Community What are you currently playing?

Dec 5, 2018
Went back to my backlog of LEGO games, now with Lego batman 2.

Better game than the first, with the open world (instead of a hub), and the more continous story mode.

But man, the performance in these games, the frame rate in the open world keeps jumping all over, it's not really a problem in a game like this but it's considerably noticable.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Went back to my backlog of LEGO games, now with Lego batman 2.

Better game than the first, with the open world (instead of a hub), and the more continous story mode.

But man, the performance in these games, the frame rate in the open world keeps jumping all over, it's not really a problem in a game like this but it's considerably noticable.
i love all the LEGO games from TT ... they're all great (mostly because they're the same game, lol ... but it's a really good game!)
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Powered by the Cloud
Apr 6, 2019
Close to wrapping up my playthrough of XCOM 2: War of the Chosen.
The Chosen are all defeated, and I'm currently moving through the final story missions before the final assault.

All in all, a great expansion on the original XCOM 2. It just takes so freaking long to play a campaign.
It's currently starting to get a bit tedious, since I know I'm close to the end, but I need to finish the final story research projects before the game can finish, and during the time, a lot of filler missions are appearing.
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Virtual Ruminant

May 21, 2020
I was already kind of puzzled what I liked about Haven when I played the demo back in June of last year and I still don't really understand it, but I can't stop playing. I started last night and I've already put 8.5 hours into it now šŸ˜…. Really a shame I've got to get back to work tomorrow ...
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Zwei. I can't possibly understand how people were able to finish this game without a guide. It doesn't explain any of the game mechanics, nor does it give you any clues where to go next.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
I have started the new year with a bunch of games on the go. I have this week off work so i reckon i'll finish Cyberpunk, Fenyx and Paradise Killer this week then go back to Sam & Max. Minecraft will also get some time as i've some ideas i want to try out or improve.

After playing about 50 hours in cyberpunk i decided to actually progress the story and wow, that Heist was a ride, now to go back to exploring and messing about for a while as a nice palette cleanser before starting on Act 2's story stuff.


Laughing Chojin
Mar 14, 2019
Arcania is a WRPG made for JRPG players. It's too easy and you can barely customize your character.

Li Kao

Itā€™s a strange world. Letā€™s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Hmm, started Mario Odyssey on a whim.
It's unfortunately quite what I expected. I can't stop playing and looking for moons when I play, then the idea of playing again is met with an inner 'why ?'
I suppose it's boring me.

One thing I will totally put on the game, their gesture control is plain shit. There are also generally too much moves and they are used once every blue moon.

Guilty of Being

Dec 5, 2018
I've been back on the Risk of Rain 2 grind, but I'm not sure how much longer I plan to go; it's just mindless fun to see how many more trophies I can get, I guess. I'm trying to unlock all the characters; however, I don't tend to go out of my way to do anything new in the game. There is a good possibility that by the end of the week, I'm going to move to a new game.
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Powered by the Cloud
Apr 6, 2019
Finished the first act of XCOM: Chimera Squad today.
I like it! Haven't really come to grips with all the breaching mechanics yet, and it's a bit hard to shake the "alpha strike" mentality from XCOM 2 since it doesn't work here at all.

The story is nice and missions are mostly short and sweet. The strategy layer could be a bit more involved but it's still good.

Hope it doesn't get too "same-y" throughout the different acts...
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Powered by the Cloud
Apr 6, 2019
Finished the second act of XCOM: Chimera Squad against Sacred Coil. WTF was up with that final mission?

First encounter was nothing special. Second was an insane room filled with enemies and the boss of Sacred Coil, who almost got a move directly after each of your agents.
And if you didn't rush the two generators and turn them off, even more high-level enemies teleport in.

I had to restart the encounter once and rush the generators to have a chance.

So with that encounter done, and even featuring the boss, the third encounter must be more lenient right?


The third encounter which is comprised of yet another room filled with high level enemies, immediately begins with a Gatekeeper waking 6 Psi zombies up to pad the level with even more enemies.

Thankfully Agent Patchwork had an ability that zapped and stunned any enemy that came into contact with her, so about 5-6 enemies spent multiple turns stunned around her while my agents could pick them off.

Talk about unbalanced mission design! I barely scraped through it all!


Sep 20, 2018
I started playing Fable Anniversary a while ago.

It's interesting to experience this well known franchise so many years after the fact, with Molyneux long since labelled a "pathological liar" (one of the greatest interviews of all times by RPS here).

On one hand, as an RPG it isn't really offering any great new ideas. Being able to chose your morality and either being very good or evil was already a staple in 2004. The more systemic interactions with NPCs is really cool, but also very shallow. Buff your "attractivity" meter, and NPCs fall in love with you. Then you can woe them, give them presents, and even marry them if you give them a wedding ring. Actually playing it, it's very unexciting so far. Every NPCs feels exactly the same, since they all operate on the same logic. I'm sure for 2004 this was impressive, but I don't think Fable 1 added much to the RPG genre. I do like the fact that your hero can be openly gay, that's great, but it would be even nicer if they gave you more freedom with gender, or even allowed you to play a genderfluid hero. But ok, it was 2004, so maybe I'm being unfair on that.
Generally the game is mostly just interesting for visualising things that were previously contextual, how the looks of your hero changes over time. I can see how that might be impressive, sure, but it does end up making the overall experience feel shallow.

The actual main story bits are nice so far, if a bit unexciting. I really hope the second half of this game manages to make things more interesting.
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Rayon de Soleil
Apr 17, 2019
Have been playing this recently (clocked 35 hours so far):

It's actually pretty fun optimization puzzler when played on Hard difficulty, with interesting boss design and actually decent variability in builds.
Dec 5, 2018
Finished Tales of Berseria (well, there's some post game left but looking what it is it doesn't seem worth it) the second game of the series that I play.

Next Yakuza 3.
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Steam New Releases Warrior
Dec 8, 2018
Somewhere else

I usually do not like rogue-lites, but this one is cool. :) There is no permadeath. If you die you just respawn in a newly generated level at the current stage. You keep your progress, money and one level 1 weapon.
The first levels are really easy but it gets harder. You have to think about how you want to tackle some enemies.
There is also a skill tree. With enough money you can unlock some useful skills. You have to unlock the skill in a short 2d platformer sequence. :)

The game is in Early Access. Two chapters out of three are already out.


Jan 26, 2019

I started playing Journey to the Savage Planet yesterday, and it is really quite good. It is a mix a 3d metroidvania exploration, survival game and light combat elements. Reminds me of Supraland a lot, but it focuses more on story, exploration and survival rather than puzzle solving.

It starts out in an enclosed area, which is a good thing in survival games imo. The comedic story is presented at a good pace with a reasonable amount of content, the graphics are colorful and beautiful for this type of game and you are introduced to some really nice metroidvania traversal gear after learning the basics in the first "play area". The combat is nothing to write home about, but it is a lot better than in Supraland at least. It feels good to control the main character and shooting stuff creates some nice squishy effects.

I think the game loses some momentum when you teleport to the next level instead of continuing to climb the same tower in one continuous level like you have been doing for the first couple of hours. That takes away some of the epicness of the exploration aspect, which is a shame, because that aspect was one of the strengths of the game. The game does a pretty good job of making everything you can see explorable, but there have been one or two times when I have fallen to my death after clipping through surfaces that should have been solid.

I would recommend the game broadly to people who are interested in metroidvania games and survival games. It is easy to pick up, it starts to be fun right away, but it is challenging and rewarding to find the secrets and complete the bonus objectives that are hidden away on the planet.


Jan 26, 2019
Been playing Mafia - Definitive Edition. Man, it's great.
It is visually stunning (tm). I enjoyed playing it a lot, but "Mafia: Definitive Edition" it isn't. Original PC version of 2002 Mafia is still significantly more impressive game in everything except visuals (though those were fantastic for its day). I was most saddened about the rewritten script (some changes are good, but some are terrible, particularly ending) and lack of original soundtrack - the remake lacks emotional punch the original game had.

Anyway, I am thinking about starting Beast Inside, and playing DIRT5. First Evolution Studios game on PC ever, I had to try that. On GMG for 20 eddies.


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Valkyria Chronicles 4. The story and characters aren't as good as the original game, but the gameplay is some of the best out there. Having a blast with this game!
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Li Kao

Itā€™s a strange world. Letā€™s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Valkyria Chronicles 4. The story and characters aren't as good as the original game, but the gameplay is some of the best out there. Having a blast with this game!
I love Valkyria gameplay. A shame that the world put me to sleep the first time and that I havenā€™t returned to it yet. What a novel tactic gameplay.
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
I love Valkyria gameplay. A shame that the world put me to sleep the first time and that I havenā€™t returned to it yet. What a novel tactic gameplay.
What chapter did you quit? The story of the original game becomes great after a while!
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Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
The first Valkyria Chronicles is a slog to start. The learning curve isn't great and the story rewards don't justify the difficulty until you're a bit deeper into the game. I bounced off it a few times before I committed to seeing it through. Absolutely worth it, though.

One thing 4 has over the first is that it's much better paced from the start.
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
[UWSL]One thing 4 has over the first is that it's much better paced from the start.[/UWSL]
Gameplay wise, yes. But the story is rather slow imo. Especially the chapters with mock battles aren't very exciting. But I'm in chapter 11 now and really loving it!

Li Kao

Itā€™s a strange world. Letā€™s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
What chapter did you quit? The story of the original game becomes great after a while!
I vaguely remember quitting at the same point a lot of people must have, the
tank from hell.
The pace was bad and my way of playing missions, slowly, didn't help. I think I read that they incentivized speed in the sequels ? I really don't want something stressing me at first glance, but it might help the pace.
All those critics while totally praising the gameplay !
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Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
Gameplay wise, yes. But the story is rather slow imo. Especially the chapters with mock battles aren't very exciting. But I'm in chapter 11 now and really loving it!
I actually prefer VC4's story earlier on, but the two quickly trade places by the time we get half-way through. I also in general prefer VC4's difficulty curve, whereas VC1 has a lot of up-front difficulty, a big dip in difficulty until that mission, and then it peters off again. VC4 felt like each mission was getting progressively more challenging than the last.

I think overall VC1 is the better game, though. It just feels like a better sum of its parts, whereas VC4's worst points are not as good as VC1's worst points, and it doesn't hit the same highs either.
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
I'm juggling like a madman at the moment. Got no focus at all.
Close to finishing Cyberpunk 2077 and loving it.
Started a new world in Valheim and like the old-git i am i named my character "Spam", the world is "SpamSpamSpamSpamSpam" and the world-seed is "SpamSpamSp" because Vikings. It's a decent start seed actually and yes, i am easily amused.
Kao The Kangaroo because i find fun in struggling with the controls of 20 yr old platformers apparently.

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Phoenix RISING

A phoenix always RISES!
Apr 23, 2019
Ann Arbor, MI
Before I could even post in this channel, I began Hades and have poured 50 hours into the game since Saturday.

It's an 8.5/10 for me. The gameplay cycle does not introduce enough variants or difficulty to justify the number of times the game requires you to beat it to unlock everything. In the meantime, I do enjoy the stellar voice acting, but I am disappointed by the OST, which is a downgrade from Pyre, which I played earlier this month.

I still plan on 100% this game. I beat it on my 12th try, and I am creeping up on 20 wins now, with my longest streak of seven reset to zero because I unlocked an aspect of a weapon that comes with leech at a severe HP penalty, and I forgot to add points into the resurrection skill that I was trying to mark off on my prophecy tree. Got to cocky.

But besides that, things are pretty routine. I am trying my best to stay off the internet to look for shortcuts so I can unveil everything naturally. It's impressive that supergiant has included this much dialogue in the game to where the only person who has repeated anything is Z. That doesn't excuse the grind though, and adding tabs to make the game harder for better rewards just increases the grind!
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Steam New Releases Warrior
Dec 8, 2018
Somewhere else

After 20 minutes i already hate this game. It's too oldschool for me.

  • No hotspot highlighting
  • You can pickup items that serve no purpose other than cluttering your inventory
  • obtuse illogical puzzles
  • no rhyme in when and why i have to switch between characters
  • ....
Last edited:


Laughing Chojin
Mar 14, 2019
I tried to play Hatred but it's so boring and bland. There are some very odd design choices, like calling the game a "twin stick shooter" when it's actually a mouse aim game. The game speed clashes with the very small visible area, moving the character around feels very janky and you'll constantly be running against walls and obstacles. Not to mention it's in black & white with heavy filters and postprocessing that makes it very hard to differenciate between civilians and cops. Not recommended at all.
Dec 5, 2018
Finished Yakuza 3 (main story + all the substories). I don't plan to jump straight to 4 (I feel like playing them too close will burn me), so time to decide what to play next.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Making my way back from a Nether Fortress with my spoils, trying to find my homeward portal and got Lava'd.
Minecraft can go fuck itself.


Powered by the Cloud
Apr 6, 2019
Ahh the Deep Roads. Everyone complains about the Fade. The Fade at least tried to do something puzzly. The Deep Roads were lots of corridors and big rooms filled with enemies. Copy and paste for a few hours of game time.
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Dumb fool
Nov 14, 2018
a great great game ... i love it so much!
I have the same sentiment. I couldn't believe this game was so good, any friends who had played it were saying it was a waste of money and stuff, but once i bought it, I couldn't believe how fun and engrossing it was. Started playing DeadCells and Morbid: The Seven Acolytes on switch. my game library SSD blew out a while back and I got it RMA'd...and haven't re-installed it, lol, so I haven't been up to snuff on PC gaming.


May 5, 2019
I'm replaying Deus Ex Human Revolution. Playing it on the hard difficulty doing most things ghosty, non-lethal. I've forgotten most of the story by now so I'm not skipping the cutscenes like the last five thousand times I played it.
DXHR Still holds up, still a great game, one all of my all-time favourites.

Might play Mankind Divided afterwards.


Apr 22, 2019
Nioh 2. These games easily have the best combat in any soulslike game. It's blast to play but I wouldn't mind if there was more variety on the locations.
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