Community What are you currently playing?


May 5, 2019
Done with DXHR - playtime on that game is now at 166 hours :D (+55 hours on the Directors Cut, and 11 hours on The Missing Link: makes 232 hours in total, would be my second most played game on Steam. Skyrim sits at 261 hours, Rocket League at 188)

I just played the main game this time around, no The Missing Link, but maybe I should play that too... or maybe I should play DXMD or even go back and try to finish the first game, I never got far with it. Whereas DXHR aged pretty well, DX1 didnt, in my opinion (and DX:Revision didnt help that much, but I could give it another chance I guess).

Or I could play more random Hitman 2 challenges/achievements stuff, did some levels on Master difficulty before my Deus Ex run.

Or I could play games like The Outer Worlds or Journey to the Savage Planet or The Sinking know, those that sit there in my Steam library asking "so why exactly did you buy me?"

Or I could play any other choice of the checks notes 2700 games I have.

oh god


Jan 26, 2019
I feel like there is something wrong with me, because I cannot for the love of me get immersed/enjoy/get engaged by top down/isometric games anymore.

I grew up on Diablo 1 and 2, and on Fallout 1 and 2. Fallout in particular was my favourite game of all time for like 17 years (until Witcher 3).

But whenever I even try to play iso game these days, I never last more than few hours. It annoys me, since I know PoE or Divinity games should be right up my alley.

At least Obsidian's next PoE game will be first person...and next Wasteland will probably too.

Just now I played Shadows: Awakening, which is a really neat, beautiful looking slovakian ARPG with some cool ideas, but I uninstalled it after few hours anyway.


Dec 7, 2018
While I think a first-person perspective has a lot of natural advantages to immersion, it also demands a lot more to maintain that illusion, and arguably most games do not uphold their end of the bargain. An Isometric perspective, much like say a book, is an abstraction of your view of the world. Some good writing can go a long way here without needing to show every detail (that could break the illusion).

I finished Cyberpunk 2077 recently, and while I seem to have enjoyed it more than most, I feel that the recent Shadowrun RPGs (Dragonfall & Hong Kong in particular) more often hit the mark for creating the cyberpunk mood I was looking for, and the sense of world wonder. For example, Shadowrun's exploration of Better Than Life (BTLs) left me hooked on that particular theme. I felt I could imagine its implications and put myself the lives of the people using it. Cyberpunk's very similar alternative here (illegal Braindances) left me disappointed. Part of this is because of the greater expectations of your interactions with a more open world. You're allowed to buy illegal BDs. There are even a few quests involving these, but they do nothing. You can't use them. But even the quests that are focused on BDs (they're more numerous than those in Shadowrun for BTLs) never quite thematically hit the highs I was looking for.

Not every first-person RPG can be a Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, Deus Ex, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, or Fallout: New Vegas I suppose.


Jan 26, 2019
Hmm. I loved Cyberpunk. Apart from few glitches it was pretty much exactly what I expected and hoped for. Insanely atmospheric city, immersive RPG with surprisingly awesome gunplay mechanics and competent stealth. I loved its characters and quests, the braindance involving ones as well. Could have used extra dev time on polish and adding some detail to open world AI routines, but whatever.

I kickstarted all three Shadowruns. I played Returns for about 6 hours, enjoying it so-so. Then I hit a gamebreaking bug that prevent further progression. Uninstalled, and by the time I forced myself to try Dragonfall, I was already in my "dislike for iso" phase and just couldn't get engaged with it. But I am sure I would love a first or third person game from that universe. But Harebrained don't have that kind of manpower or budget...or desire to make one, I guess.

Since I pretty much played all the games I would ever want to play (this lockdown speeded that up), I am scraping the bottom of the barrel here and starting Mars War Logs followed by Technomancer. I hope they grab me.

And to follow up from previous page, I finished Beast Inside. It was fairly interesting. Competently written, with surprising amount of gameplay mechanics (I expected it to be walking sim, but there is even some shooting and one boss fight). I can recommended to horror game fans.
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Junior Member
Mar 6, 2021
hey, first post here on MC =)

I'm currently playing some "PS360" gen titles.
I just finished Binary Domain and Batman Arkham City. Now I'm playing Trine (1) and Call of Duty 2. I'm having a good time with both.

Arkham City aged really well on PC. It still looks great.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Binary Domain is one of those games that slipped off my plate for one reason or another. I liked the demo and it looks solid. Not enough hours in the day :loudly-crying-face:


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
Dirt 4 (steam), Dirt 5 (PC gamepass), Fenyx (Though I'm getting a constant CTD when you use the wings) (ubifail), Fall Guys (steam), Medal of Honor (Steam, Origin and Pirate copies all broken in some way), Dead to Rights: Retribution (PS3), Call of Duty Modern Warfare (remake...ish) (PS4)
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Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
I'm feeling like March is going to be a Switch month since I'll be spending a lot of time away from my TV, and the fact that my partner is binge watching The Terror during hours that I will be at the TV.

So I'm gonna replay Breath of the Wild and I've also grabbed Gnosia. I should get a month of fun from those.
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Oct 25, 2018
Currently enjoying Super Chain Crusher Horizon , because with the assistance of a friend's ultrawide in combination with my own, I can finally play this ridiculously large shmup as it was intended. Maybe Darius arcade next


Just another Video Game Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2018
Gosh darn, Darksiders 1 is teeeedious.

So much back tracking, so much open space between levels where nothing happens.
  • This!
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Apr 18, 2019
Nioh 2, I like you a lot less now.

Twilight missions are fun at first, but I'm on the first boss where you face against two adversaries at once and this is usually where those games fall apart for me, and it does again. It's really not fun have fractions-of-a-second openings while you fight them both and the camera and when you finally think it's over?


It's time for the real boss now that we've drained you of all your elixirs.

Give me a checkpoint, you coward game designers.
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Dec 8, 2018
Yeah it's pretty good, getting back into it.
The atmosphere is spot on IMO, no major bugs or anything like that although I think it's online only which puts a lot of people off.


Powered by the Cloud
Apr 6, 2019
I also saw the hard drive space requirement and immediately went: Whaaaaat?

Otherwise Inquisitor looks cool!

Leon Belmont

Junior Member
Feb 7, 2019
Well, I've been playing multiple games...
Yakuza 0, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered, Stubbs the Zombie and I'm about to start Persona 5 Strikers...


Just another Video Game Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2018

What a GOOD ASS Rhythm game!
Like first time I've seen KB/M used this well outside osu!. Great electronic song selection too.

One of the best impulse purchases


Jan 26, 2019
It Takes Two is a really well-made co-op game with beautiful graphics and a good story, as expected.

I was impressed with the basic platforming game mechanics in the first two levels. Jumping, double jumping and dashing forward (also in the air) feel wonderful, much better than you would expect from a AA co-op game of this kind.

The unique gameplay mechanics for each level have been varied, have been escalated in difficulty to a surprising degree and been utilized well in both puzzles and boss battles.

I am looking forward to continue playing the game with my co-op partner (my borther) soon!
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May 5, 2019
Metal Gear Survive is a pretty decent game. I'm not a big fan of survival/crafting games but this one is solid and fun.
I remember this got really bad reviews at release... goes do show how little they mean for individual taste ;)

Dragon Age 2 was underrated


I'm still on The Outer Worlds. I like it a lot.

Also playing Overwatch whenever they're doing some right now. The Overwatch Archives are back and they brought old maps and new skins :p ah well, this is one game I really enjoy playing with my friends, tho. :)
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Apr 18, 2019
Also playing Overwatch whenever they're doing some right now. The Overwatch Archives are back and they brought old maps and new skins :p ah well, this is one game I really enjoy playing with my friends, tho. :)
I really wish I could get back into it but people on your team abuse you so much, it's hard to stick with it.


May 5, 2019
I really wish I could get back into it but people on your team abuse you so much, it's hard to stick with it.
hmm that sucks, how so?
Gladly I didnt really have that experience. But maybe thats because I usually play with 2 friends, which already makes half a team, and then we play pretty casual modes. You still get competitive weirdos, sure, but most people seem chill and friendly... at least to me.


Apr 18, 2019
hmm that sucks, how so?
Gladly I didnt really have that experience. But maybe thats because I usually play with 2 friends, which already makes half a team, and then we play pretty casual modes. You still get competitive weirdos, sure, but most people seem chill and friendly... at least to me.
I tend to play healer and that gets you in a lot of trouble as soon as you misjudge things. Overextend to try and save an idiot? Die. Don't risk enough? Your team dies, and then you die. It's an exercise in balance that all classes have to deal with to some degree, except that your failures get others pissed at you.

I usually play for a few hours, then someone gets abusive and pissy and I just uninstall the game again to be honest.
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May 5, 2019
I tend to play healer and that gets you in a lot of trouble as soon as you misjudge things. Overextend to try and save an idiot? Die. Don't risk enough? Your team dies, and then you die. It's an exercise in balance that all classes have to deal with to some degree, except that your failures get others pissed at you.

I usually play for a few hours, then someone gets abusive and pissy and I just uninstall the game again to be honest.
Yeah, I play Mercy as a main (who is, to those who dont play Overwatch, a healer) and other healers (Moira mostly, sometimes Baptiste and sometimes Ana, and I've had this kinda stuff happen too. Including those people who will spam "I need healing" if they lose like 10 health. Or those that will ask for healing when you're dead yourself.
I learned to ignore the arseholes for the most part. As you say, its always a balance act and sometimes it works better than other times, and sometimes you'd need way more coordination and cooperation but you cant really get that with randoms. It's just how it is... but I dont think I would enjoy it if it was more than that. I need it to be a casual experience, otherwise it'd get frustrating for me.

I usually only get annoyed at the game when the opposing team plays really well but also gets really condescending about it. Thankfully that also doesnt happen a lot.
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Rogue Agent

Takes too damn long to finish games
Apr 4, 2019
Finished with Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury. Collected everything from the base game except I didn't even bother to normally complete the Secret World Crown levels, Mystery House Marathon and Champion's Road. The former has no checkpoints and the latter is just too difficult for me. With Bowser's Fury, I collected the bare minimum to defeat Bowser and complete the game.

Now playing Doom 64 on Switch.
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Rogue Agent

Takes too damn long to finish games
Apr 4, 2019
Finished Doom 64. Played the base game and ended up completing the final level and defeating the boss the hard way since I didn't collect the secrets that would let me stop enemies from teleporting in and powering up a weapon that would kill the final boss easily. So I won with like only a few Health left! Then I used a guide to unlock some cheats and tried the final level the easy way and that was a cinch!

After that, I played the extra content called 'The Lost Levels', which contained 5 extra levels to be played after the base game. That was a bit more difficult but this time around the essential things to make the final level easier weren't hidden away in obscure secret unlocks so with a bit of frustration, I cleared the final level and boss with ease.

There are levels that can only be accessed through some secrets so I didn't bother with them. I could always try them in the future with cheats or something. But I'm done. No more!

Now playing Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap on Switch.
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Rogue Agent

Takes too damn long to finish games
Apr 4, 2019
Finished with Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap. Completed the game without finding the secret equipment and doing the difficult secret level.

Now playing Aero Fighters 2 on Switch.
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Reactions: Cacher and Li Kao


Dr. Boom Boom
Oct 17, 2018
Quebec, Canada

Started up this wonderful game this evening and wooow.. such an adorable light-hearted adventure game that is super enjoyable, lovely characters you meet along the way and nothing difficult about the gameplay :) having tons of fun already and I’m early on in the game. Great stuff!
  • Gib
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Sleeper must awaken
Dec 9, 2018
1.0 Just got Death Stranding again thanks to the discount (never finished on PS4). Always loved the style of game but definitely not for everyone.

2.0 Metro Exodus Enhanced tomorrow, have been wanting to replay it for a while so this gives an excuse.

3.0 Resi 8 on Friday
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Iris and the giant. Very entertaining turn-based rogue-like with lots of secrets to discover. I like it a lot!
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Rogue Agent

Takes too damn long to finish games
Apr 4, 2019
Finished with Blazing Chrome.

Now moving on to SEGA AGES Alex Kidd in Miracle World on Switch, once my thumbs get some rest.

UPDATE 8th May:

Finished with SEGA AGES Alex Kidd in Miracle World.

Now moving on to Danmaku Unlimited 3.
Reason: Completed Alex Kidd
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