Done with DXHR - playtime on that game is now at 166 hours
(+55 hours on the Directors Cut, and 11 hours on The Missing Link: makes 232 hours in total, would be my second most played game on Steam. Skyrim sits at 261 hours, Rocket League at 188)
I just played the main game this time around, no The Missing Link, but maybe I should play that too... or maybe I should play DXMD or even go back and try to finish the first game, I never got far with it. Whereas DXHR aged pretty well, DX1 didnt, in my opinion (and DX:Revision didnt help that much, but I could give it another chance I guess).
Or I could play more random Hitman 2 challenges/achievements stuff, did some levels on Master difficulty before my Deus Ex run.
Or I could play games like The Outer Worlds or Journey to the Savage Planet or The Sinking know, those that sit there in my Steam library asking "so why exactly did you buy me?"
Or I could play any other choice of the checks notes 2700 games I have.
oh god
I just played the main game this time around, no The Missing Link, but maybe I should play that too... or maybe I should play DXMD or even go back and try to finish the first game, I never got far with it. Whereas DXHR aged pretty well, DX1 didnt, in my opinion (and DX:Revision didnt help that much, but I could give it another chance I guess).
Or I could play more random Hitman 2 challenges/achievements stuff, did some levels on Master difficulty before my Deus Ex run.
Or I could play games like The Outer Worlds or Journey to the Savage Planet or The Sinking know, those that sit there in my Steam library asking "so why exactly did you buy me?"
Or I could play any other choice of the checks notes 2700 games I have.
oh god