|OT| X games/year or Let's document our MetaGaming addiction (where X is a positive integer)


OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
Claim a post. Update said post with your progress throughout the year. Share your feelings about the games you've played.
Or not. Given the VOAT-like roots of this forum, I thought we might do away with all imposed rules, and let everyone set their own goals.
You want to finish 52 games this year? Sure, go ahead.
You want to play 5 guro VNs? By all means!
You want to spend the year sniping noobs in Calladuty? We won't judge you.
I totally will though

As an incentive, anyone who succeeds in their set yearly goals will get a handmade MSPaint rendition of their avatars delivered before 31.12.2019
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
Okay. I'll claim this spot then. Let's see how 2019 works out!

Stated Goal: 3 Games a month, or 36 total by Dec. 31st, 2019.

For funsies I guess I'll also total my R6 Siege time this year, given it is absolutely my #1 time sucker whenever I sit down to play something.

R6 Siege, 2019 Time sink: Start: 425 Hours || Current: 665 || Result: +240 Hours (Last Update: Apr. 24th, 2019)

Games Completed in 2019:


1. one night, hot springs (Steam: ~60 minutes, 7/7 Achievements)

Thoughts: This was an f2p VN on Steam that honestly, I would have overlooked if not for friends and user reviews. It's a bit sweet and sour this one. I'm not trans, I'll never be trans, but I appreciate the peak into that kind of situation a story like this provides. It's educational in a way.

2. Lucy Got Problems (Steam: ~7 Hours, 36/36 Achievements)

Thoughts: This is a stupid and lewd, but sometimes funny VN filled to the brim with Video Game/Movie and anime references. I followed a community guide to get all the achievements and probably wouldn't re-read this. Designs were cute, mostly I'm a sucker for dark elves though.


1. Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown (Steam: ~28 Hours, 36/49 Achievements at time of completion)

Thoughts: AC7 is an early runner for top-10 of 2019. Runs great, plays great, has a fun and engaging story mode with length and good production values. I'm not usually a fan of flying games but this one sucked me right in!

2. Assassin's Creed Odyssey (Steam: ~145 Hours All Base Game+Live-Service Achievements get at time of Completion)

Thoughts: Not a bad game overall, but if you're a completionist it very quickly becomes an overbearing slog. Story is okay if you make a mad dash through it though.

3. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (Steam: ~8 Hours, 14/14 Achievements.)

Thoughts: Proof that a small and dedicated team can make something with the looks and flare of an AAA. A little less puzzles and some more combat would have been more up my alley, but still great!

4. Fate/Exetlla: The Umbral Star (Steam: ~70 Hours, 53/53 Achievements)

Thoughts: Finally a musou style game that doesn't bore me! I guess it helps to be a big fan of the Fate/ series and lore lol. I had previously platinumed this on PS4 around the time of it's initial release, so the PC replay was more about refreshing my mind in preparation for Extella Link.


1. Dead or Alive 6 (Steam: ~21 Hours, 36/36 Achievements)

Thoughts: Well, that was quick! Honestly it's very disappointing. This game is content bare and launched without features that should be staples in big fighting game franchises like this. No lobbies! Uh, the achievements came fast too, they honestly felt like an afterthought and the only thing to really grind was Ranked matches. Costume unlocks in this is the biggest complaint it's so freakin' dumb, but I'm just gonna leave this game alone for a long while. Maybe come back when new fighters are out. You're gonna read a lot of negative reviews for this game, and honestly? Most are deserved sadly.


1. Tokyo Dark (Steam: ~28 Hours, 44/44 Achievements)

Thoughts: Tokyo Dark is a point-and-click murder mystery that relied a bit too heavily on supernatural stuff for my tastes. It wasn't bad overall though and scratched my detective itch well enough. NG+ made achievement clean-up pretty easy, even if I messed up a few times. In the end, I'm glad Square-Enix helped this indie out via the SE Collective program and hope to see more projects from this dev in the future.

2. Sabbat of the Witch (Steam: ~50 Hours, 20/20 Achievements)

Thoughts: Ugh. I thought this was gonna be a lot cooler than it was. The cover is a Witch-girl with a Mateba style revolver for christmas sake! Well it ended up being standard fare for a moe-game, so kinda boring and way too cutesy for my tastes. My favorite route was Meguru, who isn't even one of the main characters but more like a side one in the broader aspect. oof. Glad to be done with it, I started all the way back on Valentines day!

3. A Bewitching Revolution (Steam: ~42 Minutes, No achievements)

Thoughts: This is a free game which is really quite simple and minimalist. It's basically an interactive commercial for Socialism, taking you through all the bad points of Capitalism one tarot reading at a time. In the end though I basically have to sit back and go "Okay... and?" But maybe it will help others see the downsides of Capitalism too.

4. Return of the Obra Dinn (Steam: ~10 Hours, 14/16 Achievements)

Thoughts: Obra Dinn looks quite unique and sounds very good too. It's very hands off in the way it tells you the story and I liked that for the most part but it also made me fee quite flustered whenever I was at a loss for what to do next. I fully understand why it scored so high and get's so much praise but in the end it falls just short of perfect for me.
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It has risen again!
Dec 31, 2018
1. Rogue Quest: The Vault of the Lost Tyrant (Steam) | January 1st - 0.7 hours | ★★☆☆☆

2. DOOM 3 (Steam) | January 2nd - 10.6 hours | ★★★★☆

3. DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil (Steam) | January 2nd - 3.4 hours | ★★★☆☆

4. Princess Remedy 2: In A Heap of Trouble (Steam) | January 3rd - 1.7 hours | ★★★☆☆

5. Borderlands: The Secret Armory of General Knoxx (Steam) | January 6th - N/A | ★★★☆☆

6. What Never Was (Steam) | January 13th - 0.4 hours | ★★★☆☆

7. Vampyr (Steam) | January 13th - 27 hours | ★★★★☆

8. A Story About My Uncle (Steam) | January 14th - 2.4 hours | ★★★★☆

9. Life is Strange: Before the Storm (PSN) | January 16th - N/A | ★★★★☆

10. Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Farewell (PSN) | January 16th - N/A | ★★★★★

11. inFAMOUS: Second Son (PS4) | January 20th - N/A | ★★★☆☆

12. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (PS4) | January 20th - 5.8 hours | ★★★☆☆

13. What Remains of Edith Finch (Epic) | January 21st - N/A | ★★★★☆

14. A Normal Lost Phone (Steam) | January 29th - 1.2 hours | ★★★☆☆
15. Torchlight II (Steam) | February 3rd - 27 hours | ★★★★☆

16. Rogue Reaper (Steam) | February 3rd - 0.4 hours | ★★☆☆☆

17. Another Lost Phone: Laura's Story (Steam) | February 4th - 1 hours | ★★★★☆

18. Evoland (Steam) | February 9th - 3.9 hours | ★★☆☆☆

19. Kung Fu Strike: The Warrior's Rise (Steam) | February 9th - 4.7 hours | ★★★☆☆

20. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Ultimate Sith Edition (Steam) | February 9th - 7.4 hours | ★★★☆☆

21. Star Wars: Republic Commando (Steam) | February 12th - 8 hours | ★★★★☆

22. Papers, Please (Steam) | February 16th - 2 hours | ★★★★★

23. Double Dragon (Steam) | February 17th - 0.8 hours | ★★☆☆☆

24. Double Dragon II: The Revenge (Steam) | February 17th - 1.4 hours | ★★☆☆☆

25. Star Wars: Dark Forces (Steam) | February 19th - 7.7 hours | ★★★★☆

26. The Reject Demon: Toko Chapter 0 - Prelude (Steam) | February 20th - 2 hours | ★★☆☆☆

27. Snake Pass (Steam) | February 23rd - 4.4 hours | ★★★★☆

28. A Tale of Caos: Overture (Steam) | February 24th - 7.2 hours | ★☆☆☆☆

29. Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (Steam) | February 27th - 4.1 hours | ★★★☆☆

30. How To Cope With Boredom and Loneliness (Steam) | February 27th - 0.5 hours | ★★★☆☆
31. Metal Slug 3 (Steam) | March 1st - 1.2 hours | ★★★☆☆

32. Victor Vran (Steam) | March 2nd - 8.3 hours | ★★★☆☆

33. Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (Steam) | March 3rd - 3.7 hours | ★★★☆☆

34. Glass Masquerade + DLC (Steam) | March 9th - 7.4 hours | ★★★★☆

35. How to Survive (Steam) | March 10th - 9.8 hours | ★★★☆☆

36. Soul Gambler (Steam) | March 16th - 1.9 hours | ★★☆☆☆

37. Estranged: Act I (Steam) | March 19th - 1.6 hours | ★★★☆☆

38. Tekken 3 (PSC) | March 23rd - N/A | ★★★☆☆

39. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (Steam) | March 28th - 35 hours | ★★★★★

40. Batman: The Telltale Series (PS4) | March 30th - N/A | ★★★☆☆
41. Brawlout (Steam) | April 6th - 3.7 hours | ★★★☆☆

42. Portal (Steam) | April 14th - 2.5 hours | ★★★★☆

43. SUPERHOT (Steam) | April 20th - 2.5 hours | ★★★★☆
44. Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition (Steam) | May 19th - 23 hours | ★★★★☆

45. Sleeping Dogs: Nightmare in Northpoint (Steam) | May 20th - 1 hour | ★★★☆☆

46. F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn (Steam) | May 21st - 1 hour | ★☆☆☆☆

47. Back to Bed (Steam) | May 22nd - 1.1 hours | ★★★☆☆

48. Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series (Steam) | May 25th - 9.2 hours | ★★★★☆

49. Hector: Badge of Carnage (Steam) | May 29th - 6.9 hours | ★★★☆☆

50. Max Payne 3 (Steam) | May 30th - 7.6 hours | ★★★★☆
51. Tacoma (PCDL) | June 22nd - N/A | ★★★☆☆

52. missed messages. (Steam) | June 22nd - 0.5 hours | ★★★☆☆

53. Shadwen (Steam) | June 23rd - 5.4 hours | ★★★☆☆

54. Poker Night at the Inventory (Steam) | June 26th - 2.4 hours | ★★★☆☆
55. Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (DS) | July 1st - 11 hours | ★★★★☆

56. Tennis in the Face (Steam) | July 3rd - 2.5 hours | ★★☆☆☆

57. Red Faction: Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered (Steam) | July 7th - 11.5 hours | ★★★☆☆

58. Hard Reset Redux (Steam) | July 8th - 5.5 hours | ★★★☆☆

59. El Matador (Steam) | July 12th - 3.4 hours | ★★☆☆☆

60. Saints Row: The Third - Gangstas in Space (Steam) | July 15th - N/A | ★★☆☆☆

61. Saints Row: The Third - The Trouble With Clones (Steam) | July 15th - N/A | ★★☆☆☆

62. Saints Row: The Third - Genkibowl VII (Steam) | July 16th - N/A | ★★★☆☆

63. Monster Prom (Steam) | July 23rd - 0.5 hours | ★★★☆☆

64. Marvel's Spider-Man: The City That Never Sleeps - The Heist (PS4) | July 24th - N/A | ★★★☆☆

65. Marvel's Spider-Man: The City That Never Sleeps - Turf Wars (PS4) | July 25th - N/A | ★★★☆☆

66. Marvel's Spider-Man: The City That Never Sleeps - Silver Lining (PS4) | July 25th - N/A | ★★★☆☆

67. Samantha Swift and the Golden Touch (Steam) | July 28th - 5.7 hours | ★★★☆☆

68. RAGE: The Scorchers (Steam) | July 30th - N/A | ★★★☆☆
69. RAGE (Steam) | August 3rd - 21 hours | ★★★☆☆

70. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (Steam) | August 7th - 6.3 hours | ★★★★☆

71. 3D Sonic the Hedgehog (3DS) | August 11th - 2.2 hours | ★★★★☆

72. Katana ZERO (Switch Download) | August 12th - ~4 hours | ★★★★☆

73. 3D Altered Beast (3DS) August 12th - 0.8 hours | ★★☆☆☆

74. One Finger Death Punch 2 (Steam) | August 31st - 12.9 hours | ★★★☆☆
75. Shatter (Steam) | September 3rd - 2.3 hours | ★★★★☆

76. The Hex (Steam) | September 4th - 4.6 hours | ★★★☆☆

77. Advent Rising (Steam) | September 7th - 9.1 hours | ★★☆☆☆

78. Kathy Rain (Steam) | September 8th - 3.6 hours | ★★★★☆

79. Pegasus-5: Gone Astray (Steam) | September 9th - 3.6 hours | ★★☆☆☆

80. To The Moon (GOG) | September 11th - 4.1 hours | ★★★★☆

81. Safety First! (NSDL) | September 13th - ~1 hour | ★★★☆☆

82. Mutiny!! (Steam) | September 14th - 4.4 hours | ★★☆☆☆

83. The Blackwell Epiphany (Steam) | September 16th - 4.5 hours | ★★★★☆

84. Unavowed (Steam) | September 17th - 7.5 hours | ★★★★★

85. I Love You, Colonel Sanders! (Steam) | September 24th - 0.9 hours | ★★☆☆☆

86. RED HOT VENGEANCE (Steam) | September 27th - 1.4 hours | ★★☆☆☆

87. Bleed 2 (Steam) | September 27th - 1 hour | ★★★☆☆

88. Left 4 Dead 2 (Steam) | September 28th - 8.3 hours | ★★★★☆
89. Borderlands 2 (Steam) | October 6th - 27 hours | ★★★★☆

90. Borderlands 2: Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty (Steam) | October 7th - N/A | ★★★☆☆

91. The Bradwell Conspiracy (Steam) | October 11th - 4.0 hours | ★★★☆☆

92. Borderlands 2: Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage (Steam) | October 12th - N/A | ★★★☆☆

93. Cold Fear (Steam) | October 13th - 5.8 hours | ★★★☆☆

94. Wizorb (Steam) | October 20th - 3.2 hours | ★★☆☆☆

95. Concrete Genie (PS4) | October 23rd - N/A | ★★★★★

96. Aragami: Nightfall (PSN) | October 24th - N/A | ★★★☆☆

97. MediEvil (PS4) | October 26th - N/A | ★★★★☆

98. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (Steam) | October 30th - 18.9 hours | ★★★★☆
99. Costume Quest (Steam) | November 1st - 5.5 hours | ★★★★☆

100. 428: Shibuya Scramble (Steam) | November 10th - 19.9 hours | ★★★★★

101. Another World - 20th Anniversary Edition (Steam) | November 14th - 2.0 hours | ★★☆☆☆

102. Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Steam) | November 19th - 4.5 hours | ★★★★☆

103. APE OUT (Steam) | November 21st - 2.0 hours | ★★★☆☆

104. FULFILLMENT (Steam) | November 23rd - 0.3 hours | ★★★☆☆

105. Codename: Gordon (Steam) | November 24th - 1.2 hours | ★★☆☆☆

106. Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing (Steam) | November 27th - 2.0 hours | ★★☆☆☆

107. Hikaru's Cube (Steam) | November 28th - 0.8 hours | ★☆☆☆☆
108. Peggle Extreme (Steam) | December 1st - 0.7 hours | ★★★☆☆

109. BUTCHER (Steam) | December 1st - 3.9 hours | ★★★★☆

110. Halo: Reach (Steam) | December 5th - 6.9 hours | ★★★★☆

111. The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition (Steam) | December 7th - 3.8 hours | ★★★★☆

112. My Friend Pedro (Steam) | December 15th - 4.1 hours | ★★★★☆

113. Clustertruck (Steam) | December 15th - 4.1 hours | ★★★☆☆

114. Guts and Glory (Steam) | December 17th - 6.1 hours | ★★★☆☆

115. Titanfall 2 (Origin) | December 24th - 4.0 hours | ★★★★☆

116. Beat the Game (Steam) | December 25th - 1.1 hours | ★★☆☆☆

117. Way of the Passive Fist (Steam) | December 27th - 5.0 hours | ★★★★☆

118. Puzzle Book (Switch Download) | December 28th - N/A | ★★★☆☆

119. Scanner Sombre (Steam) | December 29th - 1.9 hours | ★★☆☆☆
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Junior Member
Dec 31, 2018
  1. Yakuza 0 (PC) COMPLETED ★★★★★
  3. Fran Bow (PC) COMPLETED ★★★★☆
  4. Bright Memory - Episode 1 / 光明记忆:第一章 (PC) COMPLETED ★★☆☆
  5. Titanfall 2 (PC) COMPLETED ★★★★★
  6. Yakuza Kiwami (PC) COMPLETED ★★★★☆
  7. Gone Home (PC) COMPLETED ☆☆
  8. The Red Strings Club (PC) IN-PROGRESS
  9. Rise of the Tomb Raider(PC) COMPLETED ☆☆
  10. Glass Masquerade(PC) COMPLETED ☆☆
  11. Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight(PC) COMPLETED ★★★
  12. Victoria II (PC) COMPLETED ★★★★★
  13. Baba is You (PC) COMPLETED ★★★★★
  14. Rayman Origins (PC) COMPLETED ★★★
  15. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy (PC) COMPLETED ★★★★★
  16. Nishan Shaman (PC) COMPLETED ☆☆
  17. Crimsonland (PC) COMPLETED ★★★
  18. Gorogoa (PC) COMPLETED ★★★
  19. Dai Gyakuten Saiban (Android) COMPLETED ☆☆
  20. Sonic CD (PC) COMPLETED ☆☆
  21. Type:Rider (PC) COMPLETED ☆☆☆☆
  22. Sonic The Hedgehog (PC) COMPLETED ☆☆
  23. Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (PC) COMPLETED
  24. Sonic 3 & Knuckles (PC) COMPLETED ☆☆
  25. Katana Zero (PC) COMPLETED
  26. Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC) COMPLETED
  27. Touhou Luna Nights (PC) COMPLETED
  28. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (PC) COMPLETED ☆☆
  29. Mighty No. 9 (PC) COMPLETED ☆☆
  30. Virginia (PC) COMPLETED ★☆☆
  31. Bladed Fury (PC) COMPLETED
  32. Chrono Trigger(PC) COMPLETED ★★★★★
  33. TBD
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Non-Stop MMO Searcher
Dec 22, 2018
Currently Playing:
Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Earth Defense Force 5

Completed Games
  1. Return of the Obra Dinn (1-3-2019) Recommended
  2. RUMU (1-6-2019) Recommended
  3. Pony Island (1-13-2019)
  4. Slay the Spire (1-15-2019) Recommended
  5. RESIDENT EVIL 2 (2-4-2019) Exceptional
  6. The Quiet Man (2-5-2019)
  7. HEARTBEAT (2-8-2019) Recommended
  8. What Never Was (2-9-2019)
  9. Onimusha: Warlords / 鬼武者 (2-11-2019)
  10. RESIDENT EVIL 7 (2-17-2019)
  11. Devotion (2-21-2019) Recommended
  12. The Fall (2-22-2019) Recommended
  13. Ghost of a Tale (2-24-2019)
  14. Resident Evil 4 (2-27-2019) Recommended
  15. Earth Defense Force 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair (3-5-2019) Recommended
  16. Rehtona 幻境双生 (3-7-2019) Recommended
  17. Devil May Cry 5 (3-11-2019) Exceptional
  18. NITE TEAM 4 (4-1-2019) Recommended
  19. Gizmo (4-6-2019)
  20. A Short Hike (4-9-2019)
  21. Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice (4-10-2019) Exceptional
  22. Kathy Rain (4-20-2019) Recommended
  23. Katana Zero (4-20-2019) Recommended
  24. The Bard's Tale III: Thief of Fate (4-22-2019) Recommended
  25. So, uh... a spaceship crashed in my yard (4-29-2019)
  26. Minit (4-29-2019) Recommended
  27. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (4-30-2019)
  28. Chrono Trigger (5-6-2019) Exceptional
  29. A Plague Tale: Innocence (5-20-2019) Recommended
  30. Odallus: The Dark Call (5-25-2019)
  31. Druidstone: The Secret of the Menhir Forest (5-28-2019)
  32. Pathologic 2 (6-13-2019) Exceptional
  33. Chef Boyardee’s Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa (6-14-2019) Recommended
  34. Amid Evil (6-29-2019) Exceptional
  35. Missed Messages (6-29-2019)
  36. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (7-11-2019) Recommended
  37. Rakuen (7-16-2019) Exceptional
  38. Blazing Chrome (7-17-2019)
  39. Night Call (7-24-2019)
  40. Songbird Symphony (7-26-2019) Exceptional
  41. Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online (7-27-2019) Recommended
  42. Detention (7-28-2019) Recommended
  43. Burning Daylight (7-29-2019)
  44. We Were Here Too (8-4-2019)
  45. Eye of the Beholder (8-11-2019)
Completed DLC/Expansions:
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Seeker, Slayer, Survivor (1-12-2019)
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Forbidden Sanctum (1-13-2019)
RESIDENT EVIL 2: Ghost Survivors (2-15-2019)
Grim Dawn: Forgotten Gods (5-21-2019)

Out of the Park Baseball 20
DOTA Underlords
Monster Hunter: World
Hunter Rank 150 (1-5-2019)​
Arch-Tempered Teostra (1-5-2019)​
Arch-Tempered Kushala Daora (2-22-2019)​
Arch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros (3-22-2019)​
Arch-Tempered Xeno'Jiva (4-6-2019)​
Arch-Tempered Kulve Taroth (4-20-2019)​
Assassin's Creed Event (5-3-2019)​
Witcher Event/Leshen (5-9-2019)​
Hunter Rank 200 (5-9-2019)​
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OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
My first goal of the year will be to (at least try to) finish Muv Luv+Muv Luv Alternative
(But I sure as hell won't start with them)
2018 list

Game 1: The House in Fata Morgana: A Requiem for Innocence - started on 11.12.2018, finished on 01.01.2019 (18:33) - 5/5
Well, that's one way to start a year. The fandisk to Fata Morgana is, unlike most of fandisks, a required reading. Fleshes out the origin story of the first game, gives you a nice conclusion to the good ending and has also a few short stories that give you more insight into what went after some of the doors.

Game 2: The Last of Us (PS4) - started on 01.01.2019, finished on 13.01.2019 (11:34) - 2/5
Well, the walking simulator parts were nice enough, story was B-tier level TV series, so passable. The rest though. Ugh. Bad stealth sections, bad shooting sections, bad survivor horror sections. Also performance on PS4 was abysmal with regular drops into lower 40's.
Game 3: The Last of Us: Left Behind (PS4) - started on 13.01.2019, finished on 14.01.2019 (2ish hours) - 3/5
One notch higher because the DLC has way more walking simulator sections. Also not as long. But it's pretty much a chapter of the main game that was cut for various reasons.
Game 4: Muv-Luv - started on 15.01.2019, finished on 23.03.2019 (50:55) - 4/5
Despite what people have been saying about the game online, I enjoyed it. Wasn't anything groundbreaking, but decent all around. Even the comedy bits were funny, which is decidedly rare in games. Onwards to Alternative.

Game 5: DJ Max Respect (PS4) - started on 10.01.2019, 'finished' on 01.04.2019 (31:52) - 5/5
Well, I've played through all tracks I could beat (up to 8 stars) on both 5B and 6B modes. There's still a lot of game left (4B and 8B modes, higher difficulty songs), but I generally don't find anything left to play any fun. So best of to just leave the game for now, in wait for the next DLC pack, which I will undoubtedly buy day one.
Game 6: Pictopix Mosaics DLC - started on 14.03.2019, finished on 03.04.2019 (5:41) - 5/5
Best Picross game on Steam just got even better

Game 7: Gears of War 4 - started on 12,04.2019, finished on 23.04.2019 (7:43) - 3/5
Solid cover based shooter, could do with enemies not being so bullet-spongey. Also could do with a separate SP/MP downloads, god damn, 130+ GB. Worth the $1 it cost me, that's for sure.
Game 8: Muv-Luv Alternative - started on 23.03.2019, finished on 12.05.2019 (53:15) - 5/5
One of the best VNs I've ever played through. The amount of tension the game can induce on the player is pretty much unparalleled in the medium. The scene direction is out of this world as well, especially considering the range of options game developers had for making the scenes.

Game 9: Lara Croft GO - started on 13.05.2019, finished on 16.05.2019 (5:26) - 4/5

Game 10: Batman: Arkham Knight - started on 16.05.2019, finished on 26.05.2019 (20:02) - 4/5

Fuck DLC/MP exclusive achievements. And fuck Riddler.
Game 11: Finding Paradise - started on 26.05.2019, finished on 2019.06.02 (4:50) - 5/5

Game 12: The Journey Down: Chapter Three - started on 02.06.2019, finished on 06.06.2019 (3:30) - 3/5

Game 13: The Darkside Detective - started on 06.06.2019, finished on 10.06.2019 (4:59) - 4/5

Game 14: Chuchel - started on 10.06.2019, finished on 12.06.2019 (2:12) - 4/5

Game 15: Sethian - started on 12.06.2019, finished on 12.06.2019 (1:24) - 2/5

Game 16: Forgotton Anne - started on 12.06.2019, finished on 22.06.2019 (6:45) - 3/5

Game 17: Pixel Puzzle Collection - started on 09.04.2019, finished on 23.07.2019 (32:12) - 3/5
Game 18: Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony - started on 22.06.2019, finished on 10.08.2019 (43:14) - 4/5

Game 19: Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice - started on 10.08.2019, finished on 16.08.2019 (6:18) - 3/5

Game 20: 428: Shibuya Scramble - started on 13.08.2019, finished on 02.09.2019 (32:59) - 4/5

Game 21: The Last Door: Season 2 - started on 09.09.2019, finished on 11.09.2019 (1:27) - 2/5
Game 22: Gears 5 - started on 11.09.2019, finished on 16.09.2019 (6:20) - 2/5
Game 23: Picross 3D DLC - started on 01.09.2018, finished on 30.10.2019 (47:07) - 4/5
Game 24: Toybox Turbos - started on 09.11.2019, finished on 20.11.2019 (4:14) - 3/5

Game 25: Tales of Berseria - started on 19.09.2019, finished on 07.12.2019 (63:59) - 3/5

Game 26: Pepper's Puzzles - started on 31.10.2019, finished on 08.12.2019 (28:36) - 4/5

Game 27: OXXO - started on 08.12.2019, finished on 12.12.2019 (2:40) - 4/5

Game 28: Naboki - started on 12.12.2019, finished on 12.12.2019 (1:01) - 4/5

Game X: Pop'n Music on DualShock - started on 27.03.2019
Game X: Hungry Cat Picross (Mobile) - started on 22.04.2019
Game X: Seabed - started on 15.11.2019
Game X: The Pillars of the Earth - started on 13.12.2019
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Vogon Poetry Appreciator
Sep 6, 2018
Fuck it, I'm in. Here's to a negative ratio of games played to games bought in 2019.

I still need to get the final missing ending in House in Fata Morgana, then read the bonus stuff and replay the whole game for the achievement (and because I loved it so much that I want to do it). Afterwards I'll think whether I should start the prequel or wait a while and play something else in the meantime. Perhaps Hitman 2016 or Ys 6, or maybe another VN. Or maybe Smash Ultimate's adventure mode.

OK, I'll start. I'll mention the platform where I'm playing each game, though they'll be all mixed in the same list. I'm also adding the date on which I'm done with the game, and also if I left it unfinished, in which case I'll try to explain why in the commentary below its entry, along with a guess regarding whether I may play it again in the future or not. If I don't mention my playthrough status, assume it's completed (at least the story, because I never finish all the optional stuff). Without further ado, here's my list:

1. Evo Explores (01/02 - Steam - unfinished)
It's a blatant Monument Valley ripoff, right up to the art style, and I bought it because of this. I love both of those titles, so I was hoping to love this too. It's not bad, but also not particularly good. While it has some interesting mechanics that I don't recall seeing in the original games, the camera is sometimes a big problem. At some points you're supposed to click on the bottom part of ground to move, but the game only registers the upper tiles, so you'll have to find a farther spot in which to click. It's hard to explain, but you'll definitely notice it if you play it (especially if you also played the games it took all this inspiration from). After a while this got so annoying that I decided to call it quits at level 12, which took me 56 minutes and seems to be very near the end (I counted 14 level doors in the hub). I can't really say "don't buy this" since I kinda enjoyed it, but if you're looking for a nice puzzle game, you'd be better off grabbing both Monument Valley titles on your mobile store of choice. And after you're done with those, if you still want more, only then you should start thinking about the possibility of purchasing this one on sale. Personally I won't be back to finish Evo Explores, as I'd rather replay the original games if I ever need another fix.

2. Call of Duty: United Offensive (01/15 - Steam)
The expansion for the first Call of Duty, it's more of the same but shorter. It feels very similar to the main game, which was a spiritual sequel to Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. I guess the game is fine, but it feels rather dated (as did the base game when I played it last year). Too many sections where you get shot at random, which require a lot of trial and error to beat. It's not bad, but it's not something I'd recommend nowadays. Had I played it back when it was released, I'm sure I would have loved it as much as I loved MoH:AA. As it stands, it doesn't have noteworthy shooting mechanics, story or mission design, so there's really no reason to play it now unless you're dying for a WWII FPS. I plan on going through the entire series in release order, since I've only played Modern Warfare, World at War, Black Ops, Infinite Warfare, and a bit of 3 and MW3. Here's hoping CoD2 is more enjoyable than the first one and its expansion.

3. Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes (02/18 - Switch)
I'm a Suda fan, even if I only played No More Heroes 1 and 2, Shadows of the Damned, and Liberation Maiden, so I was hoping for greatness here. But I couldn't get into this one, and had to force myself to finish it. It's a mediocre beat 'em up with an incredibly repetitive enemy selection, boring level design and an uninteresting story. It rarely captures that Suda magic from his other titles, and the gameplay is so stale that it's a chore to play. Not even the variety of skills can mask how boring the whole thing is. Some levels had a good idea, like one about a murder mystery or another where you had to rotate city blocks to form a path, but they were stretched to the breaking point, becoming an endurance test. The visual novel segments were hit-or-miss, with some gems but also a lot of filler. It says a lot that my favorite things about the game were two teasers for future Suda titles: a potential Shadows of the Damned sequel and No More Heroes 3. So basically I consider Travis Strikes Again a paid teaser for those two games. Haven't tried the game in co-op, but I wouldn't want to put any friend through it.

4. Ys III: Wanderers from Ys (03/11 - Turbografx-CD emulated on SNES Classic)
I had played Oath in Felghana before, but I wanted to go through the original version (or one of its thousand ports, at least). Sadly I got stuck in the scenery during the last dungeon and saved there, which ruined my playthrough; had to use a password I found online to skip to the final boss, which made me miss the previous boss, so I can't say I beat the entire game myself. But fuck it, I wasn't going to replay the whole thing from the beginning, so it was better than nothing.

5. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (03/28- Steam)
Sekiro frustrated me so much that I felt like going through an easier title, and ended up liking it

6. Assassin's Creed 1 (03/30 - Steam)
I had played half of it a long time ago and didn't like it; started from scratch

7. Assassin's Creed Revelations (04/02 - Steam)
Has some great set pieces.

8. Assassin's Creed III Remastered (04/07 - Steam)
The missions are boring.

9. Call of Juarez: Gunslinger (04/07 - Steam)
Think I started it earlier this year.

10. Assassin's Creed Liberation Remastered (04/14 - Steam)

11. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (04/20 - Steam)

12. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (05/01 - Steam)

13. Assassin's Creed Rogue (05/04 - Steam)

14. Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China (05/05 - Steam)

15. Assassin's Creed Unity (14/05 - Steam)

16. Assassin's Creed Syndicate (13/06 - Steam)

Enjoyed it a lot, and it's my favorite AC so far. The setting is great, and Evie might be the best character in the series, along with Haytham. Jaboc, on the other hand, was an insufferable prick and I was so glad that he barely appeared in the Jack the Ripper DLC. For the first time in this series I did every secondary mission (except some side activities like races and cargo escorts, which I didn't care for).

17. Yakuza Kiwami (??- Steam)

18. Wolfenstein: The New Order (?? - Steam)

19. Silent Hill 1 (?? - PS1 emulated on PS3)

20. Metal Slug XX (?? - Steam)

21. Metal Slug 4 (?? - emulated on PS3)

22. Metal Slug 5 (?? - emulated on PS3)

23. The House of the Dead 3 (?? - PS3)

24. Sleeping Dogs (?? - Steam)

(I'll try to add proper comments for the new games on the list in the near future :p )
(I'll probably never add proper comments)
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Reactions: lashman and Knurek


saviour of worlds
Nov 12, 2018
claimed with ridiculous let's do 100 games a year thing again
2018 12 31

1. Delete - ★★★★☆

really recommend this, fun, especially if you enjoyed hexcells, thanks Knurek
2. aMAZE - ★★☆☆☆

3. The Room Three - ★★★★★

an amazing game.
4. Adam Wolfe (season 1) - ★★★☆☆

5. Sarcophag - ★★☆☆☆

6. Oik - ★★☆☆☆

7. Scream Collector - ★★★★☆

as for idle-clicker games, this is one of the best and most creative. I've also played only new zone added, as I was done with this game before that update,
8. aMAZE 2 - ★★☆☆☆

9. Oik 2 - ★★☆☆☆

10. qop - ★★★☆☆

this is sliding minimalistic puzzle game, it's no quell, but it's not bad as such
11. Chocolate makes you happy - ★★☆☆☆

12. Hidden Folks - ★★★★☆

I have strange like/dislike feelings for this game, it's fun when descriptions are clever and descriptive, annoying when they are not. Also I didn't know I need dlc for 100%, fml.
13. aMAZE Classic - ★★★☆☆

first maze series games that is OK.
14. Goldmine - ★★★☆☆

minesweeper eggsweeper, takes some time to get to that part though. Tends to memory leak, thanks unity.
15. Oik 3 - ★★☆☆☆

16. Quell Zen - ★★★★☆

it's Quell Zen, get it? That's like zen zen or uber zen
17. qop 2 - ★★★☆☆

exactly like qop
18. Voodoo Garden - ★★★☆☆

clickety click, a lot.
19. Snow White Solitaire. Charmed Kingdom - ★★★☆☆

20. Midas Gold Plus - ★★☆☆☆

21. Loot Hero DX - ★★☆☆☆

years later had to start it over cuz somehow lost all my progress, that alone didn't make me to like this game any better.
22. Wayout - ★★★☆☆

pretty good puzzle game, dunno why people don't play it.
23. Fairy Tale Mysteries 2: The Beanstalk - ★★☆☆☆

not that fun and puzzles were not that good either.
24. Chocolate makes you happy 2 - ★★☆☆☆

25. Toxic Plumbing - ★☆☆☆☆

terrible game, I shouldn't have bought it, still finished, cuz it's what I do. It only gets a star because it is playable, not because it's worth to play.
26. Snow White Solitaire. Legacy of Dwarves - ★★★☆☆

27. aMAZE Dark Times - ★★☆☆☆

28. Oik Memory - ★★☆☆☆

29. qop 3 - ★★☆☆☆

30. The Secret Order 2: Masked Intent - ★★★☆☆

31. Pictopix - ★★★★☆

new mosaic mode, very nice pictures btw.
32. Push - ★★★★☆

Another cool Maciej's game, can't help but recommend this for puzzle fans.
33. Crusaders of the Lost Idols - ★★★★☆

new wold was released a few days back, so I did that, I'd say it was sub 20 hours.
34. NEKOPARA Vol. 1 - ★☆☆☆☆

thoroughly disgusted these are highest rated VNs on steam, you can't fail me more than this, community,
35. Jewel Match Solitaire - ★★★★☆

bonus games are so much better than the main game, it's kinda funny. Also those castles can give you a stroke if you are an architect, but surprisingly nice game all things considered.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I'll grab #10.

I'm not sure what overall goals I will have, but the first one will be finishing the Umineko Answer Arcs.
And buying and finishing Yakuza Kiwami once it releases.

Making this a bit more standardized:

  • Finish Umineko Answer Arcs ✔
  • Finish Subnautica ✔
  • Finish Yakuza Kiwami ✔
I'll update those goals when I decide on new ones.


  1. RiME - ★★★★☆
  2. What Remains of Edith Finch - ★★★★☆
  3. Subnautica - ★★★★★
  4. Pikuniku - ★★★★☆
  5. Steamworld Dig 2 - ★★★★★
  6. Headlander - ★★★½

  1. The Messenger - ★★★★★
  2. Star Ocean 4 - ★★★½
  3. Evoland (via Legendary Edition) - ★★☆☆☆
  4. Hidden Dragon: Legend - ★★½
  5. 永冻之壳 The Shell of Permafrost
  6. Axiom Verge
  7. Yakuza Kiwami

  1. Touhou Luna Nights - ★★★★★
  2. Slain - Back from Hell
  3. Glass Masquerade
  4. Costume Quest
  5. Earth Defense Force 4.1
  6. A Story About My Uncle
  7. Killer is Dead
  8. Devil May Cry 5 - ★★★★★★★★★★
  1. Minit - ★★★★☆
  2. Never Alone - ★★★☆☆
  3. Grow Up - ★★★★☆
  4. Umineko: When They Cry - Answer Arcs - ★★★★★
  5. Aviary Attorney - ★★★★★
  6. Papo & Yo - ★★★★★
  7. Spec-Ops: The Line - ★★★★★
  8. Forgotton Anne
  9. Old Man's Journey
  1. Anima: Gate of Memories - ★★★★★
  2. Bathman Arkham City
  3. G-Senjou no Maou
  4. Guacamelee Super Turbo Championship Edition
  5. Tokyo Dark
  6. Kathy Rain
  7. Lifeless Planet
  8. Narcosis
  9. Technobabylon
  10. Lara Croft GO

  1. Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed
  2. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
  3. Onimusha: Warlords - ★★★★★
  4. Abzu
  5. Guacamelee 2
  6. ReCore
  7. Masquerada: Songs and Shadows - ★★★★★
  8. The Lost Mythologies
  9. Shining Resonance Refrain

  1. Zero Escape: The Nonary Games - 999
  2. Zero Escape: The Nonary Games - Virtue's Last Reward
  3. Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
  4. Treasure Adventure World
  5. The Hurricane of the Varstray - Collateral Hazard
  6. The Hurricane of the Varstray - Threat of 3rd Force
  7. Yakuza Kiwami 2
  8. Ray Gigant
  9. A Hat in Time

  1. Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
  2. The Adventure Pals
  3. Yoku's Island Express - ★★★★★
  4. Detention
  5. The Adventures of Fei Duanmu
  6. 428 Shibuya Scramble - ★★★★★
  1. Cat Quest
  2. Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
  3. Analogue: A Hate Story
  4. Wandersong
  5. Immortal Planet
  6. World of Final Fantasy - ★★★★★
  7. RED
  8. The Hex
  9. Beneath the Surface
  10. XBlaze: Code Embryo
  11. To The Moon
  1. Sonic Mania
  2. Planet Alpha
  3. Spyro: The Dragon
  4. Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage
  5. Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt
  6. Princess Remedy and a Heap of Trouble
  7. MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies
  8. Thomas Was Alone
  9. Becket
  10. Rusty Lake Hotel
  11. Xblaze: Lost Memories
  2. Skautfold - Shrouded in Sanity
  3. Skautfold - Usurper
  1. Blasphemous
  2. GRIS
  3. Warhammer 40k - Space Marine

Total: 93


Steamworld Dig - ★★☆☆☆
Get Even
The Turing Test
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Reactions: Knurek and lashman


Sep 7, 2018


01 - Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star - PC - 01/01/2019
02 - Little Nightmares - PC - 03/01/2019
03 - Donut County - Switch - 09/01/2019
04 - Kamiko - Switch - 19/01/2019
05 - Azure Striker Gunvolt - Switch - 26/01/2019
06 - The Division - PC - 28/01/2019
07 - Captain Toad Treasure Tracker - 02/02/2019
08 - Gris - Switch - 02/02/2019
09 - The Gardens Between - Switch - 10/02/2019
10 - Drill Dozer - GBA (Vita) - 15/02/2019
11 - Kirby Star Allies - Switch - 10/03/2019
12 - Resident Evil 2 - PC - 17/03/2019
13 - Wolfenstein II The New Colossus - PC - 06/04/2019
14 - Elli - Switch - 07/04/2019
15 - The Messenger - Switch - 18/04/2019
16 - Castlevania Circle of the Moon - GBA (Vita) - 19/04/2019
17 - Far Cry 5 - PC - 21/04/2019
18 - Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World - 3DS - 04/05/2019
19 - Hexologic - Switch - 05/05/2019
20 - Wario land - GB - 19/05/2019
21 - Blaster Master Zero - Switch - 14/06/2019
22 - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - Switch - 16/06/2019
23 - Castlevania Aria Of Sorrow - GBA - 22/06/2019
24 - Gears of War Ultimate Edition - PC - 26/06/2019
25 - Hollow Knight - Switch - 06/07/2019
26 - The Legend of Zelda Breath of The Wild - Switch - 19/07/2019
27 - Recore - PC - 23/07/2019
28 - A Short Hike - PC - 04/08/2019
29 - Feudal Alloy - Switch - 04/08/2019
30 - Gears of War 4 - PC - 08/08/2019
31 - Gato Roboto - Switch - 26/08/2019
32 - Pinstripe - Switch - 31/08/2019
33 - New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe - Switch - 31/08/2019
34 - Metro Exodus - PC - 02/09/2019
35 - Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King - Switch - 07/09/2019
36 - Songbird Symphone - Switch - 07/09/2019
37 - Marvel Ultimate Alliance - PC - 18/09/2019
38 - Sunset Overdrive - PC - 20/09/2019
39 - Sunset Overdrive: The Mystery of Mooil Rig - PC - 20/09/2019
40 - Sunset Overdrive: Dawn of the Rise of the Fallen Machines - PC - 21/09/2019
41 - The Room Three - PC - 22/09/2019
42 - Blasphemous - Switch - 25/09/2019
43 - Titanfall 2 - PC - 27/09/2019
44 - Crackdown 3 - PC - 01/10/2019
45 - Creature in the well - Switch - 11/10/2019
46 - Yoshi's Crafted World - Switch - 19/10/2019
47 - Deadly Premonition - Switch - 27/10/2019
48 - Super Mario Odyssey - Switch - 03/11/2019
49 - Blair Witch - PC - 24/11/2019
50 - Vampyr - PC - 26/12/2019
51 - Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle - PC - 27/12/2019
52 - Bloodstained Ritual of the Night - PC - 28/12/2019
53 - Yaga - Switch - 29/12/2019


Golf Story - Switch
Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Switch
Hacknet - PC
The Witcher 3 - PC
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Reactions: lashman and Knurek


Sep 6, 2018
I'll try for 40 games in 2019

1. Doki Doki Literature Club - 09.01. ★☆☆☆☆
2. Hidden Folks - 09.01. ★★★★☆
3. Pokemon Let's Go Eevee - 14.01. ★★★★☆
4. GRIS - 19.01. ★★★★☆
5. Ys Seven - 20.01. ★★★★☆
6. Donut County - 23.01.. ★★★★☆

Currently playing:
Picross S
Sushi Striker
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Sep 8, 2018
Claiming this post.

I won't try for a specific number this year and will only play the must-play games like Sekiro, RE2 & whatever cool indie games that come out this year.
One main gaming resolution of mine is to avoid multiplayer games as much as possible since last 3 years were all PUBG/Overwatch.

That said i am planning to start with an Indie gem which i still haven't gotten to, even tho i really wanted to since i heard about it - Doki Doki Literature Club
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Reactions: lashman and Knurek


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Sure, I'll claim a spot.

In 2018 I completed 100 games (had to hurry on those last four when I realized I was close to 100).
Honestly if I set my goal to 50 games but focus on some bigger stuff more often I'd be pretty pleased. I tend to skip the bigger, longer games to crank out a bunch of smaller, indie games. I need to do a better mix.

Completed list:
1. Timespinner - 01/01/19
- Metroidvania very much in the Symphony of the Night style. It's pretty decent but not amazing. It doesn't really do anything surprising or feel like it has its own identity all that much. The orb stuff (weapons) does allow some creativity and choice but I didn't like how the leveling worked for the character and weapons. I'd put others above it but if you've played many in the "genre" and haven't played this then give it a shot. It does start a bit slow, though.

2. Burly Men at Sea - 01/01/19
- Simple storybook style game. Only took 30 minutes to run through to get one of the endings. Very simple interactions but depending on what you do you get one of twelve endings. Looking at the achievements I apparently got one of the lesser common ending routes. It was fine and I could see going back in to see more paths.

3. Kolumno - 01/01/19
- bobnowhere recommended this in Discord so I gave it a shot. It's genre would be reaction-based game I guess? It's fun enough and worth the $1 as I was engaged to go through it in one go essentially. Got all the achievements as well in 50 minutes total.

4. Old Man's Journey - 01/02/19
- Bought this at the same time as Burly Men at Sea and kind of just pictured both to be similar. In a way they are in that they're basic games telling simple stories. I preferred Burly Men at Sea for simply being more interesting as I found the puzzles and movement very slow in Old Man's Journey. The only reason I bothered finishing it is I got around halfway through in around 30 minutes the first night I tried it and figured I should just complete it.

5. Mega Man 11 - 01/03/19
- Really solid Mega Man title. I thought the Double Gear system was a great way to make it feel fresh. I kind of wish it had more reasons to use it but then again I'm just picturing mixing Mega Man with some Viewtiful Joe. The levels had a lot of fuckery but the store evens it out with being able to get buffers and extra lives for pits and spikes. After around the third robot master I never got a game over again because of all the store items. Highly recommended for a good time.

6. The Gardens Between - 01/04/19
- I wish I liked this more. It's totally adequate and it does do some creative things with the mechanic. But it's really just a pretty version of scrubbing a timeline back and forth with occasional interaction that then changes that timeline. In doing so you're just trying to get a lit lantern to the end of each level. Too much time is spent watching the characters walk around when you already know the solution. Despite my complaints I did enjoy it some and the look of it is pretty great. Also, a nice bonus that they have an original song at the end that was to my liking.

7. Wunderdoktor - 01/05/19
- There's a #DiscoverIndies thing online that asks you to play an indie game you've never heard of before. I asked for a suggestion in Discord and this was the first that I can't recall ever hearing about before. It was fun, albeit pretty simple. It's a Trauma Center-esque if each patient took 15-30 seconds and you did them fairly rapidly. The wacky illnesses and ways they mix things up keeps it fresh and there's a very slight puzzle element that comes up occasionally to earn achievements. Not a strong recommendation at the regular price but amusing at a sale price.

8. Guacamelee! 2 - 01/06/19
- This is definitely a more-of-the-same sort of sequel. Nothing really feels that different to the point that I couldn't remember what was a new ability sometimes and what was in the prior game. Mostly it just has a lot more chicken playing parts. It's solid but not great. Whatever your feelings were about the first game will be mirrored here.

9. ШП - ShP - 01/06/19
- Barely looked into this before buying and it wasn't quite what I expected. Even figuring out the right menu option to start and of the three puzzles is a bit of a challenge. Everything is purposely obtuse and I don't know if it's by design or bad translation from Russian into English. But I do think it's largely designed that way. I did look up tips on roughly 20% of the game but that was mostly just to get going. It's hard to recommend but if you like to poke and prod things and try to think outside the box maybe give it a shot? Took me a little over an hour to complete the three puzzles with the tips to move me along. But once you understand how the game works you'll probably scoot through it quickly.

10. Shadow of the Colossus Remake - 01/08/19
- Still a fantastic game! I hadn't played it since the original release but I decided I'd play on Hard since I had gone through it before. It did add some frustration but it also made taking them down more exciting. Turns out I really only remembered about half of the colossi and only how to get to like three of them on the map so it felt fairly fresh. The one bummer for me is the only real reason to play on Hard for trophies is a single trophy to beat it in 5:21:28. My final time at the end was 5:22:29. I spent at least 15 combined minutes just playing around on Agro and riding back and forth in an open field trying to see how many hawks would fly around with me. Oh well. There's no chance I'm working on the platinum so it's not a huge deal.

11. Crash Bandicoot from the N. Sane Trilogy - 01/09/19
- It's remarkable how bad of a platformer this first game is. I was told the first aged poorly and the other two are much better so I look forward to digging into those to see how they fare. The feel of movement and hitboxes are simply terrible. I went in thinking it'd be fun to platinum all three games since I love platformers and I always platinum Ratchet games and figured this might be about the same. No chance. I have doubts I'll ever return to this first game.

12. Spyro the Dragon from the Reignited Trilogy - 01/12/19
- Got the platinum trophy in 6:49. Compared to Crash this is an amazing game. It's honestly really basic and feels like a kid friendly platformer. I did some skimming of what's in the next two and it looks like they change things up a bit and add more abilities so hopefully it becomes more interesting? Nothing was ever all that exciting but I enjoy platformers enough that hunting for all the gems kept me going.

13. Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back - 01/17/19
- After my thoughts above on Crash Bandicoot I was very hesitant but I eventually started this up. It's not bad! Vast improvement on the original game with a better feel of movement and having the slide, slide jump, high jump, and belly flop add some complexity to movement. In comparison I started rushing through the first game getting most crates but not bothered if I missed anything. This time around I got all five colored gems and ended at 23/42 of the bonus gems as I did a bunch of optional stuff as I went through. I don't want to get the relics, otherwise I'd consider getting the platinum.

14. Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - 01/21/19
- An improvement over the first game but somewhat minorly so. I didn't really felt like they took advantage of the new abilities added to the game but having something akin to quests and more creative level design did make it better overall. I'm closing in on the end so now I just need to see what the third game's in both the Crash and Spyro series bring about. Oh, and got the platinum in this game and the first Spyro.

15. Titan Souls - 01/21/19
- Seemingly a combo breaker but I started a new list for myself of a game/games for each month of the year that I'm tasking myself to return to and complete. They're all games that I started, enjoyed, but put down and never finished. Since January was nearly over Titan Souls was the game I put on the list and I'd been thinking about it since going through Shadow of the Colossus. I defeated all 19 titans in around 2:20 with 132 deaths. it was pretty fun but somewhat frustrating, largely because of the relatively slow turn around time when dying and you die frequently.

16. Crash Bandicoot: Warped - 01/22/19
- Probably the best of the Crash trilogy. It was like 40% gimmick levels but honestly that was welcome after going through two other games that had largely the same linear levels that this game also featured. Also the easiest, shown by my 30 lives and no game overs, whereas I died many, many times in the prior two games. But I don't think it's entirely because levels were made to be easier but I think they improved the feel and collision on movement so there were less deaths that felt like it was the game's fault. Though I should note I didn't do as much of the optional stuff as the previous game with only around 20 gems collected. I'm glad to be done with these and ready to move on to something else. Well, after Spyro 3.

17. Spyro: Year of the Dragon - 01/24/19
And now I'm done with my journey through the Crash and Spyro trilogies. I got the platinum in all three Spyro games. It took less time in the third game since it didn't require you to 100% the game like the first two did. In fact you only needed around 2/3 of the game complete to get the last trophy needed for the platinum. I think I'd consider the Spyro games the more advanced of the two as the trilogies progressed with this final game introducing a lot of new stuff and treating it a bit more like a Mario 64. But I may have enjoyed Crash 3 the most out of all six games with its tighter focus per level while still being fairly enjoyable working towards some of the extra goals. Both games had moments of frustration.

18. Crackdown 3 - 02/16/19
I think I'll end up enjoying this more than most people. I loved the first Crackdown, thought the second game was disappointing but alright, and went into this a little hopeful. Ultimately I got what I expected, an updated version of the first Crackdown, or more like what a true sequel to the first game would have felt like if released later in the 360's life. I spent 15 hours getting most the achievements with clearing out all side activities outside of car related stuff and getting all the agility and hidden orbs. I still got around 85% and 51% respectively. And I beat the game on Legendary, which I feel was the right decision. Boss fights were really rough in the latter half but it felt great figuring out ways to get through them, even if I did end up cheesing the last boss completely. Fun game!

19. Yakuza 0 - 02/25/19
As everyone who has tried it knows this is a wonderful game. I got really hooked into it and completed the vast majority of activities. The main thing I didn't complete was mahjong and shogi, though I did learn to play shogi but I didn't get good enough to win for the completion points. I had around 86% complete of the completion list. Even when plowing through the last ten chapters instead of doing CP activities I was constantly sneaking them in and tempted to do more. This has really gotten me anticipating Yakuza Kiwami and the releases that came after. I have both Kiwamis and Yakuza 6 so now it's just deciding when to play them. I have some other backlog goals lined up but I may start Kiwami really soon to at least get through the intro and see the world open up to get an idea what's in the game.

20. Trials Fusion - 02/26/19
This is actually beating the game a second time but I'm counting it. I originally beat it five years ago on PS4 but recently got Fusion with all the DLC on PC. To play all the DLC you have to play up to like 1/3 or 1/2 through the main game so I rushed through that and then just kept going. The trick system is still frustrating and it seems I remember Evolution much better than Fusion since I was looking forward to levels that never showed up. Now I'm really excited to see Rising since reviews are solid.

21. Trials Rising - 02/28/19
Such a tough game to like. It does some things extremely well. I think it has the best set of tracks across the entire series with most having a completely separate theme than the rest (later on there's commonly a second harder level with a similar look to some of the levels). Also, University of Trials is an excellent addition and where I spent around five of the twenty hours I spent with the game. It has definitely helped me improve my skills and thinking about how I control the bikes. But these good parts are balanced by some bad stuff, notably a terrible progression system that typically goes against the main goal of Trials, a garbage soundtrack (muted and put on Spotify very quickly and I never do that), and the most useless loot crates quite possibly ever. Thankfully that also means nobody should ever feel enticed to pay real money to get more of them. Overall I had a lot of fun with the game but also a fair bit of frustration due to the progression system. I really hope for everyone else they end up patching it, especially since the progression and useless loot crates seem to be the complaint everywhere I've looked.

22. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice - 03/01/19
This could land a spot on my top ten of the generation. For my particular tastes it does so many things right. Did anyone else get the impression it felt like a stage play in acting and writing? It's like they gave a playwright a video game studio to do their bidding and this was the outcome. My only two complaints, though fairly minor, is combat felt a bit heavy at times, but it's balanced out with the long gaps without combat, and the ending credits track is embarrassingly bad compared to how perfect the rest of the soundtrack is. The sound design overall was superb. A fantastic game all around.

23. Dead or Alive 6 - 03/02/19
Well, I finished the Story Mode and got the credits but there's plenty more to do. Mostly all in the DOA Quest mode but I may hop into more online. My feelings are divided. I like the new fighting systems, the two new fighters, and the DOA Quest stuff is great. But unlocking costumes is kind of shitty, the achievements are worse than the previous game, and considering there's an in-game currency and the costume stuff and you get nothing at all for finishing the story that felt a little underwhelming. I still enjoy the fighting in these games but there's not really enough changed from Last Round to make this game feel necessary.

24. Hollow Knight - 03/03/19
Easily one of the best Metroidvanias if not the best. Got 84% completion at around 20 hours. Tempted to go back in to dig around for more now that I've skimmed a few guides and have an idea of where to look for some stuff and how to get the true ending. And it appears I haven't even touched any of the DLC content. I assumed I maybe did at least some of it while going through but it seems the trigger for each one is fairly specific. Great game, glad I put it on my backlog list to get myself to return to it. I'll probably hold off returning to clear out more of the content and get the true ending until closer to when the sequel comes out (next year?).

25. Resident Evil 2 - 03/09/19
Dated this for when I finished Claire's A path but I finished Leon's B path the next day. Fantastic game and I expect this will be on most Top Ten lists for the year. I was also pleasantly surprised how much different Leon's B path felt since I've seen some mixed descriptions with some saying it's a different experience and others saying it's barely different. Even when the majority uses the same environment the remixed encounters, item placement, and weapons available really change how I played. But Claire's story was better and she was a more interesting character for that. I'll probably hop back in eventually to check out the Ghost Survivors and the Fourth Survivor stuff.

26. Devil May Cry - 03/11/19
Really only thought I'd play a level or two and then move on since I bought the HD Collection just for DMC 3. But instead I got in the groove and finished it in two sittings (essentially). It hasn't aged the best considering where games in the genre are these days and movement and fighting feel stiff and occasionally frustrating but the game flows quickly so it's easy to keep saying "Just one more level". Even though I had beaten (and somewhat remembered) this game on PS2 it was a good time going through it again.

27. Devil May Cry 2 - 03/13/19
Not a pure shitshow as the internet would have you believe. It's definitely a disappointment in many aspects relative to the first game but in general it's really just an average character action game. I'm a teeny bit curious to try out Lucia but not enough to beat the game as her (and then there's a third character that unlocks, yikes). Most the complaints are valid but ultimately I actually had some fun at times. The large sprawling, ugly levels were probably my main complaint. Glad to be done with it, though.

28. Glass Masquerade 2 - 03/16/19
Pretty decent casual game. I can't recall much about the first game at this point because it kind of blends together but I seem to recall that one was much easier. I expected this to only take a few hours but Steam shows 6 (though I was away for probably thirty minutes so maybe it's closer to 5 hours?). It was meant to be chipped away at between other games but I ended up blowing through the last 20ish puzzles in one go. I might check out some puzzles on hard but not right away.

29. Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition - 03/16/19
This is a much better game than the prior two! I was a little surprised that it still had some stiffness compared to more modern action games as I thought this was where others borrowed from. It's far too easy to get stuck in an animation and hit. Probably means I should be playing more methodically and less button mashing but eh, what are you gonna do? The weapon switching was really nice and allowed me to actually get some S through B style rankings fairly frequently. I will say, as someone that wants all the graphics, I'm happy to finally move out of the PS2 games. I played with Trickster style until I maxed it and then switched over to Royal Guard. I wouldn't mind going back to this game to check out more of what's in there as leveling the styles is really neat.

30. Baba Is You - 03/16/19
Kind of silly to count it beaten but I definitely triggered the ending and got credits and the achievement for beating it. Really bizarre how early its designed to let you beat it as I've only completed like 1/4 of the total puzzles and there's loads more to unlock. But I guess I'm happy I "completed" it already because now I won't feel some sort of pressure to keep moving and I'll just pick away at it off and on between other games. I'd like to unlock everything eventually and get the achievements for completing areas. Unique and fun game that takes a relatively simple concept and really runs with it to make it feel crazy.

31. Devil May Cry 4 - 03/19/19
Easily my favorite of the series so far. And there's so much more to this game if I really wanted to play more with more difficulties and two sets of characters to go through the game with that play different than the two you already use to go through the main story. I did feel it kind of faltered in the last missions as the fights just weren't as fun and they have you go through bosses a third time. Regardless, it played great, I enjoyed both characters, and now I'm even more eager to keep going.

32. DmC: Devil May Cry - 03/24/19
I know this is going to make Devil May Cry fans angry but I think this is my second favorite one so far behind DMC4. Though I must also note that it's much easier than the rest (except DMC2) on the Nephilim difficulty which is the highest unlocked from the start. It's noted as for Devil May Cry veterans but I still rarely died. I really liked that the characters were actually characters this time instead of feeling like cartoonish, flat action stars. The environments could get repetitive at times but also had some real stand-out visuals. The fighting was really fun and combat felt very smooth outside of pressing the wrong button because there is a lot of different button combinations in the game. It was a really good time and I'm glad I went through it!

33. Devil May Cry 5 - 03/30/19
My month of Devil March Cry is over having played through every game in the series in around four weeks (with a few other games mixed in). I thought I was going to get burnout but in the end the variety between games with the improvements and characters kept it feeling fairly fresh. I'm not sure where Devil May Cry 5 stands yet. The variety in the three characters was welcome and it did a good job culminating in some exciting fights. But some levels were far too long and nearly every single level ended in a boss fight and that kind of messed with the pacing the rest of the series had. Great game, though, and Capcom is having a great year already.

34. Yooka-Laylee - 04/07/19
I remember thinking fairly highly of it when I first started it around a year ago. That's one reason it got added to my list of games to complete this year. After returning to it I was able to start seeing all the issues the game has and how it feels fairly sloppy both in control and design. Despite that progression is fairly quick so I kept plowing through it. I finished with the minimum 100 Pagies needed and glad to be done after one of the worst final boss fights in a platformer. It goes on for far too long and has no checkpoint or way to heal. I could go back to clean up some achievements if I wanted to but I don't. I doubt I'll ever touch the game again.

35. A Hat in Time - 04/21/19
Really great 3D platformer. Definitely an improvement compared to Yooka-Laylee in terms of level design and feel of movement. Yet something about the Yooka-Laylee style of pacing is something I prefer a little more. While A Hat in Time often had fairly large levels that would get reused every chapter had a fairly strict set up and it made the game feel much more level based instead of freedom to explore and knock off checklists of stuff. I really enjoy that style of 3D platformer. But regardless, this was very well made and each time I'd get going I'd find myself in a groove and knock out a good chunk of it each time. Not sure if I'll go back for more but I'm curious about the DLC. Time to move on for now.

36. Mortal Kombat 11 - 04/27/19
Considering it complete with story mode completed, one klassic tower, all the tutorials, and some other odds and ends. I'll toy around with the other stuff some more but right now I'm mostly waiting for the next patch that's promised to make the game feel less grindy. Right now it's real bad in that area. The actual fighting is fantastic (though the amount of abilities you can equip really changes the feel of a character) and the story and tutorials are really strong. I like the new characters well enough, too. The best thing it does with the improvements to combat is every character feels fairly good to play, though I still have some favorites. Great game that will only be better (hopefully) with patches.

37. The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game - 04/27/19
I guess I pictured something a bit different from the little chatter I heard and had seen. This is essentially a kid's game with writing I imagine that's similar to stuff like Adventure Time. Everything is silly and whimsical to appeal to kids while still being entertaining to adults. I finished it in 27 minutes as there's not much more than walking, reading, and going through the dialogue options. Also, I picked bird. Don't know if I'll bother with the eventual sequel.

38. Lost in Harmony - 04/28/19
Had the last 2/3 to do but this is a fairly short music/rhythm game so that wasn't much effort to finish as it was only 9 songs to complete to be done. I always appreciate when a music/rhythm game has a story and the levels relate (e.g Gitaroo Man and Parappa series) and this sort of attempts it. It's kind of a mess to play with it occasionally rapidly having you press button combinations together that don't feel natural but ultimately it was interesting and I was compelled to keep moving forward. They did release a free update with a second story that I'll probably get to but for now I'm satisfied finishing the original story.

39. Supraland - 05/01/19
Pretty neat, great game. It's amazing that nearly the entire thing was created by one person. I did generally like the exploring more than the puzzle solving as some of them could be a bit finnicky or relied on finding just the right spot and sometimes the geometry made stuff difficult to find (more than intended in some cases, I believe). But still really neat and a solid 12 hours. I finished it with like 49% complete so there's loads more to find as there are chests scattered around everywhere. But I got what I needed out of it so I won't be worried about being a completionist. Good stuff!

40. 7 Sexy Sins - 05/04/19
High quality game right here! I've had some fun with the mindless Deep Space Waifu series and this seemed to be a horizontal copy of that series. It feels more like it came out prior to those games because it's missing some of the features like varied power ups but the boss fights were much better in this game. And it was actually challenging to complete due to how you unlocked the later levels and those last bosses were actually tough. For around $1.50 I got just about two hours on it so it was worth the price but only if you already own most other shoot-em-ups and don't mind pervy shit.

41. Patent9 - 05/05/19
Took around 2:06 to complete including replaying scenes to get all achievements. I'm a fast reader so my time is shorter than the average. It tells a decently interesting story for a visual novel as there doesn't feel like there's a ton of fluff. It goes for a noir sort of thing with all the characters and settings largely being real photos and actors. It kind of gets wrapped up in its own nonsense but since it moved quickly I stayed engaged. Not a strong recommendation but it was nice for something different.

42. Grim Dawn - 05/08/19
Completed on Veteran difficulty in Steam time says 34:48, but I expect it's closer to 30-32 due to leaving it running while doing other things. It's a decent game. Maybe even good. But not great. The whole time I played I kept thinking about how Diablo III does every thing better. Towards the end when risk of dying was greater and I was pushing through optional, hard content the game finally felt like there was more intensity but still my only active abilities my build had were two buffs so they weren't all that exciting. And that's kind of the main issue. The gear loop looks like it does everything right but it's just kind of boring. I still had a good enough time that I'll look at finishing up the DLC but that's a ton of content so I'll spread that out a bit more. And instead maybe start Diablo III over.

43. Subsurface Circular - 05/09/19
Quite short, only took me 94 minutes. Hopped back in and finished up all the achievements with 5-10 more minutes. I love robots and AI stuff so I was into the story and where things went which also made it a bit too easy for me to pick my ending choice. Also, thought the developer did a neat Steam trick because the word "Wibble" came up as a choice for a password in the game. Turns out that's the regular option for everyone. Definitely made me stop and think when I saw it trying to think where I use Wibble on Steam. I'm looking forward to checking out the second game in the series but I'll probably hold off until a little later.

44. Swag and Sorcery - 05/14/19
Finished the main stuff at 13 hours. Unlocks an endless mode with plenty of achievements left but I'm done. It's not that great of a game with some real bad balance around grinding but since it's such a passive game I watched stuff and worked while playing. From the Punch Club developers which also had some bad grindy issues so it seems they didn't really learn their lesson. But at a certain point you largely can become impossible to lose so then it's just running the dungeons 50+ times each to finish it up. Not strongly recommended unless you really want something fairly mindless to grind away and just like numbers going up.

45. Quarantine Circular - 05/14/19
Finished in 90 minutes with not the ending I had in mind as I misjudged what one of my actions would do. This and Subsurface Circular are vaguely in the same universe but are just short stories that are largely just visual novels in gameplay with some puzzle bits to sort out. Of the two I actually liked this one more than Subsurface despite Subsurface focusing on robots and I sure do love robots. I just thought the storytelling and the story itself were much better in this one. It had less fluff but felt like some of the choices mattered much more. Which is true considering there's like ten possible endings vs the prior game having two based off of a binary choice at the very end. Cool stuff and I wish they put out more of these (except now they're doing the John Wick game).

46. Deep Space Waifu: World - 05/17/19
Only took 70 minutes. Actually felt a bit simpler compared to the past one or two. Still just a dumb guilty pleasure since they're just fairly simple pervy shoot-em-ups but there's something about them that's just fun to play. With the silly, perv writing between levels it now just feels like a raunchy comedy at this point. Anyhow, all caught up on this amazing series now.

47. Need For Speed (2015) - 05/18/19
Completed in around 15:05. Better than I expected but deserving of criticism. A fairly solid 7 out of 10. It has a decent feel to it and generally drifting around everything is good fun but the camera is too low, the world is kindly poorly designed and fairly boring, and the map/checkpoint system is frustrating. But the general driving was fun enough that I really had no issues going through the game and had a good time doing so with only a few events that felt like huge difficulty spikes. It does a better job than the Forza Horizon series in making me want to keep going due to story and unlock stuff as you go through it but that's about the only area where it improves upon that series.

48. Mirror’s Edge Catalyst - 05/25/19
I’d place my enjoyment of this prequel right around what I felt for the first game. In some ways I even liked it better. Due to the open world nature between all the mission specific level design the pacing could be a bit off whereas the first game it was always cool to see what the next area would be. I also wasn’t into escaping from security in the open world areas. But overall I thought it played well, combat was improved, and it did have some really cool sequences and areas to get through. I played around 75% of the game without runner vision and I highly recommend it, but it did feel like it was designed for it as a few times I simply couldn’t figure out where to go for a while until I noticed some geometry that blended in too much. Good stuff and glad I got around to it.

49. Need For Speed: Payback - 05/27/19
Finished the story in 14 hours. This is a bit longer than average, I'm assuming, because I rarely used fast travel. I had a great time driving around in the environment and work on collectibles and the other activities (speed traps, jumps, etc.). This was a much better game than the FMV Need For Speed before it. I may poke through reviews to see what their complaints were because I just had a great time going through the story and zipping around the world. It wasn't perfect but I found it myself more invested than I have with the last couple Forza Horizon games. Those games do allow more freedom in driving everywhere but I simply had a better time in Payback. Oh, but I did mute the soundtrack and play my own music. Far too few songs and variety for a game of this length.

50. Fe - 05/31/19
Decent little platformer adventure thing. Loads of extra stuff to find if you're really into it but the path through the story is fairly linear in terms of pushing you to each next open section of the world. Controlled well and the stealth stuff is quite basic and usually frustration free. There's tons of stuff tucked away that require later abilities so it's almost better to just plow through the story and get all the songs so you can then clean things up. I mostly just plowed through it and only collected 22 of 75 crystals, 11 of the story orbs, and something like 91/150 wall panel things. It's just a low impact game that doesn't really stand out but also is fairly relaxing and a breeze.

51. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End - 06/10/19
Completed on Hard in 16:57. Collected around 2/3 of the collectibles. Great game! Should really come as no surprise. As is usual with the series some of the later combat sequences were too frequent or felt never ending. And likely since I played on Hard there were a handful of encounters that were really annoying. That last fight, oof. But overall it did a great job tying everything together. Really not sure if I want to hop into Lost Legacy directly after or mix in one or two other things to reset myself. And I’ll probably just stick to Normal difficulty this time.

52. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - 06/15/19
Finished on its default difficulty in 6:17. A bit shorter than I had expected, but I didn't spend a lot of time in the optional, open areas. In many ways I liked this game more than Uncharted 4 with more interesting areas, less frustrating combat sections, and just a more interesting setting (Indian stuff is more interesting than pirate stuff). I wouldn't mind if they did another one with Chloe and Nadine as they were a good duo. And everyone talked about Lara and Kassandra's muscles but Nadine needs some love! Good time all around and glad I went back to finally play it.

53. Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum Session! - 06/15/19
I'm considering this complete as it's a bit nebulous when a music/rhythm game is complete. Most in the genre that play credits do it after you've gone through each song once (either has a song list or a story mode that takes you through them). So I played through every song (75 songs including my two DLC) and also completed songs on multiple difficulties to get the 100 total clear trophy. That doesn't include replaying a song on the same difficulty which I did to complete the Bingo cards, too. Have 35 completed cards. It's a fun game and kind of relaxing only really needing to hit two buttons (four total when you have the large notes for bonus points). Decent song selection and the Bingo cards and ranked play give a good reason to keep playing beyond where I've stopped for now. Going to estimate I spent around six hours total doing everything so far.

54. Tetris Effect - 06/16/19
Spent around three hours going through most all the modes. I only skipped the series of relax modes that take you through three sets of levels with no risk of game overs. It's just more Tetris. And that's kind of the whole game and why I'm surprised people went so crazy for it. I finished the Journey mode and I thought it did more to mix things up and make it interesting. Other than being somewhat unpredictable your first time as levels speed up and slow down it's exactly what you would expect from any other Tetris release. It'll be something I'll load up periodically to maybe play through a mode once or go through a set of levels but I've already hit my limit after going through each mode. I did get an SS rank on one of the modes so I guess that's cool.

55. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - 06/20/19
Took around 14:55 to get 99.6% complete. Rather great game that's a lot of fun but also lacks a lot of polish and kind of just feels like a mash up of all the handheld Igavanias. Not that that's bad but just how it felt. I completed the vast majority of things such as all quests and completing a lot of the compendium stuff, or whatever it's called. I went back to get 100% and my timer is at 15:10 (which also included some other cleanup and item collection in the process). I won't bother with the completionist achievements right now but I'm not too far from having every shard. Anyhow, a good time!

56. Gato Robato - 06/22/19
100% in 2:36. It's totally fine and competent but it feels quite simple and lacks anything that makes it all that interesting. It's still fun and made well enough but for a bite-sized Metroidvania I think Super Skelemania is a better choice. I did enjoy all the different palette options and there were two or so things to collect that took actual thought/skill and wasn't just a matter of going back through an area again and blowing open a wall to go through.

57. Horizon Zero Dawn - The Frozen Wilds - 06/28/19
Took around 14 hours with me completing most everything the expansion offers and exploring the map thoroughly. All collectibles picked up and if I spent another couple hours on it I could clean up the last errands I have left. Horizon has continually been the game I point out as possibly my favorite of this generation and after getting back into the groove after an hour this expansion didn't change my mind. I just really enjoy the combat, it still looks quite great, and the setting and story are fantastic. I look forward to an eventual sequel because I'd love to see what they could do with building on top of what they created.

58. Plug & Play - 06/28/19
A whole eight minutes to complete. Glad I got it in a bundle instead of impulse purchased like I nearly did many times. It's less a game and more an interactive toy (think Windosill) with art that reminds me of George Plympton mixed with Don Hertzfeldt. There's likely a deeper meaning of happiness, light and dark, and sexuality, but it was mostly just amusing seeing the silly art and how things interact. Worth checking out if you don't mind paying for a small experience that feels like it's something you'd see on an iPad at an art museum.

59. KIDS - 06/28/19
This lasted nineteen minutes. From the same creators of Plug & Play. The animation of the art was better and with it being more than double the length it provides plenty to do, but I didn't really grasp as much of what the symbolism was aiming for. Conformance and group herding? It's more repetitive than Plug & Play and despite the better animation of the people the actual visuals weren't nearly as interesting. If the shorter experience for the same price doesn't bother you I'd suggest picking Plug & Play between the two if you only played one.

60. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - 7th Umbral Era - 07/10/19
Finished the original portion of the story with a level 50 bard in 59:20. Mostly plowed through from around level 20 onwards to focusing on story quests while also finishing the hunter log and all the bard quests. Oh, and ran every dungeon at least once. There's something about the game that makes me want to keep playing but I can acknowledge that it's not the best MMORPG or anything. Combat is kind of slow but it does improve towards the end (and should keep getting more interesting). The quest design is real rough, too. But the story and characters are good stuff. And I want to see more. I'm hoping to see improvements as I get into the expansions but don't really know if there will be many (though I've heard it does get much better).

61. Dishonored - 07/13/19
Finished on Hard in 15:42 without killing anyone and getting spotted only once in the first mission before I realized there was an achievement for it. Even though I couldn't get the achievement I played to not get caught and not kill anyone through the rest. For some reason I didn't get the achievement for not killing anyone but I checked each level's stats and all have it checked showing I didn't kill anyone. Well, fuck. Anyhow, fantastic game and especially for the time it came out this was a real standout. It's still fun to play now! I did feel a little limited not killing since that removes half the abilities and most the weapons but that seems like it would have been way too easy. Also, the voice cast has Susan Sarandon, Carrie Fisher, Chloe Grace Moretz, Brad Dourif, and more? How did that happen?

62a. Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall - 07/14/19
Good DLC! Finished in 5:54 on the hardest difficulty. I complained a bit last night that the AI was a little buggy and that continued for the most part. But a fine follow up to the main game and it seems the The Brigmore Witches continues this story so curious to see where it goes. I got through collecting everything, not getting spotted, and somehow having one kill. I have no idea where it happened but I'm assuming somehow someone I knocked out must have ragdolled over the edge high up when I didn't notice and died from the fall. That's annoying! Anyhow, solid stuff all around and the three levels were nicely sprawling and allowed plenty of freedom in execution.

62b. Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches - 07/15/19
On the hardest difficulty, not spotted, no kills in 6:06. Combining this with The Knife of Dunwall as it's really just part one and part two as the save continues and it finished the story. With a fairly comparable length to the main game I'd say the main game was an overall better experience but if this had released without the main game to compare it to it would still be regarded fairly well. I really enjoyed how this tied together to the events of the original game, too. Great DLC and now I'm ready to see how things change in Dishonored 2.

63. Dishonored 2 - 07/20/19
Completed on hard difficulty with no kills and no detection in 27:40. That also includes collecting everything (except all coins). Played through as Emily and mostly entirely relied on the blink move and domino. I would have used some of the other stuff more, like mesmerize, except it used more mana than I wanted. Fantastic game. It never really felt like it dragged and I genuinely had a great time going around collecting everything. For me it's a 10/10 game.

64. Dishonored: Death of the Outsider - 07/24/19
Completed in 10:23 on hard with no detections but killing just about everyone that's an enemy. I made it a point to try not to kill any NPCs (though a couple got caught in explosions). And with that I'm done with all the Dishonored games. Fantastic series! A shame I don't believe Dishonored 2 and this sold as well as they should have since I don't expect we'll be seeing more of them. I'm sure they could find a way to make the story continue but this does really tie everything up at this point. This was probably my least favorite game in the series but I'd still give it an 8/10 so it's not bad, just below the others. I will admit that despite loving all the games I'm ready to play other stuff.

65. Wolfenstein: Youngblood - 07/28/19
Finished in 9:40 with around 50% side missions complete. Played about half the story with random co-op partners with more positive than negative experiences. Had a fun time outside of the last boss that felt like bullshit with an annoying checkpoint for when you die. For a budget side game I liked what this game did and had a great time just being a fast paced action title. The game isn't without faults but it's easy to look past them and just have fun. The story makes me real curious what they'll do with the next title in the main series.

66. Touhou Luna Nights - 07/29/19
Finished in 3:54 getting just the main ending for beating the last boss. I'm aware there's an extra area after beating it with an optional boss but I really had to push myself to finish the game that I'm not going to bother doing extra shit. Why do so many people like this game? Touhou fans? It's barely a Metroidvania, too, and I see it called that. The environments are extremely bland and it's not interesting to explore (what little there is), the attack/mana/graze system is infuriating, and there's far too much just sitting and waiting for meters to fill or going in and out of rooms to graze an enemy near the entrance just so you can fight. I got far enough when I really started questioning if I should continue that I just pushed through it but glad to be done.

67. Wandersong - 08/01/19
Completed in 9:12. A really great game but also a tough recommendation. It ultimately feels like an adventure game as there's loads of dialogue and it's all done fairly well. There's also plenty of platforming and some fun stuff done with the music wheel but ultimately that part of the game feels much more simple and more just a means to mix things up between story segments. Really enjoyable and the writing is really what had me hooked and kept me going. Also, maybe has one of my favorite music-based endings with how everything comes together. Good stuff!

68. 1 Screen Platformer - 08/02/19
In 29 minutes I completed the game on normal with all four characters and ran through one of the character's hard modes. Since the map doesn't change per character I have no reason to bother with the other characters. And there's two bugged achievements. If they fix those maybe I'll finish runs with the other three on hard just to get all achievements. I think it was like $0.50 and for around half an hour of entertainment it's worth it. And it was a nice throwback to the Xbox Live Arcade Platformance series.

69. Overchunked - 08/03/19
Counting this as completed as I got every achievement in 95 minutes. It's just a score attack style game but since I got the max score achievement that's good enough for me. It's not a particular great score attack game but I put on music and it was kind of nice to just zone out and aim for the score achievements. This goes on sale frequently for under a dollar and it's fine but there's honestly more entertaining options around the same price.

70. Do Not Feed the Monkeys - 08/04/19
Finished in 3:03 with the Enlightened Ending. And 15 minutes of that time was me restarting after getting a good grasp of how the game played. It's weird addicting but also kind of fiddly and frustrating at times. And I guess I expected the ending to be better but whatever. Neat game that is actually more of a detective style game than I had expected. If you like games with fake OSes and use the game's systems to figure out story stuff (similar to the Orwell games). Just add in more time management and minimal life sim elements.

71. Pantsu Hunter: Back to the 90s - 08/04/19
Finished with 100% completion in-game and all achievements in 3:54. Fun adventure/visual novel sort of thing. The first three stories were amusing with some good humor because of all the ridiculous different endings. Most the game is clicking things in the environment with light dialogue and a smattering of choices to be made. Finding the right path to the true ending is the fun part. The last story was pure visual novel with just loads of writing and only a small amount of choices. Anyhow, silly game but despite the rough translation the humor is what helped keep me going.

72. Rose of Winter - 08/04/19
Finished both the good and bad paths for the Fae storyline in 46 minutes. There's no true ending to work towards so I'm not sure if I'll bother checking out the other paths. What's better than making out and having sex with a little man that's six inches tall? Just a real quick visual novel from the folks that did Ghosts of Miami, which was ultimately much more interesting in the time I spent with that. The only reason I may go through the other paths is for the achievements but the setup and obvious payoff for the other paths doesn't really feel like it'll be worth it.

73. Yakuza Kiwami - 08/08/19
Completed on normal in 17:18 with Majima rank E and 35.94% completion points. I did a smattering of extra stuff but largely I was rushing through the game since I spent so much time on Yakuza 0 earlier this year. Kiwami is still a solid game but I'd say 0 was overall better in most ways. One thing I did like more in Kiwami was how boss characters would power up and you had to have the matching style and heat to stop them. Added a small layer of strategy from zero. But ultimately, in terms of design and content, 0 felt like a successor to this game (for good reasons, of course).

74. Prey - 08/13/19
Finished on hard in 29:44 with only human powers and no human kills. Fantastic game! Arkane is easily one of my favorite developers after going through all the Dishonored games and now Prey. Prey is a really complete experience with it feeling well designed and incredibly dense. If I had to make any sort of complaint it would have been nice if a few more characters were fleshed out more but I really didn't even think about that while playing and it's more just fishing for ways it could have been different. Oh, and fuck the Nightmare. Anyhow, great game and I'm looking forward to checking out Mooncrash for something different in the same world.

75. Prey Mooncrash - 08/18/19
Finished in 12:57 with all contracts complete. A couple spots that required in the mid-to-late game was a little annoying but ultimately a really good game that was a smart compliment to the main game. It's more combat focused and fast paced which was interesting and I got to sample more typhon powers. Completing all the unique stories and then the final run to get all five characters to escape in a single cycle was fun to work out. Probably one of my favorite expansions/DLCs for a game.

76. Recore - 08/31/19
Finished in 8:40. Went from me having a fairly good time with some occasional frustrations and complaints and then the last dungeon came along. Oh man, fuck that. And this is after all the great changes made with the Definitive Edition. I can’t even imagine playing through it before that. I would have given it a 7 up to that point but now it’s like a 5 out of 10 and I never want to touch it again. Thankfully that last dungeon got easier around halfway through and I was able to blaze through the last half. Some solid ideas if they somehow made a Recore 2 with a bunch of sequel refinements it could be a really great time. But ultimately this felt like what I’d expect a (higher budget) Xbox Live Arcade game would be like for the current generation.

77. Ghosts of Miami - 09/01/19
Was surprised I got the ending when I did since I thought there were five cases but there were only four. Finished in 4:06 which included playing cases multiple times until I found the right paths and options to close the case. Got the romance ending with Tala and the story ending with Lucho. There may be something like a true ending but it's kind of unclear in the achievements and it seems I'd have to unlock every romance option which largely means replaying every level with every path and it's not the friendliest game in tracking all that. I liked the writing and tone but not the best VN. Relies on trial and error occasionally, replaying cases isn't as quick as I'd like, and since you pick which locations to search when the game does a bad job adapting. I'd meet a character in one location and have a whole scene to run into them again and the game not recognize we had met so we act like complete strangers that go through introductions and nonsense again. It's still decent and a nice change of story/tone from other VNs but it's not without problems.

78. Gears of War 4 - 09/05/19
Finished in 9:41 with 29/50 collectibles. Played on Hardcore with the first two acts solo and the last three acts in co-op with bbq of doom. It was a pretty good time! Nothing amazing, and I imagine improved by being in co-op, as these games tend to. A few areas of frustration, and a computer issue with Nvidia drivers (I think that was the case?) that made it so textures would get progressively more crazy the longer a game session went, but otherwise I had fun in what was otherwise Yet Another Gears of War. It didn't really feel like it did much new and I expected way more weather stuff. Instead the reliance on horde mode sections felt a little like filler to get the game out and mechanically nothing really changed. The one-off things did add some nice variety but it was just a solid shooter and a nice return after having not played the series since Gears of War 3. And now a new one awaits!
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Dark Eroge Lord
Oct 9, 2018
I'll claim this post for myself.

I normally manage to beat about 50 games a year, when I am not addicted to something. Previously it was Street Fighter and now it is Warframe, so we'll have to see how I manage. But 'favorites' in the Steam client is currently filled to the brink with stuff I want to get started on or have played a bit off, almost 50 entries in fact, so my first goal will be to get that down to a more reasonable number by knocking off the games that I have already gotten far in.

  1. Hustle Cat
  2. Crystal Chameleon
  3. The Leisure of Grisaia
  4. GRIS
  5. ISLANDS: Non-Places
  6. Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight
  7. Kindred Spirits on the Roof - Full Chorus
  1. Always the Same Blue Sky
  2. A wild catgirl appears
  3. Aozora Meikyuu
  4. Cyber City 2157
  5. Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders
  6. Divine Slice of Life
  7. one night, hot springs
  8. Phenomeno
  9. The Dandelion Girl
  10. A Kiss for the Petals: Remembering How We Met
  11. Chuchel
  12. A Beautiful Ride to Carlisle
  13. Tokyo Hosto
  14. 9-nine-:Episode 1
  15. Tsukihime
  16. Shadowhand
  17. Heart of the Woods
  1. The Labyrinth of Grisaia
  1. Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~
  2. Alien Shooter
  3. Dream Daddy
  4. Hate Plus
  1. Muv-Luv
  2. Muv-Luv Alternative
  3. Sabbat of the Witch
  4. Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition
  5. Okami HD
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Dec 9, 2018
  1. one night, hot springs (PC) - 1/3/19
  2. Kingdom Come: Deliverance (PC) - 1/7/19
  3. Catherine Classic (PC) - 1/14/19
  4. The Quiet Man (PC) - 1/17/19
  5. Tetris Effect (PS4) - 1/20/19
  6. New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe (NSW) - 1/20/19
  7. Resident Evil 2 (PC) - 1/27/19
  8. Prey (PC) - 2/11/19
  9. Battlefield V (PC) - 2/16/19
  10. Undertale (NSW) - 2/17/19
  11. Detention (PC) - 2/23/19
  12. Metro Exodus (PC) - 3/3/19
  13. Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition (PC) - 3/5/19
  14. Devil May Cry 5 (PC) - 3/13/19
  15. Tom Clancy's The Division 2 (PC) - 4/4/19
  16. Dead by Daylight (PC) - 4/6/19
  17. Sniper Elite 4 (PC) - 4/17/19
  18. Katana Zero (PC) - 4/18/19
  19. Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4) - 4/19/19
  20. Mortal Kombat X (PC) - 4/22/19
  21. Days Gone (PS4) - 5/4/19
  22. Tales From the Borderlands (PC) - 5/23/19
  23. Trover Saves the Universe (PS4) - 6/4/19
  24. My Friend Pedro (PC) - 6/22/19
  25. Insurgency Sandstorm (PC) - 7/28/19
  26. Telling Lies (PC) -8/25/19
  27. Ape Out (PC) - 8/25/19
  28. Control (PC) - 9/1/19
  29. Borderlands 2 (PC) - 9/6/19
  30. Sayonara Wild Hearts (iOS) 9/21/19
  31. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (NSW) - 9/23/19
  32. Untitled Goose Game (NSW) - 9/27/19
  33. Fire Emblem: Three Houses (NSW) - 9/28/19
  34. AI: The Somnium Files (PC) - 10/5/19
  35. Disco Elysium (PC) - 10/19/19
  36. Destiny 2 (PC) - 10/19/19
  37. Death Stranding (PS4) - 11/18/19
  38. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (PC) - 11/19/19
  39. Hypnospace Outlaw (PC) - 11/22/19
  40. Half-Life (PC) - 11/23/19
  41. The Outer Worlds (PC) - 11/25/19
  42. Wolfenstein: Youngblood (PC) - 11/26/19
  43. Police Stories (PC) - 11/26/19
  44. Emily is Away (PC) - 11/26/19
  45. Emily is Away Too (PC) - 11/27/19
  46. A Plague Tale: Innocence (PC) - 11/28/19
  47. We Met in May (PC) - 11/29/19
  48. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (PC) - 12/5/19
  49. Donut County (PC) - 12/6/19
  50. Stories Untold (PC) - 12/7/19
  51. Life is Strange 2 (PC) - 12/9/19
  52. Super Hexagon (PC) - 12/13/19
  53. Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Legacy of the First Blade (PC) - 12/15/19
  54. Wattam (PC) - 12/27/19
  55. Pokemon Shield (Switch) - 12/27/19
  56. Manifold Garden (PC) - 12/29/19
  57. Superliminal (PC) - 12/31/19
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OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
What website tracks info like this, it looks nice?

Knurek Am I updating my post the right way?

Also, looks good to me.
I don't have any set goals for this year, is that OK? I'll just update my original post with the stuff I've been playing or finishing, which theoretically might be a lot but certainly won't.
This is Meta, not ERA, everything you do here is OK.
Heck, some things, like bullying Lashman, are downright encouraged


Vogon Poetry Appreciator
Sep 6, 2018
I don't have any set goals for this year, is that OK? I'll just update my original post with the stuff I've been playing or finishing, which theoretically might be a lot but certainly won't.


Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
My set goal seems low compared to others but if you see my post on Era...

I can't participate. I did jack shit in 2018. Thanks Rainbow Six. orz

My GotY is Girls Und Panzer: Dream Tank Match which sadly never made it to PC.
Never finished AssCreed Odyssey yet, even after 100 hours. I did finish Shadow of the Tomb Raider but... eh.
Also finished Tiny Metal, and Bullet Witch.

2018 was... not a good year for me.
Yeah. I absolutely sucked last year. So for 2019 I wanted to set a moderate goal and in 2020 if things go well I can set a higher goal!
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Reactions: Knurek and lashman


Dec 3, 2018
I always wanted to try this but 52 games a year seemed a little too much for me. I'll go with 100%ing a game a month for now. Maybe I should bump that up to one every two weeks, but I've got a lot of long rpgs i wanna get through.

  1. Chrono Trigger
  2. Minit
  3. Delete
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Reactions: Knurek and lashman


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
I need to write down everything from last year before I forget!

(Last Year)

  1. Access Denied (100%)
  2. Aer Memories of Old (100%)
  3. Assassin's Creed Black Flag
  4. Assassin's Creed Rogue
  5. Assassin's Creed Unity
  6. The Banner Saga
  7. Batman Arkham Knight
  8. Batman: The Enemy Within (100%)
  9. Battletech
  10. Bioshock Infinite
  11. Bladed Fury (Thanks The Queen!)
  12. Bomb Squad Academy
  13. Bombshell
  14. Bright Bob
  15. The Chronicles of King Arthur - Episode 1: Excalibur
  16. Contrast (100%)
  17. Deadspace 1
  18. Deadspace 2
  19. Delete (100%)
  20. Divinity Original Sin 2
  21. Dots (100%)
  22. Electroquest: Resistance is Futile (100%)
  23. Far: Lone Sails
  24. Glass Masquerade
  25. Fallout 4
  26. GNOG
  27. Golf Peaks
  28. GTA V
  29. Homefront: The Revolution
  30. Injustice 1
  31. Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens
  32. Little Bug
  33. Little Hidden City (100%)
  34. Little Nightmares
  35. The Mooseman
  36. Neoncode
  37. Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna)
  38. Omensight
  39. Pavilion
  40. Phantom Doctrine
  41. Pillars of Eternity 1 - The White March 1 + 2
  42. Pillars of Eternity 2
  43. Planet Alpha
  44. .projeckt
  45. Puzzlement (100%)
  46. Race Arcade
  47. Rayman Legends
  48. Rescue 2
  49. Roboball
  50. The Room (100%)
  51. The Room 2 (100%)
  52. Runic Rampage
  53. Sandmade (100%)
  54. Scalak (100%)
  55. Singularity
  56. Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
  57. SOMA (100%)
  58. Stereo Aereo
  59. Subnautica
  60. Sunset Overdrive
  61. Sword Legacy Omen (100%)
  62. TOK (100%)
  63. Tyranny
  64. Up Left Out (100%)
  65. Valley
  66. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
  67. Yoku's Island Express

  1. Rayman Legends
  2. Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2
  3. Star Wars Battlefront II
  4. Mafia III
  5. Dead Rising IV
  6. Far Cry 5
  7. God of War
  8. Rime
  9. Call of Duty Advanced War
  10. Injustice 2
  11. Shadow of the Tomb Raider
  12. Assassin's Creed Odyssey (100%)
  13. Red Dead Redemption 2

  1. Halo 5 Guardians


1. Kolumno (100%) - Fun little puzzle reaction sort of game. Drop a ball from the top of the column to the bottom avoiding the obstacles and using the various abilities in the right places.

2. Hello! Pollution - A strange combination of the board game Operation and underground rubbish Tetris. Decent fun but pricey for what it is.

3. Chuchel - Absolutely delightful adventure puzzle game. Set around a series of vignettes of the titular characters attempt to retrieve a stolen cherry. Part 1980s foreign language claymation made for kids, part Terry Gilliam fevered dream.

4. Repairbot. - Meh/10. Lots of potential but the game feels half done, like EA. Needs more levels, variation etc...

5. Momonga Pinball Adventures - Fun, cute but terrible pinball. I'm not expecting Pinball Arcade/FX3 but when pinball is the central mechanism, it really needs to be better than this.

6. Call of Duty: Ghosts - Fun campaign, doggo, auto-aim is a little out of control, very easy. The story is pretty good for a CoD but is ruined completely in the last seconds.

7. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 - Not as tight an experience as Ghosts, entertaining enough. The story probably would have made more sense if I'd remembered anything at all about Black Ops 1.

8. Gris - Beautiful puzzle platformer. Stunning hand-drawn visuals and music.

9. Spider-Man (PS4) - Took me a while to get into but great fun and impressive storytelling. Way too many villains subjected to bit parts though.

10. Far Cry Primal - Fun Far Cry game, beautiful environment, after a while the fun runs out though. Only got to about 65% complete, that'll do. Not tracking down every collectable.

11. Northern Lights - Super short side scrolling Puzzle game about a robot waking up in the future after a global calamity. High quality game, seems like just episode 1.

12. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Boom, pew, pew, crash, bang, explosion, another crash, people live, people die, QTE, QTE, QTE...

13. Assassin's Creed Origins - Fun romp around Cleopatrian Egypt. Looks and runs beautifully at max settings and the 2nd DLC is fantastic.

14. Mutant Road Zero - Highly polished character driven strategy-RPG in the style of the modern XCOM games. Beautiful art, sound and design make this a must play for fans of the genre even with the uneven level progression.

15. The Lego Ninjago Movie Video Game - Fun Lego game in a slightly different style. There aren't specific levels, the entire game takes place in a single open world. So long levels and open world combined.

16. Call of Duty WW2 - Back to the original games with a WW2 setting and no auto-heals. Felt a bit like the b-team levels while someone somewhere else was doing the more interesting stuff. Grumpy John Duhamel was fun though.

17. Detroit Become Human - Seeing as they are coming to PC sometime in 2020/21 I finally got round to playing this. I actually quite enjoyed it, the story is pretty good even if the allegory is heavy handed at times. Managed to get everyone to the end but Minka Kelly died, that made me sad.

18. Metro Exodus - First Metro I've actually finished. Decent enough but I got the bad ending.

19. Impulsow - Decent little reaction puzzler momentum and gravity puzzler. Shoot one way move the other, short and inoffensive and probably too crap for Epic. Got it free though my curator, so thought I should play it.

20. Expand - Top down maze game where you guide your square through a series of circular constantly changing mazes filled with obstacles. Can get challenging towards the end the OST is absolutely spectacular.

21. Spectrum Break - Action puzzle game where you light up every block in a level buy either hitting them with your surfer dude or causing the blocks to collide. Speed is required as momentum works against you as well!

22. Hitman 2 - Well, the story is done. Definitely going to go back at regular intervals and drop heavy objects on people, kick them off things etc...

23. Glass Masquerade 2 - Not sure if I like this as much as the first, the art while spectacular lacks the thematic consistency of that one.

24. South Park: The Fractured But Whole - I really like the fight system but it gets a bit easy once you crack it. The story also drags a bit towards the end.

25. Call of Duty Black Ops - Great game, memorable characters, Richard Nixon with twin Uzi's, all the standard tropes.

26. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Really need to play 1, playing then in reverse order definitely makes it harder to follow the story! The Brazilian favella was just as annoying as I remember it from 360 days!

27. Call of Duty Black Ops III - Weird, overly complicated, poorly telegraphed and terribly written. Blends multi and single to it's detriment. No surprise they didn't even bother with a story in IV, the whole story is best forgotten in a drawer somewhere.

28. Days Gone - Much, much better than the average reviews claim. The one piece of "bad writing" bandied arround is firmly tongue in cheek and taken completely out of context. Great characters and a really different focus, this is a human vs. human game, it just happens to contain zombies on the side. Frame rate is terrible on a slim though. Probably the biggest let down is the hordes, they are a chore at times. Takes way too long to prepare to take one on.

29. Lego DC Super Villains - It's a lego game with everything that entails. You do create your own voiceless super villian and play them in some levels making it a little different. Lots of extra DLC levels though most are super short, some even just a boss fight.

30. Mad Max - Started this bought Rage 2 and have barely played the later. Good fun, remarkable car physics, it's like a cat. It always lands on it's feet. Fun story and blow stuff up.

31. Rage 2- It's fine. Fun shooting and abilities. Boring and repetitive world and encounters. Built a world and filled it with Meh.

32. The Bridge - Hand drawn puzzle game that shifts perspective and gravity at the same time. Great art, sound and design and while only 24 puzzles, new concepts are introduced often and serious thought is required when it comes to the last two puzzles.

33. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Pew pew pew pew etc... Not sure why I played in the reverse order. It was creepy playing the Pripyat level right after watching Chernobyl on TV and having to defend the Ferris wheel.

34. Void Bastards - Super fun and really intelligently made rogue-like. There are always clues and cues about what's around the next corner allowing you to prepare and minimise risk. It still does go really bad real fast on occasion! You'll hear the Juve's "wooooo" in your sleep.

35. That Strange Realm of Mine - A unique mix of FPS, platformer, SHMUP and poetry slam set to the metaphysical crisis of a newly dead person. Who is God? Where is he/she? Is God even real? Who am I?

36. Crackdown 3 - Bang, crash, it's crackdown. I quite enjoyed it after leveling up a bit, pretty average at low levels. For half the price of a AAA game, it's a decent deal. $1 gampass redeemed!

37. Borderlands 2 + all DLC - Last time I played this was 2013 so I started again from scratch to do all the DLC. Still a bit grindy in places but good fun mostly. The DLC is pretty good in places, the Dungeons and Dragons inspired one is particularly good.

38. Epic Car Factory - Like it's namesake, promises much, delivers very little. Barely a game, almost a clicker. Make car, hire people, improve workers, research parts, tune parts, enter races and awards, rinse repeat forever. The whole game could probably be automated by one of the dunking birds from The Simpsons.

39. Jettomero - Help a misunderstood robot save humanity from itself in this gorgeous cell-shaded adventure. Mixes 3D space travel, stomping across planets, giant robot fights and solving shifting cyphers.

40. BOOR - Beautiful platformer where you make copies of yourself to solve puzzles and fool BOOR, the oppressive AI hunting you. Clever puzzles, challenging bosses and platforming make this a must play.

41. Book of Demons - I think I've played enough of this now. Great little rouge-like deck building ARPG. Beautiful art style but I think I've gone deep enough at this point. Be interesting to see what they come up with next seeing as they seem to have another 6 games planned.

42. IIN - Decent little puzzle platformer. Move the right cube to the right place using other cubes with various abilities to help you. Not that difficult, probably could have been more ambitious.

43. Doom - As much fun as the PS4 version but at 1440p 120fps+ ultra all round it's stunning. Hopefully they don't fuck up Eternal.

44. Perchang - Fantastic action puzzle game. Move the balls from start to finish using flippers, gravity flips, fans and more. Difficulty ramps up and it's gets challenging to get gold and access to the bonus level.

45. Darq - While not super challenging, this puzzle-platformer shows a masterful understanding of atmosphere and setting. Manipulate reality in the dream state to get the main character back to bed safely.

46. Middle Earth Shadow of War - No way was I doing the true ending and the dude DLC bored me. It definitely feels improved since release and the forced micro transaction edition. The Orcs have even more personality this time and are quite entertaining at times, though the Elf DLC goes a little too far into the absurd. My favourite Orc was one that questioned my motives when it came to killing every Orc I saw, maybe I was the problem he said not the orcs!

47. Far Cry New Dawn - Doesn't outstay it's welcome like most Far Cry games, the perfect length though the final boss was trash. Still didn't bother doing everything. Some great weapon and car design and I love the nostalgia from 5. Already have my money's worth from UPLAY+.

48. Fracter - Beautiful 3D puzzle game where you bring light to a shadowy maze. The later puzzles while appearing complex can be elegantly broken down. The controller scheme could use some work though.

49. Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Definietly got my monies worth out of Uplay+, did every single damn quest in the game! Thought about playing as the guy this time but his voice is completely ridiculous. The DLC is decent but not great.

50. Gears 5 - Runs like a dream, it almost looks too good at times. Better designed than Gears 4, that one did the Mass Effect 3 trick of recycling multiplayer areas into the single player campaign. Gamepass is great if your only interest is the campaign.

51. Inked - Fantastic isometric line drawn puzzle game about the author recessing into a fantasy art world to cope with the loss of his wife. Build various blocks to overcome obstacles and sometimes the controls!

52. Control - Beautiful game with unique mechanics, design and levels. The story is completely confounding at times and unless you scour every collectable it just blends into sillyness.

53. Moons of Madness - Combines classic Cthulhu lore and modern Sci-fi horror like Event Horizon into a fine adventure game. Great set pieces and design coupled with an interesting story make this a must play.

54. The Outer Worlds - It's fine but lacks the storytelling moments of a Mass Effect and the exploration of fallout/ES. I don't imagine I'll remember much about it tomorrow.

55. Jedi: Fallen Order - A little unpolished in places and the combat isn't as sharp as souls games but the feel of being a Jedi is unmatched. Though why every planet has naturally occurring slippery dips is strange. Way to overuse a mechanic.

56. Destiny 2 Story - Finally finished all the story packs. My quest log is now packed full of weird exotic quests and pointless busy work. Looks amazing and it's always easy to find something to do but the grind!!

57. Sea of Solitude - Got to get my months worth of Origin Premier. In some ways a companion piece to Gris but in this case it's the main character that can't recognise the loneliness of all those around her. Looks beautiful with a small number of puzzles but this is mainly a story experience.

58. Naboki - Another minimalist puzzle game from the creator of games like Hook and Klocki. Think Pick-up-sticks in 3D, separate and remove blocks from the play field with familiar mechanics added as you go.

59. Unravel 1 - Beautiful little puzzle platformer with an interesting story. Probably the only criticism is that it's just the same few mechanics over and over and over.

60. Jim is Moving Out - Play as the floating head of Jim who crashes into the walls of his flat, creating enough momentum to move his entire room at once. Cross various obstacles while trying to not destroy your furniture!

61. Unravel 2 - Changes the game completely by adding a 2nd character that can be played in coop or both at the same time. The environments are ramped up from 1 but again you use the same one or two mechanics over and over.

62. Seen - While still in early access, this is a promising combination of traditional lane runner and puzzle platformer. Interesting mechanics and story make this one to keep an eye on as it develops.

63. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - More Lara, more tombs, more collectables.

64. Typoman - Puzzle platformer where you solve anagrams to manipulate the world. Spell R A I S E to raise a platform, defeat evil with nice words... Could have been a little longer as the concept is fantastic.

65. Runner 3 - Fun enough, after the story was done I wasn't even remotely tempted to go back to improve my times or try the side levels or quests.

66. My Name is Pedro - Much more of a slow motion strategy game than the fast twitch game it's portrayed as. Played it on gamepass and then won a steam copy after the game awards!
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Junior Member
Oct 6, 2018
(1/13) Beat both Nier and Yakuza. Incredible games, both of them (Nier had more interesting things to say but Yakuza was rock-solid and had a really exciting finale). I also played Life is Strange 2 Episode 1 on Game Pass, which I enjoyed, except

the character of Brody, who was a white savior, too convenient, or a pedophile.

Now I'm just biding my time, trying to play short things before Kingdom Hearts...

- - -

Current goal: Yakuza 0 and Nier: A finished by the end of January 13, 2019. (That's the day I go back to work.) Then I want to really focus on the games I buy rather than hopping from game to game. First up is Kingdom Hearts III, which like Yakuza is a story about guys being pals. I love stories about guys being pals.
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Junior Member
Dec 31, 2018
I'll set a goal of 20, because 52 is way too much videogaming. 2018 was a heavy gaming year for me and I still only hit about 36 games. I expect to play less this year, so 20 seems a decent threshold.


1. Mark of the Ninja: Remastered
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almost there
Sep 7, 2018
No way I'll finish 52 games this year but I keep forgetting what I played.
And it could help me become motivated.

1. Battlefield Bad Company 2
2. Adr1ft
3. Capsized - uninstalled after trying
4. Cursed Castilla - uninstalled after trying
5. Braid - uninstalled after trying
6. Battleblock Theater - played an hour
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Pricky Ricky Dicky Bob
Sep 6, 2018
Aw hell. I might as well claim this one. I'll probably forget about it, maybe.

So far

  1. Gears of War Ultimate Edition: I didn't really like the additions, that I guess were from the original PC release? Killed the pacing I felt, made the end of the game drag. Mainly played this for a story refresher for Gears 4.
  2. Gears of War 2:
  3. Gears of War 3
  4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Finishing Grand Prix, Credits Rolled. It counts!)
  5. Super Smash Bros Ultimate (World of Light Cleared, all fighters unlocked): Great game, tons of content.
  6. Doki Doki Literature Club: Probably should have played this forever ago, it was amazing.
  7. Gears of War 4: Outside of Judgement, which I couldn't finish because I found it terrible, this is one boring ass video game with a terrible ending and a disappointing overall story. I really hope Gears 5 is better.
  8. Halo Reach: Mainly a Chronological run for a story refresher for Halo 4 and 5. Not doing the Halo Wars games in order with this, although I do plan to play them.
  9. Halo CE Anniversary: Still a great game, just looks better.
  10. Halo 2 Anniversary: Those new cutscenes are nuts.
  11. Onimusha Warlords: First time playing this, was freaking amazing.
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Guilty of Being

Dec 5, 2018
I decided to play some of my shortest games to beat... Stickman Wars... I have no idea what I did or what was going on. I have no idea how I got all 33 Achievements. I feel cheap. Wait, I'm fine with feeling cheap. What a pile of garbage. Me? Yeah! No, the game is garbage! Wait, I just opened a Russian, meme, clicky Achievement game. I hate myself. Garbage! (I am!) How does this have a Very Positive rating?
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Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018

Fight'n Rage is the first game I finished in 2019.

Started: 01/01/2019
Finished: 01/05/2019
Total Playtime: 1.7h

It heavily inspired by Streets of Rage and features initially 3 characters just like SoR. The plot revolves around a war between humans and mutants and you're going to end this conflict! It's very generic but I don't know anyone who plays beat'em ups for the story. The gameplay is very fluid, and uses a 3 button layout with them being attack, jump and special attack and in this is where the game really shines. There seems to be different kind of attacks combinations that can make you extend a combo for a ridiculous amount of hits.

It also has different endings for each character and different paths to choose in some levels. I plan to play more of it in the future.
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Rockin' Ranger

Rangers With Candy
Nov 7, 2018
Games Completed:
  1. Bury me, my Love (Android) - ★★★★★
  2. PUZZLE: CATS & DOGS (Steam) - ★☆☆☆☆
  3. Deep Space Waifu: FANTASY (Steam) - ★★☆☆☆
  4. Florence (Android) - ★★☆☆☆
  5. You Must Build A Boat (Steam) - ★★★☆☆
  6. The Quiet Man (Steam) - ★★★☆☆
  7. Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  8. The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  9. PacaPlus (Steam) - ★★☆☆☆
  10. Syberia II (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  11. What Never Was (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  12. Wet (PlayStation 3) - ★★★☆☆
  13. Return of the Obra Dinn (Steam) - ★★★★★
  14. Battlefield V (Origin) - ★★★☆☆
  15. Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  16. The Walking Dead: The Final Season (Steam) - ★★★☆☆
  17. Grim Dawn: Forgotten Gods (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  18. Gizmo (Steam) - ★★★☆☆
  19. Whispers of a Machine (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  20. A Bewitching Revolution (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  21. ELEX (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  22. SEPTEMBER 1999 (Steam) - ★★★☆☆
  23. Rehtona (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  24. Chrono Trigger (Steam) - ★★★★★
  25. Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror (Steam) - ★★☆☆☆
  26. Bright Memory (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  27. The Blackwell Legacy (Steam) - ★★★☆☆
  28. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - The Nightmare (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  29. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - The Pillar (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  30. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - The Price of Survival (Steam) - ★★★☆☆
  31. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - The Grand Caiman (Steam) - ★★★☆☆
  32. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - The Forge (Steam) - ★★★☆☆
  33. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - The Serpent's Heart (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  34. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - The Path Home (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  35. Prey 2017 (Steam) - ★★★★★
  36. missed messages. (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  37. Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden (PC) - ★★★☆☆
  38. Final Fantasy XV (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  39. Glass Masquerade - Heritages (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  40. Star Wars Battlefront II (Origin) - ★★☆☆☆
  41. A Plague Tale: Innocence (Origin) - ★★★★☆
  42. Sea of Solitude (Origin) - ★★★☆☆
  43. Rakuen (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  44. Remnant: From the Ashes (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  45. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  46. The Hex (Steam) - ★★★☆☆
  47. Gravitas (Steam) - ★★★☆☆
  48. Blackberry Honey (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  49. The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  50. Analogue: A Hate Story (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  51. Yoku's Island Express (Steam) - ★★★☆☆
  52. Brilliant Shadows (Steam) - ★★★☆☆
  53. Gears 5 (Windows Store) - ★★★★☆
  54. Later Alligator (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  55. For The King (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  56. The Language of Love (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  57. Rainswept (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  58. AI: The Somnium Files (Steam) - ★★★★★
  59. The Room Two (Steam) - ★★★☆☆
  60. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Varnhold's Lot (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  61. Sweetest Monster (Steam) - ★★★☆☆
  62. Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  63. SoulSet (Steam) - ★★★☆☆
  64. Isotiles (Steam) - ★★★☆☆
  65. Songbird Symphony (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  66. Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions - Temptations Puzzle Pack (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  67. Life is Strange 2 (Steam) - ★★★☆☆
  68. Disco Elysium (Steam) - ★★★★★
  69. Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  70. Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star (Steam) - ★★★★☆
  71. Blair Witch (Windows Store) - ★☆☆☆☆
  72. Deep Space Waifu: Nekomimi (Steam) - ★★☆☆☆
  73. Soul Gambler (Steam) - ★★★☆☆
  74. Resident Evil 2 (Steam) - ★★★★★
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Rockin' Ranger

Rangers With Candy
Nov 7, 2018
Alright, now that I won't merge with my reserved post:

Only game I've beat so far is Bury me, my Love which I finished on the first. It took a few days with the game giving you a chance to make choices every few hours. Otherwise I've mostly been playing Dragon Quest XI and jumping between a few puzzle games. Intending to get to one or two 2018 games before GOTY voting but I'll see how that goes.

I managed to finish 62 games in 2018 after 69 in 2017 so I'm hoping I'll get through around 60 again this year.

Oh, I guess I did sort of finish something else with completing all the bonus levels and the achievements for them in Picrastination but I'm not going to count that as 2018 game.
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Ex-User (307)

Dec 11, 2018
If I revisit Superflight and snag more Achievements, does it count for 2019? 🤔
It always depends on what your purpose counting is.

I do things like this for backlog clearing. So I don't count replays, unless a replay is specifically part of my backlog for a weird reason (e.g., I've been planning to get a platinum trophy and need a third playthrough played in a specific way to get it).

But if you're just counting to accumulate numbers, who cares!
Post automatically merged:

Games Completed:
1. Bury me, my Love (Android) - ★★★★★
So this is really as good as people said?
Buy new games.

Play no games.
I prefer the other old classic:

Buy new games

Play same old games.
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Reactions: lashman


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
So this is really as good as people said?
It's kind of an amazing experience for being a visual novel in essence told through text messages. The hook is the "real time" factor which means you're forced to stew on your decisions and hope that when you get a new message it's a positive one. It does a great job of making you anxious waiting for a text like you do in real life waiting to hear if results are good or bad from a friend or loved one.

Rockin' Ranger

Rangers With Candy
Nov 7, 2018
So this is really as good as people said?
Oh yeah, absolutely. It's a fantastic game, with a story that manages to be a mixture of scary, funny, worrisome and hopeful. I also agree with what was mentioned by Wibblewozzer it works really well on mobile where you're waiting responses while going about your day as the character in the game would be.

PUZZLE: CATS & DOGS is my second game this year. It's about as good as you'd expect but some of the cats and dogs were cute.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Playing in 2019:
While True; Learn()
(Many, many other games installed but in stasis for the moment)

Completed in 2019:
Free Road - Delightfully simple and cheap puzzle game. No anime.
Divinity II: Dragon Knight Saga Developer's Cut: Ego Draconis - Ego Draconis Done, Flames Of Vengeance started as they run the cutscenes straight through in this version. Lots of exploring, quests and loot. Looked nice for an old engine, played well and i'm happy to continue onto Part Two.
Hypnospace Outlaw: Nostalgic P&C styled adventure into 90s webspaces with an interesting emergent narrative. Community Tools available for the clever/creative peeps out there.
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Sep 20, 2018
I am gonna do this, but where X is a negative integer. I'm thinking of starting a severe alcoholism habit, and forget key parts of my live, including games I played over the last year.

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018

La Rana is the second game I've finished in 2019.

Started: 01/09/2019
Finished: 01/09/2019
Total Playtime: 23 minutes

La Rana is a short game made by students telling the story of two deities and the quest of this cute little frog to make rain again. The puzzles were pretty simple and very straight forward, though I won't expect anything very intricate from students who are most likely doing their first project.
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Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018

Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas is the third game I've finished in 2019

Started: 01/01/2019
Finished: 01/11/2019
Total Playtime: 11:46:44

As I already said in my previous post about this game it's a Zelda clone launched first on mobile and later for PC and consoles. It kind of looks dated, the controls are clunky, I didn't like some design decisions (I can only roll and jump small gaps if my boot is equipped, seriously?) but I can't say I had a negative experience with this game.

All the dungeons were pretty short and very much straight forward and sailing between the islands is an automated process, you just choose your destination and shoot whatever is in your way to reach it safely.

The ending fight was very strange as I defeated the boss accidentally.
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