


Mar 29, 2021
So I emailed CDKeys because my pre-order of Elden Ring started showing as an EMEA Key instead of Worldwide. They responded by saying it's an error on their that they are currently fixing. As of now I don't think I will be getting my key until the 25th but I asked if they will deliver them early just in case.


Sep 11, 2018
Got my key from voidu and.... my net is being a little shit so I can't preload. Well, I could, but very slowly.

I think this means he played 95% of it on Deck.
It has to, because otherwise it's kind of lol.
  • This!
Reactions: Tomasety and PC-tan


May 4, 2019
I keep reading how goddamn gigantic the world in ER is and how actually dense and filled with stuff and places to explore. Im so happy.
Its really surprising how much praise the exploration is getting. I would have thought it would maybe be the weakest part since FROM had to nail so many other things but everyone is blown away by it.

I'm hoping this gives that first Dragons Dogma playthrough vibe. Even with samey enemies I loved how crazy and dark that game was at times.
  • Eyes
Reactions: Tomasety


Dec 17, 2018
Its really surprising how much praise the exploration is getting. I would have thought it would maybe be the weakest part since FROM had to nail so many other things but everyone is blown away by it.

I'm hoping this gives that first Dragons Dogma playthrough vibe. Even with samey enemies I loved how crazy and dark that game was at times.
I was super afraid ER's world would be mostly barred and empty, I have a hard time handling those games anymore (a big reason why I didn't enjoy Greedfall much), so Im super happy to hear that ER is sorta like multiple Dark Souls into one world.
  • Eyes
Reactions: Tomasety


Dec 10, 2018

It is kinda crazy to think that game released in 2006 has better NPC/crowd reaction system than many games released these days ( Cyberpunk 2077 for example). And Bully was also kinda first to do that thing where every NPC is unique and has their own schedule that Watch Dogs Legion did. Game is crammed with so many details that really impressed me. And it owes all that to small scale of the map and focus on quality not on quantity.

I can't imagine what would modern Rockstar achieved if they would to make new Bully game that has small scale map (let's say University city) or to even properly remake Bully in same way that Capcom did RE2 or Square FFVII.
I still hold that Bully was the last truly great game that Rockstar made (maybe the table tennis game, depends on timings). In fact, thanks to you I just grabbed it on Steam (it's £3.69 till tomorrow).
  • Eyes
Reactions: Tomasety


Oct 9, 2018
Elden Ring is undoubtedly difficult--much harder than any of From Software's previous games. And while a great deal of that is owed to challenging bosses and enemies, a significant amount is also because of the freedom the game offers the player. It doesn't tell you where to go in any way, so it can be very easy to find yourself in places that are too difficult for you to navigate.

Going back and forth between reading the exubirantly glowing reviews and then the impressions on difficulty like



Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018

Hi all, Steam Deck launches in just two days! Thought we would send along some details for what you can expect on Friday, February 25th:

Starting at 10am Pacific, we'll be sending emails out to the first batch of reservation holders via the address tied to their Steam account. Those folks will then have 72 hours to complete their purchase on Steam for the specific model they reserved. If they cancel or do not purchase in this time frame, we'll release their reservation to the next person in the queue.

Around the same time is when you'll start seeing coverage from the roughly 100 media outlets we sent early review units to, so there will be a ton of interesting content and coverage for everyone to check out.

We are also looking forward to getting the official Dock for Steam Deck into customers' hands. It won't be happening as early as we wanted, but we're excited to talk more about it soon and are planning to make them available in late spring.

In the meantime we can't wait to get folks playing on Steam Deck, and can't wait to hear what you think! Feel free to tag the official Steam Deck account on twitter (@OnDeck) to share your experience.
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