They don't really go very in-depth this time, all these things I noticed and mentioned
here hoping they'd delve into it much more when they got around to it. Also they don't mention the minor issues present here and there, water edges having artifacts, some wonky physics when it comes to getting out of the water or falling/fitting through certain gaps being inconsistent, also the behaviour of the eagles is kinda off and there's a certain visual glitch that so far for me always manifests in a specific place that everyone most likely gets to early on that's also not mentioned. They kinda overplay the issues of Powerslave EX too (without really mentioning them when making the previous video which otherwise went in much greater detail). This is still the definitive version going by its Sega Saturn focused base, they shouldn't add incorrect things about the unofficial version just to slander it vs the official thing. Oh well. Great game and a good video still