Community What are you currently playing?


Just another Video Game Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2018
Finished the Red War Campain in Destiny 2 and playing the two expansion...

...or rather forcing myself to sit through it.

It's BORING as hell.


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
Playing atm: Vampyr, Call of Cthulhu, Fall Guys (mostly waiting for the new season), Halo ODST (forgot how boring it is) and a bit of SWTOR with double XP.

Just finished: Strange Brigade, was much better that I thought it would be.


May 5, 2019
Finished the main story of Control, doing the DLC.
Also finished the main story this night (thank god for coffee) and will do the DLC now. Honestly, in good old Remedy fashion, the story felt a bit "meh" for me, but I liked the atmosphere of it all, the characters, of course the locations, and the gameplay is just a lot of fun, especially the more abilities you gain.

Phoenix RISING

A phoenix always RISES!
Apr 23, 2019
Ann Arbor, MI
- Oxygen Not Included. My current colony is much better than my previous efforts, and I hope to keep my duplicants alive until they are able to fly to other asteroids. Wish me luck! :)

- Rusty Lake Roots, a very charming puzzle game with dark humor and not-too-hard-but-not-too-easy puzzles.

- I've also been playing Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (GBA) on my Vita. I enjoyed the first few hours, but stopped playing because of the unfair difficulty and game design in the later parts of the game. No save or health re-fill after beating a hard-as-f*ck boss is a huge d*ck move!
Quoting this because I am playing Oxygen Not Included.

First time since it was in Early Access two years ago. Got bored because at the time, there was no "endgame." Now there is, I guess?

So many things they've added! The UI is most certainly improved.

ANd now I can combat my perfectionism as I create bootleg solutions to emerging problems!
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
[UWSL]First time since it was in Early Access two years ago. Got bored because at the time, there was no "endgame." Now there is, I guess?[/UWSL]
You can launch rockets in space to get unique materials now. It's start, but not enough to keep me playing for more than 200 cycles.

But great news: in the upcoming dlc, it will be possible to travel to other asteroids and build a base there as well. Sounds like a great idea imo!
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✵ Chaos! ✵
Mar 26, 2020
Started playing Ni No Kuni 1 Remastered last night, just before bed. Based on the trailers, the game's combat never really interested me. Although I've yet to reach the combat part. Gotta find a wooden stick, first!

But anyway, was in the mood for some JRPG after having played so many action games past month.

Might also start Amid Evil. I've been holding it off for a very long time because of the upcoming expansion and RTX update. I rather buy the full package.

Phoenix RISING

A phoenix always RISES!
Apr 23, 2019
Ann Arbor, MI
You can launch rockets in space to get unique materials now. It's start, but not enough to keep me playing for more than 200 cycles.

But great news: in the upcoming dlc, it will be possible to travel to other asteroids and build a base there as well. Sounds like a great idea imo!
So I have read.

I am in cycle 30, but still have a lot to do.

This steam geyser nearly scalded my dupe to death while researching it. So now I gotta figure out how to research it without dying.

I been reading "How to survive the first 30 days, but the first 30 were never the problem. It's "how do I make a base that functions properly, which I actually don't hate?

There's an area with chlorine. IDK what to do with that yet, lol.
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
[UWSL]There's an area with chlorine. IDK what to do with that yet, lol.[/UWSL]
You can use a Chlorine filled room to grow certain plants like peppers. But the most important use is the high temperature conductivity of this gas. You'll need it to cool liquids and gasses later in the game.

Phoenix RISING

A phoenix always RISES!
Apr 23, 2019
Ann Arbor, MI
You can use a Chlorine filled room to grow certain plants like peppers. But the most important use is the high temperature conductivity of this gas. You'll need it to cool liquids and gasses later in the game.
I think that by the time I reach that point in the game it will be very....Factorio like?

IDK. I've been reading a few guides, and the '"first 30 days" stuff sounds like cake (I'm on cycle 50).

But "Midgame" and "lategame" stuff sounds like the kind of hard science that makes me lose interest. Heating and cooling liquids? Heating and cooling gases? Yikes!

My ppl are still eating what is it? Mealwood/rice and mushpies? These guides always provide "optimum play," so I see how you're supposed to build a mushroom room in theory, but what about these other plants like this Bristle Blossom I have?

Still so much for me to discover and learn.

Today I plan on starting an animal farm. Whatever those things are that produce coal.
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Reactions: Ge0force


Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
I'm currently playing Super Mario Sunshine as part of 3D All Stars for the Backlog Blitz. Back in the day, I hated this game. After loving Mario 64, Sunshine was just disappointing. I was captivated by the variety of areas in 64, whereas Sunshine was just a tropical paradise, and I feel they took too much away from the core 3D Mario gameplay when what I wanted was a sequel.

These days I look on the game with a different perspective. It's clearly flawed, and the water gun mechanic isn't as interesting as Nintendo thought it would be, but it's not a bad game. 21 Sprites in and I'm committed to seeing this one through to the end.
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May 5, 2019
After finishing Control + its DLCs (I liked them both, The Foundation a bit more than AWE) I'm now playing the Mafia Remake. Especially after what lashman and others said about the game, I figured it would be for me -- and it is!
I like the tight structure and linear nature of it. The open world doesnt get in the way. At first I was thinking that the game not letting me free-roam between missions was a negative point, but I quickly started to appreciate it - and at any rate, there is the Freedrive mode (or whatever its called) in the main menu (but I never used it so far). I just like playing through the story, and that the game will be over afterwards. I wish more games were like that these days. Just a solid, well paced, well made, enjoyable campaign, not content bloat.


Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
I'm currently playing Ikenfell and I love it. I generally like witchy things (I'm sure some of you remember my Diana Cavendish avatar) and I like JRPGs too, so it felt like something I had to try.

I didn't think I'd like it as much as I do, however. There's been a lot of Game Pass games that I drop after a short while because, well, they're not for me, but this is one I'll see through to the end.
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Reactions: Cacher
Dec 5, 2018
Still playing Nioh, liking the more mission focused style, helps me know when it's a good time to stop. I'm not sure if being so loot focused will make the later game harder (as in requiring good equipment).
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Reactions: Mivey


Sep 20, 2018
Started clearing my backlog a bit, so I started up Bullet Witch

and I can't believe this used to be a commercial video game. Something people payed more then 5$ for to buy. It's literally less functional than a barebones Unity assetflip with a spin on third-person cover-based shooting. And god this game has literally the worst gamepad controls for shooting. It's so useless that instead of aiming with the right stick, you are better of moving around and turning left and right to get a clear shot at anything.
Playing on KBM makes it at least somewhat functional.

I have no idea why XSEED spent any kind of effort to bring this mess to PC. It's actually kind of fascinating how bad this game is. It's like the devs have seen an early trailer for Gears of War, and were asked to make a clone of it within 6 months or something.

If didn't have actually good games on my backlog, I might stay a while longer with this one, it's gotta trashy kind of charm.

Virtual Ruminant

May 21, 2020
I'm slow-pacing Murdered: Soul Suspect after getting it for cursed-cheap (two bucks) on PS4 during this Halloween sale - couldn't quite make up my mind if the whole game is just too much of a seventh-gen-console-third-person-thing mechanically to be enjoyable now, but I just came across a bit where you possess a cat and then control it to sneak into the attic of an old church. Amazing.



Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Vampyr. Lovely setting, characters and story, but the combat is very frustrating and no fun at all.

I've also decided to give Divinity Original Sin another chance. We'll see how far I can get 🙂


Dumb fool
Nov 14, 2018
Dragon Age: Inquisition
I actually enjoyed this game a lot! As much shit as it got for being buggy or whatever, I had a lot of fun with it, hope you do, too, Stevey!

I just started playing Battlefront II after having bought it this sale. It wasn't at its lowest, but i got quite lucky with some of the cards i got after idling them a week before the sale. I also am going to start playing State of Decay YOSE, one I've been wanting to play pretty much since launch.


Dec 8, 2018
I did play it at launch on Origin, think I dropped it before I finished it.

I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would this time though
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Hey, I played other things than FF14 yesterday !
Not too hot an outcome :thinking-blob:

Genshin Impact
To be honest I was never that interested in the game. It looks good but I can't say I love BOTW that much and while I play gacha game, I quickly stop playing too. Well, look at that ! It's a gacha, with all the stupid gacha mechanics that come with the genre. And yeah, it's heavily inspired by BOTW. What a surprise, right ?
Only problem is, I got tired of looking for treasures super fast and, above all else, this is incredibly badly written. I know that I often put too much weight on the writing, but hell, every time someone open his mouth I have an out of body experience. I can't. I need at least a minimum, something better than 'hey, we made an adventure game, we need dialogs... let's put random shit in them, no one will care'.
> Dropped

Mario + Rabbids

IQ is too soft for my liking, while undocked at least. UBI writing is even more trash fire than expected.
Game could be good, I have to continue, but I fear that the encounters strays a little too much from Tactic to Puzzle territory. And damn, this is really just a series of encounters.
> Underwhelmed, but will continue.


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Battle Chaser: Night Wars. Beautiful game with Zelda-like dungeons in combination with turn-based combat. Decent story as well, but there are way too many easy/useless battles.


Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
Currently playing Final Fantasy 13-2
The game is certainly more open than FF13, which was just a corridor walker. I have a few crashes while trying to save my progress. Had to look for a fix for it and it seems that Steam Cloud is the cause of the crashes. Deactivating it would fix the problem, but for some reason I wouldn't be able to continue with my progress, had to restart the game, which I didn't want to.

I found another fix which doesn't require disabling Steam Cloud and it seems to work. I believe it patches the game to use 4gb memory instead of 2gb

Virtual Ruminant

May 21, 2020
Played through Evergate - Ki's Awakening, which is a free playable demo / sampler for Evergate, a puzzle platformer that basically takes the Bash skill from Ori and the Blind Forest and builds a whole game around that.

Pretty neat, the demo is a real sampler though and seems to take you through a stage from every world of the main game, plus a multi-stage boss, so the difficulty curve is, uh, more like a difficulty staircase.

Still goes on my wishlist.
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Reactions: lashman


May 5, 2019
if you manage to find a PC copy - you can redeem its cdkey on steam :)
I actually found a PC copy at a flea market once and the code still worked. This was years ago and I didnt know this was a thing, I just randomly tried it, I cant remember why even. Pleasant surprise tho!


Im currently playing Teardown, Rogue, Raft, Terminator Resistance, Overwatch and World of Warcraft. I might have given up on Xuan Yuang Sword, did not grasp me as I hoped it would. Happens.

Teardown* is great, but the games framerate does not agree with me on just how much of a level should be demolished.
Terminator is, as has been noted, really quite good!
Rogue is a classic, but Ive not played it before, and it is a superb game, even today, and just shows good gameplay really doesnt need fancy -- or in this case, any -- graphics.
Raft is fairly standard open world survival craft, but it is fun for a while. I mainly bought and played it thanks to Lets Game It Out videos.
and Overwatch and WoW are just my go-to games in between whatever else.

* Teardown:

Houses decide to float in the air sometimes...

0.1 seconds left.
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Reactions: lashman and Stevey