Huh. Getting the -oculi was always one of my priorities whenever I found one (of course I also sometimes just marked them and left them alone for some time, but never too long), mainly because the extra stamina you get when leveling the statues is too good to miss out on and it was just very enjoyable.Does it just fall apart in my hand after use? Luckily I marked the ones I passed by on the map because I didn't feel like grabbing them at that moment. Will have to swing by and grab 99 I left on the map?
Nah, I have no intention to use a map for that. Exploring is the thing I enjoy the most in this game and depriving myself or that by just working through a checklist seems counterproductiveYou guys should use the Interactive Map to grab all the oculis, trying to do by memory is a pain, and wandering aimless to try and find then is a chore.
I still have the wolf up if you're up for it tomorrow and still need it.Anyone still has wolf in NA? I already did mine so I can't complete the weekly for the BP.
Yes! Thank you very much!I still have the wolf up if you're up for it tomorrow and still need it.
Tierlists in this game are a bit weird. I kinda stopped paying attention once I had my "base team" assembled - mainly because I can't really afford to raise others, lol (but that's getting better). Was interesting to see how Bennet was basically considered to be one of the worst chars at the beginning and now he's a god-tier support for pyro teams.Looking at lists and stuff, it's pretty sad that they don't explain their choices (or the gigantic differences that constellation make).
Especially when you consider all the deeper aspects of content and not just a nebulous letter ranking for "dungeons" or "spiral abyss".
I find some of them to just be plain wrong in situations where it matters, like Venti.
Is he useful to pack mobs in faceroll content? Sure. Is he good against the mountain of actually difficult ennemies that are immune to his tornado? No. Does it instead block your view of lethal attacks? Yes. Is he outclassed by Fischl with constellations even if your Venti has some of its own? Yes. Is the anemo debuff that can transform into other types of debuffs useful? Yes. Is it better to take absolutely anyone that does the same thing without costing $4000? Of course.
Despite his higher 5* stats, Venti is just plain shit all around. There are far superior bow users in harder content, and Tartaglia is the obvious comparison now. He is not one dimensional and actually has a useful element to make use of his stats.
That's not unlike healers, where, yes, Benett offers a good amount of support; but doing so purely through AoE means that anything with fatui anemoboxers will obliterate your team in counterattacks, unlike Barbara and Qiqi.
People really go for the bigger picture than more specific situations (obviously understandable with limited ressources and a release less than a month ago), but those lists are a huge detriment to a new player that may want to follow their advice and invest a ton of ressources into characters that don't work everywhere.
When there are some that totally do, like Diluc.
Yeah, it's been bugging me since launch, but I've come to deal with it. Lots of people have sent Mihoyo the reports, but still no fix.Any way to make it start with controller setting on PC? Have to always start with mkb, go to options and change it every time.
Quick google search leads me to believe it might be a bug based on people having more than one such device connected (I have 3). Hope they fix it soon.
Looking forward to finally getting some decent artefacts for my other characters.
I don't have a Venti, but I have a high-level C2 Sucrose that I keep in my primary team most of the time. I agree with you that the game in general is a lot more situational than one might think, and I feel like Anemo support is perhaps even more situational than average. There are specific encounters where it basically does nothing, but there's also quite a large amount of (also difficult in its own way) content that I absolutely roflstomp by placing all the DoT elements and then swirling it up with Sucrose Q-E-E (which also almost entirely refills the Q).Looking at lists and stuff, it's pretty sad that they don't explain their choices (or the gigantic differences that constellation make).
Especially when you consider all the deeper aspects of content and not just a nebulous letter ranking for "dungeons" or "spiral abyss".
I find some of them to just be plain wrong in situations where it matters, like Venti.
Is he useful to pack mobs in faceroll content? Sure. Is he good against the mountain of actually difficult ennemies that are immune to his tornado? No. Does it instead block your view of lethal attacks? Yes. Is he outclassed by Fischl with constellations even if your Venti has some of its own? Yes. Is the anemo debuff that can transform into other types of debuffs useful? Yes. Is it better to take absolutely anyone that does the same thing without costing $4000? Of course.
Despite his higher 5* stats, Venti is just plain shit all around. There are far superior bow users in harder content, and Tartaglia is the obvious comparison now. He is not one dimensional and actually has a useful element to make use of his stats.
That's not unlike healers, where, yes, Benett offers a good amount of support; but doing so purely through AoE means that anything with fatui anemoboxers will obliterate your team in counterattacks, unlike Barbara and Qiqi.
People really go for the bigger picture than more specific situations (obviously understandable with limited ressources and a release less than a month ago), but those lists are a huge detriment to a new player that may want to follow their advice and invest a ton of ressources into characters that don't work everywhere.
When there are some that totally do, like Diluc.
Yes, it's interesting to discover how little interactions work between characters that might not seem that useful (Benett being the poster child of the much maligned fire dude that is actually extremely strong in the right hands - but not by autoattacking....).You get a ton of shards from the new part of the event. (And there are still some fragments around you can simply pick up)
Also I agree with the posts above, the current event is really fun. And you can tell that whoever wrote the English dialogue for Fischl was having a blast.
I don't have a Venti, but I have a high-level C2 Sucrose that I keep in my primary team most of the time. I agree with you that the game in general is a lot more situational than one might think, and I feel like Anemo support is perhaps even more situational than average. There are specific encounters where it basically does nothing, but there's also quite a large amount of (also difficult in its own way) content that I absolutely roflstomp by placing all the DoT elements and then swirling it up with Sucrose Q-E-E (which also almost entirely refills the Q).
My current main DPS is Xiangling, with the Crescent Pike ATK-focused build. I'm very happy with that for almost all the battles... except when fighting against geo-shielded enemies, which are basically impossible. I've leveled Razor a bit for when I really have to do those.
Anyway, the fact that the elements and various skill synergies aren't just for show and that the theorycrafting is meaningful and not easily generalized is one of the things I like about the game.
How did you get so many of the event currency? I think I was able to only grab around 30-40 books.I've just bought 150 purple exp books from the event shop![]()
you could get a good amount of shards from the first 2 days of the event, and the new activities that you need to use resin gives you 35 to 45 from each round, I got the 150 red books and the 150 purple books already, and I only did 15 rounds so far, I will spend the rest on mora, you can get 2.5m from the event shop.How did you get so many of the event currency? I think I was able to only grab around 30-40 books.
Also the second currency (the one you buy the books and the crown) with aren't available yet right?
I just spend some to get a little ahead in case anything happens, I'm hoarding my fragile resin since the game launched and I don't know to what purpose, I have more than 35 of the thing.Note that you probably shouldn't spend too much fragile resin on the current part of the event -- as far as I can tell you can probably buy out everything worthwhile in the event store just by using your normal stamina on it.
Chinese is also the only that sync perfectly with the characters' lips. In other languages, they'd stopped talking even though they still have some lines to say. It's probably because they speak rather quickly and briefly in Chinese.I've switched to the Chinese dub today to give it a try. I'll probably stick to it for a while at least, so far everyone has sounded very good.
I actually might prefer Paimon's chinese VO over japanese and english.
Get a crescent Pike if you don't already have one. It's silly efficient on her. (It's still good at the highest levels, but it's relatively even better if you don't have tons of resources invested in her)Learnings: I should gear Xiangling into a proper carry
Yeah I have the Crescent Pike on her. It is indeed great.Get a crescent Pike if you don't already have one. It's silly efficient on her. (It's still good at the highest levels, but it's relatively even better if you don't have tons of resources invested in her)
I know that pain. I have a crit chance gladiator helmet but all it's substats are def and hpThat's better than I've rolled on any of my ~ 10 5 star artifacts so far. I usually get the HP% and flat HP double whammy.