I haven't gotten to that part, but notice I'm not praising the story or world-building. i.e. the vigors are fun to use but seem to be there mainly because it has BioShock in the title and people would expect an equivalent to the plasmids from that game; there's no sense that being able to freely give yourself superhuman powers has shaped Columbia in any meaningful way
also, Columbia never feels like an actual lived-in city as opposed to an artificial amusement-park-style recreation thereof, which is something I also felt about Rapture in the first BioShock but which is heightened in Infinite due to the increased linearity and stuff like the skyhook. the game also makes you spend a large chunk of its early hours traipsing through what are meant in the context of the game's own story to be distorted, theme-park recreations of Columbia's "actual" history, which leads me to wonder if the designers were aware of the irony there
and Elizabeth really does look distractingly like a Disney princess. same facial proportions, same sort of facial expressions, etc