I've been re-thinking my team setup as mentioned, and gave Chongyun + Razor another try. Unfortunately I was right to replace chongyun earlier on 
At a first glance they have amazing synergy: Chongs E creates a zone that converts every melee attack inside into Cryo. Razor's burst adds electro damage to every melee attack, so you indeed cause Superconduct with every single hit.
But that's deceptive. Superconduct reduces defense by 50% when applied... but only physical defence. And since that combination makes all physical attacks Cryo... well. It looks visually awesome but ultimately doesn't improve damage at all.
I should maybe give Kaeya a try instead of Chong. The Cryo + Electro combination seems to be a better fit for Razor than Fire + Electro and Kaeya's burst should be pretty good for that, though I haven't used him outside of the story stuff since I got Chong at the beginning and thought he was just straight up better
. No more expedition duty for you!
At a first glance they have amazing synergy: Chongs E creates a zone that converts every melee attack inside into Cryo. Razor's burst adds electro damage to every melee attack, so you indeed cause Superconduct with every single hit.
But that's deceptive. Superconduct reduces defense by 50% when applied... but only physical defence. And since that combination makes all physical attacks Cryo... well. It looks visually awesome but ultimately doesn't improve damage at all.
I should maybe give Kaeya a try instead of Chong. The Cryo + Electro combination seems to be a better fit for Razor than Fire + Electro and Kaeya's burst should be pretty good for that, though I haven't used him outside of the story stuff since I got Chong at the beginning and thought he was just straight up better