Community What are you currently playing?


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Finished Resident Evil 3 a while ago. Now will try to play Final Fantasy XIV.
We have an MMO thread, feel free to give it a bump.

Trainee White Mage Forever! :pensive-face:
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
After spending ~300 hours with Xenoblade Chronicles X and a ton of untouched games in my backlog i could choose from i'm playing a game i have on PS4 and recently bought on PC. It's a game EVERYBODY loves... Mass Effect Andromeda!

Downloaded some Mods, Imported my PS4 RyderFem from MassEffectArchives and lost the last 3 hours "Just having a quick go before i make food".
Now i'm hungry but happy and having a break after reaching The Nexus.
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Reactions: Li Kao

Rogue Agent

Takes too damn long to finish games
Apr 4, 2019
Indeed. The Hearts of Stone DLC for Witcher 3 is my favourite part of the game in almost ever aspect i.e. storytelling, dialogue, villain, main characters, etc. It's brilliant.
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Reactions: Mivey and xxr


old school cool
Nov 1, 2018
I've been playing a bunch of stuff:

Gears Tactics (excellent), Trials of Mana (great, especially when I'm in a nostalgic mood), Xcom Chimera Squad (also excellent!), Call of Duty Modern Warfare (yeah, got it on a regular sale...), Streets of Rage Remix (hadn't tried it before SOR4 came out), Quake 2 RTX (more of), Luigi's Mansion (with my daughter - almost finished), Pokemon Sword (also with daughter)...

But more than anything else I'm still playing tons and tons of Panzer Corps 2. Honestly I'm thinking this game is the perfect expansion upon the Advance Wars series - if you always thought those games were great but a little deterministic. I'm calling it, it's a GOAT - perhaps the best of the genre ever.


There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
Red Dead Redemption 2 (thank you Gamepass)
Tokyo Mirage Sessions (pretty good and fuck yes anime)
Apex Legends (the never ending treadmill)
Picross S4 (my old man game)
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It has risen again!
Dec 31, 2018
Currently enjoying the hell out of Halo 2: Anniversary.

After playing Reach and Combat Evolved for the first time which I though were pretty decent, this is the first game in the series were I genuinely thought: "this game is fucking dope". The dual-wielding is fun and there's not as much walking around aimlessly in too open maps.

Also the cut scenes look sublime.

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Reactions: C-Dub and Stevey


Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
Halo Reach hasn't aged anywhere nearly as nicely as I'd have liked. I tried playing the PC release a couple of months back and dropped it after the first level. Meanwhile, I loved the shit out of the original trilogy on Xbox One, which I marathoned between the end of 2018 and early 2019.

On reflection, despite being disappointed that I couldn't play as The Master Chief throughout, Halo 2 does come out as the best game in the series. I feel like the Halo series, at least the original trilogy, has a very distinct identity that no other FPS manages to capture, and Halo 2 is the pinnacle of that.
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
I've finished XCOM2: War of the Chosen last night. The additions to the original game are definitely worth it. The new classes are lots of fun and the Lost give the game a "walking dead" theme. When I first met the Chosen, I felt like they are strongly overpowered and even unfair. But later in the game I managed to defeat them without problems. Great dlc for a great game!


My Neighbour Totoro
Dec 10, 2018
I finished Guacamelee Super Turbo Edition, and are now playing Guacamelee Gold Edition.
It is the same game mostly, but I wonder why the Gold Edition, which is older, has more achievements to unlock than the newer Super Turbo Edition. Oh well nvm that :D


Nov 5, 2018
Golf With Your Friends lately, in anticipation for the exit from Early Access soon. Streets of Rage 4, trying to beat the game in Mania. Man, it gets really annoying when the enemies become hit sponges and the "no invicibility after you get hit" factor comes into play.


Non-Stop MMO Searcher
Dec 22, 2018
Golf With Your Friends lately, in anticipation for the exit from Early Access soon. Streets of Rage 4, trying to beat the game in Mania. Man, it gets really annoying when the enemies become hit sponges and the "no invicibility after you get hit" factor comes into play.
I am on the Golf It side of the mini-golf game war.
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Nov 5, 2018
I am on the Golf It side of the mini-golf game war.
I like Golf It, mostly for the user-created stages. They are much more unique compared to GWYF's editor, therefore a lot funner to play. I also don't mind the way you putt the ball in Golf It but most of my friends think it's too "complex, sim, or plainly sucky controls". It's why I play GWYF more.
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Halo Anniversary. What I've played so far didn't age very well, but I'm in a nostalgic mood so I don't mind. ;)

I also finished Truberbrook. The ending came a lot earlier than I expected. A bit of a missed opportunity imo.

Virtual Ruminant

May 21, 2020
Been making steady progress in Hob. This game has come to be my favorite EGS freebie, it's just so moreish. I'd never have considered playing it without the EGS freebie either, because back when it was released, for some reason I thought this particular third-person dungeon-crawler wouldn't be my thing. Turns out, it's very much my thing.

Meant to fire it up only briefly to check at which teleport my current save-game was at and then move on to checking out Observation and ended up playing for 3 hours again.
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Phoenix RISING

A phoenix always RISES!
Apr 23, 2019
Ann Arbor, MI
Yeah I've heard Hob is pretty good. But it's another platformer among a tall stack.

Started this the other day. Was attracted to the black female protag.

It's okay. Interesting aesthetic, but there's not challenge AT ALL to the combat, making it cute, but pureile, which is an odd combination since some of the characters talk about mature things—one of the NPCs on your team is a hardcore leftist, for example.
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Reactions: Li Kao and lashman


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
It seems I'm currently in an adventure mood. German adventure mood apparently, since I've started both Deponia: The Complete Journey and Trüberbrook.

I'm actually already done with Trüberbrook and it was decidedly meh. The beginning was interesting in its weird quirkiness even though you didn't really know where it wanted to take its story, but that sort of aimlessness felt like part of its charm? But then it wanted to get serious and the reveal of the "antogonist" was just really, really bad and then it was kind of trying to juggle a serious plot with its weird aimless quirky humor and failed at both.
A shame, it had potential.

On the other hand Deponia is great so far.
It's gorgeous. Great artstyle and animations and full of charm.
The setting itself is very interesting and the story, characters and especially dialogue is just lotsa fun. It really made me laugh out loud a few times already.
Puzzles are interesting if not sometimes absurdly complex, but I've long made peace with the fact that I suck at adventure game logic anyway and have a walkthrough ready for when I'm stuck every now and then, so puzzles don't really factor into my evalutions of those games, lol.

The developer comments are also very informative or funny - if not both at the same time.
I laughed when in one of them the guy explained that the Complete Editoin has a new questlog to help the player and because he always uses the wrong term instead of questlog he made a song to remind himself which promptly played xD

(English version since I guess the german version wouldn't be useful for most here :grinning-face-with-smiling-eyes: I also find it amusing how he did the commentary and additional songs in both german and english on his own, so you can definitely hear the accent :D)
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Reactions: Li Kao and lashman

Virtual Ruminant

May 21, 2020
I ended up blasting through Observation in one sitting. Took a little while to really sink its claws in me (in fact, for the first ten to fifteen minutes or so I had to think back to ADR1FT a couple of times, which is not a very happy memory), but once it had, it was quite a ride.

However, if you know your classic Sci-Fi, but especially if you've seen the Steven Soderbergh-directed 2002 remake of Solaris, neither the story nor the ending will really knock your socks off.

Had to consult a guide twice, net game time is a tight six hours, but at 50% off I have no reason to complain.
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Reactions: Li Kao and lashman

Virtual Ruminant

May 21, 2020
Been playing another hour of Manifold Garden. This is one of those very special games that manage to give you experiences that feel fundamentally new even after decades of gaming, so I've consciously kept myself from binging it. If you have a faible for abstract graphics and first-person puzzlers with a mysterious touch, but no Apple device and an aversion to EGS, for the love of god put it on your Steam wishlist (PS4 version also upcoming).

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Reactions: lashman


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Shadow Hearts brings back memories, I really really like it. I can't think of many JRPGs that have a sorta horror/gothic theme.
I played Covenant too, but against popular opinion I liked the first game much more.
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Reactions: Kvik and Li Kao

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Shadow Hearts brings back memories, I really really like it. I can't think of many JRPGs that have a sorta horror/gothic theme.
I played Covenant too, but against popular opinion I liked the first game much more.
I respect your opinion !
Where's the 'Burn the witch' emoticon ?


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Finished Halo CE on Heroic Difficulty. I've enjoyed many parts of it (especially the introduction of the Flood), but the game has so many flaws (vehicle controls, backtracking, copy-paste rooms, way too many corridors etc) that I don't understand so many are calling this the best shooter ever made in a world where games like Half-Life 2, Doom 2016, F.E.A.R, Unreal etc exist.

Now playing Total War Warhammer 2 with the brand new Greenskin faction. It's incredible how the devs keep coming up with fresh ideas!
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Reactions: C-Dub


Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
Finished Halo CE on Heroic Difficulty. I've enjoyed many parts of it (especially the introduction of the Flood), but the game has so many flaws (vehicle controls, backtracking, copy-paste rooms, way too many corridors etc) that I don't understand so many are calling this the best shooter ever made in a world where games like Half-Life 2, Doom 2016, F.E.A.R, Unreal etc exist.

Now playing Total War Warhammer 2 with the brand new Greenskin faction. It's incredible how the devs keep coming up with fresh ideas!
For me, Halo feels like a paradigm shift in console FPS games. Visually it was great at the time, the controls were super tight and it did things with FOV and such that made playing on a TV feel pleasant. While not the first console FPS game to utilise dual analogues, Halo really focussed on the console and TV experience in a way other console FPS games of that generation didn't. For example, something like Red Faction felt like sloppy seconds on PS2, despite releasing a good 3-4 months before the PC version. You could just tell the game was a keyboard and mouse title, and the floaty/inaccurate controls reflected that. Halo felt like the next big console FPS leap since GoldenEye 007 on the N64.

It did some cool stuff with AI and weapons, and honestly the AI is better than some modern FPS AI, but ultimately most of what Halo accomplished on console had been surpassed by PC years before it. But in the console space there really wasn't anything quite like it at the time. "At the time" is the key bit, though.


May 5, 2019
World of Warcraft - I have several characters* I'm levelling in parallel. Send help

A void elf priest at level 111
A blood elf paladin at 107
A night elf demon hunter at 105
A void elf warlock at 100
A void elf mage at 72
A void elf death knight at 61
A void elf rogue at 43

There's also my main, a void elf warrior at 120 that I'm doing all the end level content with (well, as long as it doenst involve other people.. I've pretty much played WoW as if it was single player for the past decade)

Virtual Ruminant

May 21, 2020
where games like Half-Life 2, Doom 2016, F.E.A.R, Unreal exist
I mean, you cited the rest of the pantheon right there, Halo 1-3 (in combination) fit right in, imo. If you had listed some new-fangled shooters-as-a-service with healthbars, dance-animations and numbers flying out of enemies instead, that would have been problematic. :smirking-face:
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
I mean, you cited the rest of the pantheon right there, Halo 1-3 (in combination) fit right in, imo. If you had listed some new-fangled shooters-as-a-service with healthbars, dance-animations and numbers flying out of enemies instead, that would have been problematic. :smirking-face:
I didn't play Halo in 2001, so I can't say how impressive it was at the time. But even compared to other shooters from that era (Return to Castle Wolfenstein was released in the same year for example), Halo seems rather uninspired and extremely repetitive to me. I mean, more than half of the game exists of empty corridors, and I can't remember a shooter with such a huge amount of copy-paste in level-design.

Being able to jump in and out of vehicles was definitely new in 2001. But I didn't enjoy the vehicles in MCC because they control like sh*t (unlike the shooting which is fine).


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Started Deponia 2 and the intro section is absolutely amazing :face-with-tears-of-joy:
Couldn't stop laughing, it was brilliant.
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Continuing the emulation theme, my Chinese knock-off USB-powered sensor bar arrived today and I've just clocked in 2 hours of Super Mario Galaxy. Gonna play so many Wii classics this summer, in glorious enhanced graphics.
niiiice :) have fun!


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Total War warhammer 2 again. With the Yvresse faction this time. The cage mechanic is great to motivate playing battles instead of using the auto resolve. Well done CA! :love: