I've kind of started to play a lot of games in parallel, so I'm currently finishing nothing but still playing a lot.
Horace - Never would have guessed it when I started, but Horace turns into a hardcore skill platformer a few hours in and I have to play it in really small segments in order to not throw my controller at the screen / out the window. Still charming af though.
The Occupation - Is it a first person adventure? Is it an immersive stealth sim? Is it a bad idea to exclusively have auto-saves, and only at the end of every chapter, while every chapter will take between 30-60 minutes to complete? I'm slowly finding out, but I have to sort of block off time in my calendar in order to make progress on this.
Sundered (Eldritch Edition) - I hate rogue-likes and rogue-lites, because I like my game worlds and levels to be designed, not dice-rolled, tyvm. I love metroidvanias. I found the genre kind of late since I grew up without Nintendo, but I've been hooked ever since Shadow Complex. This game is a mix of metroidvania and rogue-lite. Do I love it? Do I hate it? Gotta play more to find out. Made by the creators of Spiritfarer.
XING: The Land Beyond - This one's an odd duck. It's a first person puzzle game with puzzle designs á la Babby's First Cyan Game, a level design aesthetic reminding me somewhat of classic Rare games, but in full Unreal Engine polish, and bonus levels unlockable by finding collectibles that are just mini walking simulators. And it's full of fortune-cookie-grade flavor text. So far I'm into it.
Night Call - I was hoping for
Night on Earth, the video game, unfortunately it's not quite that well written. Also, it's more of a mystery than a comedy, although all the added-on bonus content that's in the game now really tilts the game a lot more towards surrealist humor compared to the original release. Really good as a last-game-before-bed though, you can pull off one shift in roughly 15 minutes and keep making steady progress without a big time investment.
GTA Online - I pulled the trigger and installed the EGS freebie GTA V because I got a hankering for some GTA Online racing and I didn't want to renew PS+ just for this. Found out the character conversion from different platforms has been unavailable for three years now, lol. Also found out it doesn't really matter thanks to the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack that comes with the EGS version. Also found out that 60 FPS GTA Online is a dirty lie. 60 FPS Grand Theft Auto V? That's real. GTA Online? Only until you enter an area with other players, then it's dip-central. Works well enough with half v-sync though, and that's what I was used to from PS4 anyway.
Golf with your Friends - Game doesn't actually contain friends. The golf is there though.
Song of the Deep - I've been playing this underwater metroidvania on and off for over a year now. Story and design of the game are sort of making this look and feel like a kids game, it's not though. It's actually pretty hard here and there, particularly when it comes to finding the right path to progress. Not expecting to finish it this year either. I mean, it's a metroidvania, which I love, but it's also a whole metroidvania with nothing but underwater levels. And who loves those??