Community MetaSteam | September 2019 - Valve, I Know What You Did Last Summer!

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The place is already nuked :v
Besides why you hatin on the little people like that? They suffered enough, let them have their long due liberation.
Nuke it again until it’s uninhabitable!
  • They tried to take over the rest of Eorzea, lost a war to the Garleans, and then started bitching and moaning at Eorzeans to help them retake their homeland.
  • Oh and remember, the Eorzean Alliance that we spent so much time reviving in ARR existed originally because of Ala Mhigo.
  • It’s home to lunatics who would stone the innocent child of a traitor (aka Fordola).
  • Lyse is a naive and boring dumbbell.
  • Dipshit refugees (Ilberd) go to extremes like betraying the Scions and Crystal Braves, killing innocents for no good reason, and costing Rauhban (the only worthwhile Ala Mhigan character) his arm.
  • Oh and they start a war they had no business provoking which directly led to the death of one of the Scions.
  • And to just cap it all off, it makes almost zero interesting IRL cultural parallels (compared to Ishgard’s French Gothic and Othard’s continental Asia), and the landscape is hideously boring and ugly in comparison to other expansion regions.
In conclusion, to hell with Ala Mhigo, I hope we never have to return there again.

(If I’m being more fair, I think my dislike of Ala Mhigo has to do with some questionable writing choices. It’s why people think Lalas suck, because too many prominent Lala characters are dicks [or dumb], and the nice ones don’t get enough screen time to balance them out. Same thing with Ala Mhigo, too many nasty characters)
My Astral Chain CE finally arrived.... I would say yay, but the thing is that I didn't know it would arrive so soon, and this is bad since Amazon Germany has not told me that it has been delivered and when I checked on my USPS account it did not tell me anything about the CE. One of the reasons why I am more so concerned is when I looked as the box it had a big red stamp saying "this item was found it supposedly empty supplies" aka at some point during delivery some one was trying to steal this item and it may or may not have been tampered with. I opened the box and the CE seemed to be in decent condition (it does have some scratch marks and stuff like that but I mean it shipped from Germany to the US in about 2 weeks and it cost me less than $5USD for shipping so that's decent?). It does looks like it's not factory sealed though and I'm not sure if these CE are sealed, the top part of the CE has a cut in the plastic. I'm hoping for the best and maybe all the stuff is in there... if not hopefully at least the game is since it did just cost me $60USD for the CE. .........
The queen has arrived


blessed image.
I opened the CE and everything was inside, the CE box itself is more damaged than I had initially thought but overall the CE box is in a passable condition I guess. Now comes the real issues, finding a micro USB cable so that I can hook up my portable optical drive to my PC and rip the music from the CD.

PS Dead or Alive Extreme Venus Vacation has a nice OST
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Hey everyone! Figured I should bring the good news here so more folks can see it! :smiling-face-with-smiling-eyes:

There's been some discussion in the Suggestions and Feedback section of the forum about creating an official Discord server. There was also talk briefly of turning the Co-op Corner server into the official one. However there were some concerns that it might lose a bit of its charm after the switch. Which I too shared some of those concerns.

So instead what I've done is create a second server, the official one, for all of us to use! I'll be setting it so everyone has the ability to invite other folks from the forum (please do so through PM's) and if anyone has ideas for extra channels or categories then let me know! This is for all of us and I look forward to working with everyone to get it set up and help it grow! :highfiveblob:

I'm a fan of the idle genre but this is a bit extreme even for me...400 IRL days to see what happens :cryblob:

EDIT: FAQ makes it sound pretty neat

Q: What happens after 400 days?

We won't tell you. However, there are multiple endings and not every one of them might involve waiting for 400 days.

Q: Is this game an adventure game?

It is, in the sense that there are puzzles that you can solve. There are items to collect and you can do stuff with them. But you don't have to. There is a ton of well hidden content that you can discover if you like. And of course there is a story. Puzzles are often time based, as you would expect in a game like this.

Q: What is a time based puzzle?

Obstacles in the game need time to be overcome. If you want to climb up somewhere, it might involve waiting for a drop to fill up a pit or waiting for a spider to craft a web.
So the real reason borderlands 3 didn't go with steam... They would have been so mercilessly review bombed. Hell maybe they wouldn't even be allowed to be on steam for the shit they are up to.
Terrible DRM always got review bomb lol.
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This sort of DRM is why I stopped buying Ubisoft games. I got tired of Ubisoft piling on layers upon layers of DRM until their games become unable to hit 60 fps reliably. I'm not buying a new CPU just so these assholes can clog it with their bullshit.


Oh man, I was really hoping for this. Which kinda makes me feel bad that I haven't bought a single one of them after Sophie lol. Although, in my defense, it doesn't help that they released 5 games in like a year and never discount them worth a damn...

So, that leaves only the PS2 games missing, right? I don't expect those to get ported but still, getting both the Arland and Dusk trilogy is basically a best case scenario as far as I'm concerned. At least with these remasters I now have an excuse to ignore the latest (and pricier) releases for a while lol.
Oh man, I was really hoping for this. Which kinda makes me feel bad that I haven't bought a single one of them after Sophie lol. Although, in my defense, it doesn't help that they released 5 games in like a year and never discount them worth a damn...
This is me too :/
so made a threads for the nightly announcmenets

My Astral Chain CE finally arrived.... I would say yay, but the thing is that I didn't know it would arrive so soon, and this is bad since Amazon Germany has not told me that it has been delivered and when I checked on my USPS account it did not tell me anything about the CE. One of the reasons why I am more so concerned is when I looked as the box it had a big red stamp saying "this item was found it supposedly empty supplies" aka at some point during delivery some one was trying to steal this item and it may or may not have been tampered with. I opened the box and the CE seemed to be in decent condition (it does have some scratch marks and stuff like that but I mean it shipped from Germany to the US in about 2 weeks and it cost me less than $5USD for shipping so that's decent?). It does looks like it's not factory sealed though and I'm not sure if these CE are sealed, the top part of the CE has a cut in the plastic. I'm hoping for the best and maybe all the stuff is in there... if not hopefully at least the game is since it did just cost me $60USD for the CE. .........

Congrats on that deal, I missed it back then. And now got legit fucked by two retailers, one took on so many preorders for a low price that I was expecting them not to deliver. But then Gamestop told me they couldn't withdraw money from my credit card, I transfered it 2 days later, then didn't hear back for a week, then another week passed and 'ohhh we're out of stock, sorrrryyyyy'. Ya, those two can go bust for all I care, at least I got my Daemon X Machina LE yesterday (and have another one coming, hedging my bets for all of these), the mech figure is really nice. Not Titanfall-nice which is my all time favorite CE, but well produced.
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Hey everyone! Figured I should bring the good news here so more folks can see it! :smiling-face-with-smiling-eyes:

There's been some discussion in the Suggestions and Feedback section of the forum about creating an official Discord server. There was also talk briefly of turning the Co-op Corner server into the official one. However there were some concerns that it might lose a bit of its charm after the switch. Which I too shared some of those concerns.

So instead what I've done is create a second server, the official one, for all of us to use! I'll be setting it so everyone has the ability to invite other folks from the forum (please do so through PM's) and if anyone has ideas for extra channels or categories then let me know! This is for all of us and I look forward to working with everyone to get it set up and help it grow! :highfiveblob:

Discord having no respect for user privacy is the reason I don't use it. On this forum there's already a chat system, so I wish you all the fun in the world on your channel but I'll stay here ;)
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New game from the creators of Zero Escape and Danganronpa. Worldwide release in 2020. PC is the only confirmed platform but they just announced “multiple other platforms” (Switch and PS4) were also planned for launch. They announced this game a while back but this is the first bit of gameplay we’ve seen outside of a few tidbits on twitter.

  • Death March Club is set in July 1995. A group of underachiever elementary school students called the “Losers Class” is on a bus en route to Kamakura for a school trip when a meteorite suddenly hits. When they wake up, they find themselves in an underwater amusement park.
  • The students are made to participate in a death game called the “Assignment Game.” Each participant has a bangle attached to their wrist with another person’s assignment, such as killing someone. But since a person’s own assignment is not immediately available to them, they would have to get the other person to show it to them or steal their bangle somehow. Whoever achieves their assignment first will be rewarded. And those who try to abandon the game will be injected with a lethal drug via the bangle.

    Gameplay consists of adventure parts where characters converse and action parts where characters move around. Action parts include many puzzle elements.
Looks pretty fucked.
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Made a video about my adventures in trying to run Crysis Warhead on modern OS at 4K/60 with max settings

This game is a beautiful technical mess, but I have a soft spot for it because it's actually the very first game I've ever reviewed. If only EA and Crytek bothered to fix it or at least remove that fucking DRM...

It's on gog DRM-free.
Started another run of Resident Evil 2 (the remake).

Such a good game, probably my GOTY. I had previously done a Leon A, Claire B so have started a Claire A.

Ive added the Mr X squeeky feet mod to try and make him a bit less terrifying. It works.

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