Community What are you currently playing?


It has risen again!
Dec 31, 2018

Currently enjoying the hell out of Quake Champions. They were giving away all champions for free after playing a match during QuakeCon and it absolutely hooked me.
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Finished ELEX, finally. The NPC i thought i'd lost was fine. Woohoo! There are some pointy bits that need filing down or outright fixing but i enjoy these type of games where ambition outreaches the budget.

Just started Call of Cthulhu, it's pretty good so far, atmospheric and i'm keen to continue but it goes from looking great to looking fine to "Yikes, when was this made, ewwww!"


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Finishing up Frog Fractions Game of the Decade Edition (Cap DLC) and i'm heading towards the end of the end i think. short and sweet and mad like the others. Good, fun little time waster.
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
I'm playing Röki at the moment. It has a nice art style, and I think the story could be interesting. The puzzles are very easy and it is 100% linear so far, though maybe things will open up more as I progress.

One of the things that bothers me is that characters make noises when you talk to them. Not Animal Crossing noises... But like grunts, and sighs, and moans, etc... I find it creepy for some reason.

The other thing that frustrates me is the lack of a mouse cursor for some interface elements. You use WASD and keyboard short cuts to move around the world and look at things/pick items up. The game also lets you left click in place of pressing the Enter key, which is good... But you can't use the mouse to navigate menus... But you do use the mouse when you need to use an item in your inventory by dragging it to the item you want to use it on. It's just weirdly inconsistent.
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I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
I've been playing a lot of Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk recently.

I was in the mood for a blobber (party-based first person dungeon crawler RPG) and this looked like the most interesting option in my Steam library.

So far I find this game to be a neat combination of traditional mechanics and new twists. For example, you have 5 slots in your party, but rather than traditional character slots these are coven slots, and covens contain the individual characters, and they might also impart specific stat changes and bonuses, as well as skills. And each coven can have slots for 1-3 frontline and 0-3 backline characters. Covens with more characters aren't always strictly better than ones with fewer slots, and this also greatly depends on how you use them (and the overall formation of your party).

Character stat-related stuff is also interesting. There aren't a lot of different classes, but each characters has options for "Stance" and "Preferred Stat Growth" which can alter their role.

Note that the middling (78%) reviews on Steam seem to be a function of crashing issues on some PCs -- I haven't had a crash in ~20 hours, but I can see how that would completely ruin the game, especially given the risk-reward mechanics.


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
Still making my way through Röki. Immediately after I posted above, the world opened up and I'm now pursuing multiple puzzles across multiple areas. I'm over 2 hours in, and I'm taking a break because my brain doesn't know what I should do next. Like every classic point and click adventure game, you gather items, solve puzzles, and gather more items.

The overarching story is pretty distant to the minute to minute gameplay so far but I do like the world building. There are all sorts of interesting things like water spirits, trolls, trees with eyeballs, and a mystery revolving around dead children.

Another very minor annoyance about the game is that every time you start it you have to confirm your resolution and language. Like... why?
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Halcyon 6 - Lightspeed Edition - 2D Space Station Builder and Space Explorer with Turn-Based Battles. It's pretty good so far. Reviews suggest it's a 'Simplified' Space 4X type game and that's just what i needed. It still has some complexity so it'll take me a few games to work things out but it's nice looking and fun.

Raven's Cry - Vendetta - It's got Golden age Pirates in it and some jank and it's tough as heck at the start. I love it. Ambitious to the point of breaking both it's budget and the game engine and i suspect there were some shenanigans with the publisher switching developers and stuff. It's the improved version of Raven's Cry and yup, it's improved but you still see women pissing against walls like blokes, so yeah. Pre-ordered the original because Pirates and go the upgrade for free, 60 hours in and still haven't finished it because i like exploring the islands and just generally dicking about.
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
I finished Chapter 1 of Tell Me Why, and loved it. The scenery is gorgeous, the voice acting is really good for both protagonists, I really enjoy the memories stuff and the telepathy and I love just calmly exploring the environments and taking everything in. The story is definitely intriguing, though I guessed "the twist" fairly early on.. Based on the choices section, I suspect a lot of what seemed like the right choices may come back to bite me in the ass.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
I finished Chapter 1 of Tell Me Why, and loved it. The scenery is gorgeous, the voice acting is really good for both protagonists, I really enjoy the memories stuff and the telepathy and I love just calmly exploring the environments and taking everything in. The story is definitely intriguing, though I guessed "the twist" fairly early on.. Based on the choices section, I suspect a lot of what seemed like the right choices may come back to bite me in the ass.
just finished it too

sooooooooooo good!


Sep 20, 2018
I recently started playing The Outer Worlds on Gamepass. Wasn't expecting much, just a much smaller-scale than Fallout New Vegas, which I thought would make overall experience far less interesting.

Was surprised though how quickly that formula still makes you addicted to keep playing things. The setting is simply a well known trope from various science fiction, especially cyberpunk, about the "off world colonies" most famously from Blade Runner. An entire system bought and operated by corporations, controlling the people like they are simply goods to maximise the profits of those corporations.

The Outer Worlds is ultimately a quirky game that makes fun of corporate branding and things like that, but it doesn't really allow the player to have a political reaction to it. You can be against the "Board", but it's just another faction, and while the game makes clear they are the bad guys, it doesn't really explore in-depth what an ultra capitalist society would feel like. Even those opposing the corporate lifestyle are revealed to be motivated by petty personal reasons. I think this is probably the most disappointing element of the shortness of The Outer World: everything is explored in the most shallow way possible. No time to really flesh things out.

You still get a really fun gameplay loop, the combat is fun, if a bit on the easy side, and gosh does this game look good:

And I got this for very little from Gamepass, so far I can't complain.


It has risen again!
Dec 31, 2018

Been playing Assassin's Creed: Odyssey again after getting a new laptop this week. Old laptop could run this on medium but it dropped frames constantly so it's nice to have this run smoothly and look better!
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
If you are already having fun, then wait until you get to LA. That's when the game is really taking off, in terms of craziness, difficulty and scope.
I've only visited Highpool so far and they've thrown me out for good. Can't wait to ruin my other missions as well 😂
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Virtual Ruminant

May 21, 2020
I've kind of started to play a lot of games in parallel, so I'm currently finishing nothing but still playing a lot.

* Horace - Never would have guessed it when I started, but Horace turns into a hardcore skill platformer a few hours in and I have to play it in really small segments in order to not throw my controller at the screen / out the window. Still charming af though.

* The Occupation - Is it a first person adventure? Is it an immersive stealth sim? Is it a bad idea to exclusively have auto-saves, and only at the end of every chapter, while every chapter will take between 30-60 minutes to complete? I'm slowly finding out, but I have to sort of block off time in my calendar in order to make progress on this.

* Sundered (Eldritch Edition) - I hate rogue-likes and rogue-lites, because I like my game worlds and levels to be designed, not dice-rolled, tyvm. I love metroidvanias. I found the genre kind of late since I grew up without Nintendo, but I've been hooked ever since Shadow Complex. This game is a mix of metroidvania and rogue-lite. Do I love it? Do I hate it? Gotta play more to find out. Made by the creators of Spiritfarer.

* XING: The Land Beyond - This one's an odd duck. It's a first person puzzle game with puzzle designs á la Babby's First Cyan Game, a level design aesthetic reminding me somewhat of classic Rare games, but in full Unreal Engine polish, and bonus levels unlockable by finding collectibles that are just mini walking simulators. And it's full of fortune-cookie-grade flavor text. So far I'm into it.

* Night Call - I was hoping for Night on Earth, the video game, unfortunately it's not quite that well written. Also, it's more of a mystery than a comedy, although all the added-on bonus content that's in the game now really tilts the game a lot more towards surrealist humor compared to the original release. Really good as a last-game-before-bed though, you can pull off one shift in roughly 15 minutes and keep making steady progress without a big time investment.

* GTA Online - I pulled the trigger and installed the EGS freebie GTA V because I got a hankering for some GTA Online racing and I didn't want to renew PS+ just for this. Found out the character conversion from different platforms has been unavailable for three years now, lol. Also found out it doesn't really matter thanks to the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack that comes with the EGS version. Also found out that 60 FPS GTA Online is a dirty lie. 60 FPS Grand Theft Auto V? That's real. GTA Online? Only until you enter an area with other players, then it's dip-central. Works well enough with half v-sync though, and that's what I was used to from PS4 anyway.

* Golf with your Friends - Game doesn't actually contain friends. The golf is there though.

* Song of the Deep - I've been playing this underwater metroidvania on and off for over a year now. Story and design of the game are sort of making this look and feel like a kids game, it's not though. It's actually pretty hard here and there, particularly when it comes to finding the right path to progress. Not expecting to finish it this year either. I mean, it's a metroidvania, which I love, but it's also a whole metroidvania with nothing but underwater levels. And who loves those??


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Started to play Silver today. I've played this game when it was released in 1999, and when I saw it was 67% discounted I felt the urge to play it again. It's a rather basic aRPG, but the story and characters are very charming and the mouse-controlled combat is rather unique. Underrated game imo, I'm really having fun with it.

I'm also playing Highway Blossoms, a visual novel about two young girls going on a treasure hunt. While the story progression is rather slow and it's obvious that in the end, the real "treasure" will be found between each others legs, I'm enjoying the charming characters and humor.

  • Toucan
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
I've finally started Disco Elysium! I bought it back in 2019, but for some reason kept putting it off despite knowing I would enjoy it. I love RPGs, I love point and click adventure games, I love games with tons of choices/consequences, so it seems tailor made for me.

I'm still on Day 1, about 5 hours in, and it is excellent. I went with 4INT-4PSY-2FYS-2MOT, with Inland Empires as his signature skill. I wanted my detective to be brilliant but thoroughly eccentric. So far, that's ended up being half true.


Sep 20, 2018
I've finally started Disco Elysium! I bought it back in 2019, but for some reason kept putting it off despite knowing I would enjoy it. I love RPGs, I love point and click adventure games, I love games with tons of choices/consequences, so it seems tailor made for me.

I'm still on Day 1, about 5 hours in, and it is excellent. I went with 4INT-4PSY-2FYS-2MOT, with Inland Empires as his signature skill. I wanted my detective to be brilliant but thoroughly eccentric. So far, that's ended up being half true.
Great choice . I don't think you can really play a brilliant Sherlock-esque detective, wouldn't work with the whole (recovering?) drug addict thing. But high INT means you're not a moron and you're more self-aware , for better or worse .


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
Great choice . I don't think you can really play a brilliant Sherlock-esque detective, wouldn't work with the whole (recovering?) drug addict thing. But high INT means you're not a moron and you're more self-aware , for better or worse .
Yeah, so far he's managed to use Visual Calculus a few times which was fun... But he's definitely no Sherlock. I love when the skills argue with each other. 🤣

The writing is really good! I actually felt bad when I was talking to Sylvie over the radio and she told me she quit her job because of how awful I was.


Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit.
Nov 16, 2018
Jakarta, Indonesia
Finished Horizon Zero Dawn and the frozen wilds expansion story line. Gorgeous graphics, love the combat, interesting story. Facial animations still looks jank though. Playing on hard and the game is pretty easy with mouse and keyboard. Might be tempted to play new game plus and ultra hard when they fix the rest of the bugs (they're almost there) since the combat is pretty fun.

Also "finished" Hades main storyline, nice to see a great game developed from day one of EA to it's full release, and with noclip documentaries series to boot. What a journey. And I finally beat 32 heat to get the last skelly statue with a sliver of life left, what a rush. Now to grind the true ending and facing stage 3 of hades fight they added for 1.0.



Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Embracelet. Very charming adventure-lite with colorful graphics, wonderful music, clever but not-too-difficult puzzles and a lovely characters. The humor reminds me of the Lucasarts adventures, which the developer seems to like a lot.

Made by the (solo) developer of Milkmaid of the Milkyway, a short adventure game were all dialogues are a rhyme.



Just another Video Game Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2018
Going through Destiny 2's campaign before they get removed.

Man... these are just OK. Some great moments here and there, but the balance is so tilted in your favor that they don't feel satisfying. Even the story/writing is weak.


May 5, 2019
I'm playing Overwatch, Control and Venetica these days. Venetica I already played through ages ago, but it's still a good game. I just wish my character would be able to move faster than she does...


Steam New Releases Warrior
Dec 8, 2018
Somewhere else
Horizon Zero Dawn. I went in blind and.... it's just another Open-World/Collectathon/Crafting/RPG/Shooter/Far Cry/Ass Creed game. :(

I'm at the Grave Hoard and i'm bored to death by this game. How far i'm into the game at this point?
Reason: Collectathon
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Sep 20, 2018
Horizon Zero Dawn. I went in blind and.... it's just another Open-World/Crafting/RPG/Shooter/Far Cry/Ass Creed game. :(

I'm at the Grave Hoard and i'm bored to death by this game. How far i'm into the game at this point?
Try opening a picture of a PS4, here, and then stare at it intensely, while chanting "EXCLUSIVE GAME!" for a few hours.
Maybe that will help you experience it the way it was originally received on its target platform.


Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
Horizon Zero Dawn. I went in blind and.... it's just another Open-World/Collectathon/Crafting/RPG/Shooter/Far Cry/Ass Creed game. :(

I'm at the Grave Hoard and i'm bored to death by this game. How far i'm into the game at this point?
Filthy PC scrub unable to appreciate the majesty of a first party PlayStation game.

I liked Horizon for what it is, but the talk around PlayStation's first party is tiresome. Better games release all the time.
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Reactions: sk2k


May 5, 2019
Horizon Zero Dawn. I went in blind and.... it's just another Open-World/Collectathon/Crafting/RPG/Shooter/Far Cry/Ass Creed game. :(

I'm at the Grave Hoard and i'm bored to death by this game. How far i'm into the game at this point?
I really liked HZD, its world, characters, lore and story - but also the gameplay, the combat, even all the open world stuff. But tastes are different. If you're not into that kinda thing, or experienced overload, then its quite understandable you dont like it.
To answer your question (I'm just gonna put this in spoiler tags, but it just contains the number of quests in total and how far in you are):

There are 22 main quests in total, and the Grave Hoard is #15 if I counted correctly. But there are some storylines that run in parellel, and a few main quests can be put aside and be completed later (the Meridian questline)