Community MetaSteam | September 2023 - The galaxy awaits

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Nov 4, 2018
A lot of that is the result of strategies that were set before his time. It takes years for some of these decisions to play out unless someone comes out with a xbox one level disaster then that can torpedo things overnight. Things like the price raises are temporary annoyances in the grand scheme of things sure, but the repeated hits to their reputation is a death by 1000 cuts situation that will play out over time. They're already being seen as increasingly arrogant and people are getting increasingly frustrated with their lack of game reveals/updates and overall lack of communication and insanely bad customer service.
I think that all of these frustrations are exclusively an internet thing that only matters to a handful of diehards who will complain but will still be first in line to buy everything anyway. I haven't seen any indication that there is a broader dissatisfaction with Sony's strategy.
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Dec 21, 2018
Yeah I have zero doubts that Jim Ryan will be remembered as a pillar of Playstation internally, none of the forays into GaaS, or "arrogant Sony" will ever matter when the consoles sell well, and the games make bank, especially with everything being up in price, that's not a bug, that's the most coveted figure of any company.

Are players getting the thousand cuts tratment?
Of course.
That only means record profits, because like Apple and so many others companies, the customers are here until they die.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Damn, Ghostrunner is hard as fuck. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong with the time thingy but boy, I’m shot left right and center.
I’m record breaking deaths per level by hundreds.

Kinda hate playing it because of the difficulty and as the narrative is shit but the characters can’t shut their fucking trap.


Jun 9, 2019
Yeah you can't say that Playstation is a juggernaut and then pretend it was all luck and Jim Ryan had nothing to do with it. People have this impression that CEOs just sit around and do nothing but they are the ones who are making all the big decisions. Ultimately, the buck stops with them. Anything that you think Sony has done right in the last 10 years (and they've definitely done something right to be outselling Xbox by 2:1) can be attributed to the overall decision making and choices of Jim Ryan. When gamers say that Sony is making 'anti-consumer' moves like raising the price of games to $70 or raising the price of PSN, all that demonstrates is that gamers don't understand the meaning of words. To think their new focus on GAAS games is a bad idea is ridiculous. It is a survival strategy in an age when game dev costs are already out of control. That's also the reason their games are coming to PC now. So if one thinks it's a good thing that they are putting their games on PC but it's a bad thing that they're looking at GAAS then they don't understand both are happening for the exact same reason.


Sep 11, 2018
It's not like Ryan's promotion to CEO came from the left field either. Dude's been at Playstation literally from the start, just not in the public eye because you don't typically get any heads of the European branches on stage at E3 or whatever.

Like he isn't failing upwards like Phil Harrison, John Riccitiello or I don't know, Don Mattrick.
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Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
High prices for low income countries soon? Not sure if this is a good thing or not
Yeah, this feels like legislation/the courts are only doing half a job here.

When you do something like this, you need to look at the consequences too, and without any sort of price controls on goods then what will happen is the companies will be made to choose between pricing games for the poorer countries, or pricing games for the wealthier countries. And we all know how that pans out.


Sep 19, 2020
That game looked like it was going to be DOA anyway.
Chasing the live service bandwagon is such a massive risk. There can only be a few genre kings (i.e. Fortnite, CSGO, Apex) and everyone else fights for scraps.

Additionally, CA ruined most of the goodwill with the Total War community by letting Warhammer 3 fester with bugs while increasing prices on DLC and focusing on Hyenas.


Nov 2, 2018
Chasing the live service bandwagon is such a massive risk. There can only be a few genre kings (i.e. Fortnite, CSGO, Apex) and everyone else fights for scraps.

Additionally, CA ruined most of the goodwill with the Total War community by letting Warhammer 3 fester with bugs while increasing prices on DLC and focusing on Hyenas.
Yep, and from other SEGA of Europe studios, there's also Company of Heroes 3 and Humankind having mixed reviews from the players.


Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
GaaS is massively risky, and if you try to play it safe (aka like HYENAS) then by time you release your game, the thing you were copying is either dead itself or so entrenched that either way you look at it, your game is gonna fail.

Live service games are high risk and high reward, but you actually have to make something interesting and original to even have a hope of raking in billions.

I can really only think of a few instances where someone completely ripped something else off and cashed in bigger. Fortnite is the main one that springs to mind, but even then Epic did it in a way that made BR games more appealing to kids.


May 4, 2019
Good news about Jim Ryan stepping down next year.

Can't think of a more boring and stale gaming company than Sony these days. They need to change up a lot of things.


Coffee Lover ♥☕
Feb 29, 2020
I thought the VN fest was slightly mishandled, but the shmup fest is far more dire. I want Valve to continue to hold these fests, but for these more niche genres, I think it is important to take more care with what you showcase and really get to the heart about what the genre is about (of course you can still absolutely feature some hybrid games or really off the wall games within the genre).

Hearing some games that are obviously shmups were rejected for this sales event makes me wonder if that is why I mysteriously saw a bunch of shmups on sale last week as opposed to this week.


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
I thought the VN fest was slightly mishandled, but the shmup fest is far more dire. I want Valve to continue to hold these fests, but for these more niche genres, I think it is important to take more care with what you showcase and really get to the heart about what the genre is about (of course you can still absolutely feature some hybrid games or really off the wall games within the genre).

Hearing some games that are obviously shmups were rejected for this sales event makes me wonder if that is why I mysteriously saw a bunch of shmups on sale last week as opposed to this week.

I'm guessing when it comes to more niche genres they don't have some one there that is an "expert". We already know that they have a pretty hardcore FGC staff members at Valve.
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
Some day I will finish this game... once all the DLC is out, most likely.

I started as an Azata bard but felt like I didn't fit with the story very well, so I restarted as an angel Oracle... I had almost caught up to where I was, but then got distracted by another game and never came back to it.
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Plays too many card games
Nov 18, 2018
Some day I will finish this game... once all the DLC is out, most likely.

I started as an Azata bard but felt like I didn't fit with the story very well, so I restarted as an angel Oracle... I had almost caught up to where I was, but then got distracted by another game and never came back to it.
Angel Oracle ended up being the class combo I used on my playthough. I didn't have any of the DLC, but it was a good time anyhow. Some very janky stuff in there, but you know if you've played these games before the quests are jank sometimes.

And finding the true ending is complete horseshit which I recommend a guide for. Seriously impossible to me that anyone ever found that without datamining or something.

Still a really fun experience.
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May 4, 2019
They make a ton of money with Fortnite and UE...but can't pay their employees?

Come on Tim that is pathetic.

If their revenue falls off into the toilet it wouldn't surprise me if they do some Unity bs with the installation fees. And they'll get away with it since Unity took so much of the heat for that bs. It will be like Sony charging people for online in 2013 and nobody cared because a few days before Xbox sucked up all the bad press.


Jan 7, 2020
I'm guessing when it comes to more niche genres they don't have some one there that is an "expert". We already know that they have a pretty hardcore FGC staff members at Valve.
You don't really need experts for basic genre curation though, not to mention that there were plenty of similar issues with last year's (or 2021's (or both)) Halloween sale where it's less about genres and more about spookiness or whatever.


Oct 6, 2018
Well if anyone somehow needed proof that their announcement from a couple months ago that they're not buying up games anymore and you can instead rely on a certain number sold was anything less than them admitting failure and they needed to scale back you go.


Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
People put too much stock on these CEO's like Jim Ryan thinking they make all these decisions in a vacuum, away from the board of directors and without input from other company heads. Fact is, Jim Ryan is leaving Sony on a high. It's the most profitable it's been in decades, sales are strong, expansion is good, and Playstation remains a household name.

Now personal opinion, the guy is a doofus yeah. But you won't see me throwing dirt on his name over his business acumen. I personally think Sony started going downhill before his time anyway. Dollars/Profit aside, I hate that they've moved HQ to America and shuttered most JP efforts. When they focused on the west is when they lost me for good.


Dec 20, 2018
What about Project Liberty?

  • We've been taking steps to reduce our legal expenses, but are continuing the fight against Apple and Google distribution monopolies and taxes, so the metaverse can thrive and bring opportunity to Epic and all other developers.
You should just quit if you don't have money for A game.
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I didn't delete that post!. Get my post back!.
Oct 8, 2021
yep expected.
And soon Microsoft will fire a lot of people after ZeniMax acquisition.
That's what happen when you buy IPs (saying you buy studios) just to avoid they release games to other platforms.
Making games costs money. If you don't plan to use those IPs labour force costs is the easiest to axe (for executives and investors).
Really amaze me how a mega-big company like Epic cannot foresees the amount of money costs to maintain servers, forums, games, features for a decent Store. I bet they are so negligent that they think that all this is free for Valve.
The hell even a company like Amazon (who offers AWS services) axed unlimited cloud data -for global people- cause costs (I lost some Teras when they made that decision.)
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