|OT| Genshin Impact - Breath of the Elements


Dec 21, 2018
So I pushed Beidou to the correct level, thinking that she would be fun and at least a good secondary DPS for the Abyss.
And... she is a good secondary DPS with my Tartaglia, that's for sure.

But she also pretty much replaces my Razor.
Her DPS is supposed to be lower, it's true! But coming from the MMO world, it's the "dummy fallacy" in full force. DPS should not be parsed on a static dummy while doing your optimal rotation (which is very easy for Razor to do, admittedly).
Beidou has a massively superior Q that stays on the team and affects more targets, with a larger range. Razor is selfish and cannot swap, worse in AoE, and nobody talks about that but his stand is an eyesore that blocks your view! Same for Venti, visibility is paramount in an action game.
Beidou melts shields of any sort with C4, and she has a MUCH higher survivability with her E that applies a personal shield, Razor is ridiculously squishy and just gets destroyed in high level Abyss, dots and lasting AoEs are everywhere in this game.

Ultimately... she is just better than Razor. Hitting slightly harder in physical damage does not justify the massively worse elemental reactions, much shorter range and better support for any team, but especially for other electro characters like Fischl (for which she is the best pairing as she applies electro DEF down, but only at C6).
Oh, and she also has a counter, the most damaging E in the entire game, even higher than Diluc. Didn't even need to factor that in.
But I when I see players complain that you have to wait to block, tells me a lot about their playstyle, maybe Dark Souls should be a tutorial for parries :face-savouring-delicious-food:

And one last thing, it's a gacha game. Razor WILL be left in the dust by powercreep and new DPS characters. Beidou won't be, she has her own explosive niche.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Beidou is great.
I really want to raise her too. Good thing is that both her recommended weapon and artifacts overlap with Razor, so it should be as easy as just swapping his equipment to her, once she has the ascensions. Well, and levelling her talents.
But Razor has been carrying me single-handedly since the beginning of the game. :nobully:

Bennet needs raising too, and so does Ningguang. I'll be busy :sweaty-blob:


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
There's a new event quest today that finishes(?) the story. (well, there's still a to be continued).
They dropped quite some lore.


Dec 21, 2018
Really liked the ending, that was a touching cut scene.

And now back to grind artifacts and books...:tired-face:
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Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
Yeah, that was a perfect closure for the event. It would be a shame if people can't access the content anymore after the event ends though.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Theorycrafting time based on the last event quest:

Obviously the big bombshell is hat boy's "The sky is fake" line.

Not sure about Honkai lore, so I dunno if the "fake sky" stuff could tie into that (would be sci-fi then right), but could also be Xianxia/Xianhuan tropes.
They've already established that there is a cultivation-like power system in place, where everything can train and become stronger/increase their live spans and get a human form. Venti was a weak wind spirit that became strong enough to become a god and take human form. The adepti trained until they became became immortal (or at least very long living) and it seems a lot of them are animals, or started out as them.
The fire and ice plant boss are probably versions of the small fire and ice flowers that have cultivated longer.
In the cultivation genre, having an artificial heaven/created worlds and/or worlds layered inside worlds is a pretty common trope. Like, worlds can be created by the super powerful guys, the MC eventually gets strong enough to break out of the world into the "real" universe. Which eventually turns out to also some isolated space that leads into an even bigger universe, repeat.

I wonder which direction they'll go.

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
That event was indeed pretty good.

It was nice watching Fischl breaking out from her character in the end. The stars are fake line that the harbinger dropped was also a cool moment and just made me feel more curious about the world lore.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I actually did Abyss 7 & 8 today and finally unlocked the repeating one. Not sure I want to bother with that one yet though.

Team 1: Razor/Bennet/Noelle/Kaeya(Floor 7) or Amber (Floor 8)
Team 2: Xiangling/Fischl/Barbara/Chongyun(Floor 7) or Venti (Floor 8)

Level 40 Bennet makes a pretty decent clutch healer for team 1, which is carried by my Razor.
Level 20 Amber is the MVP agains a Cryo Regisvine.
My 2nd team doesn't have anyone that wrecks as much havoc as Razor, so it was a bit rocky. Both Xiangling and Fischl can kinda do the job, but they still have room to grow. Especially Xiangling. Gonna work on doing her level 70 ascension next.
Still managed to do get 8 or 7 stars, so not bad.

I'm also looking forward to another event. I think there's a gliding event coming up next?


Dec 21, 2018
I dunno.
Looking at the alert icons, I guess you get one fate at ascension 1, 3, and supposedly 5?


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Got a great circlet for Barbara~

Replaced her +16 5* gladiator feather with a +0 4* maiden feather as well for the set bonus and the +0 4* still comes out on top thanks to the set bonus even with 4k leass health, lol.
She heals 600 per normal hit now and 3k per tick with the aura.
Once I get that hat up to speed (it's +7 right now) and get her a 5* maiden heart she'll be monstrous :evilblob:

Also the bounties per week are pretty fun.
I'm playinth the "work around the restrictions/weaknesses and whack everything with Razor" game.
Physical damage immunity? Turn his attacks to ice with my boy Chongyun.
Extra plunge damage? Build towers with Geo MC for free plunging any time any place.
It makes for some fun playing around.

Did the weekly bosses today (the new boss is still awesome), starting tomorrow I'll work on Xiangling talents and Ningguang, Bennet and Beidou talents, gear and levels.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Looking forward to it. Gliding is a lot of fun!
I wonder if it connects to the last event story wise since that ended with revealing that Leonard created the gliders and transferred(?) a blueprint to us


Dec 21, 2018
Neat, I do like gliding too. And "While it's warm"? Xinyan/Xiangling focused event maybe?

Spent my monthly discounted fates and decided to spend 5 bucks on the game after all this time.
Got my Beidou to C4 which is amazing (+20% electro damage almost constantly? Yes please), and a sacrificial greatsword which works well for her. She definitely feels strong. And she is, a double counter is enough to wipe out any group of basic ennemies. :smiling-eyes:


Mar 12, 2019
That's pretty good. Would've been dope to give enough for a 10 roll but this is generous as well.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
The first 200 free primos for the awards came in today. And tomorrow will be gliding event, nice.
I also did the new Zhongli character quest today, and that was really good. Always looking forward to more of these.

Other than that I got Bennet to 60 today and tomorrow I'll ascend and do some talent upgrading, then Xingqiu will be next.
Building a Xiangling, Bennet, Chongyun, Xingqiu team currently.


Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
I've also been building Bennett lately, just need to ascend him to 70 and it'll be good. After that, I'm planning to build Chongyun to level 70 at least, and level up Kaeya more to 60. I need more ice characters for the abyss.

Anyway, the gliding event has started over here, and it's fun. It's quite simple, but at least it's no like the mystery box event.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Some sneak peeks for 1.2:

Choice quotes:
Q7: I wish there was a place to view the dialog for quests I have already completed. Sometimes it's nice to go back over the story.
Version 1.2 adds the Travel Log section to the Archive. All dialog (text and audio) from previously completed Archon Quests and Story Quests will appear here. This way, Travelers can re-read and play back the dialog from completed quests.

After the developers let us have one final peek at their notebooks, it turns out that in Version 1.2, Travelers will be rewarded with 1 Acquaint Fate each time they ascend a character at level 20, 50, or 70!
And for any previous characters that Travelers have ascended, you can claim the Acquaint Fate rewards from the Ascension Materials Preview screen.
Also private chat, domain repeating without leaving and re-entering, auto-collecting of domain drops, dialog auto-play and other stuff.

With these extra fates I'll reach pity on the standard banner \o/


Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
Events with gems as the reward, awards celebratory gems, free ascension fates from characters, etc. They're getting more generous lately. :coffee-blob:

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
It's a F2P account and I just got very lucky with my rolls :ROFLMAO:

Too bad that luck doesn't help me getting the artifacts that I want :notlikethisblob:


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
New event starts right after gliding is over:

"While It's Warm" - Complete Orders to Earn Primogems!

Good Hunter, Wangshu Inn, and Wanmin Restaurant are currently facing a high volume of orders. They don't have enough delivery staff to cover them all and are looking for help.
During this event, fulfill timed food delivery orders from Sara at Good Hunter, Smiley Yanxiao at Wangshu Inn, and Chef Mao at Wanmin Restaurant to receive rewards — and complete all daily orders to get Primogems!

I've started levelling Beidou yesterday and she's fun! Even at level 50 I can just slap Razors gear on her and she does alright in the level 80+ overworld, though obviously not doing super high numbers yet :p
I should get Razor to friendship 10 today or tomorrow and will likely just replace him with her for the daily commissions and other overworld stuff.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Oh yeah, I don't think it's been mentioned here but the leaked next banners are

December 23rd: Albedo (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Geo sword) with Rosaria (⭐⭐⭐⭐ Cryo spear)

January 13th: Ganyu (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Cryo archer) with Hu Tao (⭐⭐⭐⭐ Pyro spear)

Not sure how Albedo works (haven't bothered to look into him), but Ganyu is basically going to be a sniper.
She has a 2nd level to her charged shot which deals AoE cryo damage, her Elemental Skill is a taunt and her Elemental Burst is a persistent cryo AoE field.

Personally I want Ganyu, so that will be a month of not pulling lol.
At least with the 1.2 fates for character ascensions I can reach pity on the standard banner (watch it be a weapon though :grimacing-face: )


Dec 21, 2018
I'd like Rosaria, but I dunno about Albedo. Depends on the other old chars on the banner.
Otherwise, waiting for Ayaka I suppose, Ganyu has probably the gameplay that I like the least in the entire game, and I don't care much for Xiao right now.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Code for 100 primos and 10 Mystic Enhancement Ore:

Another for 100 primos and 5 purple books:

And another code for 100 primos and 50k Mora:

Also, there's a new survey, everyone ask for a mouse camera Y inversion option.
So I have a request: in the current survey, and future surveys, please ask for a mouse camera Y inversion option when possible. I have a friend who refuses to play the game until that is implemented. (And to be fair, it should be trivial to code)
Reason: more codes
Last edited:


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
1.2 trailer!

And combined with the chinese stream earlier, to summarize a little:
  • Next Banner will be Albedo
  • Ganyu in January.
  • No new 4* characters on the banner, but new characters will appear in the story
  • new Artifact sets:
- Hydro: 2 piece (15% hydro damage), 4 piece (within 15s of casting elemental skill, normal and charged attack increase by 30%)
- Cryo - 2 piece (15% cryo damage) , 4 piece (enemies under cryo status increases crit rate 20%, additional 20% if frozen)
  • New 4* Claymore for free.
  • New *4 Sword which can be max refined through an event.
  • New craftable 4* Spear
  • New 4* Catalyst as a rewards from Oculs type collectible.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
This food delivery event is growing on me. Found it extremely annoying day 1, but right now it's actually fun.
Finding good routes with limited traversal options is a different kind of puzzle.

They absolutely need to streamline retry though. Right now you fail, then you have to take the quest again from the event menu, teleport back to the questgiver, start the quest, teleport again.
That really needs to be just a popup with 3 options after you fail: "retry from last teleport", "retry from quest giver", "cancel".

Also hearing horrorstories about the event on the PS4, since the loading times are long and the timer does not pause during loading :grimacing-face:
A very weird oversight.

I've also done the math (well, just found a calculator for it lol) and I'll be reaching Ar 50 pretty much right when 1.2 drops. Nice.


Dec 21, 2018
Seems like Zhongli is getting his buff:
More damage, and a more practical elemental skill.
But the Geo changes also apply to other characters, with the resonance between two of them being much more interesting, and Geo shields now absorbing +150% physical and all elemental damage instead of +250% Geo, they are far better than they are now. Especially Noelle I assume.
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Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
Release notes for 1.2

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Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
Has the character level/ascension reward gone live yet? I've stopped playing in a while, but I might login to claim the free fates.


Dec 21, 2018
Patch day, new content, free fates for your ascended characters.
Got 31 rolls, got Kaeya and Amber dupes, not great. A Eye of Perception dupe, can be used... and The Stingless, now that's a good bow that I'll use.
But then, Christmas came early to complete my Electro collection:


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I got an early Diluc, C3 Beidou, a Favonious Greatsword and another Favonious Codex with 32 rolls.

Funny, because I was working on Bennet/Xingqiu/Chongyun which is basically the dream team for Diluc, lol. And I hadn't really commited to a second main carry, so that should also make Abyss much smoother going forward.
Sorry Xiangling, you'll probably get benched now :grimacing-face:

Will get another 2 fates from reaching AR 50 today and a few more easy ones for leveling some to 20/40 :evilblob:

And lol, both of my 5* are now male. One more reason to roll for Ganyu, need to try and counterbalance this a bit.
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Finally it asks you if you wanna close or minimize when you x out the launcher, yay. No more going to the tray.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
So yeah, Dragonspine has been really fun so far. Great to explore, with new quests and weapons, and the event rewards have been good and not a pain to get.

And Diluc has been a god send. Not only has he been super useful in Dragonspine, I've also gotten him to 70 (AR4) today and figured I'd see how I fare in Abyss now, and I've actually gotten to Floor 11.
My previous "record" was floor 9 5 stars last round :grimacing-face:

And my teams are shit in terms of artifacts. Only Razor, Barbara and Diluc have properly leveled artifacts (Diluc got Razors second hand gladiator stuff and a +16 pyro goblet so it's far from optimal though, but other than that only Venti and Xiangling have somewhat leveled artifacts, everyone else is mostly +0 with maybe 1 or 2 that have some levels.

Not sure if I can manage floor 11 this time around, but next Abyss cycle I should be able to get everyone some halfway decent gear, so that will be nice :evilblob:
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Dec 21, 2018
Dragonspine is great, tons of verticality, parts of the map take a lot longer to unlock with quests to complete during exploration organically, the sheer cold mechanic is a bit annoying, but it does give A LOT of weight to the usually filler parts like the seelies, ennemies are not too different though, beside the big mobs.
That was definitely a pretty chunky amount of content, and they do continue on upping rewards, hero's wits are much more abundant, guaranteed weapons as rewards is really, really good, and the event follows with a super solid sword that can be fully refined for free, not even costing one resin.

However I am a bit bothered by the balance, even more so in the area: while they will up the Geo chars next patch, you can sorely feel that some elements are underpowered; Cryo notwithstanding since it's not their area; but with my heavy Electro and Hydro team, it's not easy and really annoying, on top of not really having the DPS of Diluc and Klee and the like.
At least I have Bennett which I like a lot, but still... Pyro is yet again far superior to everything else and it's not a nice feeling.