Use seedHalf of the messages in ER are about putting fingers in butts, the other half are actually quite helpful!
Use seedHalf of the messages in ER are about putting fingers in butts, the other half are actually quite helpful!
Try using both handsUse seed
The truest of Souls experiences.Half of the messages in ER are about putting fingers in butts, the other half are actually quite helpful!
try fingerThe truest of Souls experiences.
Amazing chest ahead.
Get it on PC, install WeMod, cheat by increasing runes and increase your strength.There's just zero chance I will beat any of the bosses Ive ran into in ER, not sure where to go or what to do.
tbh nothing more needs to be said , 10/10 fingers in buttsHalf of the messages in ER are about putting fingers in butts, the other half are actually quite helpful!
also, just in case people didn't see, here's totally related pc news
Phew, I thought I was bad with 20. I wasn't super excited for this game due to the open-worldness, but I can't put it down. What an achievement. They've completely outdone themselves. I've been waiting for this game my entire life!![]()
It might be time to take a break.
I just stopped playing for tonight...28 hours since Friday and can't get enough![]()
It might be time to take a break.
Playing as a boring tank and 2 handed greatsword build, his attacks is a learning curve that's for sure. Godrick was much easier for me compared to him.I have no idea how Margrit is viewed as low level in the wiki. But I guess as they say it depends on the build, as a melee she is a nightmare I’m not ready for and I’m 27 and just downed some major boss in the south.
I know I'm gonna miss an illusionary wall because of all the bait messages on walls that's for sure.Half of the messages in ER are about putting fingers in butts, the other half are actually quite helpful!
I'm not sure if you've explored the castle, but you'll find two important things there. One upgrade found there allows you to change what stat your weapon scales from. That's how you basically get better DEX weapons. I'm playing as a Samurai with DEX build and managed to change two weapons from D -> B DEX in the castle alone.The hardest part of ER is finding a good goddamn dex weapon
Aye, picked up Hitman 3 in the Sale that just ran and intend to do a full series re-playthrough in it before making my way to Hitman 3 content.I am currently replaying Hitman 1 and i am still blown away how good is Sapienza level. That map offers you basically everything. From tunnels to roofs, from option to kill target with a golf ball to target simply coming to you. And it is kinda big level and most importantly feels natural. That level holds so many secrets and it really is one of my favorite levels in video games ever.
Would be nice in the future to map gaming stuff to real work stuff. Actually while you play the tasks in the game would be translated to work tasks that some robot will perform.![]()
Big brain mode: Working AND Playing games at the same time.
Nexusmod is largest(?) site for mods to download from.I've been planning to start Dark Souls (Prepare to Die Edition) on PC (to be my first souls game) and I have a question regarding the safety of playing it. I recall learning about an exploit that could allow people to run code on your PC through the game that would then make it possible for them to control your PC, steal logins, brick the computer, etc:
Dark Souls servers taken down due to an exploit ‘that could let someone take over your PC’ | VGC
PvP servers for Dark Souls 1, 2 and 3 have all been temporarily turned off…
Apparently From Software took down the game servers out of precaution and plan to fix things in the future... Anyway I was wondering, is there any way to play it safely on PC? I just want to play it single player. Is the game even playable? Do you have to connect to servers to play single player? Or is the PVP stuff different? I haven't downloaded it yet, but I was wondering if someone can clear that up?
Btw, is this where DSfix is officially available: DSfix
Or is there a safer site to get it from? I'm not familiar with the modding scene, and I'm obviously late to DS in general.
Super glad you just went and showed your whole ass by updating your post with links to an opinion piece by a Kremlin apologist and a site that echoes Putin's insane ramblings as a means of better explaining your point of view.I hope it's over soon with the least casualties possible.
No idea what the outcome may be but in the end common people like us always suffer. After2014'sneo nazi coup that brought down the elected Ukrainian government just to further western/NATO interests at the Russian borders, the whole world should have worked towards an independent Donbas and other Russian speaking territories under the condition they don't join Russia rather than pretend fascists have anything in common with western/EU values (maybe Orban's values) and deserve our support and hand Putin this handy excuse of a marginalized Ukranian Russian speaking peoples under constant threat and embargo from their own so called compatriots and Russia's financial aid the past 8 years being the one thing keeping them from becoming, like Palestinians, hostages in their own cities. I can't believe there were no real efforts for de-escalation, rather seemingly the opposite with how things went down, as if failed US/EU/UK politicians hoped for a war that would unite people against an external threat under their own leadership and banners and justify already derailed economic/energy crises to stop their downhill trajectory after severe failures in each and every field. Fuck wars, this one and all the other ongoing conflicts that have murdered and displaced thousands of people around the world all because some people are greedy and play power games on our backs and we allow it.
It was all a ruse, nothing has changed for mankind the past few centuries, greedy savages as ever.
If it's any consolation to you, I missed that posting, and very much disagree with all of it.Super glad you just went and showed your whole ass by updating your post with links to an opinion piece by a Kremlin apologist and a site that echoes Putin's insane ramblings as a means of better explaining your point of view.
Perhaps this is my own naivety showing, but I couldn't help but feel a deep pang of disappointment that this went completely uncontested and even got liked, alongside other unsympathetic commentary, to put it mildly. Good-bye.
agreed, this thread is becoming a minefieldIt's super nice that everyone is enjoying Elden Ring but maybe an OT is really needed - read some things here that I would've liked to discover on my own already
Here's an american veteran of the army and air force, prior to his degrees in foreign relations, etc. and one of the most influential realists of our time that might be more to your liking since you find fault with the sources rather than deny what they're saying. He's calling the usa the "benign hegemon" of the world (no bias there), and still manages to find some faults. I guess he's a putin apologist like all the people who have been against every war rather than the closest one.Super glad you just went and showed your whole ass by updating your post with links to an opinion piece by a Kremlin apologist and a site that echoes Putin's insane ramblings as a means of better explaining your point of view.
Perhaps this is my own naivety showing, but I couldn't help but feel a deep pang of disappointment that this went completely uncontested and even got liked, alongside other unsympathetic commentary, to put it mildly. Good-bye.
I just managed to clear Marg yesterday (after much wailing and despair, over 20 attempts for sure), and I'm level 30 (I've cleared out most of the first "map"). I'd say its definitely doable at 27, but if you're a melee build it takes a strong knowledge of his attack animations and your own roll's iframes.I have no idea how Margrit is viewed as low level in the wiki. But I guess as they say it depends on the build, as a melee she is a nightmare I’m not ready for and I’m 27 and just downed some major boss in the south.
Dude, Russia is the one that instigated this war, Russia is the one that made this conflict up. There's no legitimate security concerns that Russia is acting on here, unless you believe they deserve to control all of Eastern Europe. They created this humanitarian crisis out of fucking nothing. Whatever issues the West has, in this situation it's absolutely clear that Russia has the sole blame here, and could stop this war at a moment's notice. All of these dumb takes went from being misinformed to being outright disgusting the moment Russian soldiers started killing Ukrainian civilians in their own country.Here's an american veteran of the army and air force, prior to his degrees in foreign relations, etc. and one of the most influential realists of our time that might be more to your liking since you find fault with the sources rather than deny what they're saying. He's calling the usa the "benign hegemon" of the world (no bias there), and still manages to find faults. I guess he's a putin apologist like all the people who have been against every war rather than the closest one.
There's nothing apologetic about condemning war, all wars, putin, but also everyone else responsible for this one and others, ie, beloved west trying to have the moral high ground because the eastern capitalists and imperialists also use their own tactics and because the refugees this time are blonde with blue eyes as one ukranian put it nicely the other day. Pretty hypocritical to call anyone who happens to see more to a situation as a pro-war pro-putin nut.
Wow. Just wow.
The February Persona announcement was for a hotel collaboration and merchandise.
Sorry if I misread your position on Russia then. I still believe it is misguided to put blame here on the West as well, given how truly one-sided this entire affair has been from the very start.I'm not splitting any difference nor say anything that excuses putin, he's a fascist swine that deserves the worst, again, very hypocritical to imply otherwise. I was still disappointed to see the west do little to de-escalate the situation and then do little to help Ukraine when putin pushed the button, it seems things haven't changed at all since, for example, 1974 with what happened with Cyprus and between two NATO "allies", Turkey & Greece with no intervention. The west might be doing things like have facebook allow the praise of azov battalion for as long as they're killing russians but I won't partake, two wrongs don't make a right. Of course what comes as a first priority (to people at least) is for putin's killings to stop, I never implied otherwise in anything I've said, nor excused even one.
I got banned from chat of a (relatively) famous streamer when I typed this (they were playing Dark Souls)try finger
but hole
Aren't you supposed to work on ErFix?I made a thread for Elden Ring, since I can see myself and others doing quite a bit of posting about it in the coming weeks
Nah, Valve is doing that this time. for SteamOS / ProtonAren't you supposed to work on ErFix?![]()