Community MetaSteam | September 2023 - The galaxy awaits

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Sep 19, 2020

I really liked the first Ghostrunner. Dunno if I'll be there day one for the sequel, but maybe day 13 or so.


Sep 11, 2018
In a way Remedy has been in a similar boat as Double Fine was before MS swooped in. A mid sized studio with a reasonably sized cult following/fanbase that's not nearly big enough to sustain the studio on just their own. Never a big enough success to hit any kind of wider mainstream popularity. Like just from memory I'd say MP1 and Control are their only "hits".

Maybe Death Rally too. :grinning-face:
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Oct 6, 2018

It also performs worse on intel cpus (with hyperthreading on). I'm sure all that and DLSS missing is a complete coincidence that has nothing to do with partnerships.

That being said the game is unoptimized and ugly in general. Here's a comparison pic DF did with cyberpunk, even with RT on it performs better lol



Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
I don't think Starfield is "ugly." Especially compared to Bethesda's past games which really did look ugly under any type of close scrutiny. (Aside from Oblivion maybe, which for it's time was a spectacle.)

But it definitely sucks that it's been optimized for the PC's of 2030, rather than 2023. :anguished-face:

guess I'll go with either fanatical or GMG in the upcoming week

I won't be able to afford it for a while... You gotta let me know who the Takeda ends up being!! 🙏


Apr 17, 2019
Having a blast with Max Payne 3.
The gunplay is so damn good. The way enemies react to shots, the bullet wounds, the destructible environments, the physics...
I saw a really cool detail where an enemy I shot took a few steps backwards as he fell and tripped on a bucket that happened to be behind him. The way the death animation transitioned smoothly into the falling animation when the character touched the bucket was really cool.
I only played it once at launch and am really impressed with how well it holds up all these years later.


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
From Valve .

We’re always working to improve Steam for both
players and developers.
Visibility on Steam is driven
by fans and the games they
buy and play.

Our goal with Steam is to
match games with the
players who will love them.

All kinds of games can find an audience, and success, on Steam.
There’s room for
everyone. ""

I can't say for certain about Nintendo (but I shouldn't be surprised if it was, but I'm having doubts about it being true seeing just how insanely bare bones the eShop has been since 2017, I don't think it ever got any major updates or anything)

But for Sony and MS sadly they are the opposite of this.


We don’t sell
or placement

We don’t think Steam
should be pay to win.
Not selling ads levels the playing field and makes
recommendations better for players.

You don't need to work with an editor to get featured.
You don’t need a secret handshake or know the right person on
the inside.
Most visibility on Steam
happens automatically. "

And it's because of these features that

We’re surprised all the time by the
games that blow up."

All of this is from some slides that Valve made about store visibility for devs.

A lot of that I would say is what leads to Valve not having to spend nearly as much as the other 3 when it comes to marketing cost (the number of ads I've seen for Nintendo are something else.

Seeing how little interaction Steams X page gets, along with their YouTube channel, it makes sense as to what they do so much to invest on improving the store experience. It's why 20 years later they are leagues ahead of the other guys.

eShop is bearbones, MS sells screen realastate to any one willing to pay (MS please stop showing fortnite in the sponsored section of the Xbox homepage. As for Sony they heavily curate stuff (which is both good and bad), hey want to check out what PS5 games Yoko Taro recommends? Here you guy, also check out what games the PS staff recommends. You want stuff more personalized for you? Good luck with that. At least they have a nice little end of year personalized summary for you.


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
I'm looking at some old Cntrl+Alt+Delt comic and they are amusing.

I'm looking at the console war ones. A lot of it is from 2013 and onwards with PS4 beating XBOX. In 2014 they mention Ouya, with Steam killing Ouya (in a retrospective, UMPCs ultimately became what Ouya was trying to be ,in a way.) You also had a joke about Steam machines? And how there were only 300 of them out in the wild (it was kind of weird since they depicted the characters having Steam controller touchpad eyes).

After that it did mention NX and unlike the Wii U that they could fight (speaking of the Wii U, they mention how little third party support they got) the only other time they mention PC is in 2018 with PC being on a tour bus and watching the console war rage on, since it has nothing to do with PC).

The big shape up with PC is in their 2019 comics, were they show Steam as a church, the Steam church views EGS as a menace to society. Kids are joining EGS because of fortnite. Origin and Uplay are just ignored by Steam players. And such.

They also make fun of stadia (stadia not being a threat and just a made believe tale)

There is also a part where they talk about PS Star and how it comes from Steam Points.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Disco Elysium sure is a special experience. Just finished it and that was fantastic.
Debating whether I should try other playthroughs since I'm curious to see how different things could go, but also I was pretty happy with how this one went and things turned out, so probably not.


Sep 20, 2018
Disco Elysium sure is a special experience. Just finished it and that was fantastic.
Debating whether I should try other playthroughs since I'm curious to see how different things could go, but also I was pretty happy with how this one went and things turned out, so probably not.
It is an amazing experience. Sadly we will likely never get another game quite like it, not by the same team at least. Most of its creative leads have since gone, and what remains of the dev team is now under the control of a bunch of literally convicted criminals, pretty much incorporating all the things the games criticise.
So who knows, maybe Disco Elysium 2 will be about how Harry learns that capitalism is great now and becomes a financial con artist, raking in tons of money.


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
On brighter news, I finally got the owlbear cub in Baldurs Gate 3!

Ready to move on to Act 2
We had to "artificially" long rest a few times in a row to trigger that before moving on from act 2.

I wish they had some sort of indicator that you have "unseen camp events". Sure, it's a bit gamey and not very immersive, but it's much better than missing stuff because you're too efficient with your rests.
(Especially when resting less is generally the more immersive thing to do, given that you are always under time constraints main-story-wise)

Disco Elysium sure is a special experience. Just finished it and that was fantastic.
Debating whether I should try other playthroughs since I'm curious to see how different things could go, but also I was pretty happy with how this one went and things turned out, so probably not.
It's always hard to objectively look at a game right after you finished it, at least for me, but since I played the game in 2019 I can now confidently say that it was my favourite narrative experience in gaming in the past 5 years.


Sep 20, 2021
I wish they had some sort of indicator that you have "unseen camp events". Sure, it's a bit gamey and not very immersive, but it's much better than missing stuff because you're too efficient with your rests.
Well, where the game fails the mods rise: Camp Event Notifications
There are so many long rest only events you can probably rest 5 times in a row and still see something new each time
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Well, where the game fails the mods rise: Camp Event Notifications
There are so many long rest only events you can probably rest 5 times in a row and still see something new each time

I'm near the end of act 3 and I needed this badly.

I long rested like 6 times just to pop the Mizora sex scene lmao

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Being not very skilled with my hands, let me wish for a Steam Deck 2 that would release soon and be 1tb (maybe oled ?).
Copying a 1.5Go file on the SD and it taking 6 minutes is absolutely ningen. Of the highest order. I would even add that I don't naruhodo at all.
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
I say I should really play more on Deck, I say I would like a better Deck, and all of a sudden my Deck doesn’t recognize my SD card anymore (the linux side totally does).
How fucking cool is that !
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None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
I'm glad I held off on buying Starfield. Maybe in a few months fans will work out the performance issues on Nvidia GPUs, since I get the impression Bethesda won't be putting in that work.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Resident Evil 7

So I was fleeing from this psycho, he caught me and cut off Ethan's leg. I thought this was gonna be a game over sequence, but he let me go and put some medicine on the floor. I crawled towards it, picked it up and Ethan used it to "glue" his chopped off foot back on.
I,,, huh.
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Nov 1, 2018
Resident Evil 7

So I was fleeing from this psycho, he caught me and cut off Ethan's leg. I thought this was gonna be a game over sequence, but he let me go and put some medicine on the floor. I crawled towards it, picked it up and Ethan used it to "glue" his chopped off foot back on.
I,,, huh.
What? You can't do that?
Skill issue.

So many Va11-Hall-A clones, so few sequels


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Finally got around beating Yakuza 3. I suppose all the Yakuza games have padding, but this one was rougher just because a lot of it is involving the kids. We'll see how 4 is.
I didn't mind the kids. I just didn't like searching the whole city for them over and over again.
That's Jedi Survivor finished. Absolutely amazing game that is in every sense better than the first game. But boy does performance sh*ts on all that.
Did the latest patch improve performance for you?
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old school cool
Nov 1, 2018
That's Jedi Survivor finished. Absolutely amazing game that is in every sense better than the first game. But boy does performance sh*ts on all that.
It has been a real trend hasn't it. I'm skipping all the games of this like. Maybe I'll play em in 2030+... That's the way I used to do it after all...
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