|OT| Genshin Impact - Breath of the Elements


More Yellow 🤷‍♂️
Dec 31, 2018
Anyone still has wolf in NA? I already did mine so I can't complete the weekly for the BP.


Dec 21, 2018
Haven't done much content yet.
New "weeklies" are ok, decent base for content with a good chunk of gold, but again limited by time (though not resin at least).

What I like the best is the QOL issues addressed, the new crafting UI is far better, the camera options not freaking out, my keyboard being finally recognized correctly... and all of the archive keeping track and making the massive amount of lore available easily.
Why barely any game offer such a thing is hard to understand, it's the archetype of the achievement tab but with more flavor and actually practical. Players love to fill this shit! Not gonna name a game that had in beta but removed it before release, hm hm.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Does it just fall apart in my hand after use? Luckily I marked the ones I passed by on the map because I didn't feel like grabbing them at that moment. Will have to swing by and grab those..um 99 I left on the map?
Huh. Getting the -oculi was always one of my priorities whenever I found one (of course I also sometimes just marked them and left them alone for some time, but never too long), mainly because the extra stamina you get when leveling the statues is too good to miss out on and it was just very enjoyable.

So it's current restrictions don't really affect my playstyle much. It actually pushes me to try and find even more on my own to save some mats (and combined with the exploration percentage of various map sections it feels like there are a few more hints on where you could look instead of being completely clueless) :p

Knowing Mihoyo if it were permanent you'd probably be able to use it once a day at most and/or have to spend Resin :p

Finished the new main story stuff.

So here are my preliminary thoughts on the patch:
  • main story was pretty alright, cutscenes and new boss were hype (I'm pretty sure the boss is busted though, because it's hard as hell. "80/70/60/60 team barely managed with 3 dead"-hard. Meanwhile the recommended party level was 35 (yeah, sure :p) and the repeatable weekly version at AR 40 was actually easier, lmao).
  • new world quests! haven't done those yet though, but new side quests are always appreciated
  • condensed resin is very handy - it's not as great as a "save it for later" mechanism, but "looting" AR 40 domains/leylines twice in one run is certainly appreciated, they can be very annoying and aren't exactly mechanically interesting
  • reputation system is a great framework for some extra stuff to do, the new QoL stuff behind it will be very nice. Though we'll see how limiting bounties/requests to 3 each per week will shake out. But the exploration% per area alone is already an incentive for more exploration for me.
  • talking about QoL, the archive is great. Finally I can properly read the books. And the geography section you fill by visiting landmarks will get some more exploration out of the world as well.
  • finally I can feed all my fodder artefacts
  • better enemy tracking via the Adventure Book is nice too

overall pretty happy with it so far.


More Yellow 🤷‍♂️
Dec 31, 2018
You guys should use the Interactive Map to grab all the oculis, trying to do by memory is a pain, and wandering aimless to try and find then is a chore.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
You guys should use the Interactive Map to grab all the oculis, trying to do by memory is a pain, and wandering aimless to try and find then is a chore.
Nah, I have no intention to use a map for that. Exploring is the thing I enjoy the most in this game and depriving myself or that by just working through a checklist seems counterproductive :p
I mark them when they show up on the map, grab them eventually and for the last couple ones (that are annoying) we now have the resonance thingies.
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Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
I've been holding on the main story quest to anticipate the Liyue chapter's closure in this update. I got boosted by 2 AR levels just from doing the first 2 acts lol. I also just did Klee's quest which was funny, and I still have Jean, Venti, Mona, and Childe quests to do. With all the new quests in front of me, I'll easily hit AR45 this week. But I dunno, I need to build my characters first, or else I'll hit a difficulty spike when my WL increased.


Dec 21, 2018
Got Tartaglia while fishing for Ningguang constellations.
Well, I guess he was my second choice out of the current 5*, plus hydro bow/melee is perfect for Spiral Abyss and taking down ruin guards.

But also, looking at my wishlist, I only really want Qiqi and mayyyybe Keqing (though that would be my fifth electro char, so...) for my team, I don't really care about any other 5*, including Zhongli, Xiao and Ganyu... guess once this banner's done, I'll wait for something else. Maybe Ayaka.

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
A free Fischl could be really nice, mine is C1 and the C2 ability sounds useful.


Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
Event is up in Asia, later today in EU and NA. Lots and lots of free stuff to earn. :evilblob:

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Dec 21, 2018
Looking at lists and stuff, it's pretty sad that they don't explain their choices (or the gigantic differences that constellation make).
Especially when you consider all the deeper aspects of content and not just a nebulous letter ranking for "dungeons" or "spiral abyss".

I find some of them to just be plain wrong in situations where it matters, like Venti.
Is he useful to pack mobs in faceroll content? Sure. Is he good against the mountain of actually difficult ennemies that are immune to his tornado? No. Does it instead block your view of lethal attacks? Yes. Is he outclassed by Fischl with constellations even if your Venti has some of its own? Yes. Is the anemo debuff that can transform into other types of debuffs useful? Yes. Is it better to take absolutely anyone that does the same thing without costing $4000? Of course.
Despite his higher 5* stats, Venti is just plain shit all around. There are far superior bow users in harder content, and Tartaglia is the obvious comparison now. He is not one dimensional and actually has a useful element to make use of his stats.

That's not unlike healers, where, yes, Benett offers a good amount of support; but doing so purely through AoE means that anything with fatui anemoboxers will obliterate your team in counterattacks, unlike Barbara and Qiqi.
People really go for the bigger picture than more specific situations (obviously understandable with limited ressources and a release less than a month ago), but those lists are a huge detriment to a new player that may want to follow their advice and invest a ton of ressources into characters that don't work everywhere.
When there are some that totally do, like Diluc.


Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
So this new event is great, it's a proper event unlike the previous ones. There's a story behind it with Fischl as the protagonist, lots of voiced cutscenes too. [UWSL]Anyway, the tasks are fun. It encourages you to explore for non-resin rewards. I've amassed 150 crystals in a couple of hour, and I can buy lots of stuff with it. A hero's wit and 10k mora is 4 crystals each.[/UWSL]
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Dec 21, 2018
Yeah the event is actually extremely good, Fischl is a lot of fun. Plus the cut scenes looks really cool for a what is effectively the simplest form of content added.
The shop is fairly generous, and you even get a good amount of gems between that and the web event (which is terrible when it runs, and that's not even a guarantee).

If that becomes the baseline between chunkier updates every six weeks, they really nailed the GaaS aspect. It feels a lot more rewarding and it even pushes for exploration, the strongest point in the game.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Yeah, this event is very good. Feels like it's the first "proper" event the game has had, with Crucible the only other one that kinda felt like it was something.
It has a story with cutscenes, some gameplay and actually good rewards - all those Exp books will be mine! And C1 Fischl :blobeyes:

Looking at lists and stuff, it's pretty sad that they don't explain their choices (or the gigantic differences that constellation make).
Especially when you consider all the deeper aspects of content and not just a nebulous letter ranking for "dungeons" or "spiral abyss".

I find some of them to just be plain wrong in situations where it matters, like Venti.
Is he useful to pack mobs in faceroll content? Sure. Is he good against the mountain of actually difficult ennemies that are immune to his tornado? No. Does it instead block your view of lethal attacks? Yes. Is he outclassed by Fischl with constellations even if your Venti has some of its own? Yes. Is the anemo debuff that can transform into other types of debuffs useful? Yes. Is it better to take absolutely anyone that does the same thing without costing $4000? Of course.
Despite his higher 5* stats, Venti is just plain shit all around. There are far superior bow users in harder content, and Tartaglia is the obvious comparison now. He is not one dimensional and actually has a useful element to make use of his stats.

That's not unlike healers, where, yes, Benett offers a good amount of support; but doing so purely through AoE means that anything with fatui anemoboxers will obliterate your team in counterattacks, unlike Barbara and Qiqi.
People really go for the bigger picture than more specific situations (obviously understandable with limited ressources and a release less than a month ago), but those lists are a huge detriment to a new player that may want to follow their advice and invest a ton of ressources into characters that don't work everywhere.
When there are some that totally do, like Diluc.
Tierlists in this game are a bit weird. I kinda stopped paying attention once I had my "base team" assembled - mainly because I can't really afford to raise others, lol (but that's getting better). Was interesting to see how Bennet was basically considered to be one of the worst chars at the beginning and now he's a god-tier support for pyro teams.

I agree that you should look for a main carry that works pretty much everywhere, for me that's Razor.
And then in general I think it's more important to have a basic understand on how elemental reactions work and teambuilding. Then you can do whatever. To me it looks like every character can be very good with the right team and enough resources put into it (though "enough resources" is kinda the hard part).
The way the bosses are set up even "bad" chars can get their time to shine. Like Amber isn't really that great in general, but she's extremely useful for the electro cube's final phase for example.


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Any way to make it start with controller setting on PC? Have to always start with mkb, go to options and change it every time.

Quick google search leads me to believe it might be a bug based on people having more than one such device connected (I have 3). Hope they fix it soon.
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Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
Any way to make it start with controller setting on PC? Have to always start with mkb, go to options and change it every time.

Quick google search leads me to believe it might be a bug based on people having more than one such device connected (I have 3). Hope they fix it soon.
Yeah, it's been bugging me since launch, but I've come to deal with it. Lots of people have sent Mihoyo the reports, but still no fix.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Came across a lot of chests and even some of my missing Geoculi during the meteorite shard gathering today. After which I've crafted a couple Geo Resonance thingies to find the last few.
Ascended Fischl to 70+ and did the second to last Liyue World quest. I'm about to reach AR 45 (Friday latest) as well. Looking forward to finally getting some decent artefacts for my other characters.


Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
I also found some anemo/geoculus during the event, and the Mondstandt statue is finally maxed out now.

Also, it's now the 3rd day of the event, and the meteorites shards gathering is no more. We are now proceeding to the 2nd part of the event with a new set of quests. I wonder if we'll get more shards gathering later, because there's still lots of stuff to buy from the store.
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I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
You get a ton of shards from the new part of the event. (And there are still some fragments around you can simply pick up)

Also I agree with the posts above, the current event is really fun. And you can tell that whoever wrote the English dialogue for Fischl was having a blast.

Looking at lists and stuff, it's pretty sad that they don't explain their choices (or the gigantic differences that constellation make).
Especially when you consider all the deeper aspects of content and not just a nebulous letter ranking for "dungeons" or "spiral abyss".

I find some of them to just be plain wrong in situations where it matters, like Venti.
Is he useful to pack mobs in faceroll content? Sure. Is he good against the mountain of actually difficult ennemies that are immune to his tornado? No. Does it instead block your view of lethal attacks? Yes. Is he outclassed by Fischl with constellations even if your Venti has some of its own? Yes. Is the anemo debuff that can transform into other types of debuffs useful? Yes. Is it better to take absolutely anyone that does the same thing without costing $4000? Of course.
Despite his higher 5* stats, Venti is just plain shit all around. There are far superior bow users in harder content, and Tartaglia is the obvious comparison now. He is not one dimensional and actually has a useful element to make use of his stats.

That's not unlike healers, where, yes, Benett offers a good amount of support; but doing so purely through AoE means that anything with fatui anemoboxers will obliterate your team in counterattacks, unlike Barbara and Qiqi.
People really go for the bigger picture than more specific situations (obviously understandable with limited ressources and a release less than a month ago), but those lists are a huge detriment to a new player that may want to follow their advice and invest a ton of ressources into characters that don't work everywhere.
When there are some that totally do, like Diluc.
I don't have a Venti, but I have a high-level C2 Sucrose that I keep in my primary team most of the time. I agree with you that the game in general is a lot more situational than one might think, and I feel like Anemo support is perhaps even more situational than average. There are specific encounters where it basically does nothing, but there's also quite a large amount of (also difficult in its own way) content that I absolutely roflstomp by placing all the DoT elements and then swirling it up with Sucrose Q-E-E (which also almost entirely refills the Q).

My current main DPS is Xiangling, with the Crescent Pike ATK-focused build. I'm very happy with that for almost all the battles... except when fighting against geo-shielded enemies, which are basically impossible. I've leveled Razor a bit for when I really have to do those.

Anyway, the fact that the elements and various skill synergies aren't just for show and that the theorycrafting is meaningful and not easily generalized is one of the things I like about the game.


Dec 21, 2018
You get a ton of shards from the new part of the event. (And there are still some fragments around you can simply pick up)

Also I agree with the posts above, the current event is really fun. And you can tell that whoever wrote the English dialogue for Fischl was having a blast.

I don't have a Venti, but I have a high-level C2 Sucrose that I keep in my primary team most of the time. I agree with you that the game in general is a lot more situational than one might think, and I feel like Anemo support is perhaps even more situational than average. There are specific encounters where it basically does nothing, but there's also quite a large amount of (also difficult in its own way) content that I absolutely roflstomp by placing all the DoT elements and then swirling it up with Sucrose Q-E-E (which also almost entirely refills the Q).

My current main DPS is Xiangling, with the Crescent Pike ATK-focused build. I'm very happy with that for almost all the battles... except when fighting against geo-shielded enemies, which are basically impossible. I've leveled Razor a bit for when I really have to do those.

Anyway, the fact that the elements and various skill synergies aren't just for show and that the theorycrafting is meaningful and not easily generalized is one of the things I like about the game.
Yes, it's interesting to discover how little interactions work between characters that might not seem that useful (Benett being the poster child of the much maligned fire dude that is actually extremely strong in the right hands - but not by autoattacking....).
And for having played her a bit... yeah Sucrose is pretty strong. Venti is mostly based around support (with the anemo artifact set, in large part), which she can use... better.
And she actually does damage when her ult isn't up. And she doesn't straight up remove Xiangling from play (she can't hit mobs in Venti's AoE, neither spear nor skills can hit high enough!).

For geo shields, a claymore user is almost mandatory yeah... that or Klee.
Interesting that Noelle C6 is the best character in the game, hard to get, but funny to see everyone outclassed by the freebie :tightly-closed-eyes:


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
Yeah, for the first time in a while I'm limited by other resources for leveling up rather than XP.

Also, I have a co-worker who plays Genshin (quite a bit, just slightly less than me).
Here are two of his recent 10-rolls:

On the other hand, I've only gotten 2 4-stars in a 10 roll once since the start of the game, and my only 5-star was on pity (neither of these are on pity). I feel like we can't be friends anymore.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I've switched to the Chinese dub today to give it a try. I'll probably stick to it for a while at least, so far everyone has sounded very good.
I actually might prefer Paimon's chinese VO over japanese and english.


Mar 12, 2019
I've just bought 150 purple exp books from the event shop :coffee-blob:
How did you get so many of the event currency? I think I was able to only grab around 30-40 books.

Also the second currency (the one you buy the books and the crown) with aren't available yet right?


More Yellow 🤷‍♂️
Dec 31, 2018
How did you get so many of the event currency? I think I was able to only grab around 30-40 books.

Also the second currency (the one you buy the books and the crown) with aren't available yet right?
you could get a good amount of shards from the first 2 days of the event, and the new activities that you need to use resin gives you 35 to 45 from each round, I got the 150 red books and the 150 purple books already, and I only did 15 rounds so far, I will spend the rest on mora, you can get 2.5m from the event shop.


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
Note that you probably shouldn't spend too much fragile resin on the current part of the event -- as far as I can tell you can probably buy out everything worthwhile in the event store just by using your normal stamina on it.


More Yellow 🤷‍♂️
Dec 31, 2018
Note that you probably shouldn't spend too much fragile resin on the current part of the event -- as far as I can tell you can probably buy out everything worthwhile in the event store just by using your normal stamina on it.
I just spend some to get a little ahead in case anything happens, I'm hoarding my fragile resin since the game launched and I don't know to what purpose, I have more than 35 of the thing.


Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
I used a couple of fragile resin today because I needed to do the domain twice for Childe's weapon upgrade. Consended resin is such a godsend.

I've switched to the Chinese dub today to give it a try. I'll probably stick to it for a while at least, so far everyone has sounded very good.
I actually might prefer Paimon's chinese VO over japanese and english.
Chinese is also the only that sync perfectly with the characters' lips. In other languages, they'd stopped talking even though they still have some lines to say. It's probably because they speak rather quickly and briefly in Chinese.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I've reached AR45 yesterday and just did the world level ascension quest today \o/
Got 2 3* star weapons with the 2 fates you get from the quest, whooooo! :negative-blob:
I expected nothing else though.
Will be a while until I get to the AR 45 artefact and talent domains though, right now all resin goes to the event. Well except sunday, I still need to do the weekly bosses. :evilblob:


Dec 21, 2018
The standard banner has been so disappointing for me. Got only few things, and almost entirely the other rate up characters. Got Xiangling and my Barbara #7 early on, got Beidou more recently... but we'll get the pity one day. For a shitty 5* weapon I guess :negative-blob:

My pull of today granted me Diona C1, it's pretty good. But I want at least 1 more Ningguang and more Beidous before the end of the banner... then back to hoarding primos.


Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
I haven't pulled since I got Childe in 12 pulls at the start of the update. I'd love to get Diona for her element, but the chance is quite low and I'll hate myself if I get Beidou/Ningguan dupes. I'm saving for Xiao in Jan/Feb but I might do some pulls in Zhongli banner for Razor duplicates. I hope I won't hit the pity and get Zhongli.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I've used 2 or 3 Fragile Resins, but the event shop has been cleared!
Then I searched for things to do and figured I'd give Spiral Abyss another go (I've mainly ignored it outside of Adventure Book level up requirements and because I don't really have 2 great teams).
Surprisingly enough I've made it with 9 stars on my first try. The first team was Xiangling (60), Venti (60), Amber (20), Noelle (30) and the second was Razor (80), Barbara (80), Fischl (75), Geo MC (50). Needless to say, team 2 did the heavy lifting, lol.
Everyone except Amber (only there for the 25% Pyro Atk bonus) and Noelle (shield and a little healing) has good weapons, but only Razor and Barbara really have Artefacts better than decent.

Learnings: I should gear Xiangling into a proper carry and Noelle should get some ascensions and good gear as well, she's great for survivability even at her low level and crap gear.

I've got a Fate for clearing that abyss floor and promptly used it. Got a Lisa dupe, heh. I've previously also got an Amber dupe on that banner. The standard banner really is... standard, huh. Would have been nice if I got a new character, but oh well. It was already pretty lucky that it even was a character and it wasn't even pity, it was 1 before.
Been thinking of raising Lisa into an Oceanid Murder Machine eventually anyway.

Btw here's a site that keeps track of the promotion codes, saw it elsewhere: Genshin Impact Game DB
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I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
Learnings: I should gear Xiangling into a proper carry
Get a crescent Pike if you don't already have one. It's silly efficient on her. (It's still good at the highest levels, but it's relatively even better if you don't have tons of resources invested in her)
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Get a crescent Pike if you don't already have one. It's silly efficient on her. (It's still good at the highest levels, but it's relatively even better if you don't have tons of resources invested in her)
Yeah I have the Crescent Pike on her. It is indeed great.
I mainly need artifacts and ascend her, then I'm good.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Just did the AR 45 Golden House fight. :sweaty-blob:
I'm convinced this was the version I was fighting for the story before they "nerfed" it, lol (probably slightly harder since he was 80 and only 71 during story). Still one-shotted my 23k health Barbara in phase 3 when I got careless for a second. Whew.

Absolutely love the fight, it's just hella intense and cool looking. I can't wait for more weekly bosses if they keep up this quality.

He also dropped my first 5* gladiator feather as well!

Pretty good I'd say. Only the defense messed it up a bit, but I guess I know what I can give Noelle if I ever get a better one!


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
That's better than I've rolled on any of my ~ 10 5 star artifacts so far. I usually get the HP% and flat HP double whammy.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
That's better than I've rolled on any of my ~ 10 5 star artifacts so far. I usually get the HP% and flat HP double whammy.
I know that pain. I have a crit chance gladiator helmet but all it's substats are def and hp :confounded-face:


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
So with the next phase of the event only starting tomorrow, I did some jolly artifact runs today. (My first time in the AR45 domain\o/ - it's pretty easy, lol)
Got an absolute killer feather for my Barbara.

It started with 3 attributes, on level 4 Atk% got added, but all the other 4 substat upgrades went towards HP% :sweaty-blob: :sweaty-blob: :sweaty-blob:
Not sure if this is insane luck or just shows how the game is biased towards "bad" stats (because most of the time you absolutely don't want HP on artifacts), but I'm not gonna say no. :evilblob:
Considering Gladiator sets can't really be farmed, since only the weekly bosses drop them as far as I saw, it looks like Barbara or Venti (the anemo set drops in the same dungeon as well) are going to my first fully geared members, lol.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Just did the quest that unlocks phase 3 of the event.
Huh. That was actually pretty hype.

I wonder if this stuff will be available as regular quests after the event is over for everyone who missed it. Or if it will just be gone for good :thinking-face:

As for the event and shop itself, there's only 1 mission (which I haven't done yet). The rewards seem to scale with world level, at AR 45 I get 50 meteorite cores for 40 resin.
Should be easy enough to clear out the shop in ~4 days.
50 cores get you 4 golden talent books, that's again much more efficient than using the resin on the talent domains, so make sure to buy it all :evilblob:


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Played the event a few times. It's doable solo but kind of a chore. Much more fun in co-op.
I was playing with a team that had Ningguang the last run, which made me really want her again, so I put some pulls into the Childe banner :whistle: .
Got Bennet(???) and another Beidou dupe.
Bennet is great, because now I have a second healer that fits great into a team with Xiangling as the carry and I like Beidou, so it's not bad. But I already had Beidou at C1, but no Ningguang :02dead:


Dec 21, 2018
It's alright alone, you can time your kills a bit more. Works well in coop, but it's pretty buggy, some waves of mobs just despawn depending on your speed to deliver the energy, kinda jank.

Now to hope for one more Beidou or Ningguang before the next banner, Zhongli is coming soon...


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I got Ningguang! \o/

I now have everyone of the inital 4 star characters :02eat:

It's going to take ages to gear and level them all, haha.
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Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
Ningguang is my favorite character so far, mine is C2 so it has unlocked the AoE extra damage and the reset CD for her Jade Screen and those make her even more powerful. Though I still need to find good artifacts to properly gear her.
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Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
I did everything in this 3rd part of the event in co-op. Since I played at night, people might have learned the gist of the content, and they did quite well most of the time. It only took me 2-3 minutes to clear a round, which I believe will be much more time efficient than solo.