Nuke it again until it’s uninhabitable!Breh
The place is already nuked :v
Besides why you hatin on the little people like that? They suffered enough, let them have their long due liberation.
- They tried to take over the rest of Eorzea, lost a war to the Garleans, and then started bitching and moaning at Eorzeans to help them retake their homeland.
- Oh and remember, the Eorzean Alliance that we spent so much time reviving in ARR existed originally because of Ala Mhigo.
- It’s home to lunatics who would stone the innocent child of a traitor (aka Fordola).
- Lyse is a naive and boring dumbbell.
- Dipshit refugees (Ilberd) go to extremes like betraying the Scions and Crystal Braves, killing innocents for no good reason, and costing Rauhban (the only worthwhile Ala Mhigan character) his arm.
- Oh and they start a war they had no business provoking which directly led to the death of one of the Scions.
- And to just cap it all off, it makes almost zero interesting IRL cultural parallels (compared to Ishgard’s French Gothic and Othard’s continental Asia), and the landscape is hideously boring and ugly in comparison to other expansion regions.
(If I’m being more fair, I think my dislike of Ala Mhigo has to do with some questionable writing choices. It’s why people think Lalas suck, because too many prominent Lala characters are dicks [or dumb], and the nice ones don’t get enough screen time to balance them out. Same thing with Ala Mhigo, too many nasty characters)