Community MetaSteam | January 2024 - Let's get this year started!

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Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
SE and random ass drops name a more iconic duo.

Honestly if you have builders 2 you really don't need this. 1 was like a prototype of the formula and there's barely any story or structure in it and obviously there's less building features and depth than what 2 has as well. It's one of those games where the sequel all but erases the need to ever play the prior one again.
They probably had a build ready to go from years ago and now need a tax write off.

Game industry accounting is just as fucked as Hollywood accounting.


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
I'm really sorry lashman I know that you already shared it.

But yesssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so so glad that they are doing this. The last news of this game was the iOS/android port that they did back in 2022. I'm so glad that it will get the proper send of that it deserves and that it would be forgot years laters.

By the way play DQB2 of you have not already it's a great game and I look forward to when ever DQB3 releases. They really need to look into Palworld and take some plays from their book.


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
As other have said DQB2 does a lot of improvements over DQB1 and overall has more of a story going for it. The island and all that stuff it tries to connect in some way. While in DQB1 the islands are all self contained and don't really connect to one another in anyway. It still does have a story though.

It's been a while since I played it but DQB1 has more of a sad story going on for the individual islands compared to DQB2 so there is a difference in tone between the games.

One of the big improvements in DQB2 is that you have a center island that you can build and even invite friends over to help you out. In this island you can take stuff to other island and back and forth. In DQB1 it doesn't work like that, you do get an island where you can build stuff but that is a separate mode and is not connected to the story at all.

But if you can I would recommend playing DQB1 first and then DQB2 after to get the most of it. They are both great games and especially great if you like Dragon Quest and if you like survival crafting games.

I wouldn't be surprised if the whole reason why DQB1 was made was because Minecraft was insanely popular but the issue was that it didn't really have a story.

One of the things that I can no longer seem to find was an old Japanese PlayStation ad that featured the game. In the ad you had an older and younger brother, they were both entering a tournament. The older brother was entering a Street Fighter V tournament and the brother was entering a DQB1 tournament. The stuff that they showed for DQB1 I'm not sure if you can even do that stuff in the game at all. It was cool and I hope that I can find that ad again sometime in the future.

Joe Spangle

Apr 17, 2019
Enshrouded has reached over 1 million players in 5 days.
Nice to see cause i was worried it would be burried by the Palworld craze.
But i guess people love punching trees.. Myself included.
I gave it a go but had to refund it as the frame rate / stutter was too much. Even though the fps were high it looks really choppy for me. I read somewhere that others have an issue with 120htz which is what my new screen is. Shame as it looks like it could be good.

Been on a survival game bender since. Tried Green Hell (good fun but i kept treading on snakes or scorpions every ten minutes),
Valheim (nice but a bit too grindy, i like the visual style though)
and now I'm back onto The Long Dark which is my favourite. They have released a bunch of new stuff for it since i last played so its nice to get back into the world and explore.


Mar 9, 2021
so the source was right.

Then I suppose these will be the tittles.
-Rise of the Ronin
-Death Stranding 2
-Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
-Sonic Generations Remaster
-Silent Hill 2
-New Metro game
-Until Dawn Remaster
Stellar Blade and Concord are also pretty much confirmed. That makes it 10/15 games that they're going to show, but I'm sure those other five are going to be some random ass game that I personally won't care about lol

PD: "Tittles" hee hee
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Oct 24, 2018
Like, surely at this point the Embracer name is way more tainted than the THQ Nordic one they tried to distance themselves from ever was, right?

Can't imagine why any studio would ever do business with these idiots ever again. And I'm sure most of the employees at their studios are sending out job applications like crazy right now.


Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
Like, surely at this point the Embracer name is way more tainted than the THQ Nordic one they tried to distance themselves from ever was, right?

Can't imagine why any studio would ever do business with these idiots ever again. And I'm sure most of the employees at their studios are sending out job applications like crazy right now.
Problem is there ain't any jobs going right now.


Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
I started RDR2 last week and already managed some 30 hours in it and still only in Ch.2. Holy moly, it's fun. I'm such a sucker for Historical settings. Even the hunting is fun, and I honestly thought that aspect would bore me to tears.

W/ regards to Embracer, have they shipped any major game? How do they even make money? How did they manage to buy all these studios and devs and have NOTHING to show for it? And everything that comes close to having a chance, gets cancelled instead??

What are they doing? Do they even want to be in the Video Games business?? It almost comes across as sabotage at this point JFC.


Oct 6, 2018
I encourage anyone not interested in suicide squad to read the spoilers going around. I think many of it matches old leaks but regardless, it's peak (unintentional) comedy.

The game has the writing of a post-GTA 3 ps2 era game when everyone was trying to be extremely edgy.


The Angel of Deaf
Nov 17, 2018
I'm just happy Suicide Squad is launching soon, so that means it can go on sale soon so I can grab it for super cheap.
Also that means they can work on something new or whatever else assuming they don't collapse.

They should just give damn IP to Microsoft so Arkane can develop new game.
Deus Ex: The Fall of Red
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Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019

Kill goblins
Behead Goblins
Roundhouse Kick Goblins
How dare this game copy BG3. Only BG3 should be allowed to use dice as a game mechanic /s

And why is there dice in the game? I thought that Goblin Slayer doesn't like that and refuses for other to role the dice for him (since he chooses his own fate and not the roll of some dice)

Take2 gonna Take2 :ripblob:
And as usual the physical is better than digital people have come out to tell you "I told you so, I told you so".

I still find all of that very dumb. Physical copies exist, does the fact that a digital version of this game some how hurt you? Or is it that a digital copy of the game was preventing the price of your new and sealed copy of the game from skyrocketing after all of these years?

If there was. Digital only copy of a game on consoles than I can understand as to why people would be upset (like with Yakuza Gaiden, which for some reason PAsia is promoting. The way they are promoting it, makes it sound like Yakuza 8 is the digital only game, which it is not.)

Physical and digital can co exist and I don't really see people saying, well I'm glad that this game is digital only, and screw physical only people.

If I personally every said that it's because they can be very annoying.
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Dec 20, 2018
Warning small rant about Suicide Squad.

So I watched some gameplay of SS including end game content and I truly and honestly can't figure out how some people can claim that it's great. Ignoring story and writing, you literally are fighting same enemies in first hour and 100th hour. Only difference is how much damage you are doing and how much damage they are doing and they can take. And all you are doing is shooting at those enemies while moving around. Remember how Arkham games were introducing various enemies as you progress through the game and how you had to fight them differently (shield guy, zapper guy, knife guy, brute...)? How despite some people claiming that game is button masher you actually couldn't simply button mash? How mastering it took time and how each gadget you unlock throughout the game you can use in combat.

Remember how game mixed various encounter designs (fighting arenas, predator sections, puzzles)? Remember how despite being able to basically fly around as much as you can there was reason to go on foot because you could find a lot of things around the city (side missions, collectibles, Easter eggs...)?

Well in SS you get waypoint after waypoint and you just zip around over the roof because city looks empty and kinda not worth exploring. And what is waiting you at those waypoints? Basically shooting and more shooting. There are no mission variety, no actual level design that you can use, no different type of enemies like they are in Arkham games. Entire point of the game is basically looking at excel table and figuring out how best to upgrade your weapons and gadgets so you do more damage. Basically nothing else matter.

And that's the reason I don't like the game. Even Ubisoft has some variety for the love of God. Shooting purple things for 20-30h just to see mediocre story and experience mediocre writing is not worth my time. If you can enjoy this game good for you, have fun, just don't tell me how this is anything close to Arkham games in terms of design and hell even story.


Dec 21, 2018
The hell? Square Enix strikes again.

Anyway, I highly recommend the first game over the second.
It feels way more like a classic DQ with the little islands being more self contained stories (especially felt like DQ7 to me) and more of a level based gameplay than the open world of the second game.

Ironically, despite having to start almost from scratch every time, it also means you feel a lot more the changes and the progression aspect (and there's obviously more variety in setting), while in the second, your half baked base is around as a "hub" while you do an endless list of shitty fetch/build quests while ultimately barely caring about the world since it's large but mostly empty of purpose beside having a fairly lengthy travel time anytime you need something new.
Pacing was massively worse in DQB2, and frankly the content was worse too. None of the charm of the first game carried, they just diluted what was good for the sake a much longer game with the open world that was not present...


May 4, 2019
So I watched some gameplay of SS including end game content and I truly and honestly can't figure out how some people can claim that it's great.

Wait are there actual people saying its great? I don't think I've heard or read a single positive thing about the game since that first gameplay trailer was shown years ago.
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Dec 20, 2018
Wait are there actual people saying its great? I don't think I've heard or read a single positive thing about the game since that first gameplay trailer was shown years ago.
Yes. I mean people can enjoy playing various things, it's not up to me to tell them what to like or not. But to me personally this is far cry from Arkham games and their design.
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Nov 2, 2018
So I watched some gameplay of SS including end game content and I truly and honestly can't figure out how some people can claim that it's great. Ignoring story and writing, you literally are fighting same enemies in first hour and 100th hour. Only difference is how much damage you are doing and how much damage they are doing and they can take.
I don't mind when games have the same enemies and bosses at low and high levels, but only if new enemies/bosses are introduced as the game progresses and if the high level versions are more aggressive and have new attack patterns (like monster hunter low rank/high rank/master rank).
I'm especially fine with the high level versions being reskinned as an additional extra change.

But if the high level versions are just exactly the same as the low level versions, just with higher stats, I don't like that.
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May 4, 2019
Yes. I mean people can enjoy playing various things, it's not up to me to tell them what to like or not. But to me personally this is far cry from Arkham games and their design.
I'm kind of glad there is something people are enjoying about it even with how repetitive and bland its looked. I'm not gonna read into hard spoilers. And I'm not buying it at launch lol.

But its GaaS and its WB. The PC port will most likely be subpar too.

I am expecting it to be under 10$ before the end of the year. I'll check it out dirt cheap.
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Sep 20, 2018
Was looking forward to start building my new PC today, but turns out the CPU socket had a number of bent pins. :loudly-crying-face:
Sent it back and ordered another. Shouldn't be an issue to get the money back for the first and, the second one (hopefully intact this time) will be here in a week, but still pretty bummed ... was looking forward to having the machine up and running this week


Junior Member
Apr 22, 2019
And as usual the physical is better than digital people have come out to tell you "I told you so, I told you so".

I still find all of that very dumb. Physical copies exist, does the fact that a digital version of this game some how hurt you? Or is it that a digital copy of the game was preventing the price of your new and sealed copy of the game from skyrocketing after all of these years?

If there was. Digital only copy of a game on consoles than I can understand as to why people would be upset (like with Yakuza Gaiden, which for some reason PAsia is promoting. The way they are promoting it, makes it sound like Yakuza 8 is the digital only game, which it is not.)

Physical and digital can co exist and I don't really see people saying, well I'm glad that this game is digital only, and screw physical only people.

If I personally every said that it's because they can be very annoying.
It's bad if you still wanted to buy the game of course but if you bought the game digitally before it's not like the game stopped working now. Some people seem to act like they've been removed from their libraries. Might be a worry on console stores in future I suppose if they shut down old downloads, but if it ever happens on PC then fuck em, you bought it so your morally right to sail the seven seas to get your purchase "back".

The physical only diehards also tend to miss that there's a great many games that just wouldn't exist if they needed to secure a print run. Digital has been a net positive in my mind and what really needed is more consumer protection over our purchases rather than harking back to a past more limited era.
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Sep 20, 2018
Fate/Stay Night on Steam. Holy shit
It is funny how we are getting everything from Type-Moons B-roll on PC, but not Tsukihime, because the dev thinks its suited for big screens or some other nonsense. Really feels like like they are ashamed of their origin from Japans Doujin circles and want to be seen as a "serious" dev who targets consoles.
  • Toucan
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