Community MetaSteam | September 2019 - Valve, I Know What You Did Last Summer!

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Mor yeah i know , i am just sad all these awesome project are backed by Ningendo so impossible to release elsewhere , but well i guess there is yuzu

Other publishers can step up and fund these games if they want to but they don't.
I'm just glad Nintendo are doing this and giving cult games a new lease of life. I'll pick up DP2 on Switch Day One and again if it come to PC.
I already have Deadly Premonition physical for 360/Ps3 & PC and i backed the board game and i'll try to get physical editions of DP2 also.

The Good Life is shaping up nicely and we're getting a SWERY DP2, fucking ace! \m/
I know, right. As if we needed any more confirmation, lol.
Maybe we need this

Btw, I passed 1,000 hours on R6 Siege tonight. Combined with my PS4 play-time, maybe 4-500 hours... it isn't just my most played game this generation but surely my most played game of all time.

I'm kinda not sure how I feel about this? I enjoy myself, but realistically it's less.... fulfilling than playing games that have actual stories and stuff? But on the other hand, I think I play Siege so much just because it's something to do and there is a lot of idle time between rounds/matches/prep=phases, it allows for easy multi-tasking, and rounds are only 3 minutes long so you only really have to concentrate in small blocks.

When I play games that have stories, like a JRPG, I like to be completely and only focused on it. ... but sadly, that kinda free time is just in such short supply these days. :face-with-cold-sweat:
The actual saddest part is that it's a Ubi game and I've largely sworn them off after the EGS-nonsense. Hyped as I was for Div2 (and I was really hyped!), I skipped it.

Much as I love R6 Siege, the sequel, whatever it will be is dead on arrival to me. I don't want it to be like this but I don't want to support Ubi's current policy even more. :weary-face:
Ni No Kuni’s preorder going up pushed me to jump back into Ni no Kuni 2. Bless Namco for bringing both to PC. Even if it took 6 years for the original :p

But man I don’t know if I’m emotionally prepared to play NNK1 again. I never finished it but boy did I cry a lot playing it. Maybe ill be able to finish it on PC.
The actual saddest part is that it's a Ubi game and I've largely sworn them off after the EGS-nonsense. Hyped as I was for Div2 (and I was really hyped!), I skipped it.

Much as I love R6 Siege, the sequel, whatever it will be is dead on arrival to me. I don't want it to be like this but I don't want to support Ubi's current policy even more. :weary-face:

yeah, same ... Starlink is the last ubi game i'll buy

if they aren't going to put any more of them on steam, then i won't be buying any

(the fact that pretty much all of them are full of gaas bullshit now certainly helps me not buy any more of them)

Bless Namco for bringing both to PC. Even if it took 6 years for the original :p

RashBandicoot bless

Regarding Deadly Premonition PC version.
"If you accidentally save after hanging around with emily, gorge,etc. you will have bricked your save file and need to either revert to an older one or use one from the internet."

Ok, fuck that shit. Waiting to see if the Switch version is crash free, I won't alter my play choice to avoid game breaking crashes.
Btw, I passed 1,000 hours on R6 Siege tonight. Combined with my PS4 play-time, maybe 4-500 hours... it isn't just my most played game this generation but surely my most played game of all time.

I'm kinda not sure how I feel about this? I enjoy myself, but realistically it's less.... fulfilling than playing games that have actual stories and stuff? But on the other hand, I think I play Siege so much just because it's something to do and there is a lot of idle time between rounds/matches/prep=phases, it allows for easy multi-tasking, and rounds are only 3 minutes long so you only really have to concentrate in small blocks.

When I play games that have stories, like a JRPG, I like to be completely and only focused on it. ... but sadly, that kinda free time is just in such short supply these days. :face-with-cold-sweat:

Well, it’s a GOOD game. It took what was good about Counter Strike (quick bursts of realism-esque asymmetric gunplay) and added some real nice modern finishes, like destructible environment pieces.

The pricing situation is pretty fucked, with a lot of the grinding being pretty steep if you’re just now entering the game. But if you’ve been playing, that has no impact on you.

And honestly, completing games is overrated compared to enjoying playing games. I used to have a sense of guilt about backlog or about getting 80% of the way through a game and then moving on. Now I do it that regularly. And I would kill for a quick drop in/drop out multiplayer game that steals my interest for a little while.
I just did a very quick and messy list of games I still have to play before their sequel/remake releases (or when I'm just super late to the party in some case)

Deadly Premonition
Seiken 2-3
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines
Romancing Saga 1-2
Ori and the Will of the Wisps 1
Nier Automata

...Good Lord !

I will try to play the next Zelda remake without having played the original though. It seems it is a very faithful remake and I fear it would be too redundant if played nearly back to back.

Play Nier or I'll report your ass
I just did a very quick and messy list of games I still have to play before their sequel/remake releases (or when I'm just super late to the party in some case)

Deadly Premonition
Seiken 2-3
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines
Romancing Saga 1-2
Ori and the Will of the Wisps 1
Nier Automata

...Good Lord !

I will try to play the next Zelda remake without having played the original though. It seems it is a very faithful remake and I fear it would be too redundant if played nearly back to back.

Play Nier or I'll report your ass
The issue with Yoko Taro is that is quickly can become a rabbit hole. Nier comes from one of the endings of Drakengard 1 if I remember correctly. And after having tried the game (Drakengard) some months ago, saying it's rough and has aged is... I don't know if there is a word to convey how much it is rough and aged. Antique, maybe.
I have to trace a line in the sand I won't cross or my OCD will make my spend dozen of hours in this.

At the same time I'm a little interested in Drakengard 3, even if I know I won't have the skill to finish the game.
The issue with Yoko Taro is that is quickly can become a rabbit hole. Nier comes from one of the endings of Drakengard 1 if I remember correctly. And after having tried the game (Drakengard) some months ago, saying it's rough and has aged is... I don't know if there is a word to convey how much it is rough and aged. Antique, maybe.
I have to trace a line in the sand I won't cross or my OCD will make my spend dozen of hours in this.

At the same time I'm a little interested in Drakengard 3, even if I know I won't have the skill to finish the game.
I just don't bother with Drakengard and just watch Clemps' videos.

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So I can't get Kindred spirits on roof dlc on steam, but I can get it on GOG. Does the GOG DLC work on Steam ver.?
Tried some games with the UPlay+ free month. It's dissapointing that the Steam save files don't cross over to the UPlay versions, so there are some DLCs I can't play (like Watch Dogs 2 DLCs) unless I finish the story once more, which I won't do.

However, I tried For Honor and I liked it suprisingly a lot. I remember playing the beta and didn't like it at all.

However, my problem with UPlay+ are 2 things:

1) Some games that are more "endless" like Settler games, For Honor, M&M etc. are games I simply will just buy instead. Games that are not one-and-done games are games I like to own. I don't like knowing that those games will not be playable when I drop the service. This is also for others subs services like Origin and Game Pass.
2) The price is too much, I mean, 15 euros a month, really?
I promise to play Nier: Automata one of these days...when it has 90% discount.
Hey, I really want to play Nier Automata ! But there is Drakengard 1* and Nier before it :sweaty-blob:
I'm looking at my plate to see if I can insert one of the games right now, but with releases as they are, it's though.

*Drakengard 3 too, with Youtube for the final boss :blobxorcism:
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